Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Open stations on the railways. Remove ticket barriers
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
6 signatures
Full exemption of taxes For those awarded military honors
Open from Thursday 7th June 2012 to Friday 7th June 2013
6 signatures
More rigorous and comprehensive driving test standards.
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
6 signatures
Outlaw any orginisation that admits or refers to itself by colour.
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
6 signatures
Refuse Piers Morgan re-entry to the United Kingdom if deported from the US
Open from Thursday 10th January 2013 to Wednesday 10th July 2013
6 signatures
Make the Commemorations of First World War a Patriotic National Event
Open from Friday 14th June 2013 to Saturday 14th June 2014
6 signatures
Replace postal votes with online and telephone voting
Open from Monday 19th September 2011 to Wednesday 19th September 2012
6 signatures
Relax immigration rules for elderly/disabled parents of British Citizens
Open from Friday 22nd July 2016 to Sunday 22nd January 2017
6 signatures
Wasting our Money
Open from Wednesday 24th August 2011 to Friday 24th August 2012
6 signatures
Public against the Privatisation of the post office
Open from Monday 16th September 2013 to Tuesday 16th September 2014
6 signatures
British MPs/PMs should NEVER be allowed to work for the EU goverment
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th February 2012
6 signatures
To frame Recall and Initiative rules for citizens and their legislators
Open from Monday 23rd January 2012 to Wednesday 23rd January 2013
6 signatures
££500 Bonus for every Police officer on duty during the riots
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
countiue to cull badgers
Open from Friday 28th February 2014 to Saturday 28th February 2015
6 signatures
Deport Tobias Bowens
Open from Monday 26th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
People diagnosed with asperger's should be allowed to apply for the armed forces
Open from Friday 10th January 2014 to Saturday 10th January 2015
6 signatures
Buy british made campaign across all industries.
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
6 signatures
Give back the Kohinoor Diamond to India
Open from Monday 1st July 2013 to Tuesday 1st July 2014
6 signatures
Take the Royal Navy Submarines from a Independent Scotlant
Open from Monday 10th September 2012 to Tuesday 10th September 2013
6 signatures
To allow direct flights from London to Baghdad
Open from Tuesday 6th December 2011 to Thursday 6th December 2012
6 signatures
Stop e-petitions being banned for capital punishment for crimes committed against children.
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th February 2012
6 signatures
Independence for the Isle of Man
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
5 signatures
We Want M Ilias Ali and his Driver Ansar Ali to be Released Immediately
Open from Wednesday 15th August 2012 to Thursday 15th August 2013
5 signatures
Stop the increase in speed limit for HGVs and lorries
Open from Tuesday 13th November 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
5 signatures
Prevent The Execution of Troy Davis
Open from Wednesday 21st September 2011 to Friday 21st September 2012
5 signatures
Encourage schools to link up with outside sports clubs
Open from Wednesday 14th September 2011 to Friday 14th September 2012
5 signatures
protect the local government pension scheme
Open from Monday 17th October 2011 to Wednesday 17th October 2012
5 signatures
Riots to be paid for from UKaid budget
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
5 signatures
Bank Holiday for Grandparents following the Diamond Jubilee
Open from Thursday 19th January 2012 to Thursday 19th July 2012
5 signatures
Build Korean War memorial
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
5 signatures
Data Protection Act - Include password storage
Open from Tuesday 18th February 2014 to Sunday 18th May 2014
5 signatures
Stop the genocide and political oppresion in Ogaden
Open from Wednesday 21st September 2011 to Friday 21st September 2012
5 signatures
Look after your own people first
Open from Tuesday 2nd October 2012 to Wednesday 2nd January 2013
5 signatures
utilities regulator with the same powers as nothern ireland regulator
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Saturday 26th October 2013
5 signatures
Sufficient funding should be allocated towards the development of barriers to prevent flooding as sea and river level rises
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
5 signatures
Recruitment Agencies / Consultants
Open from Friday 20th July 2012 to Saturday 20th July 2013
5 signatures
The Break Up of Cartels and Monopolies
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
5 signatures
Increase the age at which physical education is compulsory in schools to 18 years old.
Open from Tuesday 11th September 2012 to Wednesday 11th September 2013
5 signatures
Play the national anthem before all sporting events held in the UK
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
5 signatures
Promote critical thinking in schools as an enactment of British values of democratic debate.
Open from Thursday 12th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
cannabis legality referendum
Open from Thursday 5th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Northern Ireland Referendum British Voters Only
Open from Thursday 27th October 2011 to Saturday 27th October 2012
5 signatures
Keep British Number Plates
Open from Monday 14th April 2014 to Monday 14th July 2014
5 signatures
Restore All Hereditary Peers to the House of Lords
Open from Wednesday 24th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Fund a fleet hospital ship/desalination ships (cum Royal Yacht) using national lottery funds & funds HMG allocated for foreign aid
Open from Monday 30th January 2012 to Wednesday 30th January 2013
5 signatures
Temporary Reduction in VAT November 2011-January 2012
Open from Friday 14th October 2011 to Saturday 14th January 2012
5 signatures
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
5 signatures
Every person arrested for law-breaking during the recent riots across the UK, be pardoned and forgiven, and their records be expunged
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
5 signatures
Say no to any aid to Syrian Terrorists/Rebels, promote peace
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
5 signatures
Give UK taxpayers a vote on oversea aid
Open from Tuesday 10th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Olympic Games Ticket Printing Contract
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
5 signatures
Clarifcation on the law around Vehicle headlight HID conversion kits.
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
5 signatures
Stop subsidising useless wind farms
Open from Tuesday 5th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Establish a Found for Polish Army ex-servicemans and theirs ancestors who fought under British Command as Polish Army in during WWII
Open from Tuesday 28th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
5 signatures
No cuts to the Royal Family
Open from Monday 19th November 2012 to Tuesday 19th November 2013
5 signatures
Open from Friday 23rd September 2011 to Sunday 23rd September 2012
5 signatures
Warnings on hair dye packaging must be made explicit and printed on the front of boxes
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
5 signatures
Revoke the Charter of the Bank of England and have the Government create its own debt free currency
Open from Wednesday 30th January 2013 to Thursday 30th January 2014
5 signatures
Basic Competence Tests for Electorial Candidates
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
5 signatures
Financial Misconduct and Human Rights Abuses in Swaziland
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2012 to Thursday 11th April 2013
5 signatures
Immediately publish a "deficitometer" website that gives up to the minute information on the deficit, and which cuts are reducing it
Open from Monday 8th April 2013 to Tuesday 8th October 2013
5 signatures
Private companies should not be making profits from care homes
Open from Wednesday 4th February 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Reject proposals for migrant NHS charges
Open from Thursday 4th July 2013 to Friday 4th October 2013
5 signatures
There should an investment bank set up with funds (worth billions of pounds) to support British industries and research
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
5 signatures
Create Midwifery Roles Within The British Army
Open from Wednesday 5th March 2014 to Thursday 5th March 2015
5 signatures
Any British Citizen should be able to countersign passport application
Open from Monday 28th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Universities should give 80% of their places strictly to UK nationals
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
5 signatures
package airline seating arrangements
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
5 signatures
Save the Red Phone Box
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
5 signatures
Stop the import of goods that could be made by British workers
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
5 signatures
For the British Government to stop imposing sanctions on foreign countries.
Open from Tuesday 18th October 2011 to Thursday 18th October 2012
5 signatures
Make British Sign Language Free To Learn
Open from Thursday 26th January 2012 to Saturday 26th January 2013
5 signatures
British Passport holders queue needed at UK borders
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Wednesday 30th January 2013
5 signatures
Ensure all Footballers pay Tax and National Insurance.
Open from Thursday 24th May 2012 to Friday 24th May 2013
5 signatures
Utilise e-voting system for elections to facilitate and increase turnout, but highly secure.
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
5 signatures
Goverment Expenditure
Open from Thursday 19th January 2012 to Saturday 19th January 2013
5 signatures
British citizens to be given the legal right to renounce EU citizenship
Open from Wednesday 27th November 2013 to Thursday 27th November 2014
5 signatures
Explain why Met Office lies, denying chemtrail existence, when videos show them skywriting LAST CHANCE with poisons
Open from Monday 29th April 2013 to Tuesday 29th April 2014
5 signatures
The Governemnt to take a firm role in restoring the illegal Turkish state in Cyprus back under legal Cypriot control.
Open from Monday 5th November 2012 to Tuesday 5th November 2013
5 signatures
European Union Commission
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
5 signatures
Debate over the sale of Northern Rock
Open from Monday 21st November 2011 to Wednesday 21st November 2012
5 signatures
we want to tick white English , black English etc on government forms
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2012 to Wednesday 17th July 2013
5 signatures
repatriate all non-british nursing staff and give the jobs to british born and trained staff
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
5 signatures
Provide good, basic education in British schools.
Open from Tuesday 13th September 2011 to Thursday 13th September 2012
5 signatures
Deport razwan Ali anjam
Open from Thursday 10th January 2013 to Friday 10th January 2014
5 signatures
MALI - No involvement for British troops
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Tuesday 4th February 2014
5 signatures
Give British Citizenship to Foreign Spouses After 10 Years
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
5 signatures
Open British Courts to TV
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
5 signatures
The British goverment should stand up for religious freedom
Open from Tuesday 3rd January 2012 to Tuesday 3rd April 2012
5 signatures
Do Not Allow Leeds United FC To Fall Into The Hands Of Crooks, Despots, Shysters & Rip-Off Merchants
Open from Tuesday 4th February 2014 to Sunday 4th May 2014
5 signatures
Nepal and the Commonwealth
Open from Friday 30th August 2013 to Saturday 30th August 2014
5 signatures
Every five years the British & Northern Irish people should vote on continued EU membership
Open from Friday 16th December 2011 to Sunday 16th December 2012
5 signatures
Stop aid to African governments which persecute LGBT persons
Open from Tuesday 25th February 2014 to Wednesday 25th February 2015
5 signatures
Stop the killing of burmese muslims
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
5 signatures
Open from Monday 5th September 2011 to Wednesday 5th September 2012
5 signatures
UK Shipbuilding & International Maritime Electric Motorway
Open from Friday 14th December 2012 to Saturday 14th December 2013
5 signatures
say no to spanish euro bailout untill spain says no to owning gibraltar
Open from Friday 8th June 2012 to Saturday 8th June 2013
5 signatures
Recognition for Frontline Troops
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
5 signatures
Introduce Exile as a judicial sentence
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
5 signatures
Peace in the South Atlantic, offer Aregntina South Georgia in return for their dropping their claims to the Falklands
Open from Monday 23rd January 2012 to Wednesday 23rd January 2013
5 signatures Wed, 05 Mar 2025 19:26:18 +0000