Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Change the law to require rear-facing car seats for under-4s.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
769 signatures
All uk primary schools (nursery to p7) to have free schools meals.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
45 signatures
To make 'Attachment & Early Brain Development' part of the National Curriculum.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
177 signatures
Urgent brain tumour scans, education for the public and health professionals.
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
10,857 signatures
Ensure there's a legal entitlement to contact with siblings and half-siblings
Open from Tuesday 17th November 2015 to Tuesday 17th May 2016
267 signatures
Make The UK's Juvenile Justice System Child Rights Compatible
Open from Wednesday 18th November 2015 to Wednesday 18th May 2016
15 signatures
In School/College registers. Say the Rank of the Child If in Cadets
Open from Wednesday 18th November 2015 to Wednesday 18th May 2016
9 signatures
Provide funding where possible to make toilets that flush with rainwater.
Open from Wednesday 18th November 2015 to Wednesday 18th May 2016
24 signatures
Make the CSA take into account your monthly outgoings for non-resident parents
Open from Thursday 19th November 2015 to Thursday 19th May 2016
22 signatures
Decriminalize cannabis in Scotland.
Open from Thursday 19th November 2015 to Thursday 19th May 2016
508 signatures
Change Gun Possesion Laws to a minimum 30 years.
Open from Thursday 19th November 2015 to Thursday 19th May 2016
92 signatures
Look into the Car Safety Laws for larger children who need a harness past 18kg
Open from Thursday 19th November 2015 to Thursday 19th May 2016
26 signatures
To investigate a possible link between artificial sweeteners and cancer.
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
14 signatures
Outlaw the religious radicalisation of children in all UK schools.
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
24 signatures
Ensure no child is out of school due to lack of places within schools
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
7 signatures
Do not allow 16- and 17-year-olds to take part in the EU referendum.
Open from Sunday 22nd November 2015 to Sunday 22nd May 2016
32 signatures
Make British Sign Language part of the curriculum from primary school onwards
Open from Sunday 22nd November 2015 to Sunday 22nd May 2016
6,334 signatures
Pay parents more money who claim child tax benefits
Open from Sunday 22nd November 2015 to Sunday 22nd May 2016
8 signatures
Investigate adoption & fostering at Lancashire County Council
Open from Monday 23rd November 2015 to Monday 23rd May 2016
430 signatures
Legislate to prevent verbal promotion of confectionery in retail outlets
Open from Monday 23rd November 2015 to Monday 23rd May 2016
25 signatures
Ban the Sale of 'Energy Drinks' to children under the age of 16.
Open from Wednesday 25th November 2015 to Wednesday 25th May 2016
133 signatures
Pay school support staff the whole time contracts that they so rightly deserve.
Open from Wednesday 25th November 2015 to Wednesday 25th May 2016
18,483 signatures
Install CCTV cameras outside EVERY school in the country to improve road safety.
Open from Thursday 26th November 2015 to Thursday 26th May 2016
1,267 signatures
Ban the sale and use of alcohol and cigarettes to visibly pregnant women.
Open from Thursday 26th November 2015 to Thursday 26th May 2016
31 signatures
Ban any porn channel or website that features content promoting underage sex
Open from Monday 30th November 2015 to Monday 30th May 2016
24 signatures
Introduce a "statue of limitations" on the majority of criminal offences.
Open from Tuesday 1st December 2015 to Wednesday 1st June 2016
61 signatures
To authorise children time off school to clear head lice
Open from Tuesday 1st December 2015 to Wednesday 1st June 2016
7 signatures
Free childcare for 2 year olds to include parents who are both working full time
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2015 to Thursday 2nd June 2016
57,418 signatures
Enact a comprehensive ban on the advertisement of gambling in all media.
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2015 to Thursday 2nd June 2016
41 signatures
Stop Iraq air strikes (and do not bomb Syria, too)
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2015 to Thursday 2nd June 2016
10 signatures
Cornwall needs an inpatient unit for children with mental health problems.
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2015 to Thursday 2nd June 2016
66 signatures
Stop allowing companies to charge adult prices to people below the age of 18
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
67 signatures
Punish MP's for childishness, ad-hominem and being on their phone in meetings.
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
12 signatures
Free freeview Television for Children in hospital
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2015 to Friday 3rd June 2016
71 signatures
Stop a Carlisle resident mother of two from being deported to the Ukraine.
Open from Friday 4th December 2015 to Saturday 4th June 2016
43 signatures
Reverse the decision to bomb Syria & apologise for betraying the public's trust.
Open from Friday 4th December 2015 to Saturday 4th June 2016
133 signatures
Introduce a strict social media law and ban inappropriate users
Open from Friday 4th December 2015 to Saturday 4th June 2016
8 signatures
Make mental abuse to a child a criminal offence
Open from Monday 7th December 2015 to Tuesday 7th June 2016
63 signatures
Fly the Union Flag above every public building within the United kingdom.
Open from Wednesday 9th December 2015 to Thursday 9th June 2016
104 signatures
Find the Missing Children
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
11 signatures
I want the government to give more opportunities for young people in Manchester.
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
8 signatures
Reinstate legal aid for family law
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
958 signatures
Have an enforceability paragraph included in every court order made by a judge
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
1,037 signatures
Exclude special needs individuals from having to achieve English and Maths at C
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
23 signatures
Higher quality information regarding Sex Education to be taught in schools.
Open from Friday 11th December 2015 to Saturday 11th June 2016
17 signatures
Scrap the 2 to 5 year limit on council house residency.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
5,452 signatures
lessen school summer holiday and extend christmas holiday.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
23 signatures
Reverse plans to reintroduce national tests for six and seven year olds.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
84 signatures
Change in law for primary school children
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
8 signatures
Drug tests for parents on benefits with vouchers for necessities if they fail
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
28 signatures
Update mental health therapy to include a module on social media/technology
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
25 signatures
Vote of no confidence in David Cameron - air strikes in Syria.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
24 signatures
Reverse decision to limit social sector housing benefit to private sector rate
Open from Tuesday 15th December 2015 to Wednesday 15th June 2016
457 signatures
Government to subsidize nurseries so nursery workers can be paid £10 an hour.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
10 signatures
Remove Dance from the UK curriculum for students under 17
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
27 signatures
Put funding in place to save The Royal School for Deaf Children, Margate,Kent.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
6,450 signatures
Parents of British Children living in the UK to have access to student loans.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
9 signatures
Provide each high school in the UK with a counselor based inside the school.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
77 signatures
When Child Arrangements Orders are breached enforcement should be automatic
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
88 signatures
Prevent unfair reductions to CSA payments in favour of the paying parent.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
50 signatures
Make Visit Visas easier for parents of British Citizens
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
35 signatures
Lower the age of cervical screening to 20 like the rest of the UK
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
33 signatures
Allow minors to have access to business resources which they currently cannot.
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
7 signatures
Bring back the old C2C train timetable!
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
1,933 signatures
To accept woman and children refugees suffering in France refugee camps
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
59 signatures
Allow Sandhill Multi Academy Trust to choose which Academy Trust will take over
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
260 signatures
Make it a criminal offence for fathers that abandon there children
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
18 signatures
Make Network Rail provide free public toilets in train stations.
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
22 signatures
A law for warnings before any material showing human/animal abuse is broadcast
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
24 signatures
More support for people escaping domestic violence
Open from Wednesday 23rd December 2015 to Thursday 23rd June 2016
176 signatures
Make Christmas Eve a recognised UK Bank Holiday
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
17 signatures
Ensure that anti-freeze, screenwash &all related products use a bittering agent
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
59 signatures
Stop people claiming benefits for family that live in other country's
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
890 signatures
Create equal rights for unmarried parents.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
22 signatures
Stop mothers registering a birth (without father) when they know who he is.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
35 signatures
Budget for primary schools in England to teach children to grow their own food
Open from Monday 4th January 2016 to Monday 4th July 2016
14 signatures
Harsher sentences for those caught selling illicit tobacco or alcohol products.
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2016 to Tuesday 5th July 2016
185 signatures
Review wording of Coercive/Controlling Behaviour to reflect CPS guidance.
Open from Wednesday 6th January 2016 to Wednesday 6th July 2016
318 signatures
Scrap plans for children to be tested on times tables as part of their KS2 Sats.
Open from Thursday 7th January 2016 to Thursday 7th July 2016
860 signatures
Stop the use of school uniform in all UK schools
Open from Thursday 7th January 2016 to Thursday 7th July 2016
407 signatures
Fund schools so they are able to assess children for dyslexia and dyscalculia
Open from Thursday 7th January 2016 to Thursday 7th July 2016
139 signatures
Change the law so children under the age of 13 can cycle on pavements to school.
Open from Friday 8th January 2016 to Friday 8th July 2016
9 signatures
Abolish ‘faith’ schools
Open from Monday 11th January 2016 to Monday 11th July 2016
963 signatures
Determine maintenance contributions based solely on own children, not others too
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
13 signatures
Allow all women one free trial of fertility treatment on the NHS.
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
10 signatures
Stop parents of disabled children being fined for all absences during term time.
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
647 signatures
Limit the sale of pornographic "Top Shelf" magazines to licensed sex venues.
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
12 signatures
To allow home educated children the same services that school children have
Open from Wednesday 13th January 2016 to Wednesday 13th July 2016
117 signatures
Free prescription sports goggles for children
Open from Wednesday 13th January 2016 to Wednesday 13th July 2016
41 signatures
Longer/ harsher sentences for pedophiles
Open from Wednesday 13th January 2016 to Wednesday 13th July 2016
20 signatures
Free Prescription for Head Lice Treatment for under 16's
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
7 signatures
For special guardianship orders to have equal to fosters careers
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
58 signatures
Enforcing a stronger education to children about safety online through schools.
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
8 signatures
All buses in the uk must legally be fitted with door safety equipment
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
24 signatures
Change the National Curriculum to include the Barbary Slave trade.
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
150 signatures
Make noise from immediate neighbours over 75 dB after 8pm an illegal offense
Open from Monday 18th January 2016 to Monday 18th July 2016
29 signatures
Review and reconsider the social work profession and forthcoming reforms.
Open from Monday 18th January 2016 to Monday 18th July 2016
50 signatures
Make Mandatory PSHE education of the LGBTQAP+ spectrum to Children in schools.
Open from Monday 18th January 2016 to Monday 18th July 2016
129 signatures
Please stop passing the law requiring after school religious classes to register
Open from Tuesday 19th January 2016 to Tuesday 19th July 2016
174 signatures
Independent inquiry into death of Poppi Worthington
Open from Wednesday 20th January 2016 to Wednesday 20th July 2016
6,614 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:03:08 +0000