Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Bring Fiberoptic Broadband to a wider range of people in Norfolk!
Open from Monday 10th February 2014 to Tuesday 10th February 2015
8 signatures
online safety registration scheme with the servers
Open from Wednesday 5th February 2014 to Tuesday 5th August 2014
4 signatures
Make "opt out" in all cases
Open from Tuesday 4th February 2014 to Monday 4th August 2014
3 signatures
Pain Self-Management in the Community & Internet
Open from Friday 31st January 2014 to Saturday 31st January 2015
280 signatures
Bring back the death penalty for fraudulent phone con artists spammers who send computer viruses
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Thursday 29th January 2015
2 signatures
Add 'suicide' & 'self harm' terms to the list of 'clean return' search terms
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
6 signatures
Net Neutrality Should Be Law
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
63 signatures
Reverse David Cameron's Online Pornography Filter And Ban
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
6 signatures
Lower ISP fees for slow internet connection speeds
Open from Monday 13th January 2014 to Tuesday 13th January 2015
4 signatures
Stop the childrens school holiday rip off
Open from Friday 10th January 2014 to Thursday 10th July 2014
121 signatures
Stop NHS England from sharing patient medical records on national database
Open from Tuesday 7th January 2014 to Tuesday 7th October 2014
54 signatures
Tumblr porn and self harm triggering
Open from Tuesday 7th January 2014 to Wednesday 7th January 2015
24 signatures
Hull Broadband We Need Choice
Open from Monday 6th January 2014 to Tuesday 6th January 2015
11 signatures
Create a Charter of Rights for the Internet
Open from Monday 6th January 2014 to Sunday 6th July 2014
1 signatures
The Internet should not be censored
Open from Monday 6th January 2014 to Tuesday 6th January 2015
15 signatures
Free Wi-Fi Available at all NHS Hospitals and Clinics
Open from Tuesday 31st December 2013 to Wednesday 31st December 2014
21 signatures
ISP Filtering Default OFF! OPT-IN rather than OPT-OUT
Open from Wednesday 18th December 2013 to Tuesday 18th March 2014
1 signatures
Remove pressure from ISPs to have 'on by default' web filters and legislate against their use.
Open from Wednesday 18th December 2013 to Thursday 18th December 2014
5 signatures
Criminalise Neglectful Parents re: The Internet, Digital Media
Open from Monday 16th December 2013 to Tuesday 16th December 2014
2 signatures
Fibre Optic Internet for Hattersley and the Surrounding Area
Open from Friday 6th December 2013 to Thursday 6th March 2014
12 signatures
Allow the UK public to vote on whether ISP filtering should be enforced
Open from Tuesday 26th November 2013 to Wednesday 26th November 2014
6 signatures
Open from Tuesday 26th November 2013 to Wednesday 26th November 2014
3 signatures
Blockade against Solarmovie and TubePlus
Open from Thursday 21st November 2013 to Friday 21st November 2014
18 signatures
Remove phone App permissions that invade privacy
Open from Wednesday 20th November 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
5 signatures
remove animal abuse videos off the internet
Open from Wednesday 20th November 2013 to Thursday 20th November 2014
19 signatures
Fibre Optic in Northaw (Hertfordshire) and surrounding areas
Open from Friday 15th November 2013 to Saturday 15th November 2014
3 signatures
Campaign to ban flouride from consumables
Open from Wednesday 13th November 2013 to Thursday 13th February 2014
37 signatures
Citizens right to vote.
Open from Monday 11th November 2013 to Tuesday 11th November 2014
29 signatures
Enable Election Voting via Smartphone App and Internet Access
Open from Thursday 7th November 2013 to Friday 7th November 2014
26 signatures
Minimum 5Mbps Broadband Speed For Towns/Villages Of 100+ People By 2015
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
37 signatures
No extradition for Lauri Love
Open from Friday 1st November 2013 to Saturday 1st November 2014
302 signatures
Do not cut BBC funding
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
17 signatures
Create cheaper 'Pensioner' rates for household bills
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
42 signatures
ISP speed reductions (Traffic management)
Open from Thursday 17th October 2013 to Friday 17th October 2014
4 signatures
Open from Wednesday 16th October 2013 to Thursday 16th October 2014
410 signatures
Fully Deregulate Sunday Trading
Open from Friday 11th October 2013 to Saturday 11th October 2014
117 signatures
The government should set up a research team to look into the claim that certain drops may cure cataracts.
Open from Monday 7th October 2013 to Tuesday 7th October 2014
5 signatures
popgals.com should be banned from the internet
Open from Friday 20th September 2013 to Saturday 20th September 2014
4 signatures
Open from Friday 13th September 2013 to Saturday 13th September 2014
108 signatures
Protect British-English from Extinction
Open from Thursday 12th September 2013 to Friday 12th September 2014
9 signatures
Lessons on Life Skills in PSHE at Secondary School
Open from Thursday 12th September 2013 to Thursday 12th December 2013
1 signatures
Kingston Communications Limited Hull (Karoo)
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2013 to Wednesday 10th September 2014
2,725 signatures
Fight For April Jones
Open from Monday 9th September 2013 to Tuesday 9th September 2014
17 signatures
eCRIME ACT now essential to safeguard the lives of children and vulnerable adults against trolling, cyberbullying and all forms of internet abuse.
Open from Tuesday 3rd September 2013 to Wednesday 3rd September 2014
8 signatures
Explain the legality of the freeman/birth certificate argument.
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
2 signatures
better internet for Scottish islands and remote areas
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
5 signatures
ISP's should publish lists of blocked sites
Open from Friday 30th August 2013 to Saturday 30th August 2014
3 signatures
Make Pornography History
Open from Friday 30th August 2013 to Saturday 30th August 2014
10 signatures
Legislate telecommunications infrastructure during planning of new builds
Open from Wednesday 28th August 2013 to Thursday 28th August 2014
12 signatures
eCRIME laws are needed to safeguard everyone, ADULTS and CHILDREN alike. Internet abuse and on-line anti-social behaviour affects us all.
Open from Wednesday 28th August 2013 to Thursday 28th August 2014
214 signatures
Internet Safety Awareness Education and Exam
Open from Monday 19th August 2013 to Tuesday 19th August 2014
3 signatures
Stop Internet censorship
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th August 2014
4 signatures
Cyber Abuse Clamp Down
Open from Wednesday 7th August 2013 to Thursday 7th August 2014
2 signatures
Ban the Sale of Fur Products in the UK and EU
Open from Tuesday 6th August 2013 to Wednesday 6th August 2014
941 signatures
ISP filters should not be set to On by default
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2013 to Thursday 31st July 2014
109 signatures
9pm watershed for the Internet
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2013 to Thursday 31st October 2013
2 signatures
Do not censor the Internet
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2013 to Wednesday 30th April 2014
70 signatures
Scrap Efforts to Censor the Internet
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
7 signatures
I wish to protest that BT is excluding Industrial Estates from its BT Infinity high-speed broadband rollout
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
27 signatures
Stop the Internet Filter
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Thursday 23rd January 2014
12 signatures
Reconsider planned proposals for Porn to be 'opt-in'
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
8 signatures
Prevent David Cameron's Online Pornography Block.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
43 signatures
Stop Child Abduction By Banning People From Using Cars
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
9 signatures
Stop surveillance of British citizens emails, social media and phone calls without a warrant
Open from Thursday 18th July 2013 to Friday 18th July 2014
19 signatures
Publication of private car registration plates used in photography on the Internet without prior consent.
Open from Tuesday 9th July 2013 to Wednesday 9th July 2014
3 signatures
keep all paedophiles in secure confined community away from ours and our kids
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
69 signatures
Free, nationwide, Wi-Fi networks to be set up in the UK
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2013 to Thursday 26th December 2013
2,179 signatures
Protect Internet Privacy
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th June 2014
22 signatures
Culture Secretary: No more restrictions on internet porn
Open from Monday 24th June 2013 to Tuesday 24th June 2014
52 signatures
Internet Should be free and websites should not be banned.
Open from Monday 24th June 2013 to Tuesday 24th June 2014
18 signatures
Make voting by email/internet available immediately.
Open from Thursday 20th June 2013 to Friday 20th June 2014
5 signatures
Do Not Force ISP Filtering of Pornography and Other Content
Open from Tuesday 18th June 2013 to Wednesday 18th June 2014
39,173 signatures
optic fibre in Timberland scunthorpe
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th September 2013
1 signatures
Child pornography/abuse - Total UK internet ban and incoming data filtering
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th December 2013
9 signatures
Reduce Online Child Porn (Underage Ponography) by Requiring ISPs and Search Engines to Block Access
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
13 signatures
Eliminate free internet pornography sites
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
22 signatures
Google and all search engines to ban all indecent images of children on internet
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
11 signatures
bring the internet to the phone box
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
2 signatures
Accounts or subscriptions which are created or managed online should, by law, offer online cancellation.
Open from Wednesday 5th June 2013 to Thursday 5th June 2014
10 signatures
Refunds on cancelled internet hotel bookings
Open from Tuesday 4th June 2013 to Wednesday 4th June 2014
3 signatures
Criminalise threatening behaviour towards British military personnel.
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
132 signatures
Lord Carlisle Communications Data Bill
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
2 signatures
rural broadband service
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2013 to Thursday 22nd August 2013
4 signatures
ban negative option/continuos billing on products
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st May 2014
3 signatures
Ban Free Internet Porn
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
31 signatures
To require UK based Internet Service Providers to block access to www.ask.fm
Open from Friday 17th May 2013 to Saturday 17th May 2014
49 signatures
Safeguard our children from specific information available on PUBLIC school websites
Open from Friday 10th May 2013 to Saturday 10th May 2014
44 signatures
make porn illegal
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
12 signatures
People (electors) against the selling of personal details to private companies by the local council.
Open from Thursday 25th April 2013 to Saturday 25th January 2014
6 signatures
Protect our children from internet pornography by introducing an automatic block on porn by internet service providers with choice to "opt in"
Open from Monday 22nd April 2013 to Tuesday 22nd April 2014
56 signatures
Prisoners - slash the £40000+ spent per prisoner
Open from Thursday 18th April 2013 to Friday 18th April 2014
11 signatures
Make BT upgrade exchanges which are not commercially viable in order to provide reliable internet access
Open from Wednesday 17th April 2013 to Thursday 17th April 2014
332 signatures
Lessons in critical thinking should be made compulsory teaching in all UK secondary schools.
Open from Thursday 11th April 2013 to Friday 11th April 2014
139 signatures
Nasty On Line Job Search Requirement for Benefit Eligability
Open from Thursday 11th April 2013 to Friday 11th October 2013
17 signatures
No UK opt out of the new EU data protection regulations that would make it illegal for any company to hold your data against your wishes.
Open from Tuesday 9th April 2013 to Thursday 9th January 2014
5 signatures
Explain why Government denies ChemTrails when spray plane functioning nozzles are on Internet videos of Boeing 737s.
Open from Friday 5th April 2013 to Saturday 5th April 2014
17 signatures
Stop discrimination in blocking websites
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Thursday 3rd October 2013
28 signatures
BT Openreach Firbe Optic for Kings Norton, Birmingham
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Wednesday 3rd July 2013
5 signatures
Close all non-major libraries in the UK
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Thursday 3rd April 2014
1 signatures
Change to dog breeding laws
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
6,772 signatures Wed, 05 Feb 2025 11:49:59 +0000