Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Make Covid19 Non Compliance Fines min £10,000 & use to fund NHS/Key Worker PPE
Open from Thursday 28th May 2020 to Saturday 28th November 2020
18 signatures
Extend death in service benefits for COVID19 to NHS or care worker's household
Open from Thursday 28th May 2020 to Saturday 28th November 2020
1,705 signatures
Rename the May Day bank holiday to the NHS bank holiday day
Open from Thursday 28th May 2020 to Saturday 28th November 2020
29 signatures
Rename future Early May Bank Holidays "Key Worker Day"
Open from Thursday 28th May 2020 to Saturday 28th November 2020
13 signatures
Prevent increases to bills including council tax and NHS charges this year
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
34 signatures
Increase uniform tax reliefs, especially for healthcare staff
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
10,614 signatures
Fund after care for all NHS staff following coronavirus.
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
33 signatures
Give TV Licensing money to our NHS
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
43 signatures
Increase minimum wage for social care staff to £10.72
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
448 signatures
Fund an above inflation, respectful pay rise to all public sector workers.
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
41 signatures
During lock-down the Government should pay for all NHS staff's travel expenses.
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
22 signatures
Fund council tax for our all our NHS workers
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
31 signatures
Introduce a minimum starting wage of £40000 for all Nurses.
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
34 signatures
Raise the rate of income tax and corporation tax to fund the NHS.
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
37 signatures
Grant all overseas NHS staff and their family's indefinite leave to remain (ILR)
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
53 signatures
Free British Citizenship applications for foreign NHS staffs and their families
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
96 signatures
Provide Protective Personal Equipment PPE to all Transports Workers.
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
41 signatures
Reverse measures allowing women to access at home abortion.
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
4,326 signatures
Forever Free Parking for NHS and Care Workers
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
2,887 signatures
Pay rise for NHS and care staff
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
1,775 signatures
Write off student loans for NHS staff after 6 years in the NHS
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
23 signatures
Government to cover funeral costs for healthcare workers who die from covid19
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
39 signatures
Bring Public Services salaries in line with National Living wage.
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
24 signatures
Allow free parking for all NHS employees on NHS property or their place of work.
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
141 signatures
Amnesty for UK undocumented immigrants in this COVID-19 World pandemic
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
16,054 signatures
Award medals to the retired doctors and nurses who returned to NHS for COVID19
Open from Friday 22nd May 2020 to Sunday 22nd November 2020
18 signatures
A memorial for NHS, care, allied professionals, who die as a result of COVID:19
Open from Thursday 21st May 2020 to Saturday 21st November 2020
98 signatures
Release the findings of Exercise Cygnus from 2016 regarding a pandemic in the UK
Open from Thursday 21st May 2020 to Saturday 21st November 2020
57 signatures
Stop public funds being used to pay for the security of former royals
Open from Tuesday 19th May 2020 to Thursday 19th November 2020
50 signatures
Criminalise the spread of medical misinformation for financial gain.
Open from Monday 18th May 2020 to Wednesday 18th November 2020
27 signatures
Tax 1p to the NHS (and others) every time you shop
Open from Monday 18th May 2020 to Wednesday 18th November 2020
29 signatures
Change in Tier 2 visa for family to receive ILR if NHS worker dies of COVID 19.
Open from Monday 18th May 2020 to Wednesday 18th November 2020
28 signatures
Designate a day for the recognition of our NHS and all Emergency Services.
Open from Friday 15th May 2020 to Sunday 15th November 2020
192 signatures
COVID-19: Commandeer production of British-made PPE for frontline staff
Open from Friday 15th May 2020 to Sunday 15th November 2020
138 signatures
Support family members of non-UK NHS staff to attend university
Open from Friday 15th May 2020 to Sunday 15th November 2020
19 signatures
Cancel HS2 and use the money for the NHS and local economies, post Covid-19.
Open from Friday 15th May 2020 to Sunday 15th November 2020
58,743 signatures
Investigate NHS Supply Chain performance providing PPE to frontline staff.
Open from Thursday 14th May 2020 to Saturday 14th November 2020
1,121 signatures
All police fines collected for unnecessary travel should go to the NHS.
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
29 signatures
Create a National Health Insurance Tax for the NHS
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
18 signatures
Halt Trident renewal and spend the funds on fighting the coronavirus.
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
5,493 signatures
Use all revenue from lockdown fines for NHS PPE.
Open from Wednesday 13th May 2020 to Friday 13th November 2020
18 signatures
Hold a royal commission into the state of the NHS at the start of Covid19 crisis
Open from Tuesday 12th May 2020 to Thursday 12th November 2020
21 signatures
Permanent Basic Income for Healthcare workers.
Open from Tuesday 12th May 2020 to Thursday 12th November 2020
53 signatures
Pay NHS nurses & newly qualified teachers a starting salary of £35k.
Open from Tuesday 12th May 2020 to Thursday 12th November 2020
179 signatures
Ensure all prison workers are issued protective gear during this pandemic
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
619 signatures
Reimburse international NHS workers the cost of the NHS surcharge this year.
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
32 signatures
National Service for NHS.
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
19 signatures
Pay all NHS Staff at least the Real Living Wage!
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
22 signatures
Increase National Insurance by 5 pence to Increase Salaries for all NHS Workers
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
19 signatures
Omit the NHS from any future trade deal with the US
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
111,079 signatures
Free prescriptions for all carers, emergency personnel, NHS workers and police
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
111 signatures
Cover 80% of wages for people who are having to shield for 12 weeks.
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
27 signatures
Require a referendum on the sale of any Government-owned company or assets
Open from Wednesday 6th May 2020 to Friday 6th November 2020
40 signatures
Award posthumous medals to NHS and other frontline workers; victims of covid-19.
Open from Wednesday 6th May 2020 to Friday 6th November 2020
210 signatures
RAF Red Arrows to fly over London with NHS blue & white smoke
Open from Wednesday 6th May 2020 to Friday 6th November 2020
39 signatures
Ban the sale of tobacco during the covid-19 outbreak
Open from Wednesday 6th May 2020 to Friday 6th November 2020
42 signatures
One days isolation every year to remember those we have lost
Open from Wednesday 6th May 2020 to Friday 6th November 2020
38 signatures
Pay NHS Agency Nurses, Doctors and Healthcare staff a wage if they self isolate
Open from Wednesday 6th May 2020 to Friday 6th November 2020
23 signatures
Reward our healthcare heroes now for risking their lives to fight Covid-19.
Open from Friday 1st May 2020 to Sunday 1st November 2020
9,403 signatures
Fund all medical degrees to support future doctors and nurses
Open from Friday 1st May 2020 to Sunday 1st November 2020
30 signatures
Extend access to an NHS funded pension to Retail Community Pharmacists
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
1,134 signatures
Delay the ban on Menthol Cigarettes until after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
96 signatures
Include the UK's Volunteer Police officers in Schedule 7 of the Coronavirus Bill
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
28 signatures
Translate UK Government and NHS Advice on COVID - 19.
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
25 signatures
Ban the sale and use of all cigarettes (including e-cigarettes) by 2030.
Open from Wednesday 29th April 2020 to Thursday 29th October 2020
44 signatures
Introduce Fines for people wasting NHS time during the Corona virus Outbreak
Open from Wednesday 29th April 2020 to Thursday 29th October 2020
21 signatures
Fund free TV for all patients in NHS hospitals.
Open from Tuesday 28th April 2020 to Wednesday 28th October 2020
51 signatures
Provide 'safe supply' of drugs to people with addiction during COVID-19 shutdown
Open from Tuesday 28th April 2020 to Wednesday 28th October 2020
35 signatures
Reform Covid19 income support schemes to pay 75% of wages and give 5% to the NHS
Open from Tuesday 28th April 2020 to Wednesday 28th October 2020
14 signatures
Help international healthcare professionals to join the NHS
Open from Tuesday 28th April 2020 to Wednesday 28th October 2020
195 signatures
Requisition Coronavirus Test Kits from private providers and redirect to the NHS
Open from Tuesday 28th April 2020 to Wednesday 28th October 2020
46 signatures
Give single parents the right to stay at home due to Covid-19
Open from Monday 27th April 2020 to Tuesday 27th October 2020
34 signatures
Provide all workers dealing with the public PPE to be protected from COVID-19
Open from Monday 27th April 2020 to Tuesday 27th October 2020
50 signatures
Emergency funding increase for mental health services due to Covid -19 pandemic
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
338 signatures
Make parking for all NHS staff free all of the time.
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
59,835 signatures
Keep vaping shops open in total COVID-19 lockdown to stop ex-smokers relapsing
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
64 signatures
Protect the NHS and healthcare workers from legal action during COVID19
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
68 signatures
Reimburse health care professionals for professional registration fees
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
329 signatures
Fund increased death in service benefits for NHS staff who die during Covid-19
Open from Thursday 23rd April 2020 to Friday 23rd October 2020
232 signatures
Hold a 2-minute silence each year to the lives lost, from the Coronavirus.
Open from Thursday 23rd April 2020 to Friday 23rd October 2020
24 signatures
Create a symptom reporting site, where people with Covid-19 symptoms self-report
Open from Thursday 23rd April 2020 to Friday 23rd October 2020
21 signatures
Stop the planned increase to the Immigration Health Surcharge
Open from Wednesday 22nd April 2020 to Thursday 22nd October 2020
1,944 signatures
Fund free Travel, Parking, Hotel & Childcare during COVID-19 for NHS staff
Open from Monday 20th April 2020 to Tuesday 20th October 2020
227 signatures
Grant for the disabled people, to assist with social isolation.
Open from Monday 20th April 2020 to Tuesday 20th October 2020
61 signatures
Give All Schools Protective Equipment to help protect staff from the Coronavirus
Open from Friday 17th April 2020 to Saturday 17th October 2020
200 signatures
Supply NHS key frontline staff working during Covid-19 healthy food hampers
Open from Friday 17th April 2020 to Saturday 17th October 2020
22 signatures
Fund the NHS to provide increased reimbursement for community nurse mileage
Open from Thursday 16th April 2020 to Friday 16th October 2020
99 signatures
Citizenship for all immigrant NHS and social care workers - Covid19
Open from Wednesday 15th April 2020 to Thursday 15th October 2020
236 signatures
Indefinite Leave to Remain for NHS Staff
Open from Wednesday 15th April 2020 to Thursday 15th October 2020
6,834 signatures
Award immigrant key workers with permanent residency after coronavirus crisis
Open from Wednesday 15th April 2020 to Thursday 15th October 2020
373 signatures
Make use of the EU Ventilator scheme for increased Corona Virus demand
Open from Tuesday 14th April 2020 to Wednesday 14th October 2020
33 signatures
Implement a Covid-19 contact tracing app now.
Open from Tuesday 7th April 2020 to Wednesday 7th October 2020
64 signatures
Give non-British citizens who are NHS workers automatic citizenship
Open from Tuesday 7th April 2020 to Wednesday 7th October 2020
72,626 signatures
Enable the Government to access Bank of England GRANTS to fund Public Services!
Open from Tuesday 7th April 2020 to Wednesday 7th October 2020
34 signatures
Make secondary schools start later (around 10 am)
Open from Monday 6th April 2020 to Tuesday 6th October 2020
35 signatures
Fund free meals for NHS staff whilst on duty during the COVID19 Pandemic
Open from Thursday 2nd April 2020 to Friday 2nd October 2020
34 signatures
Write off all student loans for all NHS staff fighting COVID19
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
2,680 signatures
Seek to join Comprehensive & Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
82 signatures
Make hazard pay mandatory for key workers in the midst of COVID 19.
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
8,625 signatures
Move all bank holidays to a time after Coronavirus Lockdown
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
603 signatures Sun, 23 Feb 2025 04:10:40 +0000