Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Reduce the deadline date of the tampon tax from 2022 to 2019!
Open from Tuesday 27th February 2018 to Monday 27th August 2018
32 signatures
Establish a Public Service Production Company thats funded by the British public
Open from Monday 26th February 2018 to Sunday 26th August 2018
30 signatures
Revoke Independent Schools' Charitable Status
Open from Monday 26th February 2018 to Sunday 26th August 2018
15 signatures
Compulsory to not repay any Tax Credits overpayments until it's been disputed
Open from Tuesday 20th February 2018 to Monday 20th August 2018
24 signatures
HM Ships Albion, Bulwark to be funded by the foreign aid budget.
Open from Monday 19th February 2018 to Sunday 19th August 2018
74 signatures
Freedom of Information Act should apply to any company working for the Govt.
Open from Monday 19th February 2018 to Sunday 19th August 2018
29 signatures
The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) should be a tax-payer funded organisation
Open from Monday 12th February 2018 to Sunday 12th August 2018
673 signatures
Raise income tax by 0.25%, ring-fenced for NHS and post-discharge social care.
Open from Friday 9th February 2018 to Thursday 9th August 2018
171 signatures
British Citizens must be subject to UK taxation wherever they live in the world
Open from Friday 9th February 2018 to Thursday 9th August 2018
11 signatures
Put a Tax on all excessive packaging Including plastic and cardboard.
Open from Thursday 8th February 2018 to Wednesday 8th August 2018
53 signatures
Make General Dental Council (GDC) a tax-payer funded organisation.
Open from Thursday 8th February 2018 to Wednesday 8th August 2018
2,834 signatures
Scrap the tax on child support for victims of domestic abuse.
Open from Thursday 8th February 2018 to Wednesday 8th August 2018
97 signatures
Lower Prescription charges
Open from Tuesday 6th February 2018 to Monday 6th August 2018
30 signatures
Standardise the tax rates for employment income with all other income sources
Open from Monday 5th February 2018 to Sunday 5th August 2018
9 signatures
Put a tax on fish so fish can flourish more in the ocean.
Open from Monday 5th February 2018 to Sunday 5th August 2018
8 signatures
Reduce the price of British citizenship for children from £973 to less than £600
Open from Monday 5th February 2018 to Sunday 5th August 2018
56 signatures
Devolve responsibility for immigration policy in Scotland.
Open from Friday 2nd February 2018 to Thursday 2nd August 2018
18 signatures
Make GMC a tax-payer funded organisation and not to be funded by doctors.
Open from Friday 2nd February 2018 to Thursday 2nd August 2018
25,378 signatures
Devolve Corporation Tax to the Scottish Parliament
Open from Friday 2nd February 2018 to Thursday 2nd August 2018
8 signatures
Government to pay for all car repairs caused by potholes
Open from Friday 2nd February 2018 to Thursday 2nd August 2018
49 signatures
Change the criteria for PIP assessments
Open from Thursday 1st February 2018 to Wednesday 1st August 2018
28 signatures
Lower wait time for new universal credit claims
Open from Tuesday 30th January 2018 to Monday 30th July 2018
11 signatures
Set the living wage age bracket to 21 and over
Open from Monday 29th January 2018 to Sunday 29th July 2018
33 signatures
Add a higher tax rate to Aspartame sweetener.
Open from Thursday 25th January 2018 to Wednesday 25th July 2018
141 signatures
Theresa May. NO bridge or new infrastructure to be built between UK and France
Open from Wednesday 24th January 2018 to Tuesday 24th July 2018
117 signatures
Reconsider the Sugar Tax
Open from Monday 22nd January 2018 to Sunday 22nd July 2018
697 signatures
Establish a support body to advise and protect Beneficiaries of Wills and Trusts
Open from Monday 22nd January 2018 to Sunday 22nd July 2018
38 signatures
Scrap the 25% overseas transfer charge expats pay on QROPS pensions
Open from Friday 19th January 2018 to Thursday 19th July 2018
443 signatures
national insurance to be used solely to fund the NHS
Open from Friday 19th January 2018 to Thursday 19th July 2018
21 signatures
Disabled Facilities Grant should be available to everyone who is disabled
Open from Friday 19th January 2018 to Thursday 19th July 2018
63 signatures
Block UK Government from using tax payer funds to bail out Carillion plc
Open from Friday 19th January 2018 to Thursday 19th July 2018
51 signatures
Axe Safety Tax, remove VAT on safety products & services for residential homes
Open from Thursday 18th January 2018 to Wednesday 18th July 2018
480 signatures
Force the chewing gum industry to pay for gum clean up costs - not the taxpayer
Open from Wednesday 17th January 2018 to Tuesday 17th July 2018
183 signatures
Force manufacturers to use recyclable packaging instead of taxing consumers
Open from Wednesday 10th January 2018 to Tuesday 10th July 2018
59 signatures
Include tax exempt income in child maintenance payments.
Open from Thursday 4th January 2018 to Wednesday 4th July 2018
13 signatures
Provide increase support for parents with disabilities and their children
Open from Thursday 4th January 2018 to Wednesday 4th July 2018
28 signatures
Review the current VED (Road tax) system and implement a pay per mile system.
Open from Thursday 4th January 2018 to Wednesday 4th July 2018
51 signatures
Reduce income tax allowance discrepancy between UK worker & Tier2 employee
Open from Thursday 4th January 2018 to Wednesday 4th July 2018
8 signatures
Keep accepting credit card payments for all tax payments
Open from Wednesday 3rd January 2018 to Tuesday 3rd July 2018
16 signatures
Make rail season tickets tax deductible for those on PAYE
Open from Wednesday 3rd January 2018 to Tuesday 3rd July 2018
86 signatures
Reduce the foreign aid budget and increase police funding from the savings.
Open from Wednesday 3rd January 2018 to Tuesday 3rd July 2018
800 signatures
Stop charging for Vehicle Excise Duty
Open from Wednesday 3rd January 2018 to Tuesday 3rd July 2018
16 signatures
Reintroduce Oxford weighting tax.
Open from Friday 22nd December 2017 to Friday 22nd June 2018
7,754 signatures
Stop anyone paid from the public purse being paid more than the prime minister
Open from Thursday 21st December 2017 to Thursday 21st June 2018
146 signatures
Make tax incentives and laws for companies allowing people to work from home.
Open from Thursday 21st December 2017 to Thursday 21st June 2018
18 signatures
Offset any rise in the price of fuel
Open from Tuesday 19th December 2017 to Tuesday 19th June 2018
11 signatures
Put a revenue tax on all retail sales in the UK.
Open from Tuesday 19th December 2017 to Tuesday 19th June 2018
12 signatures
Increase the National Minimum Wage to £10 per hour.
Open from Tuesday 19th December 2017 to Tuesday 19th June 2018
66 signatures
Exempt Charities from paying Insurance Premium Tax (IPT)
Open from Monday 18th December 2017 to Monday 18th June 2018
9 signatures
Create a devolved parliament for the county of Devon
Open from Monday 11th December 2017 to Monday 11th June 2018
11 signatures
Adopt into UK law all anti-abuse measures of EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive.
Open from Thursday 7th December 2017 to Thursday 7th June 2018
164 signatures
Make the Tax-Free Childcare service more transparent for Childcare Providers
Open from Thursday 7th December 2017 to Thursday 7th June 2018
11 signatures
Create a ‘Residential Care Voucher’ scheme
Open from Wednesday 6th December 2017 to Wednesday 6th June 2018
15 signatures
Make the Treasury remove the VAT on fuel duty
Open from Monday 4th December 2017 to Monday 4th June 2018
121 signatures
Provide free broadband to every UK home
Open from Monday 4th December 2017 to Monday 4th June 2018
21 signatures
Give tax breaks to parents who support their children through university
Open from Friday 1st December 2017 to Friday 1st June 2018
12 signatures
Raise the tax threshold of Personal Allowance reduction to above £100,000
Open from Friday 1st December 2017 to Friday 1st June 2018
140 signatures
Firms that offer tax avoidance services should not win public sector contracts
Open from Wednesday 29th November 2017 to Tuesday 29th May 2018
16 signatures
Life skills should be compulsory education from the age of 5 yrs to 18 yrs
Open from Monday 27th November 2017 to Sunday 27th May 2018
91 signatures
Introduce a 10p disposable cup tax in the UK
Open from Friday 24th November 2017 to Thursday 24th May 2018
368 signatures
Stop penalising long-term partners at 40% when it comes to Inheritance Tax
Open from Friday 24th November 2017 to Thursday 24th May 2018
21 signatures
Lower the price of road tax for petrol and increase the price for diesel
Open from Thursday 23rd November 2017 to Wednesday 23rd May 2018
13 signatures
Higher the tax free amount from £11500 to £15000
Open from Thursday 23rd November 2017 to Wednesday 23rd May 2018
52 signatures
Reduce the tax on cigarettes and return cigarettes to old packaging
Open from Thursday 23rd November 2017 to Wednesday 23rd May 2018
18 signatures
Reverse the planned ban on letting agent fees to tenants
Open from Thursday 23rd November 2017 to Wednesday 23rd May 2018
13 signatures
Abolish taxation on voluntary tips for good service.
Open from Wednesday 22nd November 2017 to Tuesday 22nd May 2018
21 signatures
Bring back vehicle tax discs
Open from Wednesday 22nd November 2017 to Tuesday 22nd May 2018
34 signatures
Reduce 20% VAT on bottled water to zero in line with proposed sugar tax
Open from Tuesday 21st November 2017 to Monday 21st May 2018
127 signatures
Eliminate Tax Avoidance - Introduce 2% Minimum Corporation Tax based on Turnover
Open from Friday 17th November 2017 to Thursday 17th May 2018
22 signatures
Stop companies from draining UK taxable profits and cap ‘Earnings Stripping’
Open from Friday 17th November 2017 to Thursday 17th May 2018
14 signatures
Allow and run a referendum in Wales to decide the future of the Welsh Assembly.
Open from Friday 17th November 2017 to Thursday 17th May 2018
363 signatures
Change Corporation tax so that only UK costs can be used to offset profits.
Open from Friday 17th November 2017 to Thursday 17th May 2018
19 signatures
The government must carry out a public inquiry into offshore tax havens.
Open from Thursday 16th November 2017 to Wednesday 16th May 2018
22 signatures
Stop paying wealthy pensioners the tax-free winter fuel payment.
Open from Monday 13th November 2017 to Sunday 13th May 2018
26 signatures
Make Houses of Parliament alcohol free.
Open from Thursday 9th November 2017 to Wednesday 9th May 2018
3,095 signatures
Remove stamp duty for First Time Buyers by making sellers pay the tax
Open from Wednesday 8th November 2017 to Tuesday 8th May 2018
21 signatures
Scrap VAT on Digital Books
Open from Tuesday 7th November 2017 to Monday 7th May 2018
35 signatures
Stop child maintenance payments being calculated before tax, calculate after!
Open from Monday 6th November 2017 to Sunday 6th May 2018
114 signatures
Immediately boost NHS funding by around £5bn a year from adding 1p to Income Tax
Open from Monday 6th November 2017 to Sunday 6th May 2018
690 signatures
Protect vulnerable debtors in enforceable Taking Control of Goods Regulations
Open from Monday 6th November 2017 to Sunday 6th May 2018
3,495 signatures
Don't give extremists homes, jobs and counselling
Open from Monday 6th November 2017 to Sunday 6th May 2018
8,824 signatures
Tackle corporate tax-dodging – Make the UK a participant in CCCTB
Open from Monday 6th November 2017 to Sunday 6th May 2018
109 signatures
Do not extend IR35 legislation to the private sector.
Open from Friday 3rd November 2017 to Thursday 3rd May 2018
15,230 signatures
Make it illegal for energy companies to levy a standing charge for smart meters.
Open from Wednesday 1st November 2017 to Tuesday 1st May 2018
121 signatures
Introduce a 5p tax on all disposable takeaway cups.
Open from Wednesday 1st November 2017 to Tuesday 1st May 2018
112 signatures
Stop Anti-abortion Life charity from getting £250k from from UK tampon tax.
Open from Wednesday 1st November 2017 to Tuesday 1st May 2018
258 signatures
Garages must provide free air & water in working order for drivers at all times.
Open from Tuesday 31st October 2017 to Monday 30th April 2018
39 signatures
Make teaching about tax and local politics compulsory in secondary schools.
Open from Friday 27th October 2017 to Friday 27th April 2018
25 signatures
Waive the two child cap on tax credits for mothers working minimum 18 hours/week
Open from Thursday 26th October 2017 to Thursday 26th April 2018
33 signatures
Abolish the annual Rod Licence for anglers in England and Wales
Open from Wednesday 25th October 2017 to Wednesday 25th April 2018
23 signatures
Introduce a carbon tax on applicable products to help battle climate change.
Open from Monday 23rd October 2017 to Monday 23rd April 2018
379 signatures
Abolish the 60% stealth income tax
Open from Monday 23rd October 2017 to Monday 23rd April 2018
15 signatures
Stop the bedroom tax and help the vulnerable stay in their home.
Open from Monday 23rd October 2017 to Monday 23rd April 2018
1,009 signatures
Abolish Inheritance Tax!
Open from Friday 20th October 2017 to Friday 20th April 2018
99 signatures
Return Tax raising powers in Scotland to the UK Government
Open from Thursday 19th October 2017 to Thursday 19th April 2018
617 signatures
Adopt the EU's Anti Tax Avoidance Directive whether we leave or remain in the EU
Open from Friday 13th October 2017 to Friday 13th April 2018
3,648 signatures
Minimum tax rate for tax avoiders -Raise ££bn extra tax for health and education
Open from Tuesday 10th October 2017 to Tuesday 10th April 2018
17 signatures
Employers’ Education Tax to contribute towards university tuition fee costs
Open from Tuesday 10th October 2017 to Tuesday 10th April 2018
11 signatures
Scrap the tampon tax. Reduce the price of all sanitary products.
Open from Monday 9th October 2017 to Monday 9th April 2018
371 signatures
Exempt kinship care households from the 2 child restriction on child tax credit
Open from Friday 6th October 2017 to Friday 6th April 2018
3,570 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:21:39 +0000