Some petitions get millions of signatures. A fair number get thousands. A lot get hundreds. But most don't. Most petitions only get signed by the petition's author and their mates. And some petition authors don't really have many mates at all.
This section is dedicated to those plucky triers. Or, to be more precise, those plucky failers. These are the petitions that didn't even reach double figures.
To be fair, some petitions end up with only a handful of signatures for reasons that are not their fault. When a general election is called and Parliament is dissolved, all petitions are closed immediately no matter how much longer they should have run for. To avoid penalising the unlucky ones that were submitted just before a dissolution, we're only including petitions here that ran for at least a month.
Allow delivery vehicles to park in a bus lane
Open from Monday 29th July 2013 to Tuesday 29th July 2014
2 signatures
Call for the Suspension of Egypt's Seat at the UN until the Reinstatement of Democratically Elected President
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2013 to Thursday 31st July 2014
2 signatures
Removal of soft pornography channels from Freeview
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2013 to Thursday 31st October 2013
3 signatures
The dismissal of Judge John Warner for the overly lenient sentence given to Dale Dixon for the manslaughter of Chris Findley.
Open from Friday 26th July 2013 to Saturday 26th July 2014
5 signatures
Make UK Housing Work for Residents, Not Property Speculators.
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
9 signatures
Ban disposable nappy advertisements
Open from Monday 29th July 2013 to Tuesday 29th July 2014
6 signatures
Time To End Poverty Around The World
Open from Thursday 15th August 2013 to Friday 15th August 2014
5 signatures
End state inteference in the mortgage industry
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
1 signatures
Performance Related Pay for MP's and Ministers
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
4 signatures
provide proper funding to enforce dog laws
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
5 signatures
9pm watershed for the Internet
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2013 to Thursday 31st October 2013
2 signatures
Swap the Rotavirus vaccine for Meningitis B vaccine in the UK immunisation schedule
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
5 signatures
Keep politicians off UK bank notes
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
5 signatures
nhs consultants
Open from Friday 26th July 2013 to Saturday 26th July 2014
6 signatures
forbid governments keyword of phrase filtering media searches
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2013 to Thursday 31st July 2014
3 signatures
Make current airports more effective in the South East through maglev before building any more new runways
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
4 signatures
broadcast England test matches free for all to see
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
9 signatures
Close down GP based out of hours cover AND NHS Direct (or whatever they are calling it today!) and put ALL the money into A & E in hospitals.
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
3 signatures
IPSA should be accountable to Parliament
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
1 signatures
force bus companies to swap 50% of there fleet to hybrid buses
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
2 signatures
Ban doorstep sales
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th August 2014
5 signatures
Pornography 'opt out' instead of 'opt in'
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
6 signatures
Food poverty
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
4 signatures
Driver theory test urgently needs to be re-written
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
2 signatures
Elected monarchy
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
5 signatures
increase in sentence
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
4 signatures
Scrap Efforts to Censor the Internet
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
7 signatures
Travelling fairground staff to be crb checked
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
1 signatures
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th November 2013
1 signatures
Restriction of Legal Advice at the Police Station
Open from Tuesday 30th July 2013 to Wednesday 30th July 2014
2 signatures
Stop dogs barking before 9am and after 9pm in residential areas!
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
6 signatures
enforce garden maintenance to prevent japanese knotweed nightmare nuisance to neighbouring properties
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
2 signatures
No to block on legal porn between consenting adults
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
7 signatures
stricter hgv and hi-ab checks
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
1 signatures
Establish protocol to deal with Solar Storm consequences
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
2 signatures
Make those who cause trouble at demonstrations or rallies pick up the bill for clearing up and policing the event.
Open from Wednesday 7th August 2013 to Thursday 7th August 2014
6 signatures
Public holiday to celebrate the birth of the new heir
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd October 2013
5 signatures
Stop Child Abduction By Banning People From Using Cars
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
9 signatures
food price increases and the shortage of arable land
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
4 signatures
more money for dairy farmers
Open from Thursday 25th July 2013 to Friday 25th July 2014
7 signatures
Reconsider planned proposals for Porn to be 'opt-in'
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
8 signatures
Open from Friday 26th July 2013 to Saturday 26th July 2014
4 signatures
Make Banks set Cash ISA Interest rates at levels which match inflation
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
9 signatures
Modification/Backing Up/Uploading
Open from Monday 5th August 2013 to Tuesday 5th August 2014
1 signatures
housing development
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
8 signatures
Introduce new legislation to ban the use of propeller driven boats below 10 meters in length which do not have a propeller guard fitted.
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
1 signatures
alcoholism in society
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
3 signatures should be banned from the internet
Open from Friday 20th September 2013 to Saturday 20th September 2014
4 signatures
Prevent employers from claiming IP rights to works produced in an employee's spare time
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
5 signatures
legislative voting via telecommunications
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
4 signatures
Vanish the need for a 1.5 Billion A14 Upgrade with an M11 to M180 Link.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
6 signatures
repeal of the current drink licensing act.
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
6 signatures
An Independent Investigation Of The 7/7 Bombings
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
2 signatures
Investigate the water industry for tax payer savings.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
7 signatures
Boycott Dubai until they change the law for rape victims
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
5 signatures
Stop companies using clever/intelligent accounting gaining/tendering for public funded contracts"
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
2 signatures
None parental partners income included in household income calculation
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd October 2013
1 signatures
Declassify SOCA's list of Suspect Companies and Individuals
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
5 signatures
Review the Representation of the People Act to ensure an MP keeps his promises if elected.
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
4 signatures
Make wealthy prisoners pay for their stay
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
3 signatures
Create more Cycle Lanes in North East England
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
1 signatures
Close down SOCA.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
1 signatures
Make Shops turn lights off when sunny and Get Shutters at Night
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
3 signatures
Privatise the BBC to save households £3.6bn every year
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
9 signatures
dangerous and aggressive dogs
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
5 signatures
Do not sell off British assets
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
9 signatures
Reduce cheque clearing time to three days maximum.
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
4 signatures
Meat Origin Labelling
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
9 signatures
Introduce legislation to make it illegal for our consular staff overseas to use taxpayer pounds to help drunken Brits overseas.
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2013 to Thursday 24th July 2014
2 signatures
Somerset Coroner Michael Jones should resign
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
2 signatures
The Blood Transfusion Service, or any part of it, should not, under any circumstances be privatised
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
9 signatures
I oppose the routing of wind-farm cabling through the saltmarsh south of Heysham – The only breeding site, in England, of The Belted Beauty Moth
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd November 2013
2 signatures
Military aid Budget
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
1 signatures
Minimum distance when following Motorcycle
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
4 signatures
campaign to clean up Coventry.
Open from Wednesday 2nd October 2013 to Thursday 2nd October 2014
2 signatures
Ban Ignorant or irrelevant e-petitions
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
2 signatures
Strengthen marriage by banning all sex outside of marriage
Open from Thursday 18th July 2013 to Friday 18th July 2014
6 signatures
The 9% increase that MPs have given themselves should be reduced to the rate of inflation, which is more than fair in the current climate.
Open from Thursday 18th July 2013 to Saturday 18th January 2014
7 signatures
cyprus campaign medal reduction of qualifying period
Open from Friday 26th July 2013 to Saturday 26th July 2014
4 signatures
David Kelly
Open from Thursday 18th July 2013 to Friday 18th July 2014
7 signatures
Deaf not getting their needs
Open from Wednesday 28th August 2013 to Thursday 28th August 2014
8 signatures
Food choice
Open from Thursday 18th July 2013 to Friday 18th April 2014
5 signatures
dog excrement containers compulsory
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
6 signatures
Depression in Education - #justsmile
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Sunday 19th January 2014
4 signatures
north south heathrow runway
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
5 signatures
politicians pay linked to growth or recession in economy
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
4 signatures
a series of Design Competitions in each city and town in UK
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
2 signatures
Equality Does Not Exist
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
8 signatures
Say no to any aid to Syrian Terrorists/Rebels, promote peace
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
5 signatures
BBC failure to control funds
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
5 signatures
The BBC should either be closed, reformed or have its payment cut significantly
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th October 2013
4 signatures
Health Care Assistants Training
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
6 signatures
Workers Benifits
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
3 signatures
for a veterans register for better care.
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
7 signatures
Families of Servicemen and women who commit suicide should also be allowed to have their loved ones names added to war memorials
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
2 signatures
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
6 signatures
Allow British students to American military academies
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Friday 17th January 2014
1 signatures
Allow horses in bus lanes
Open from Tuesday 16th July 2013 to Wednesday 16th July 2014
2 signatures
Diagnosis for Anorexia Nervosa should not be based on a patients' BMI.
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
9 signatures
increase amount of staff within NHS deticated to the diagnosis of austistic spectrum disorder.
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Thursday 17th July 2014
2 signatures Mon, 10 Mar 2025 14:01:42 +0000