Some petitions get millions of signatures. A fair number get thousands. A lot get hundreds. But most don't. Most petitions only get signed by the petition's author and their mates. And some petition authors don't really have many mates at all.
This section is dedicated to those plucky triers. Or, to be more precise, those plucky failers. These are the petitions that didn't even reach double figures.
To be fair, some petitions end up with only a handful of signatures for reasons that are not their fault. When a general election is called and Parliament is dissolved, all petitions are closed immediately no matter how much longer they should have run for. To avoid penalising the unlucky ones that were submitted just before a dissolution, we're only including petitions here that ran for at least a month.
better mental health support for young men and teens
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
9 signatures
Increase supply of National Savings inflation linked products
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
4 signatures
compensation awarded by courts should not need to be chased by claimant
Open from Friday 22nd February 2013 to Saturday 22nd February 2014
5 signatures
Classesd as 'overseas' students though half of lives spent in england
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
1 signatures
Stop HS2 route going through site of the Battle of Edgecote Moor
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Monday 11th November 2013
9 signatures
non motoring convictions and motoring insurance
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2013 to Wednesday 12th February 2014
4 signatures
hospital budgets
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
9 signatures
Educate Children on Dog Handling as part of Primary Education
Open from Friday 15th February 2013 to Saturday 15th February 2014
3 signatures
Criminal Food contamination
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
6 signatures
Abolish Leasehold
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
3 signatures
have an import bad on all procesed meat from the eu
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
3 signatures
David Ward
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2013 to Sunday 12th May 2013
6 signatures
Save Filey Swimming Pool
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2013 to Sunday 19th May 2013
4 signatures
Invite Republic of Ireland to join commonwealth
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2013 to Wednesday 12th February 2014
3 signatures
Return all British military equipment back from Afganistan
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Sunday 11th August 2013
3 signatures
Ban the importation of all meat from France
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Saturday 11th May 2013
4 signatures
cut sanctions !
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Saturday 11th May 2013
6 signatures
Right for freehold property owners to challenge unreasonable rentcharges
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Thursday 13th February 2014
3 signatures
Free Parking in City Centres at Weekends
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
8 signatures
Prosecute Martin Yeates for Manslaughter at Mid Staffordshire Hospital
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Sunday 11th August 2013
6 signatures
Prosecute Cynthia Bower for Manslaughter in NHS West Midlands
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Sunday 11th August 2013
6 signatures
Ban imports of beef products into the UK
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
5 signatures
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
4 signatures
Save our Children
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
6 signatures
Make NHS uniforms universal for ALL Trusts
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
6 signatures
A more relevant Mandatory Work Activity
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
4 signatures
Public services pay review
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
7 signatures
Increase numbers of staff in HMRC so they can do their job properly.
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
2 signatures
Protection for paperboy/girls employers responsibility
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
4 signatures
Listed buildings
Open from Thursday 14th February 2013 to Friday 14th February 2014
2 signatures
Right to buy
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Thursday 13th February 2014
3 signatures
Garden for children
Open from Thursday 28th February 2013 to Wednesday 28th August 2013
2 signatures
separate bedrooms for children
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Wednesday 13th November 2013
2 signatures
Education for all the children in LEDC's
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
8 signatures
Petiton for the re-erection of the Euston Arch
Open from Thursday 14th February 2013 to Friday 14th February 2014
7 signatures
Increase the National Speed Limit by 5mph on Motorways & Dual Carriageways
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
9 signatures
Stop outsourcing public services
Open from Friday 15th February 2013 to Saturday 15th February 2014
7 signatures
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Friday 8th November 2013
3 signatures
Prime minister to Visit a Food Bank
Open from Sunday 7th April 2013 to Sunday 7th July 2013
1 signatures
Centralise MPs Websites
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
8 signatures
Force League Football Clubs to pay money owed to the HMRC
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
4 signatures
Foreign Drivers in the UK
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
6 signatures
Equal right to claim tax credits for under 25's
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
4 signatures
Legalisation of arming all police officers with guns with rubber projectiles
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
2 signatures
Offset Local Government Budget Reductions
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Monday 13th May 2013
5 signatures
Save our Learning Place Portsmouth
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Saturday 11th May 2013
1 signatures
More research into depersonalisation and derealisation disorder
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
3 signatures
Prevention of Gender Based Abortion
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
3 signatures
Suspend and investigate coroners who have allowed high mortality rates in NHS Trusts to go unquestioned.
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
6 signatures
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
8 signatures
increase word limit for e-petition
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
4 signatures
Update leasehold term and condition to the 21st century
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
3 signatures
Suspend the creation of NHS Foundation Trusts with immediate effect.
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
5 signatures
to change legislation on entertainment venues impelmenting all stage have fire door at rear of stage
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Thursday 13th February 2014
2 signatures
social carers
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
1 signatures
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
2 signatures
The Goverment to employ a common sense advisor
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
4 signatures
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
7 signatures
students housing grants
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
2 signatures
dog register
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Sunday 11th August 2013
9 signatures
Prisons to become educational facilities focusing on behaviour development
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
6 signatures
Allow MPs to veto planning applications in their constituency
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
6 signatures
Create a standard taxation system world wide
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
3 signatures
Richard III to be re-interred in Lancaster
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
4 signatures
Save Battersea Powerstation from short sighted development
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
3 signatures
body to enforce holiday pay
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
3 signatures
National Anthem Referendum
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
4 signatures
Make equality part of the school curricullum
Open from Friday 15th February 2013 to Wednesday 15th May 2013
1 signatures
Make 'human rights' compulsory in education.
Open from Friday 15th February 2013 to Saturday 15th February 2014
3 signatures
Cross country trains to be stripped of their franchise
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Wednesday 6th November 2013
2 signatures
Low Key Burial of Richard III at Westminster
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Tuesday 6th August 2013
6 signatures
Build Korean War memorial
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
5 signatures
The closure of Miles Platting leisure centre and library
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
3 signatures
Save the High Street by Giving Tenants more Rights over Landlords
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
5 signatures
I propose that as an ageing population more council run homes for the elderly are built
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
5 signatures
Introduce new vehicle categories of performance car and super car
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
5 signatures
Implement Compulsory Data Protection Audits for Councils
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
2 signatures
Reform of the Democratic Process.
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
8 signatures
Is Wakefield & District Housing's New Policy Of Annual Home Interiors Inspections An Invasion Of Tenants Privacy and Basic Human Rights?
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
5 signatures
Free Town Centre Parking
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
6 signatures
homeopathy tax refund
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Tuesday 5th November 2013
1 signatures
Improvements in Home Care system towards vunerable adults
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
5 signatures
Straight couples should have the right to be gay
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
3 signatures
2015 the year of literature
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
8 signatures
Huhne to pay back every penny received from the taxpayer in the last 10 years
Open from Tuesday 5th March 2013 to Wednesday 5th March 2014
2 signatures
MPs who break the law should have sentences doubled and without parole.
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
2 signatures
Chris Huhne should repay the £17,000 he was given on resigning from Cabinet to "fight charges" of perverting the course of justice.
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
7 signatures
Payment Protection Insurance - Catch the criminals
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
7 signatures
glass floor tax
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
3 signatures
Childhood Multiple Sclerosis
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
2 signatures
Allow people to change water supplier
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
3 signatures
UK to give up its seat at the UN Security Council because the Government is not prepared to allocate sufficient resources to its Armed Forces
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2013 to Wednesday 12th February 2014
2 signatures
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Tuesday 4th February 2014
7 signatures
oppose plans to restrict benefit payments to the obese
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Tuesday 4th February 2014
3 signatures
Require relevant qualifications for membership of some committees
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
5 signatures
Electricity pricing
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
7 signatures
Acid Attack Law
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
3 signatures
Capital Gains tax abolishment
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Saturday 4th May 2013
2 signatures
Open from Thursday 14th February 2013 to Friday 14th February 2014
9 signatures
Tax Offices not sending employers the right code which means you have to pay back money
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Tuesday 4th February 2014
3 signatures Wed, 12 Mar 2025 12:10:40 +0000