All the petitions which closed in March 2015, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Freedom of speech has limits: freedom to insult, if likely to result in violence towards people and property, must be limited.
Open from Monday 26th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
137 signatures
Thursday, April 23 - Public Holiday - St George's Day
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
44 signatures
Improve bus links from Brackley(Northants) to Northampton/Bicester and Oxford
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
We ask that the Government make the communications companies reduce the landline costs.
Open from Wednesday 21st January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
End relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia until Human Rights abuses are addressed and no longer perpetrated.
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Implementation of european parliament resolution on Freedom of Speech
Open from Monday 26th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
203 signatures
Charlotte's Law
Open from Wednesday 28th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Chems in the sky
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Stop the persecution against minority religions in India
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
279 signatures
Ban Zero Hours Contracts; All Employment Contracts Must Have Minimum Defined Hours
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
15 signatures
Crash for Cash Fraudsters MUST Pay Back Money. Lower Premiums For Honest Drivers.
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
There should be a school bus for students living more than 3miles away
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Say NO to speed cameras set to exactly 70!
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Extra Govt and Councils tax on diesel vehicles
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Employers to pay employee NI as well as Employer NI for low paid workers
Open from Tuesday 20th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
8 signatures
Childs abduction
Open from Tuesday 27th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
8 signatures
Ban FOBT in high street bookmakers
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
64 signatures
Reduce Teachers Workload- Give us a 4 day teaching week and 5th day for admin!
Open from Tuesday 20th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
103 signatures
NS&I tax on "65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds" interest should be automatically deducted by filling out HM Revenue & Customs' R85
Open from Tuesday 20th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Only pay road tax once no matter how many vehicles you use
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Provide education and basics needs to Somalia to make increase the necessity of became Somalian Pirates
Open from Wednesday 21st January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Edinburgh City Speed Limit Opposition
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Remove Crown Indemnity from the FCA
Open from Wednesday 21st January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Stop ITV from having rights to any sporting events.
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Reinstate Regorafenib on the Cancer Drugs Fund list
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
103,841 signatures
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Grant potential university students with Discretionary Leave to Remain with access to student finance
Open from Wednesday 21st January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
dinahs hollow
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
11 signatures
Debate required on the collapse of City Link and the impact on Self employed drivers
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
561 signatures
Allow cigarette advertising under strict conditions
Open from Friday 6th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Restrict digitally altered / 'photoshopped' images in magazines
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
British government should enact shoot to kill policy against identified islamic terrorists
Open from Thursday 22nd January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Rebrand A&E to Emergency only
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Step-free access is still needed at Mill Hill Broadway station
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
18 signatures
stop shops selling energy drinks to under 18
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
43 signatures
Hull Marina foot bridge
Open from Tuesday 20th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
11 signatures
A258 Road Improvements
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Sally's Law
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
190 signatures
stop housing benefits fraud
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Opposing an E-petition
Open from Monday 26th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
GPs should be trained to check for tongue ties at the 6 week baby check
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
17 signatures
No benefits for children born whilst parent(s) are in receipt of an income related benefit.
Open from Tuesday 20th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Reduce Penalty Charge Notice fines (PCNs) for commercial vehicles
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Call for reassessment of the Cancer Drugs Fund for blood cancer patients
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
730 signatures
Help reduce gun and knife crime
Open from Tuesday 3rd February 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Reopen Haslingden Baths
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
907 signatures
Apprenticeship age discrimination
Open from Tuesday 20th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Government bonds for over 65s Is discrimination
Open from Wednesday 4th February 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Change Special Needs Child Benefit for High Rate Tax Payers
Open from Tuesday 20th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Do not ban end-to-end encryption - Remain free from oppression
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Bring back the borstal system
Open from Wednesday 21st January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
TFL should take over Southern Railways if it fails to improve its service
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
funding for young carers
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Abolish Council Tax to people on low income , benefits or wages
Open from Monday 26th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
49 signatures
Asking the British Government to condemn the brutal punishment of Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabi.
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
snibston discovery centre
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1,102 signatures
Australia shame on you!!!
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Give Principal Authorities more powers to Discipline Councillors
Open from Thursday 15th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Raif Badawi - Expel the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the UK
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
9 signatures
Compensation for rail passengers
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
The Richest 1% Must Pay More Tax
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
cervical cancer rule of 3
Open from Thursday 15th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Take student tutition fees back to £3000 per year. 100'000 signitures needed!
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
16 signatures
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Tougher punishment for those found carrying and using knives.
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
77 signatures
Petition to abolish defra
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
227 signatures
Dunster cobbles
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1,692 signatures
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Spare Room Subsidy (Bedroom Tax)
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Stop modern slavery
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
No confidence in the Highways Agency
Open from Monday 19th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
stop winter fuel payments for people who live in hot countries
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
10 signatures
Stop GM-crops in the UK
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
10 signatures
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
37 signatures
Scrap Trident and its successor. The UK’s nuclear deterrent is obsolete and aims to solve a problem which does not exist.
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Online Encryption Services
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Queens Gallantry Medal to be awarded to Police officers killed in the line of duty
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Stop Heathrow polluting our Environment.
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Legislate Ensuring That Health Ministers Are Registered Healthcare Professionals
Open from Wednesday 25th February 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
We should use more nuclear power in the UK
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
return of asylum seekers
Open from Friday 16th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
More police officers on the streets
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
25 signatures
legislate horses on public roads and places
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Keep the 'Open Golf Broadcast' at the BBC
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
30 signatures
Mansion airport
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
settle and carisle signaling
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
End to End Encryption
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
74 signatures
Legal protection for the title 'reverend'
Open from Monday 26th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Payments for NHS treatment by foreigners
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Improve Police ability to respond to terrorism
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
76 signatures
Stop planned cuts of treatment for advanced cancer
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
614 signatures
animal procedures: genuine openness needed
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
50 signatures
RSPCA Should be subject to freedom of information when reports of neglect are not upheld and there is reason to believe malicious intent.
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
31 signatures
marine mammal
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
36 signatures
Independent Panel Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. Retain Current Panel and gain statatory powers
Open from Wednesday 14th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
260 signatures
Open from Thursday 15th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Coventry Airport Re-open
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Gumtree animal advertising regulations
Open from Wednesday 21st January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
694 signatures
Charge for excess alcohol treatment in A&E departments
Open from Tuesday 13th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Open from Tuesday 24th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:43:10 +0000