All the petitions which closed in October 2016, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Create a system for doctors to refer patients with two or more cancer symptom.
Open from Tuesday 12th April 2016 to Wednesday 12th October 2016
86 signatures
Increase fines and add 3 penalty points for illegally parking in disabled spaces
Open from Tuesday 12th April 2016 to Wednesday 12th October 2016
20 signatures
Life Imprisonment for the abuse, neglect and ill-treatment of children.
Open from Tuesday 12th April 2016 to Wednesday 12th October 2016
139 signatures
Wood burning stoves should require a licence and regulated for nuisance.
Open from Tuesday 12th April 2016 to Wednesday 12th October 2016
21 signatures
Change the process through which referendums are held
Open from Tuesday 12th April 2016 to Wednesday 12th October 2016
9 signatures
Plug The Loophole and Stop Cash in Hand paying No Tax, Unfair for Others Who Do
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
21 signatures
Build a gas-powered station at Hinckley Point instead of a nuclear station.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
32 signatures
Local Authority SEN Departments MUST be made accountable to statutory timescale.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
472 signatures
Ban all Pornographic material
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
12 signatures
Call on the government to publicly confirm support for strong encryption.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
13 signatures
make it illegal for fast food outlets to sell chicken on the bone
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
8 signatures
That UK Government GOES AHEAD with distributing its leaflet on EU membership.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
18 signatures
For the UK Government to gift Uganda a new Radiotherapy machine.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
8 signatures
Increase the public sector pay by 5% NHS staff deserve a decent pay rise
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
3,118 signatures
Ban horse racing to stop anymore deaths
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
43 signatures
Stop the £20,000 personal tax free allowance the current and any future PM gets.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
545 signatures
Raise awareness of Poland syndrome and provide more info to those affected.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
394 signatures
Make drifting in an empty open space legal
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
12 signatures
Outlaw packaging materials unsuitable for recycling, such as foil-backed plastic
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
56 signatures
Make it illegal to pull out of selling a property once the sale had been agreed.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
56 signatures
To revoke the need to provide a certificate of destruction for these vehicles.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
12 signatures
See fibromyalgia has a disability and give the pip payment
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
7,321 signatures
MP's and spouses/partners release tax returns from the date the are elected.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
15 signatures
Stop HS2. Instead, invest in a more beneficial option such as UK ultraspeed.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
28 signatures
Stop United Lincs Hospitals Trust from DOWNGRADING Boston Pilgrim hospital.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
10,319 signatures
Make taking pictures of children in public without carers consent illegal
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
63 signatures
Change this petitions site to enable a motion to be voted FOR or AGAINST.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
34 signatures
Make it a law that you can not park in a parent and child space without children
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
206 signatures
Enforce stricter penalties for drivers 'hogging' the middle lane on motorways.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
37 signatures
Make it mandatory for elderly people to have an equal standard of medical care
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
199 signatures
Allow katy James to stay in the Uk with her husband and 2 year old daughter!
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
16 signatures
Allow Tyler Gregory Okonma (A.K.A. Tyler, the Creator) to enter the UK.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
308 signatures
Don't make student nurses pay for their tuition
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
30 signatures
Make the working week 4 days and the weekend 3 days.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
26 signatures
Make the public aware of the dangers of Ibuprofen in children with Chickenpox
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
9 signatures
UK should double its Gold because other central banks are buying up all the gold
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
11 signatures
Crash for cash drivers to be banned from driving for life
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
20 signatures
Stop the reassessment and resultant refusal of blue badges to disabled people
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
13 signatures
Make the parent receiving child maintenance provide receipts to remain eligible
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
53 signatures
Support equal access to education for children in Africa.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
9 signatures
Stop Foreign Aid and divert the money to the NHS.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
1,981 signatures
Abolish The Houses of Parliament/Lords in favour of local Regional Assemblies.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
7 signatures
Start to plan real strategy to deal with Donald Trump as President.
Open from Monday 11th April 2016 to Tuesday 11th October 2016
10 signatures
Government must provide Framework Documents on governance after EU Referendum
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
19 signatures
Ensure PDA is recognised, diagnosed & treated/educated nationally
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
4,451 signatures
Parliament to legalise
mobile structures
up to 100m2 on land
for living
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
1,697 signatures
Make Climate Change education a compulsory aspect of the UK national curriculum.
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
53 signatures
DNA test and fingerprint needles left in the street, and prosecute the criminal
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
135 signatures
Consider a vote of no confidence in David Cameron
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
718 signatures
Review the Child Maintenance system, and the people employed to serve there.
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
178 signatures
Make social networks more responsible by verifying its users.
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
8 signatures
Change mandatory jail sentence for rape, rather than community service.
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
37 signatures
Stop police seizing vehicles that are fully legitimate with tax, mot, insurance
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
7 signatures
Ensure road cyclists pay a tax and adhere to a DVLA type set of rules
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
53 signatures
Fund more beds in Northampton General to help reduce cancelled operations
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
92 signatures
All illegal immigrants to be deported within 48 hours & a 10yr ban from a visa!
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
2,540 signatures
Reduce the 3.9% interest rate on student loans
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
1,574 signatures
SIA frontline officers to be granted with more power and equipted with PPE
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
33 signatures
Stop Clause 81 of the police and crime bill being passed as law.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
11,095 signatures
Bring back Coursework for GCSE English language and Literature and Humanities.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
44 signatures
Review childcare provisions for older children with Special educational needs.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
18 signatures
Make it law that dogs must be kept on leads around livestock
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
2,685 signatures
Increase preschool and nursery funding entitlements.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
43 signatures
Please include a 'Return to Sender Address' on your pro-EU Referendum leaflet.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
20 signatures
Restructure Parliament to give UK citizens a 33% legal parliamentry vote.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
8 signatures
The government must also put case for leaving the EU on it's referendum leaflet.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
61 signatures
Step in & safely reunite refugee minors in the EU with their families in the UK
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
10,156 signatures
All multiple occupancy premises must have a fully operational defibrillator.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
64 signatures
Force all motorcycle delivery riders to pass a full UK motorcycle driving test
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
19 signatures
Educate and enforce pornography awareness in schools
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
25 signatures
Make Rail companies compensate for delays over 15 minutes
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
78 signatures
Drivers to take a refresher driving test when renewing their driving licence.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
12 signatures
Parliament to legislate to require employers to reply to all job applications
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
12 signatures
Launch independent UK inquiry into the Panama Papers
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
385 signatures
Charge non-resident parents who evade child support payments with child neglect.
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
891 signatures
Use all car tax money's to repair roads and pot holes as suggested
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
10 signatures
The UK to join the Eurozone
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
19 signatures
To provide parents with information on dangers of cold sores for newborn babies
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
1,404 signatures
Full disclosure of the tax affairs of all members of parliament.
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
196 signatures
Call for Parliament to end tax-free status for ALL religious organisations in UK
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
240 signatures
Make All Ministers Publish Their Tax Returns
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
296 signatures
Call For The Government To Act On Tax Havens After Leak
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
558 signatures
Bring back national service for school leavers who do not wish to further educat
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
54 signatures
Replace the Human Rights Act with a UK Bill of Rights
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
106 signatures
Ban supermarkets from packaging fruits and vegetables
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
2,742 signatures
Deactivation of implantable defibrillators (pacemakers) for Dementia Sufferers
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
95 signatures
Full HMRC investigation into the Panama Papers
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
105 signatures
Comprehensive Response to #PanamaPapers Leaks. CLOSE TAX AVOIDANCE LOOPHOLES
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
78 signatures
More research into Medullary Sponge Kidney disease (MSK)
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
9 signatures
Reallocate BBC licence fee to assist with the Chancellors budget plan.
Open from Thursday 7th April 2016 to Friday 7th October 2016
18 signatures
Get the government to invest more money in mental health to lower waiting times.
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
41 signatures
Immediately Ban The Artificial Fluoridation Of UK Water Supplies
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
202 signatures
Ban corded blinds! Stop children accidentally dying
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
166 signatures
DVLA need a telephone customer department that corrects the mistakes they make
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
15 signatures
Stop armed forces recruiting in schools and lift joining age from 16 to 18.
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
8 signatures
Make people who are Specials not have to complete a CKP to join as a constable.
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
23 signatures
Legalise holistic/complementary/alternative/therapeutic use of herbal cannabis.
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
237 signatures
Bring baby boxes to Britain
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
132 signatures
Introduce a procedure where the people can call for a vote of "no confidence"
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
68 signatures
Ban Aspartame from all medicines.
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2016 to Thursday 6th October 2016
325 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:55:39 +0000