These are the petitions which have closed. You can no longer sign these, but you can still discuss them here.
Abolish the legal aid means test for victims of domestic abuse/coercive control
Open from Tuesday 26th October 2021 to Tuesday 26th April 2022
61 signatures
Ban alcohol on TV until after the watershed
Open from Thursday 21st October 2021 to Thursday 21st April 2022
61 signatures
Exempt workers paying tax/NI for 12 months from the immigration health surcharge
Open from Monday 26th July 2021 to Wednesday 26th January 2022
61 signatures
Review school holidays with a view to reducing the length of the summer holidays
Open from Friday 2nd July 2021 to Sunday 2nd January 2022
61 signatures
Fund planting of female trees in urban areas to counteract high pollen levels
Open from Thursday 1st July 2021 to Saturday 1st January 2022
61 signatures
Ensure all male public toilets have baby changing facilities
Open from Thursday 10th June 2021 to Friday 10th December 2021
61 signatures
Increase support for nuclear power to reduce reliance on fossil fuels
Open from Tuesday 8th June 2021 to Wednesday 8th December 2021
61 signatures
Stop discrimination against people renting with Housing Benefit & other benefits
Open from Thursday 13th May 2021 to Saturday 13th November 2021
61 signatures
Make polyamorous marriages legal in England and Wales
Open from Friday 7th May 2021 to Sunday 7th November 2021
61 signatures
Ban redundancies while staff are on furlough
Open from Friday 19th March 2021 to Sunday 19th September 2021
61 signatures
Pay a £2,500 bonus to all NHS employees.
Open from Friday 12th March 2021 to Sunday 12th September 2021
61 signatures
Ban the advertising of products which are not plant-based and cruelty-free
Open from Thursday 4th March 2021 to Saturday 4th September 2021
61 signatures
Free test to release scheme for EU/international students with family abroad.
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2021 to Tuesday 17th August 2021
61 signatures
Permanently limit the foreign aid budget to no more than 0.1% of national income
Open from Thursday 10th December 2020 to Thursday 10th June 2021
61 signatures
Limit cigarette pack size & limit sales to one per customer and increase taxes
Open from Thursday 19th November 2020 to Wednesday 19th May 2021
61 signatures
Extend financial support for workers made redundant due to Covid
Open from Monday 16th November 2020 to Sunday 16th May 2021
61 signatures
Make DNA paternity testing mandatory prior to registration on birth certificate
Open from Monday 5th October 2020 to Monday 5th April 2021
61 signatures
Require outdoor venues to rent take-away cups to customers by deposit only.
Open from Monday 21st September 2020 to Sunday 21st March 2021
61 signatures
Increase and extend child benefit to tackle coronavirus hunger
Open from Tuesday 1st September 2020 to Monday 1st March 2021
61 signatures
Mandatory education and guidance on ethnic hair
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
61 signatures
Grant for the disabled people, to assist with social isolation.
Open from Monday 20th April 2020 to Tuesday 20th October 2020
61 signatures
Legislate to limit interest rates on lending during Covid-19 outbreak
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
61 signatures
Change the law on airport slots to favour ecological practices
Open from Monday 16th March 2020 to Wednesday 16th September 2020
61 signatures
Make drinking water free and accessible at motorway services
Open from Friday 9th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
61 signatures
Make racism at football matches subject to tougher criminal penalties: No Chants
Open from Thursday 16th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
61 signatures
Implement a scheme to make political voting more accessible for autistic adults.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
61 signatures
Extend article 50 and call for a 'Citizen's Assembly' to resolve Brexit crisis
Open from Wednesday 30th January 2019 to Tuesday 30th July 2019
61 signatures
To ask the UK government to investigate the contract given to Seaborne freight.
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
61 signatures
Stop sanctioning benefit claimants by withdrawing access to money.
Open from Monday 19th November 2018 to Sunday 19th May 2019
61 signatures
Put a Childcare Levy in place to help working families with childcare costs.
Open from Wednesday 19th September 2018 to Tuesday 19th March 2019
61 signatures
Make pas43 a minimum legal requirement for all breakdown and recovery personnel
Open from Friday 10th August 2018 to Sunday 10th February 2019
61 signatures
Re-think the current legislation criminalising cannabis.
Open from Friday 22nd June 2018 to Saturday 22nd December 2018
61 signatures
Provide gym access to all who make national insurance contributions.
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
61 signatures
Convert & retain The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into U.K. law
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
61 signatures
Make the locking of school toilets during class time illegal.
Open from Monday 5th February 2018 to Sunday 5th August 2018
61 signatures
Cancel HS2 and give the money to the NHS
Open from Wednesday 17th January 2018 to Tuesday 17th July 2018
61 signatures
Cancel Trump's proposed State Visit unless he publicly condemns Britain First.
Open from Wednesday 6th December 2017 to Wednesday 6th June 2018
61 signatures
Save the Streetlighting on the A2 between Bexley and Dartford
Open from Thursday 2nd November 2017 to Wednesday 2nd May 2018
61 signatures
Create"National Unity Day" UK-wide bank holiday to celebrate all that unites us.
Open from Monday 23rd October 2017 to Monday 23rd April 2018
61 signatures
Make dentistry free at the point of delivery for all and fees payable later
Open from Friday 15th September 2017 to Thursday 15th March 2018
61 signatures
When fishing a privately owned fishery ,a rod licence should not be required
Open from Monday 6th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
61 signatures
Oppose the USA Presidential use of Religious Profiling
Open from Monday 30th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
61 signatures
Factor wealth and assets outside of salary into CMS calculation & remove cap.
Open from Friday 13th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
61 signatures
Ban Sodium Fluoride from our tap water
Open from Tuesday 29th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
61 signatures
Make 12 November 2018 a Bank Holiday to commemorate 100 yrs since the Great War.
Open from Thursday 10th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
61 signatures
Minimum 5 years in prison for possession of indecent photograph of a child
Open from Thursday 17th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
61 signatures
Candidates for positions of power must declare all associations to Organizations
Open from Monday 8th August 2016 to Wednesday 8th February 2017
61 signatures
A Gen Election before Article 50, free of first past the post for EU membership.
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
61 signatures
Make ABP and other former public sector bodies protect historic buildings.
Open from Friday 10th June 2016 to Saturday 10th December 2016
61 signatures
The government must also put case for leaving the EU on it's referendum leaflet.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
61 signatures
Ban mobile phones in the House
Open from Thursday 24th March 2016 to Saturday 24th September 2016
61 signatures
To consider an immediate moratorium on child imprisonment.
Open from Thursday 18th February 2016 to Thursday 18th August 2016
61 signatures
Palestine formally recognised as an independent state by the United Kingdom.
Open from Monday 1st February 2016 to Monday 1st August 2016
61 signatures
Abolish Ofsted
Open from Wednesday 20th January 2016 to Wednesday 20th July 2016
61 signatures
Agree that anonymity for those accused of sexual violence will not be debated.
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
61 signatures
We believe that HM Government should invest more in flood defences.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
61 signatures
Create a carbon dioxide emissions tax for industry.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
61 signatures
Give more money to the NHS and mental health services instead of spending on war
Open from Monday 7th December 2015 to Tuesday 7th June 2016
61 signatures
Introduce a "statue of limitations" on the majority of criminal offences.
Open from Tuesday 1st December 2015 to Wednesday 1st June 2016
61 signatures
Ask government to Condemn Turkey for downing Russian plane.Refuse NATO support.
Open from Wednesday 25th November 2015 to Wednesday 25th May 2016
61 signatures
Suspend the compulsory payment of parking fees for carers across UK hospitals.
Open from Monday 2nd November 2015 to Monday 2nd May 2016
61 signatures
Say No to Compulsory Redundancies for Serving Police Officers.
Open from Tuesday 27th October 2015 to Wednesday 27th April 2016
61 signatures
Don't take any more Refugees in from Europe and Africa
Open from Friday 4th September 2015 to Friday 4th March 2016
61 signatures
Make factory farming a criminal offence!
Open from Friday 14th August 2015 to Sunday 14th February 2016
61 signatures
Remove the television licence and do not implement alternative funding of BBC.
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2015 to Thursday 11th February 2016
61 signatures
Father to be named on birth certificate when not present
Open from Friday 9th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
61 signatures
Amend the NPPF to delete the presumption in favour of development
Open from Monday 24th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
61 signatures
Freedom to complain against Social Care without fear of retribution
Open from Tuesday 19th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
61 signatures
Zebra crossing or traffic lights for busy road
Open from Monday 14th April 2014 to Wednesday 14th January 2015
61 signatures
To investigate how widespread is the apparent NHS practice of cancelling elective surgery "in situ" to meet Government waiting list targets.
Open from Thursday 27th March 2014 to Friday 27th March 2015
61 signatures
End evictions where there are no grounds (section 21)
Open from Wednesday 19th February 2014 to Thursday 19th February 2015
61 signatures
Ban the use of khat in the uk
Open from Friday 7th February 2014 to Saturday 7th February 2015
61 signatures
Stop the violent duck/goose down industry
Open from Tuesday 26th November 2013 to Wednesday 26th November 2014
61 signatures
Change the law so that it becomes illegal for 'psychic mediums' to charge money for public and/or private readings
Open from Tuesday 15th October 2013 to Wednesday 15th January 2014
61 signatures
Judge Gillian Matthews
Open from Monday 23rd September 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
61 signatures
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2013 to Wednesday 10th September 2014
61 signatures
free transport to and from school for all people aged 11-18
Open from Thursday 13th June 2013 to Friday 13th June 2014
61 signatures
Get rid of career politicians
Open from Tuesday 7th May 2013 to Wednesday 7th May 2014
61 signatures
CHC Funding in Wiltshire
Open from Monday 22nd April 2013 to Tuesday 22nd April 2014
61 signatures
Extend the Right to Buy Scheme to all existing assured tenants Council or Housing Association
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Thursday 3rd April 2014
61 signatures
stop council room tax for single people or couples in two bedroom properties
Open from Monday 31st December 2012 to Tuesday 31st December 2013
61 signatures
Open from Wednesday 5th December 2012 to Thursday 5th December 2013
61 signatures
Fighting the CSA
Open from Friday 23rd November 2012 to Saturday 23rd November 2013
61 signatures
Improve the A14 Felixstowe to Catthorpe before the scheduled 2018/2019 upgrade to help boost the local economy of Suffolk and East Anglia
Open from Wednesday 21st November 2012 to Thursday 21st November 2013
61 signatures
Cassie's Law
Open from Wednesday 7th November 2012 to Thursday 7th November 2013
61 signatures
Block Turkey joining EU
Open from Thursday 25th October 2012 to Friday 25th October 2013
61 signatures
Getting Government/DWP to Recognize blindness as a physical disability
Open from Monday 20th August 2012 to Tuesday 20th August 2013
61 signatures
Stop Off shoring of DLVA Sensitive data
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
61 signatures
Road privatisation
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
61 signatures
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
61 signatures
Save Wedgewood Museum
Open from Wednesday 22nd February 2012 to Friday 22nd February 2013
61 signatures
The Government should voice its disapproval of the proposed pieces of U.S. legislation known as SOPA and PIPA
Open from Wednesday 18th January 2012 to Wednesday 18th April 2012
61 signatures
Sun beds In gyms, health clubs and other establishments promoting healthy lifestyles should be banned
Open from Monday 16th January 2012 to Wednesday 16th January 2013
61 signatures
War memorials deserve special protection
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
61 signatures
The rise of the minimum starting point for murder sentancing
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2011 to Thursday 20th December 2012
61 signatures
Adult ADHD: Support Our Needs in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Open from Wednesday 23rd November 2011 to Thursday 23rd February 2012
61 signatures
End the exploitation of Jobseekers through the work experience program
Open from Wednesday 16th November 2011 to Friday 16th November 2012
61 signatures
Save Darfur, Increase Peacekeeping Force To Stop Attacks on Innocent Civilians
Open from Monday 21st November 2011 to Wednesday 21st November 2012
61 signatures
To call on the Government to introduce rules that require the disclosure of lobbying activities.
Open from Friday 11th November 2011 to Saturday 11th August 2012
61 signatures
Ban the ear piercing of babies and infants under 6 years old
Open from Thursday 13th October 2011 to Saturday 13th October 2012
61 signatures Wed, 12 Mar 2025 17:07:50 +0000