These are the petitions which have closed. You can no longer sign these, but you can still discuss them here.
Change the law to clarify election expenses and end the current controversy.
Open from Wednesday 8th June 2016 to Thursday 8th December 2016
25 signatures
Ban residential bonfires during Summer.
Open from Wednesday 8th June 2016 to Thursday 8th December 2016
25 signatures
Stop government invoking Article 50 until there is a deal in UK's interests.
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
25 signatures
Free University Education for English students now that we are leaving the EU.
Open from Wednesday 29th June 2016 to Thursday 29th December 2016
25 signatures
Hold an EU referendum where it is illegal to knowingly misrepresent the facts
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
25 signatures
Give all teenagers aged under 18 on 23.6.16 a vote in a supplemental referendum.
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
25 signatures
Form a National Unity negotiation team to immediately start negotiating with EU.
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
25 signatures
Hold a vote to find out if the country wants a second EU referendum
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
25 signatures
Free prescription charges for, Spondylitis/Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
25 signatures
Allow business owners the option of allowing their customers to smoke indoors.
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
25 signatures
No general election until after Brexit
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
25 signatures
Reinstate A&E, renovate, modernise and expand High Wycombe General Hospital.
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
25 signatures
Goverment funding for RNLI (lifeboats)
Open from Friday 29th July 2016 to Sunday 29th January 2017
25 signatures
Make rail companies social enterprises instead of profit-making parasites
Open from Thursday 21st July 2016 to Saturday 21st January 2017
25 signatures
Make it a legal requirement for all non-vehicular road users to wear hi-viz
Open from Monday 18th July 2016 to Wednesday 18th January 2017
25 signatures
Make killing a cat or dog with a vehicle a criminal offence
Open from Wednesday 20th July 2016 to Friday 20th January 2017
25 signatures
Full disclosure of Brexit negotiation & allowing a public referendum on the deal
Open from Friday 22nd July 2016 to Sunday 22nd January 2017
25 signatures
Look to the future and make the UK an officially Athiest state.
Open from Thursday 28th July 2016 to Saturday 28th January 2017
25 signatures
Have a new runway at both Gatwick and Heathrow
Open from Friday 29th July 2016 to Sunday 29th January 2017
25 signatures
Introduce a National Childcare Service
Open from Thursday 4th August 2016 to Saturday 4th February 2017
25 signatures
Encourage the EEA to pemit UK visa holders to travel freely in the Schengen area
Open from Thursday 11th August 2016 to Saturday 11th February 2017
25 signatures
Create non-geographical parliamentary
constituencies for our Armed Forces.
Open from Thursday 1st September 2016 to Wednesday 1st March 2017
25 signatures
Build new and expand, grammar schools in England to provide quality education.
Open from Monday 19th September 2016 to Sunday 19th March 2017
25 signatures
Not using signals correctly when driving should be a criminal offence
Open from Tuesday 20th September 2016 to Monday 20th March 2017
25 signatures
Create mandatory recycling waste legislation in England
Open from Wednesday 21st September 2016 to Tuesday 21st March 2017
25 signatures
Increase the bursary for training English teachers 2016-17
Open from Monday 31st October 2016 to Sunday 30th April 2017
25 signatures
Investigate motor insurance policy pricing to ensure it is fair for everyone.
Open from Friday 16th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Mobile phone use whilst driving have the same penalties as drink/drugs driving.
Open from Friday 4th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Make it an offence Not to have a 'Poo Bag' on them in a Public Area.
Open from Tuesday 15th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Introduce online cyber-security and forensics degree courses for UK residents.
Open from Thursday 17th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Restrict noise of fireworks at organised displays to a maximum of 120 decibels
Open from Monday 21st November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Dedicate July 1st as a bank holiday in memory of princess Diana.
Open from Friday 2nd December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Amend voting age to reflect the school year
Open from Tuesday 29th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Abolish Income Tax
Open from Tuesday 29th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Compulsory cardiac screenings (once every 6 months) for those who do any sport.
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Urge UN deployment of observers for safe evacuation of civilians and rebels
Open from Monday 19th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Make a law against Balloon and Chinese Lantern Releases.
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Cyclists should have legally registered identification plates on their cycles.
Open from Wednesday 21st December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
give expats the vote in future referendums
Open from Thursday 29th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
NHS Charges for non National insurance payers
Open from Friday 6th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
To invest money in local government so they can support homeless shelters.
Open from Friday 6th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Make it compulsory for all companies to recycle
Open from Thursday 12th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Stop outsourcing assessments for PIP and make fit for Mental Health sufferers.
Open from Thursday 12th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Change law to require LA's to provide 15 min free parking in all LA parking bays
Open from Thursday 26th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Increase funding for an EHCP to allow mainstream schools to get the correct help
Open from Friday 27th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Ban refugees entering Britain until we are out of the EU
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Look into the spiralling costs of funerals.
Open from Friday 24th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Make parental alienation a crime. As it is child abuse
Open from Thursday 23rd February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Introduce and enforce a trade embargo on Saudi Arabia.
Open from Friday 24th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Allow GCSE Science Students Data Sheets with Ions, Equations & Reactivity Series
Open from Monday 27th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Tougher punishment for crimes against teens/adults with autism/mental health.
Open from Wednesday 1st March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Make the BBC a Pay per view Channel and abolish the TV licence.
Open from Wednesday 8th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Scottish vote for independence! The Scottish government pays!
Open from Thursday 9th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Abolish unfair 'blanket pet bans' for leaseholders
Open from Saturday 18th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
I think that horse owners should have to pick up after their pets.
Open from Saturday 25th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Stop the Grand National
Open from Thursday 20th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Ban chewing gum brands which are not made from fast biodegradable ingredients
Open from Friday 21st April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Use the single transferable vote in the next general election.
Open from Wednesday 26th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
25 signatures
Include the Welsh dragon onto the Union Jack.
Open from Monday 2nd October 2017 to Monday 2nd April 2018
25 signatures
The history of Communism should be introduced into the GCSE history curriculum.
Open from Friday 6th October 2017 to Friday 6th April 2018
25 signatures
Increase school funding in Hackney schools back to what it was.
Open from Tuesday 31st October 2017 to Monday 30th April 2018
25 signatures
Make teaching about tax and local politics compulsory in secondary schools.
Open from Friday 27th October 2017 to Friday 27th April 2018
25 signatures
Remove Parental Responsibility if convicted of paedophilia & domestic violence
Open from Thursday 2nd November 2017 to Wednesday 2nd May 2018
25 signatures
Save the UK FM Radio Signal
Open from Wednesday 1st November 2017 to Tuesday 1st May 2018
25 signatures
Allow citizens to raise concerns about M.P.s' behaviour during Commons' Debates
Open from Friday 24th November 2017 to Thursday 24th May 2018
25 signatures
Ban the use of lead in all shotgun cartridges
Open from Tuesday 14th November 2017 to Monday 14th May 2018
25 signatures
Make Financial Studies a core subject on the National Curriculum at Key Stage 4
Open from Thursday 23rd November 2017 to Wednesday 23rd May 2018
25 signatures
Stop involvement in the Afghan, Syrian and Iraqi Wars and bring troops home
Open from Thursday 30th November 2017 to Wednesday 30th May 2018
25 signatures
Lower Import duty on classic car parts from the USA.
Open from Friday 1st December 2017 to Friday 1st June 2018
25 signatures
Put additional stamp duty on international buyers
Open from Wednesday 29th November 2017 to Tuesday 29th May 2018
25 signatures
Ensure HMI inspectors inspecting SEN schools have sufficient experience in SEN
Open from Thursday 7th December 2017 to Thursday 7th June 2018
25 signatures
Provide PIP for ALL type 1 diabetics who make a claim
Open from Tuesday 12th December 2017 to Tuesday 12th June 2018
25 signatures
Cap train fares to coincide with the National Minimal Wage
Open from Friday 15th December 2017 to Friday 15th June 2018
25 signatures
Require that sheltered accommodation residents are checked daily
Open from Tuesday 2nd January 2018 to Monday 2nd July 2018
25 signatures
Government facilitate a cross party group of MP’s to assess the needs of the NHS
Open from Monday 22nd January 2018 to Sunday 22nd July 2018
25 signatures
Make the UK Government Condem Turkey's actions against the YPG
Open from Thursday 1st February 2018 to Wednesday 1st August 2018
25 signatures
Protect workers while in their Probationary period within an employment contract
Open from Monday 29th January 2018 to Sunday 29th July 2018
25 signatures
Make plastic packaging show images of the damage they cause to the environment
Open from Wednesday 31st January 2018 to Tuesday 31st July 2018
25 signatures
Make funeral wishes legally binding documents.
Open from Wednesday 28th February 2018 to Tuesday 28th August 2018
25 signatures
Repeal compulsory Relationships and Sex Education(RSE) to all UK Faith schools
Open from Friday 2nd March 2018 to Sunday 2nd September 2018
25 signatures
Government to fund a scheme for carers flying with a person with disabilities
Open from Monday 5th March 2018 to Wednesday 5th September 2018
25 signatures
Ensure vics of CSA under UK est care get full legal redress like NSW & Victoria
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2018 to Saturday 22nd September 2018
25 signatures
Ban over taking on the A35 one of Dorset’s most dangerous roads!
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
25 signatures
Give students in unaffordable cities larger student loans for unaffordable rent.
Open from Monday 26th March 2018 to Wednesday 26th September 2018
25 signatures
Protect property sellers by introducing 'conclusion of missives' contracts
Open from Wednesday 18th April 2018 to Thursday 18th October 2018
25 signatures
All local authorities should recycle all plastic
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
25 signatures
An accepted offer on a house is a binding contract, withdrawal incurs 5% penalty
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
25 signatures
Students doing history GCSE's should learn 5 units for History instead of 4.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
25 signatures
Increase the national living wage for all UK workers over 18 to £10.50 per hour.
Open from Friday 29th June 2018 to Saturday 29th December 2018
25 signatures
Mandatory 5 year prison sentence for carrying a knife on the first offence
Open from Friday 15th June 2018 to Saturday 15th December 2018
25 signatures
Increase Child Benefit to £40 per child per week
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
25 signatures
Introduce retesting every ten years for drivers/driving license.
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
25 signatures
Alll people charged with a sexual offence against children remanded in custody.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
25 signatures
The practice of unsolicited credit limit increases should be banned.
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2018 to Thursday 7th February 2019
25 signatures
Food labelling re sugar to simple & straight forward for all
Open from Thursday 16th August 2018 to Saturday 16th February 2019
25 signatures
Extend the maximum length of a caravan towed by a 3.5 tonne vehicle from 7m
Open from Thursday 20th September 2018 to Wednesday 20th March 2019
25 signatures
Change English law such that an offer on a house is a binding contract
Open from Thursday 27th September 2018 to Wednesday 27th March 2019
25 signatures
Remove “positive action for recruitment and promotion” from the Equality Act
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2018 to Wednesday 17th April 2019
25 signatures
workers on benefits should be able to do overtime when needed without deductions
Open from Monday 15th October 2018 to Monday 15th April 2019
25 signatures
Protect British food and drink in future trade deals
Open from Monday 22nd October 2018 to Monday 22nd April 2019
25 signatures Thu, 06 Feb 2025 23:03:36 +0000