All the petitions which opened in February 2019, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Amend 'Coercive Control' legislation to include abuse post-separation
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
1,712 signatures
Make it optional to leave education at the age of 16.
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
18 signatures
Repeal legislation allowing access to patients' notes without their consent
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
186 signatures
Review the effects of the contraceptive pill on mental health
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
111 signatures
Make the NHS prescribe drugs based on the patient’s medical need not the cost.
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
21 signatures
Ban the incubating and hatching of chicks in school classrooms
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
2,971 signatures
Make Solar Panels mandatory for all new homes that are built from 2020 onwards
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
4,729 signatures
Require social media sites to have warnings of flashing imagery/strobe lighting.
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
23 signatures
Require distinct Mental Health emergency departments within pre existing A&E’s
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
38 signatures
Say no to another EU Referendum aka "Peoples Vote"
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
5,200 signatures
Increase Government funding for Wokingham Borough Council
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
283 signatures
Raise minimum wage to £15 for any person in employment
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
76 signatures
Make offshore windfarms connect to the grid by an Offshore Ring Main
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
992 signatures
Increase Maternity Leave up to 2 years .
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
16 signatures
Reduce normal rate-VAT to 8% on takeaway food
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
29 signatures
Extend Article 50, delay Brexit and hold a new referendum or a General Election.
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
1,033 signatures
Give student hospital staff free parking permits
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
17 signatures
Introduce a law to ensure proper labelling of permissible Halal products
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
2,185 signatures
Fund housing support for people who live with a mentally ill family member.
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
18 signatures
Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.
Open from Wednesday 20th February 2019 to Tuesday 20th August 2019
6,103,056 signatures
Reform refund process for parents’ costs for SEN appeals and fine councils
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
294 signatures
More funding for treatment of women's pelvic conditions to reduce waiting times
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
529 signatures
Stop all hospital car parking charges
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
134 signatures
All U.K nightclub doorways to have knife and gun detection arches by law.
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
106 signatures
Introduce mandatory awareness sessions for drivers/escorts of autistic people.
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
735 signatures
Publish any research or advice on whether the referendum result is sound.
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
31 signatures
More Restrictions on knives up to 25+
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
167 signatures
2 years minimum sentence for those convicted of assault on prison staff.
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
1,038 signatures
Winter Tyres should be compulsory from October - April,
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
16 signatures
Let students and other people living in multiple homes register at two GPs
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
381 signatures
Legalise sale of raw hemp flowers and match THC limit of Switzerland.
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
539 signatures
Allow school absences due to diagnosed mental health issues to be ‘authorised’
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
501 signatures
Introduce a law banning retailers charging less for plastic-wrapped multipacks
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2019 to Monday 19th August 2019
119 signatures
Make it a legal requirement for all new cars to be fitted with a tracking device
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
113 signatures
Make passing past horses at the speed 15mph maximum whilst on the road a law
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
280 signatures
Extend maternity protection to returning mothers.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
44 signatures
Violet-Grace’s Law - Life sentences for Death by Dangerous Driving
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
167,506 signatures
Make the running of a stationary car in any car park, public or private illegal.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
25 signatures
Tasers can be lethal and must be fully banned now
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
28 signatures
Offer free DNA paternity tests after birth as the standard NHS procedure.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
30 signatures
To have the DCPC stopped
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
14 signatures
All babies to have a pulse oximetry test as part of a newborn screening
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
567 signatures
Fund aspiring commercial pilots training
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
33 signatures
Make income tax a standard 20%, regardless of how much you earn.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
16 signatures
Ban the distribution of plastic coated advertising leaflets
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
50 signatures
Dating Websites to include age verification for the safety of children
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
119 signatures
No to increasing tv license fees
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
72 signatures
All large Companies should have a Mental Health First Aider in the work place..
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
19 signatures
Free-Range Learning: Make daily outdoor education compulsory in Primary Schools
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
33 signatures
Declare a Climate Emergency, end fossil fuel use and build community resilience.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
3,939 signatures
Implement a scheme to make political voting more accessible for autistic adults.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
61 signatures
Abolish the time limitation act 1980 regarding money owed
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
10 signatures
Bring renewable fuels like E85 (Bio ethanol) to UK petrol stations
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
1,984 signatures
Open an independent review into the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
98 signatures
Maintain current seismic thresholds for fracking activities.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
1,415 signatures
Lower the speed limit on the A419, also put cameras on the road
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
19 signatures
Call for a total ban on plastic "tagging barbs" & "tag fasteners" from Clothing
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
170 signatures
Scrap the age pay gap. Living costs don't differ depending on age.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
168 signatures
Allow the Magistrates court to review police investigations after 4 months.
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
118 signatures
Physician associate students should be able to apply for full student finance
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
12 signatures
Stop car insurers hiking premiums for 'non-fault' or 'notification only' cases
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
27 signatures
Force employers to show salary and benefits on all advertised jobs
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
19 signatures
Allow objectors to appeal a planning approval decisions
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
62 signatures
All kids in Secondary School should have the choice to have P.E. as a lesson.
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
12 signatures
To offer screening & preventative treatment for babies with flat head syndrome
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
628 signatures
Cap private housing rent based on the house value
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
26 signatures
GCSE Maths, English and Science should be optional from year 10
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
10 signatures
Legalise hare coursing
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
7 signatures
Mandatory minimum sentence for shaken baby deaths no guilty plea reduction.
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
10 signatures
Allow 14-16 Year olds to be payed £4.50 minimum wage
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
16 signatures
Do not write off unpaid Child Support Agency child maintenance payments
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
41 signatures
Abolish GCSEs
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
72 signatures
Reconsider the 2017 changes to the structure of the GCSE examinations.
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
36 signatures
Grant the brown hare protection under S5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
12,398 signatures
Reduce council tax to 50% for single occupancy households
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
63 signatures
Schools should start a period late on Monday mornings to take the edge off them.
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
28 signatures
Change UK law to legally recognise climate refugees
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
101 signatures
Fund a national day and memorial to the sacrifices of LGBT+ campaigners
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
86 signatures
Ban alcohol advertising.
Label all alcohol with correct health & safety warning
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
23 signatures
Laser hair removal free on the NHS for women with polycystic ovaries (PCOS)
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
263 signatures
Give people who are partially sighted medical exemption certificates for lenses.
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
19 signatures
Routinely test pregnant women for Group B Strep
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
441 signatures
Introcude machines in the supermarkets to recycle pet bottles, cans and get paid
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
20 signatures
Ban the import and sale of animal furs sourced from wild animals
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
38 signatures
I think that children yr 7-9 should be able to have a 2.5 day weekend
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
14 signatures
The School Week Should Start On A Tuesday and End On Friday.
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
11 signatures
To make selling alcohol after 10:00 PM illegal.
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
14 signatures
Allow gritting lorries to use blue lights during snow emergencies.
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
15 signatures
Ban anyone born after 2003 from ever buying cigarettes, to stop future smokers.
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
45 signatures
Rehouse the homeless into permanent housing
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
54 signatures
School needs to finish earlier and start later
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
21 signatures
Stop flight deportations to the Caribbean of British residents
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2019 to Tuesday 13th August 2019
51 signatures
Review the provision of hospital meals.
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
27 signatures
Cyclists to take a road safety test and be registered to use the road
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
133 signatures
Increase donations to food banks by forcing schools to give away uneaten food
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
17 signatures
Allow people to identify outside of 'male' and 'female' on legal documentation
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
20,600 signatures
Give Northern Ireland a vote on whether to accept the backstop
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
19 signatures
Set shorter referral times for mental health treatment on the NHS
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
759 signatures
Fully fund Concessionary Travel
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
21 signatures
Combat ‘fake news’ by introducing critical thinking to citizenship studies.
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
17 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:58:22 +0000