All the petitions which opened in May 2018, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Pass a law guaranteeing free speech except for incitement to violence
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
1,353 signatures
Stop Network Rail's programme to fell millions of trees
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
750 signatures
Stop motorway closures at night
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
141 signatures
Create an independent Ombudsman to investigate & regulate Vet companies
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
1,320 signatures
Mandatory registration for anyone doing social work in England
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
48 signatures
Make the current VED rates retrospective to cars registered from 2000 onwards.
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
10 signatures
If a person uses a vehicle as a weapon they should receive a lifetime ban
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
29 signatures
Reduce the minimum income requirement for UK Family Visas.
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
2,941 signatures
Change employment law so that jobs cannot be described as full or part time
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
241 signatures
Support the curry industry by reviewing immigration policy
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
696 signatures
Refund the application fee for all unsuccessful British Citizenship applications
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
16 signatures
Ask UN to take Jerusalem under its protection.
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
719 signatures
Issue British passports without the EU logo.
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
87 signatures
Recognise autism assistance dogs as an Assistance Service Dog like guide dogs.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
54 signatures
An Independent Commission into the Home Office and the "hostile environment"
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
3,137 signatures
Allow English local authorities to choose the voting system for their council
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
9 signatures
Amnesty for illegal immigrants who have been in UK for 10 years
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
46,592 signatures
Britain should apologize for forced conscription in her West African colonies.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
32 signatures
Debate a ‘National Strategy to Promote the Switch to Cloth Nappies.’
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
1,138 signatures
Compulsory training for food establishments with an FSA score of less than 3
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
6 signatures
Make 3rd party ticket sales for NFL London series Illegal, same as football.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
324 signatures
Make school food-growing (and self-sufficiency) part of the National Curriculum.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
241 signatures
Make it illegal for ticket resales to be more than 10% of Face Value
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
1,042 signatures
The Government should urge the FA not to sell Wembley
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
226 signatures
Guarantee the right to remain in the UK of all Afghan interpreters
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
89 signatures
Public Inquiry into the actions of South Yorkshire Police at Orgreave 1984
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
69 signatures
Introduce state registry system for medical cannabis cards in the UK
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
632 signatures
Include an option to state disagreement with a petition on the petition website.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
18 signatures
Conduct an urgent review of the Immigration Acts 2014 and 2016
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
479 signatures
Ban all non-biodegradable plastic used within the fashion industry
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
45 signatures
Give local authorities a legal duty of care towards those waiting for housing
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
103 signatures
Make it a criminal offence not to report child abuse
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
21 signatures
To make the Military Covenant legal and into Law
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
14,090 signatures
Make well-being and mental health an integrated part of PSHE from KS1 to KS4.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
52 signatures
Introduce a national agency to perform detailed 'anti-money laundering' testing
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
17 signatures
Make UK standard parking spaces bigger.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
40 signatures
Make Legal Aid available for applicants forced to prove immigration status in UK
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
1,739 signatures
Safeguard public funds with full annual NAO risk audit on all outsourcers
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
7 signatures
Protect against big business interests with a “People’s” lobby group fund
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
9 signatures
A commemorative plaque for the contributions made by the Windrush Generation.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
40 signatures
Revamp the House of Lords to only 400 members all of whom are Life Peers.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
14 signatures
Please keep our Island Studio school OPEN in East Cowes Isle of Wight
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
39 signatures
End any form of Monarchy in the UK and end all payments to the Royal Family.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
71 signatures
Allow voluntary Lie Detector Tests in criminal trials for both victims & accused
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
20 signatures
change the law for people who commit animal cruelty to be sentenced up to 5yrs
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
661 signatures
Bring the deadline to eliminate plastic by 2042 forward
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
598 signatures
Ban hunting for pheasants and other game birds. It is very cruel.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
20 signatures
Revoke the Amendment to the Double Taxation Agreement (Article 18) March 2018.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
77 signatures
Make it a criminal offence to use lies as part of a campaign for a public vote
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
13 signatures
Paramedic students with a first degree to get government student loans.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
187 signatures
Continue benefit payments while processing Universal Credit
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
29 signatures
Abolish inheritance tax
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
57 signatures
Make it requirement for takeaways & restaurants to display food hygiene ratings
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
33 signatures
Make a law on age for babysitting and being left home alone
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
12 signatures
Make the Early Years Teacher Status on par with the Qualified Teacher Status
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
3,231 signatures
We would like the livestock act 1953 to be amended to include alpaca and llama.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
37 signatures
Investigate the role of the Information Commission due to its ineffectiveness
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
8 signatures
Abolish PIP assessments in England
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
67 signatures
Make Letting Fees illegal in England, like they are in Scotland
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
50 signatures
Ensure the Windrush generation can exercise their right to vote.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
20 signatures
The environment to be taught as a compulsory subject throughout school life.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
111 signatures
Make Asthma inhalers free, like other medicines are for other ailments
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
236 signatures
Convert & retain The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into U.K. law
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
61 signatures
Give disabled victims of crime funding for support & services to obtain justice!
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
15 signatures
Make everyone with a life time disability mental or physical have life time pip
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
40,302 signatures
Change the law: unlicensed drivers are charged with assault with a deadly weapon
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
188 signatures
Make it a fineable offence to cross tidal roads outside of safe crossing times.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
818 signatures
Raise Awarness for Morgellons Disease and co infections eg: Lymes Disease
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
35 signatures
Remove shortage occupation codes and NHS roles from Tier 2 Visa cap
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
3,038 signatures
Make it illegal to burn state flags of all countries.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
15 signatures
Parents should have the right to choose who looks after their children.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
19 signatures
Abolish university fees
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
28 signatures
Send out a booklet to every household in the UK about leaving the EU
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
85 signatures
Debate the impact of Trump's visit on the UK's security and reputation
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
23 signatures
Abolish ASPA Section 24, the secrecy clause for animals used in UK laboratories
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
1,831 signatures
Ban balloon manufacture/sale and make mass balloon releases a criminal offence,
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
168 signatures
Require all businesses who sell food to provide dairy alternatives
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
13 signatures
Main parents household income to be calculated and used for child maintenance
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
71 signatures
Stop the Loan Charge 2019 from being applied retrospectively
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
4,462 signatures
Base income tax on combined household income for a fair tax system
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
77 signatures
Fund Universities to explore new routes into Learning Disability Nursing
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
4,304 signatures
Expand the Ancestry Visa to Commonwealth Citizens w/ UK born great grandparents
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
13 signatures
Ban snares because animals suffer terrible injuries and deaths
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
93 signatures
Create a government virtual address for homeless people to use as fixed abode.
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
24 signatures
Lower the cost of taking the Practical driving test.
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
10 signatures
Stop all councils from using enforcement agencies, bailiffs and threats of court
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
22 signatures
Make teaching coping mechanisms compulsory in secondary schools
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
123 signatures
Update the current legislation: "The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989"
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
83 signatures
Ban the use of plastic film wrappers that are not biodegradable.
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
38 signatures
Debate diesel prices and car tax
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
9 signatures
Introduce a license for dogs and cats to combat the stray animal/ shelter crisis
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
102 signatures
Allow RSPCA to seize animals that they believe to be in danger
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
40 signatures
Make it compulsory for all drivers and bikers to have an onboard camera
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
42 signatures
Fairer Funding for Surrey's Roads
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
8,457 signatures
Raise awareness of the devastating effects of Coercive Behaviour.
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
445 signatures
Bring in laws to protect horses being ridden on roads
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
28,807 signatures
Attach a mandatory Prison term to every charged Drink Driving case
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
17 signatures
2 year prison sentence for carrying knives
Open from Tuesday 1st May 2018 to Thursday 1st November 2018
14 signatures
Stop Postal Votes except for the elderly and disabled
Open from Tuesday 1st May 2018 to Thursday 1st November 2018
1,075 signatures
Make it compulsory for food products to have carbon print and water usage labels
Open from Tuesday 1st May 2018 to Thursday 1st November 2018
45 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:32:28 +0000