Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Support Freedom of speech & welcome Donald Trump into UK
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Do not block Donald Trump from entering the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow Donald Trump in the United Kingdom
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Don't ban Donald H Trump from the uk.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban Donald Trump from entering the United Kingdom.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Let Donald Trump keep his Honorary Degree from Robert Gordon University
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Do Not Block Donald J Trump from UK entry
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow Donald Trump into the UK and to have the freedom to express his views
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Donald J Trump a honorary citizen of the United Kingdom
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: honours
Make it illegal to wear the Burqa in a public place.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Teach children in school years 5-11 about the LGBTQ+ community.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Postal Voting experiment has failed - scrap it
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow Donald Trump into the UK.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow DONALD TRUMP in the UK and allow free speech as we allow the hate preacher
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Save our lollipop men and women
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
The influx Immigration needs to stop and stop now.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Legislate against the fly tethering of horses and ponies on roadside verges
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop Showing Blackfish to schools across the UK
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Dissolve parliament and re-structure the UK's democratic process immediately.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
McDonald's, KFC, Burger King Subway and Nandos to start a delivery service.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make the production, consumption & distribution of Cannabis legal.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Investigate voting malpractice in the 2015 Oldham by election
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Restrictions on amount of houses one person can buy.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: fake-name
Allow UK police officers to carry small guns.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Send ground troops to Syria to tackle ISIS. Airstikes alone won't defeat them.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Lower university tuition fees, in order to promote education
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Pay for veterans funeral across the Uk
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
To cap prices on bottles of water to a suitable price.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Request a UK Vote in Favour or Against Syrian Airstrikes not just MP voting
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ask David Cameron if he believes he upholds the 7 Principles of Public Office.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Demand Cameron admits airstrikes in Syria contradict the views of the majority.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make all MPs that want to go to war fight on the front line themselves!
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Petition for David Cameron to be the first boots on the ground in line of fire.
Rejected on Wednesday 9th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Donald Trump coming to the UK until we figure out what the hell is going on
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Represent the LGBT community in the media (movies,music videos,advertisements).
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Put a Xmas tree up in Cecil square Margate. It is part of the towns history.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make storing British citizens data insecurely a criminal offense.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Donald J Trump UK Prime Minister
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: honours
Make E-cig industry fair on small business that are already in business!
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop global warming in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Extend the EU referendum voting age to 16
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Abolish all benefit sanctions
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Bring back the death penalty
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Remove the archaic BBC TV licence fee.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
No Thank You to refugee's in the welsh valleys
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Lower the price of freddos to 10p
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Cadbury Freddo's 10 pence again
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Polygamy Illegal for Foreign Citizens living in our Country.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Hold a public enquiry into the forth bridge fiasco. how can it happen.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Hold a referendum on whether Britain should start air strikes in Syria.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Reprimand Clive Myrie for his disgusting comment against boxer Tyson Fury.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban Piers Morgan from Twitter.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Return the crown of the former king of Bardsey island back to Bardsey island.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
We need Performance Pay for Politicians
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban halal animal slaughter in eu and uk to premote animal welfare!
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow the duration of essay based exams to fairly reflect a student's capability
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
removal of religion from the discrimination act !
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Do you agree with Donald J Trump
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop murdering innocent people in Syria
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the UK bombing Syria
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop Airstrike In Syria and let the Uk Public Vote.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Reverse the decision to Bomb Syria.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the UK carrying out Syrian air strikes
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Send David Cameron to fight the Daesh.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
There must be an emergency referendum on any further bombings in Syria.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Send David Cameron and his party to fight in Syria
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Send the MP's to the front line first as they're so keen to start a war
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Send David Cameron to Syria
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Save the orchard children centre in eynsham
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
David Cameron to apologise for his "terrorist sympathisers" comment.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Phase out all faith schools
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop bombing Syria and killing innocent civilians with immediate effect.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop people starting petitions for no real reason
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Legalize cannabis for medicinal recreational and spiritual rights.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow Donald Trump full permission to enter the UK and Do Not Block him.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
block immigrants from the uk unless they provide substantial benefit
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Syrians to be trained by the Army and sent back to fight for their own country.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Continue to allow Donald Trump access to the UK
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make it illegal for politicians to lie
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Protect Muslims who are encountering islamophobia
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: fake-name
Stop the media from harassing Tyson fury the heavyweight champion of the world
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove the citizenship of those who have fled to fight with Daesh in Syria/Iraq
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Dont ban Donald Trump from the UK for expressing his views on muslim migrants.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow Donald Trump to enter the UK
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Welcome Donald J Trump to the UK any time he likes
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
This is a free Country, Donald Trump should be allowed into express his views.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Overthrow the conservative government through a peaceful revolution
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Parents to take their children out of school any time for 2 weeks each year.
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
The signatories believe refugees should be banned from UK entry
Rejected on Thursday 10th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
UK government pay jsa to the non working person in a non marriage relationship
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: fake-name
Remaster Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for the Xbox One
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop the Governments plans to privatise Channel 4
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
life for a life.
A paedophile should be jailed for life.
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" being cruel to animals
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Add Katie Hopkins to the Block Donald J Trump from UK entry Petition
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban Media Outlets From Falsely Representing ISIS As Islamic
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Islamophobia Occurring
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Honour this man, for his great service
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: honours
Justice for Chunky - create a national database for anyone that abuses animals
Rejected on Friday 11th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate Tue, 04 Mar 2025 16:02:00 +0000