Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
The Junior Doctors new contracted hours & holiday should be enforced on all MPs
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Bring back the NHS student bursary don't let it be scrapped in 2017
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Act against homelessness in London and bring about a change.
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Hold a UK Public Referendum on taking any military action.
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Send Jeremy Corbyn to Syria to broker peace with the head of ISIS
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Justice for the chihuahua Chunky
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Increase the sanction for people committing cruelty to animals.
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Big business should pay the same hourly rate in one county as they do in another
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Introduce a statue of limitations on non-violent and white collar crimes.
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
No more solar 'farms' that impact tourism in the scenic Usk valley
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make it a criminal offence to lie or mislead Parliament or the people.
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make mental health medication free
Rejected on Thursday 26th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Have a public vote on whether or not to bomb Syria
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Compulsory Prison Sentences for Animal Abuse, Cruelty and Murder.
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Call for regular drug testing of UK members of paliament
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Reject the bombing of Syria, due to it being disastrous and ill thought out.
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make car insurance cheaper for younger drivers
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Tougher sentences for animal abuse and neglect.
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stronger sentences for cases of animal abuse.
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduce stronger punishment for animal abuse
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Press corrections to be the same size, font & placement as the original article
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
End exploitative zero hour contracts.
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban the burka for security reasons like France and Switzerland
Rejected on Friday 27th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Please legalise all horticulture
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Bring back Bank Holidays as an optional day off for all but essential workers.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Save North East Engineering Jobs
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop ancient heraldic law from killing Scottish football heritage
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop portraying unrealistic ideas of the perfect body image in the media.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Call a General Election by the end of 2017. The Tories lied to get into power.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Revise the Rotherham local plan, put a stop to turning green belt land to brown
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Re-introduce Bus Passes for the over 60s in England.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: fake-name
Vote of no confidence in Rt Hon Fiona MacTaggart MP
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make St Georges Day a recognised national holiday for England citizens
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make MPs declare personal interest eg investments & donations in arms industry
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Ban The Burqa
Join other EU countries such as Belgium, Italy & France.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Vote yes on military action in Syria against IS in response to the Paris attacks
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
I would like a revaluation of animal cruelty laws in the UK to deter offensives
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
To legalise Hoverboards in the UK.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow people with cancer to posses and consume cannabis legally.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Get Jeremy Corbyn out of parliament as he is a threat to national security!!!!
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Save Four Seasons Health Care. Save Garvagh Care Home!
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Implement a behavioural code of conduct for MP whilst in the house of commons.
Rejected on Monday 30th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Increase funds towards supporting Amnesty International
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Facebook. Recognise Krusher Joule as his real name. Its how everyone knows him.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make rape laws in the UK equal
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Carry out air strikes on ISIS in Syria
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Call an immediate public referendum on military action in Syria
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Save Hamilton Court & 6 other Four Seasons Care Homes from closure
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Into Law That Front Page 'Blunders' Should Mean Front Page Apologies.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Offer a public referendum on whether the government should go to war with Syria?
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Harsher punishment for animal cruelty offences
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Create Tolerance For All Religions
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Sentences for animal cruelty plus life bans and offenders register.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
call for a vote of no confidence against the present goverment.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow the UK to live free of being controlled by foreign citizens.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stand up for the People's Post - act now to protect daily deliveries‎ and jobs
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop the knife angel made up of Murder weapons being placed in our city.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban or have more control of inappropriate use of social media and cyber bullying
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Allow men who have sex with men to donate blood.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make swegways and segways legal to ride on the pavement and on bicycle lanes.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Bring the Nit nurse back into schools
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Change the national Anthem to "Rule Britannia" or "Land of hope and glory."
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
We 'The People of the UK' demand that the BoE publishes its shareholders!
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Call for fresh general election at next available date.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make medical kidnapping of children with undiagnosed pernicious anaemia illegal
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Introduce all the sexuality to sex education to make everyone knows there's more
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Prevent the closure of West Hampstead Police Station and Stables
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Iodized salt awareness campaign
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Royal Mail Customs Charge Handling Fee Too High
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
All members of Parliament should publish their entire internet browsing history.
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Provide actual evidence proving that "Islam is a religion of peace".
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Force free votes in government bills where the election mandate is less than 50%
Rejected on Tuesday 1st December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Slash foreign aid and the sending of money to overseas to reduce/stop uk cuts
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Cut foreign aid - use a smaller budget far more effectively and appropriately!
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Vote for an early general election to be held in May 2016.
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Burka not t be worn by muslim women in public
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow people to consume and posses cannabis legally if it helps them medically.
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Re-assess the decision to freeze the student loan repayment threshold until 2021
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop Governmental Lip Service to Petitions. We demand they are taken seriously.
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop the sale of May and Baker in Dagenham
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stand firm and tell the world that we are still primarily a Christian country
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Allow the Lord's prayer to be said in all public places at anytime without fear.
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Have a national 3 day weekend.
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd December 2015
Rejection code: fake-name
Identify "Ginger" as an ethnicity on all official government documentation.
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop letting farmers away with killing sweet innocent dogs!
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Allow those aged 16 & 17 to pay child prices
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
All islamic extremist hate-preachers and their families must be deported.
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Get Jeremy Hunt to have an interview with Jeremy Paxman and the BMA.
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow 16 and 17 year olds to take part in Democratic votes
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make cyclist identifiable and enforce the legal regulations that apply to them
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Protect our lorry drivers in Calais
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
A call for sanctions in family courts for perjury
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Ban Radical Islam in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
refugees from other countries must be held in a refugee camp
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Remove David Cameron as Prime Minister
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
End the discrimination of tattoos and body modifications in the work place.
Rejected on Thursday 3rd December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:04:08 +0000