All the petitions which were submitted in December 2015, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Allow Chris brown to come to the UK
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
72 signatures
Abolish the BBC license fee due to biased reporting.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Wednesday 23rd December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Should screening for sociopathy be mandatory for politicians?
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Friday 15th January 2016 to Friday 15th July 2016
55 signatures
Ban the Muslim brotherhood in the UK
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Monday 21st December 2015 - reason: fake-name
Make reselling tickets for inflated prices on 3rd party ticket resellers illegal
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Monday 21st December 2015 - reason: duplicate
To charge time wasters of Ambulance Service a fixed fee for misuse of the NHS.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
100 signatures
Stop the sale of British weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Monday 21st December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Ban the public and ticketing companies from making profit off tickets
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Monday 21st December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Give Sean his day off.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Increase basic minimum wage to £12 per hour.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
57 signatures
End Transmission Of Cruel Acts Towards Live Animals For Entertainment Purposes
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Arrest MP's that voted to break the law and allow fracking in National Parks !
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: no-action
Don’t remove the veto power of the House of Lords
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
42 signatures
Moratorium on CGT for Landlords and developers, on properties sold to FTB.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
113 signatures
ban drones to avoid nefarious use, increased aerial nuisance, and public injury
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
24 signatures
Ban conversion therapy in the UK
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
62 signatures
Ban music genres such as 'New Grave' from all music outlets.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
26 signatures
Investigate whether there are detrimental health effects of the fire at Newport
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Tuesday 22nd December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Scrap Hinkley Point C plans in favour of tidal energy.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
54 signatures
I want there to be multi faith space rooms present in all schools.
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
28 signatures
Replace all Benefits with a Universal Guaranteed Minimum Income
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2016 to Tuesday 28th February 2017
59 signatures
Investigate deportation of woman
Submitted on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 4th November 2016 - reason: no-action
A home survey should be the seller's responsibility and held against the house.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
17 signatures
Stop the government from fracking under UK National Parks.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Support police firearms officers who fire their weapon in the course of duty.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
1,962 signatures
Increase the minimum wage for 16 and 17 year olds
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Stop plans to allow fracking in natural parks and sites of natural importance.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Allow all mobile home residents to have a pet dog
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Reverse Commons decision to extract Shale Gas by Fracking from National Parks
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Let there be a parliamentary debate on fracking under protected national parks
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
41 signatures
STOP the building of a gas fired power station in Eye, Suffolk
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
29 signatures
A law passed to require Police forces to pursue suspects with or without helmets
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
1,459 signatures
Knighthood for Tim Peake to appear in the New Year 2016 Honours List.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: honours
Allow Sandhill Multi Academy Trust to choose which Academy Trust will take over
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
260 signatures
Reverse the decision to allow fracking beneath national parks.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
For the police to investigate any claim of abuse made in the Family Courts.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
12 signatures
Reverse the decision to start fracking underneath UK national parks
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
No fracking in our National Parks!
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Allow "The Lords Prayer" to be shown before films in cinemas.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Department for Education: Don't scrap GCSE and A level Health and Social Care
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
162 signatures
Stop British military action in Iraq and Syria
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
26 signatures
Reverse the decision to allowing fracking under our national parks.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
38,732 signatures
The government should make all forms of Islamophobia illegal
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Don’t Close Calderstones Hospital. Save our NHS services, don’t dump patients.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
1,815 signatures
Make it illegal to use a SUAS operator who does not hold CAA permission.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
155 signatures
Make the new state pension same for all people no matter when they were born.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Monday 21st December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Single Seat Deregulated Microlight Aircraft to be allowed in European Airspace
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
10 signatures
To accept woman and children refugees suffering in France refugee camps
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
59 signatures
Reconsider the NHS fees for visa extensions as they are too high and unfair.
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
28 signatures
Don't build anymore houses
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Debate the proposal to allow fracking under national parks before it is approved
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: no-action
Introduce a universal Vegetarian symbol system on food & drink
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
24 signatures
Make 'Natural Engineering' (or, Wilderness Skills) a mandatory part of schooling
Submitted on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2015 to Thursday 30th June 2016
36 signatures
Remove car parking charges from NHS Trust car parks in England
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
151 signatures
Make Visit Visas easier for parents of British Citizens
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
35 signatures
Ban the Gastric Bypass operation in the UK
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
21 signatures
let all uk shops sell japan sweets drinks chocolate toys and anyproducts from jp
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: no-action
Shut down all existing Sharia law Courts in Britain
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Bring back the old C2C train timetable!
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
1,933 signatures
Random drugs test on members of parliament.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
To create a system that reduces food waste, and feeds people who most need it.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Teach more about LGBTQ+ in classrooms
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
make parking a motor vehicle on any walkway/pavement in the UK illegal
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
354 signatures
To stop supporting the addition of Turkey to the European Union.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
3,907 signatures
Meat is without a doubt a demerit good, why is it not taxed like one?
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
16 signatures
Arrange for PM David Cameron to join the space flight from Khazakstan
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Free Tibet Against China!
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Tuesday 22nd December 2015 - reason: no-action
Show parliament a video of the effects of the bombing campaign, seek alternates.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: no-action
Ask the Queen to re affirm her title as defender of the faith.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
22 signatures
Ensure mandatory lifelong imprisonment for all U.K. paedophiles.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Make PSHE statutory.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
44 signatures
The government must consider implementing a CARERS LAW.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: no-action
Set up an independently judged STUNT OFF between members of Wadeye and Wonk Unit
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Update the laws and policies on racism to help clarify what racist acts are.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
7 signatures
Lower the age of cervical screening to 20 like the rest of the UK
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
33 signatures
Lower the elegibilty age to get a bus pass in England to 60 years old.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Challenge the way the Media portrays Muslims as Extremists or Terrorists.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: no-action
Make the pharmaceutical industry a public industry
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
278 signatures
Parking in parent and child space enforceable by law
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Repeal the last provision of the Cancer Act 1939.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Hold a ballot from registered Knowledge students before any changes can be made.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Make ex forces priority for housing.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Consider Manston Airport with High Speed rail as a credible third London Airport
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
2,460 signatures
make clear that not all Muslims are responsible for the actions of ISIS
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Tuesday 5th January 2016 - reason: no-action
Introduce laws to prevent/combat bullying.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2016 to Tuesday 5th July 2016
13 signatures
To provide 'Children's Transports' for Syrian refugee children fleeing war
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015 - reason: duplicate
Make 'rape' jail sentences longer! At least 5 years!
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
17 signatures
Allow Festivals To Offer Drug Tests.
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
9 signatures
Scrap the taxcredits compliance checks stop the bullying
Submitted on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
53 signatures
Take the NHS out of any and all (including future ) TTIP Negotiations
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
93 signatures
Teach Citizenship not 'British' Values.
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
95 signatures
Stop charging NHS Staff for parking at a work place.
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
33 signatures
Show the "other pathway" to save the NHS the money out of patent drugs could.
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
24 signatures
Ban councils from selling recreational open space without a public mandate
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
702 signatures
Impose an Environmental levy on Non-European steel entering the UK
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
359 signatures
CICA should not reject claims from victims if outside of 2 year deadline
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
7 signatures
Reverse the decision to withdraw the competition funding for CCS Technolgy
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
27 signatures
Force UNHCR to process Calais refugees asylum claims. Provide safe Shelters/heat
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015 - reason: irrelevant
Compensate 10,000 pensioners denied payment by Treasury creational fiction
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
21 signatures
Parliament to debate the compatibility of Koranic verses with British law.
Submitted on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejected on Wednesday 23rd December 2015 - reason: no-action Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:55:21 +0000