Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Protect the rights of non EU migrant workers who are already present in UK
Open from Monday 7th November 2011 to Wednesday 7th November 2012
12 signatures
Vehicle tracking
Open from Tuesday 20th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
12 signatures
Save Our Seals
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
12 signatures
Hold a second EU membership referendum within 18 months.
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
12 signatures
Make Government & Politics an optional GCSE subject
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
12 signatures
Discuss a National Coalition government after the EU referendum result
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
12 signatures
Reduce basic VAT rate to 15%, with further reduction after we have left the EU
Open from Tuesday 26th July 2016 to Thursday 26th January 2017
12 signatures
Give the population of the UK the same human rights as you give the population of the Falkland Islands
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2013 to Thursday 2nd January 2014
12 signatures
Ban all LGVs from UK roads at weekend in line with other EU countries.
Open from Tuesday 1st September 2015 to Tuesday 1st March 2016
12 signatures
A unilateral suspension of the introduction of the new EU VAT laws for micro businesses and sole traders
Open from Wednesday 17th December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
12 signatures
Ensure that all bureaucrats involved in EU exit talks are elected non-experts
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
12 signatures
Make the offence of misconduct in a public office statutory, to include MP's.
Open from Thursday 21st July 2016 to Saturday 21st January 2017
12 signatures
All companies relocating to the EU to pay all tax owing to the exchequer.
Open from Monday 18th July 2016 to Wednesday 18th January 2017
12 signatures
Remain in the EU until technology to avoid the Brexit backstop is available
Open from Tuesday 3rd September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
12 signatures
Declare EU referendum void as 16 & 17 year olds were denied the vote
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
12 signatures
Allow the Black Country to seperate from the union, and ignore laws of London.
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
12 signatures
The government to provide full evidence of progress in negotiations with the EU
Open from Thursday 12th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
12 signatures
The British blue passport should be reintroduced in 2019
Open from Tuesday 11th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
12 signatures
Batman shooting - Ban gun exports to the USA
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
12 signatures
Hold a referendum to decide if the public agree with the deal made with EU
Open from Friday 22nd December 2017 to Friday 22nd June 2018
12 signatures
Opt-Out of upcoming European cigarette legislation
Open from Wednesday 13th November 2013 to Thursday 13th November 2014
12 signatures
Change the law so that convicted foreign EU criminals can be stopped from re-entering the UK
Open from Thursday 13th October 2011 to Saturday 13th October 2012
12 signatures
Hold a referendum on rejoining the EU every tenth year, starting June 2026.
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
12 signatures
Build a Channel bridge between UK & France, to increase trade as we leave the EU
Open from Thursday 25th January 2018 to Wednesday 25th July 2018
12 signatures
Investigate UK areas of deep social dislocation and propose remedial measures
Open from Friday 8th July 2016 to Sunday 8th January 2017
12 signatures
Prevent over 65's from being allowed to vote in the EU referendum.
Open from Wednesday 18th May 2016 to Friday 18th November 2016
12 signatures
Post-Brexit breakup reunion with Scotland to re-join EU
Open from Friday 1st July 2016 to Sunday 1st January 2017
12 signatures
Hold a referendum on Oxfordshire's membership of the European Union
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
12 signatures
Represent remain voters equally within new government leadership framework
Open from Friday 29th July 2016 to Sunday 29th January 2017
12 signatures
The same speed limit for all vehicles.
Open from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Tuesday 7th August 2012
12 signatures
Change legislation and bring back the 500cc 2 stroke motorcycle engine.
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
12 signatures
Hold a second, and if necessary, third EU Referendum for a best-of-three vote.
Open from Monday 4th July 2016 to Wednesday 4th January 2017
12 signatures
The Government to establish the workings of Article 50 TEU before invocation.
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
12 signatures
Increase the No of Bank Holidays we receive& bring in line with other countries
Open from Tuesday 3rd September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
12 signatures
Allow some freedom of movement in any UK-EU trade deal
Open from Friday 2nd December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
12 signatures
EU qualified accounts
Open from Monday 14th January 2013 to Tuesday 14th January 2014
12 signatures
No more cuts for working age people. Remove ringfencing of pensioner benefits
Open from Monday 4th July 2016 to Wednesday 4th January 2017
12 signatures
Immediately raise the minimum wage by 10% to counteract the slump in the pound
Open from Thursday 21st July 2016 to Saturday 21st January 2017
12 signatures
EU nationals contributing to UK economy for at least 15 years to get citizenship
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
12 signatures
Allow EU citizens resident in the UK on 23 June 2016 to cast a retroactive vote.
Open from Thursday 20th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
12 signatures
Open a Public enquiry into whether the last Government deliberately increased immigration to make Britain multicultural
Open from Thursday 20th December 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
12 signatures
MPs must have a vote on our proposed deal before reaching the EU parliament.
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
12 signatures
Protect British consumers by banning the import of all EU beef products (Belgium, France and Rep. of Ireland)
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
12 signatures
Allow the City and Greater London to join the EU
Open from Friday 1st July 2016 to Sunday 1st January 2017
11 signatures
As an opener to negotiations, send to the EU an invoice for £60B.
Open from Tuesday 11th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
11 signatures
Form an emergency government made of leaders of each major political party
Open from Monday 4th July 2016 to Wednesday 4th January 2017
11 signatures
Leave EU with or without a deal and call a referendum in 90 days to re-join EU
Open from Thursday 18th April 2019 to Friday 18th October 2019
11 signatures
New EU referendum should Scotland leave the UK and break the Union.
Open from Friday 1st July 2016 to Sunday 1st January 2017
11 signatures
Have urban areas hold an independence referendum on their membership in the UK
Open from Tuesday 20th September 2016 to Monday 20th March 2017
11 signatures
UK Parliament & National buildings to FLY THE EUROPEAN FLAG!
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
11 signatures
To ban the import from any EU country meat and poultry products until the Horse meat and looming Donkey meat scandal is over.
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
11 signatures
Hold a referendum on Greater London becoming an independent, EU member state
Open from Thursday 30th June 2016 to Friday 30th December 2016
11 signatures
Lower VAT to 5% on UK hotels and holidays after we leave the EU
Open from Saturday 27th June 2020 to Sunday 27th December 2020
11 signatures
Allow MEPs elected in May 2019 to sit in the House of Lords post Brexit
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
11 signatures
End direct overseas aid payments in all cases where Britain is already making a contribution through other established channels.
Open from Tuesday 14th January 2014 to Wednesday 14th January 2015
11 signatures
Hold a 2nd EU referendum and allow people aged 13 and over to vote
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
11 signatures
Have a referendum between Brexit with current deal and brexit with customs Union
Open from Monday 28th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
11 signatures
Postpone the deadline for the Pre-Settled Status to October 31 2021
Open from Tuesday 29th June 2021 to Wednesday 29th December 2021
11 signatures
Stop Expatriates Having A Vote On British Issues Such As Elections & Referendums
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
11 signatures
Redistribute 8 Billion saving from EU to areas with the highest unemployment.
Open from Friday 22nd July 2016 to Sunday 22nd January 2017
11 signatures
Improve young voter turnout: polling stations in universities and colleges
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
11 signatures
Safeguard School Milk Funding Post-Brexit
Open from Friday 28th September 2018 to Thursday 28th March 2019
11 signatures
Stop Pharmaceutical Manufacturers limiting suppies of vital medication into the UK to limit the free movement of goods
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
11 signatures
Exempt foreign nurses from immigration income thresholds to prevent deportation
Open from Monday 11th January 2016 to Monday 11th July 2016
11 signatures
To allow the wife of veteran of ex-soldier Andrew McLaughlin, to live in the UK.
Open from Friday 19th February 2016 to Friday 19th August 2016
11 signatures
Not hold elections to the European parliament in 2019
Open from Tuesday 7th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
11 signatures
Impose restrictions on export to EU of lipids
Open from Wednesday 31st March 2021 to Thursday 30th September 2021
11 signatures
Force streaming music providers to match EU prices in Britain, €9.99 not £9.99.
Open from Thursday 13th August 2015 to Saturday 13th February 2016
11 signatures
Majority should be of electorate in referenda, with provision for indecision
Open from Monday 18th July 2016 to Wednesday 18th January 2017
11 signatures
EU Referendum Rules to be made into Law that the first result stands.
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
11 signatures
Create a clear legal framework for UK-wide referenda
Open from Thursday 14th July 2016 to Saturday 14th January 2017
11 signatures
Debate security implications of the removal of U.K. border controls from Calais.
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
11 signatures
Campaign against short hop air travel
Open from Friday 2nd March 2012 to Saturday 2nd March 2013
11 signatures
Make Bristol an independent city state to rejoin the European Union.
Open from Monday 4th July 2016 to Wednesday 4th January 2017
11 signatures
Compensate food banks for any sanctioned claimants they feed, who win their appeals
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Friday 30th January 2015
11 signatures
Fund our NHS with an additional £3billion per annum using former EU finances
Open from Thursday 21st July 2016 to Saturday 21st January 2017
11 signatures
Enact legislation to make it illegal for any UK Foreign Aid money to be sent to any country receiving foreign aid money from the EU.
Open from Wednesday 21st August 2013 to Thursday 21st August 2014
11 signatures
Debate possibility that the "Peoples Will" has changed since Scotland Referendum
Open from Tuesday 31st January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
11 signatures
Ban the use of opinion polls in the run up to elections and referenda.
Open from Tuesday 22nd March 2016 to Thursday 22nd September 2016
11 signatures
Accept & publish on website all Petitions associated with UK EU referendum
Open from Friday 8th July 2016 to Sunday 8th January 2017
11 signatures
Introduce pre-referendum as an entry requirement before future major referendums
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
11 signatures
Before triggering Article 50 an initial UK-EU deal must be handled by Vote Leave
Open from Thursday 14th July 2016 to Saturday 14th January 2017
11 signatures
Vote that the house has no confidence in the Prime Minister.
Open from Friday 13th May 2016 to Sunday 13th November 2016
11 signatures
Ryanair- investigate online formulas,sales and practises that are not in the consumers interest or wellbeing.
Open from Monday 7th January 2013 to Tuesday 7th January 2014
11 signatures
We will not tolerate public acts of discrimination
Open from Friday 8th July 2016 to Sunday 8th January 2017
11 signatures
Ask public about immigration before negotiating new EU deals
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
11 signatures
Optional ID cards for UK citizens
Open from Friday 1st August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
11 signatures
Have a referendum on whether the citizens of UK want the breakup of the UK.
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
11 signatures
New EU referendum if talks fail
Open from Wednesday 22nd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
11 signatures
Reject the ratification of the Unitary Patent treaty by the UK and Scotland
Open from Tuesday 14th November 2017 to Monday 14th May 2018
11 signatures
Abolish the EU Cookie Law
Open from Monday 7th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
11 signatures
Referendum for England & Wales to leave the UK if we don't leave the EU & Laws
Open from Tuesday 31st January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
11 signatures
A new referendum: Leave the EU now or in 2036 (subject to a further referendum)?
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
11 signatures
A UK Bill of Rights should be introduced as the country leaves the EU.
Open from Thursday 14th July 2016 to Saturday 14th January 2017
11 signatures
Support the EU Deal negotiated by Theresa May
Open from Wednesday 21st August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
11 signatures
Compulsory standard charger style for all rechargeable electronic devices.
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
10 signatures
Replace London with Edinburgh as UK capital
Open from Friday 8th July 2016 to Sunday 8th January 2017
10 signatures
guarantee all EU football players be exempt from net migration targets
Open from Friday 13th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
10 signatures
Call another EU referendum for those aged 16-30
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
10 signatures
Accept PM's deal, but only pay the EU when the future relationship is agreed
Open from Monday 29th April 2019 to Tuesday 29th October 2019
10 signatures Sat, 01 Mar 2025 01:22:25 +0000