Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Mandatory 'call-in' of Planning Applications on 10 signatures of Parish electors
Open from Monday 8th February 2016 to Monday 8th August 2016
34 signatures
Allow non VAT registered businesses reliant on a vehicle to claim VAT back on it
Open from Monday 8th February 2016 to Monday 8th August 2016
32 signatures
Stop using Private finance initiatives for investment into public services
Open from Monday 8th February 2016 to Monday 8th August 2016
9 signatures
Extend the 2 year old 15 hours childcare funding to deployed military's children
Open from Friday 5th February 2016 to Friday 5th August 2016
1,456 signatures
Please bring back nhs funding for fertility treatment in South Norfolk.
Open from Friday 5th February 2016 to Friday 5th August 2016
143 signatures
Increase the bereavement compensation following a fatal accident
Open from Thursday 4th February 2016 to Thursday 4th August 2016
146 signatures
Stop all foreign aid and other schemes until we clear our national debt.
Open from Thursday 4th February 2016 to Thursday 4th August 2016
173 signatures
Build more social housing instead of the HS2 railway
Open from Thursday 4th February 2016 to Thursday 4th August 2016
450 signatures
Create Legislation Making Saturday & Sundays Clearing Days for Banking Purposes
Open from Thursday 4th February 2016 to Thursday 4th August 2016
10 signatures
Bring State Pension To 63 years of age ,Bring it Down From 65 Years Age To 63
Open from Wednesday 3rd February 2016 to Wednesday 3rd August 2016
12 signatures
Organ Donation: Switch to an Opt-Out System
Open from Tuesday 2nd February 2016 to Tuesday 2nd August 2016
1,838 signatures
Exclude Disabled Children families & Domestic Violence victims from Bedroom Tax
Open from Tuesday 2nd February 2016 to Tuesday 2nd August 2016
25 signatures
Public Enquiry into the Google Tax Deal
Open from Monday 1st February 2016 to Monday 1st August 2016
35 signatures
Call for scrutiny of public monies expended on recent abandoned MoJ "reforms".
Open from Monday 1st February 2016 to Monday 1st August 2016
222 signatures
MPs should not earn money or otherwise work outside of their role as MP
Open from Monday 1st February 2016 to Monday 1st August 2016
124 signatures
Stop the British army's pay change and save soldiers losing money !!!!!!!!
Open from Thursday 28th January 2016 to Thursday 28th July 2016
503 signatures
Make dental care free for all pensioners that have paid into a UK pension.
Open from Wednesday 27th January 2016 to Wednesday 27th July 2016
14 signatures
Tax Corporations at the point of delivery, not where corporations are registered
Open from Wednesday 27th January 2016 to Wednesday 27th July 2016
8 signatures
Make it illegal for pet shops to sell animals which are not spayed or neutered
Open from Tuesday 26th January 2016 to Tuesday 26th July 2016
257 signatures
Stop all fossil fuel grants use the money to create tech to take CO2 out the air
Open from Tuesday 26th January 2016 to Tuesday 26th July 2016
20 signatures
Introduce blood testing to the diagnosis process of mental health illnesses
Open from Tuesday 26th January 2016 to Tuesday 26th July 2016
73 signatures
Stop the government scrapping Attendance Allowance (AA)
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
3,033 signatures
Re thinking the budget for Essex Police to save PCSO s jobs
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
237 signatures
Instigate effective state services to swiftly help UK homeless off the streets.
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
30 signatures
Make it a criminal offence to falsely report someone for benefit fraud.
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
875 signatures
Increase the time to pay the Dartford crossing charge(more for larger vehicles)
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
12 signatures
Re-Nationalise Rail Infrastructure.
Open from Sunday 24th January 2016 to Sunday 24th July 2016
34 signatures
Re-Nationalise all public transport.
Open from Sunday 24th January 2016 to Sunday 24th July 2016
30 signatures
Provide free childcare for ages 1-2 years old
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
2,295 signatures
Request our allies USA and Spain to recognise British Overseas Territories.
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
21 signatures
Stop NHS funding abortion.
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
2,842 signatures
20 million pound hand outs to teach English. Give it to support the homeless
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
17 signatures
Demand 20 mil Cameron is giving to teach Muslim women English be used elsewhere
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
83 signatures
Investigate the standard of food served to the military and Sodexo services.
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
20,000 signatures
Stop NHS appointment record cards advertising Claims Companies on them.
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
15 signatures
Use NO public money on a Garden Bridge folly for London, use for social housing
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
378 signatures
Bring back pet Licences and stop the private sale of pets for profit.
Open from Thursday 21st January 2016 to Thursday 21st July 2016
86 signatures
Make it illegal to sell more than 2 packets of paracetamol in one transaction
Open from Tuesday 19th January 2016 to Tuesday 19th July 2016
15 signatures
Abolish money and work towards a resource-based economy.
The Venus project.
Open from Monday 18th January 2016 to Monday 18th July 2016
101 signatures
Introduce cap on what landlords can charge students for rent.
Open from Monday 18th January 2016 to Monday 18th July 2016
8 signatures
Scrap Trident and use the money to find a cure for cancer .
Open from Monday 18th January 2016 to Monday 18th July 2016
11 signatures
Have a referendum to increase tax/create a new NHS tax, to fund and save the NHS
Open from Friday 15th January 2016 to Friday 15th July 2016
112 signatures
Give higher education students a chance, raise maintenance loans so we can live
Open from Friday 15th January 2016 to Friday 15th July 2016
70 signatures
Stop awarding bonuses to MOD civil servants while troops are losing their jobs
Open from Friday 15th January 2016 to Friday 15th July 2016
47 signatures
Petition Government to make theNational Lottery wins smaller with more winners
Open from Friday 15th January 2016 to Friday 15th July 2016
18 signatures
Stop basing student loans on parental income.
Open from Friday 15th January 2016 to Friday 15th July 2016
65 signatures
Allow reformed GCSE results to be counted by school year 11 performance tables
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
41 signatures
Call to the Government to halt cuts to universal credit.
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
1,227 signatures
Working Men to have full pay during their two weeks of paternity leave.
Open from Wednesday 13th January 2016 to Wednesday 13th July 2016
392 signatures
Invest more money into scientific research to find the cause of M.E./CFS
Open from Wednesday 13th January 2016 to Wednesday 13th July 2016
15,400 signatures
Change Retail Christmas Opening hours.
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
36 signatures
Scrap the £35k threshold for non-EU citizens settling in the UK
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
114,636 signatures
To have the [Lotto] Lottery run by the people for the people.
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
18 signatures
Determine maintenance contributions based solely on own children, not others too
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
13 signatures
Medical staff to be prosecuted for negligence which results in death
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2016 to Tuesday 12th July 2016
17 signatures
Ask the goverment to pass a law stopping the sale of animals on the internet.
Open from Friday 8th January 2016 to Friday 8th July 2016
3,755 signatures
Ensure landlords receive full rent payments from DSS tenants
Open from Friday 8th January 2016 to Friday 8th July 2016
36 signatures
Require all private landlords to be licenced.
Open from Thursday 7th January 2016 to Thursday 7th July 2016
630 signatures
Stop using taxpayers' money to subsidize the House of Commons bar.
Open from Thursday 7th January 2016 to Thursday 7th July 2016
1,466 signatures
Remove money creation from private banks
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2016 to Tuesday 5th July 2016
283 signatures
Harsher sentences for those caught selling illicit tobacco or alcohol products.
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2016 to Tuesday 5th July 2016
185 signatures
Make everyone pay for their own interpreting services and not the tax payer
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2016 to Tuesday 5th July 2016
20 signatures
Limit overseas aid to £4 billion in order to only cover natural disasters.
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2016 to Tuesday 5th July 2016
136 signatures
Make all those who sell psychic services, prove that their abilities are real.
Open from Monday 4th January 2016 to Monday 4th July 2016
910 signatures
Make it illegal to leave a dog unattended in a public place.
Open from Monday 4th January 2016 to Monday 4th July 2016
641 signatures
End subsidised alcohol in the House of Commons
Open from Monday 4th January 2016 to Monday 4th July 2016
1,138 signatures
Enshrine into law, corporations must pay in full the UK taxes they owe each year
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
2,326 signatures
Stop Foreign Aid Except Emergencies.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
21 signatures
Start the UK version of the Dutch Delta Plan to prevent future flooding
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
36 signatures
Stop HS2 and spend the money on a national long term flood defence strategy.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
8,114 signatures
Any property owned by a housing association or council MUST be soundproofed
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
46 signatures
Make ALL New Builds on Floodplains Raised on stilts Common Sense ?
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
23 signatures
Stop cuts to pharmacy funding and support pharmacy services that save NHS money
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
68,044 signatures
Use money allocated for HS2 rail link to fund flood defences for North of Eng.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
93 signatures
Stop all overseas aid. use the money to dredge all rivers and build up the banks
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2015 to Wednesday 29th June 2016
506 signatures
STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers’ money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
221,866 signatures
Don’t spend billions on HS2,but on education and NHS as we matter more than HS2.
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
28 signatures
offer a government savings product (10% interest on savings under £200000)
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
7 signatures
Stop paying bills through NHS for people who use drugs or have alcohol issues.
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
10 signatures
A home survey should be the seller's responsibility and held against the house.
Open from Monday 21st December 2015 to Tuesday 21st June 2016
17 signatures
Remove Royal Mail's right to bring private prosecutions.
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
64 signatures
Make it illegal to use a SUAS operator who does not hold CAA permission.
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
155 signatures
Stop British military action in Iraq and Syria
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
26 signatures
Scrap the taxcredits compliance checks stop the bullying
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
53 signatures
Show the "other pathway" to save the NHS the money out of patent drugs could.
Open from Thursday 17th December 2015 to Friday 17th June 2016
24 signatures
Prevent unfair reductions to CSA payments in favour of the paying parent.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
50 signatures
Create a carbon dioxide emissions tax for industry.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
61 signatures
Immediately stop the £55+ million daily EU subs on the referendum result - OUT
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
856 signatures
No more foreign aid until the government budget is in balance
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
809 signatures
Apply pressure and punish governments and institutions who supply arms to Daesh.
Open from Tuesday 15th December 2015 to Wednesday 15th June 2016
11 signatures
Drug tests for parents on benefits with vouchers for necessities if they fail
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
28 signatures
Reduce Foreign Aid budget and allocate more money for UK disasters.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
892 signatures
Make it compulsory to install solar panels to every new building in Britain.
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
49 signatures
Make it Illegal for those in debt to be financially penalized for non payment
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
318 signatures
Send money, food and drinks to help the homeless people in the north east of uk
Open from Friday 11th December 2015 to Saturday 11th June 2016
56 signatures
to allow the non working person in a relationship( non marriage) to claim jsa
Open from Friday 11th December 2015 to Saturday 11th June 2016
12 signatures
We demand our nation Scotland to be withdrawn from Westminster governance.
Open from Thursday 10th December 2015 to Friday 10th June 2016
1,823 signatures
Make baby formula milk prescription-only
Open from Wednesday 9th December 2015 to Thursday 9th June 2016
17 signatures
Release all information on our military operations abroad on a weekly basis.
Open from Tuesday 8th December 2015 to Wednesday 8th June 2016
9 signatures
Get flight refunds for passengers who canncel when destination is terror level 4
Open from Monday 7th December 2015 to Tuesday 7th June 2016
16 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:06:42 +0000