Some petitions get millions of signatures. A fair number get thousands. A lot get hundreds. But most don't. Most petitions only get signed by the petition's author and their mates. And some petition authors don't really have many mates at all.
This section is dedicated to those plucky triers. Or, to be more precise, those plucky failers. These are the petitions that didn't even reach double figures.
To be fair, some petitions end up with only a handful of signatures for reasons that are not their fault. When a general election is called and Parliament is dissolved, all petitions are closed immediately no matter how much longer they should have run for. To avoid penalising the unlucky ones that were submitted just before a dissolution, we're only including petitions here that ran for at least a month.
Government to create virtual Economic Recovery Zone. VERZ
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Tuesday 27th January 2015
1 signatures
End Inactive Animal Products in Medicine and Vaccines
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Tuesday 27th January 2015
8 signatures
Change the rules on naturalisation.
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Wednesday 30th July 2014
2 signatures
Stop benefits for EU migrants that are all ready living in UK.
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Sunday 27th July 2014
6 signatures
The government should tackle communities that have a majority of benefit claimants.
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Sunday 27th July 2014
2 signatures
Heavily subsidise fruit, vegetables, pulses, legumes, cereals, nuts, white meat and fish sourced in the UK
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Tuesday 27th January 2015
7 signatures
Stop public bodies from paying more than the statutory redundancy rate to staff
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Thursday 29th January 2015
3 signatures
rewrite the Employment Agencies Act 1973 & Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
2 signatures
Add 'suicide' & 'self harm' terms to the list of 'clean return' search terms
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
6 signatures
ability to stop recruitment agencies from contacting the jobseeker
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Thursday 29th January 2015
5 signatures
A Citizens' Monarchy
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Thursday 29th January 2015
6 signatures
stop the use of road salt
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Tuesday 29th April 2014
1 signatures
Trafford Centre Traffic
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Monday 28th April 2014
2 signatures
Stop Encouraging Foreign Workers To Claim Compensation
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
2 signatures
The Royal Household should pay the Living Wage
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Thursday 29th January 2015
6 signatures
wall mounted TV
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Sunday 27th July 2014
2 signatures
Care Leavers should have free accommodation in Universities
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Tuesday 29th July 2014
5 signatures
Provide decent DAB Radio sound quality to all areas.
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
2 signatures
Smokeless coal rip off
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Tuesday 27th January 2015
2 signatures
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
3 signatures
Against Blasphemy Law in Pakistan (295C)
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Tuesday 27th January 2015
6 signatures
Free Postage for all BFPO numbers
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
4 signatures
All debt management companies must offer clients the opportunity for free debt management plans
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
1 signatures
Make the A132 a dual carriageway to ease congestion
Open from Friday 24th January 2014 to Saturday 24th January 2015
1 signatures
St Davids Day
Open from Monday 10th February 2014 to Tuesday 10th February 2015
3 signatures
Syrian refugees: Resettle 500, give some aid, but allow in no more than that
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Wednesday 30th April 2014
2 signatures
To debate the shameful injuries to all uk armed personal in the last 2 operations’ in Iraq and Afghanistan
Open from Tuesday 11th February 2014 to Wednesday 11th February 2015
6 signatures
Open from Friday 24th January 2014 to Saturday 24th January 2015
5 signatures
Stopping driving licences at 70 is ageism
Open from Friday 24th January 2014 to Saturday 24th January 2015
6 signatures
government should encourage more companies to become fair trade
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd April 2014
1 signatures
Uniform tax rebate for HM Forces
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Friday 30th January 2015
2 signatures
Prison only for violent offenders of those who cause physical harm or risk of physical harm to others
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
2 signatures
Guy Fawkes/Terrorism
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
5 signatures
TELL US how many UK taxpayer pounds the new Nissan Quashcai has cost the taxpayers (no politicians included) of this country.
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
2 signatures
Cease Council Tax as we are paying twice
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Tuesday 27th January 2015
4 signatures
online loan/credit brokers
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd April 2014
3 signatures
Reverse David Cameron's Online Pornography Filter And Ban
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
6 signatures
Remove PEGI for video games - Introduce tests and licenses
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
1 signatures
TELL US HOW MUCH THE SYRIA CONFERENCE COST US - we have every confidence that David Cameron volunteered OUR TAXPAYER POUNDS.
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
3 signatures
We shouldn't abolish the Monarchy.
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd April 2014
1 signatures
Allowing communities to decide on council changes within a referendum
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Sunday 27th July 2014
2 signatures
7% fall in unemployment figures, what great news.
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Friday 30th January 2015
4 signatures
Quadbike Road Tax
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
9 signatures
reducing speed on Ruthin Road, llandegla by the Crown Hotel junction
Open from Friday 24th January 2014 to Saturday 24th January 2015
4 signatures
Hidden fees in terms and conditions
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
5 signatures
Copyright law should not allow energy inventions of human benefit to be shelved by corporations
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
2 signatures
yes or no vote for a coalition party
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
2 signatures
Proposal to ring fence a percentage of all national insurance contributions after the 30 year threshold
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
2 signatures
bring back local dvla offices
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
6 signatures
Put CCTV in court cells
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
6 signatures
Government to half the legal alcohol limit for motorway driving
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
1 signatures
Make petition rejection more reliable & informative
Open from Friday 24th January 2014 to Saturday 24th January 2015
3 signatures
Improving services offered to job seekers
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
4 signatures
Stop David Cameron's funding cuts to Liverpool
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Sunday 27th July 2014
6 signatures
Instead of an extra bank holiday - take your birthday off !
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
6 signatures
TELL US how many taxpayer pounds have been GIVEN to the Police Federation since it was formed.
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
2 signatures
Control sale of alcohol using cards, if under 25, or any other reason.
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
2 signatures
Transferable No claim bonus
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
1 signatures
Black Holes in Pensions
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
7 signatures
Reform Libel law, (Super-)Injunctions and The Royal Charter
Open from Friday 30th May 2014 to Sunday 30th November 2014
3 signatures
Introduce usury laws to the UK to stop payday loan companies charging excessive intertest
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
5 signatures
Stop insurance companies from using credit score to boost premiums
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
6 signatures
Stop the sale of bicycles in boxes. Only allow bikes to be sold to the public ready to ride.
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
2 signatures
Architects Salary
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
6 signatures
MANDATORY AND AUTOMATIC whole life sentences for online racist twitters.
Open from Wednesday 22nd January 2014 to Thursday 22nd January 2015
1 signatures
Immigration rules
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Sunday 20th April 2014
4 signatures
switch the street lights bakck on in the hopton area it too dangerous at night time for people
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
2 signatures
Give England Wales and Northern Ireland an equal number of public holidays to Scotland
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
2 signatures
Oppose the persecution of gays in Nigeria
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd April 2014
3 signatures
Give better care for the elderly than prisoners or get the elderly to go to prison.
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
8 signatures
Electronic book
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
7 signatures
Rename August Bank Holiday Miners' Day
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
6 signatures
Reptile breeding register
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
8 signatures
stopping or reducing jet aircraft noise over households
Open from Tuesday 11th February 2014 to Wednesday 11th February 2015
6 signatures
political reform by the ordinary person
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
2 signatures
Petitioning Oxfordshire County Council Review the proposed 38% budget cuts for Housing Related Support
Open from Monday 27th January 2014 to Sunday 27th April 2014
1 signatures
Make Male Breast Cancer Awareness Month an official event
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
1 signatures
name benefit cheats & include their address
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Sunday 20th April 2014
5 signatures
Bring March out of the dark
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
6 signatures
It doesnt make sense to give tax free benefits
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
2 signatures
exams for dog owners
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
2 signatures
Require supermarkets to identify the profit margin on each product
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
2 signatures
The regulation of private ownership of Velociraptors and related animals
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
6 signatures
Benefits to be allowed as it would be a cheaper option
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
2 signatures
More housing benefits for Under 21's who actually need it!
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
2 signatures
To legislate to fine local councils in England, utility companies and other public bodies which issue false or incorrect demands for payment
Open from Tuesday 11th February 2014 to Wednesday 11th February 2015
2 signatures
Support marriage to protect children
Open from Tuesday 21st January 2014 to Wednesday 21st January 2015
3 signatures
Make BT Sport Free-to -view
Open from Friday 17th January 2014 to Saturday 17th January 2015
2 signatures
gchq even reading text messages
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
1 signatures
Compulsory vitamin D tests and medical investigation for fractured bones in babies
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
2 signatures
Produce an act which creates a minimum number of working class and demographically representative members of parliament.
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
1 signatures
Fine parents/carers for exposing children to innapropiate game footage.
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Sunday 20th July 2014
1 signatures
Open from Friday 14th February 2014 to Thursday 14th August 2014
6 signatures
opposition to parking permits in watford area's
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Monday 28th April 2014
1 signatures
Open Bus links to all traffic in Sunderland, lower air polution
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Sunday 20th July 2014
3 signatures
Allow Students/Parents to Buy Out their Student Loans
Open from Friday 17th January 2014 to Saturday 17th January 2015
3 signatures
Stop critical illness benefit cuts
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Sunday 20th July 2014
6 signatures
Bring all UK detention centres into government control
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Sunday 20th July 2014
2 signatures
Women to have the right to work in all areas in the military
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Tuesday 28th October 2014
3 signatures
Stop sending the Red Arrows to countries that are dictatorships and have no human rights
Open from Tuesday 11th February 2014 to Wednesday 11th February 2015
9 signatures Thu, 06 Mar 2025 18:58:03 +0000