All the petitions which closed in December 2014, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Charge lee rigby killers for murder and treason
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
22 signatures
Equal pay for new and employed prison staff
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
11 signatures
Privatising Art
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
1 signatures
High earners to pay full National Insurance on gross earnings
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
2 signatures
To remove and stop using images portraying animals to be vicious for the purpose of 'fashion'
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
381 signatures
EU referendum for scotland
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
8 signatures
Stop the 60% income tax rate
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
18 signatures
Proposed reciprocal Top-up Tax to pay for primary school education for children of Australians in the UK
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
2 signatures
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
12 signatures
Christmas Tax Break
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
2 signatures
Costs of Scottish independence must be entirely funded by Scottish tax payers
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
188 signatures
Call for UK to begin research into safer Thoruim nuclear fuel to enable us to become world leaders and create jobs
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
66 signatures
smart meters
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
440 signatures
force public houses to provide non alcholic beverages.
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
2 signatures
do not make a charge for carrier bags
Open from Thursday 5th June 2014 to Friday 5th December 2014
5 signatures
Ban the sale of Angora rabbit fur products in the UK
Open from Thursday 5th December 2013 to Friday 5th December 2014
1,386 signatures
Allow prisoners to skype children
Open from Tuesday 4th March 2014 to Thursday 4th December 2014
21 signatures
All Government policies should be passed by the British People
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
2 signatures
Amend English Flooding Guidance to Scotland’s 1 in 200 year protection
Open from Tuesday 4th March 2014 to Thursday 4th December 2014
3 signatures
raise in carers allowance working money for 16 hours
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
4 signatures
Place in the public domain ALL CCTV and other photographic evidence used in the Lee Rigby murder trial.
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
1 signatures
ITV programme I'm a celebrity animal abuse
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
393 signatures
Please ban the consumption of Rana Temporaria
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
13 signatures
The government should invest in business.
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
2 signatures
as anybody in the government or there families been allowed to purchase shares in the stealing of the post office
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
2 signatures
Change how companies advertise on their products - whether or not they test on animals
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
15 signatures
Stop the promotion of anorexia and bulemia online make this a crime
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
7 signatures
Regulate the reselling of tickets by touts
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
2,678 signatures
Allow Family Presence during invasive procedures
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
7 signatures
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
2,248 signatures
Allow research for genetic manipulation to enable same-sex parents to have a child
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
2 signatures
Standardise ALL paperwork across the NHS
Open from Wednesday 4th December 2013 to Thursday 4th December 2014
33 signatures
Mag lev not HS2
Open from Wednesday 4th June 2014 to Thursday 4th December 2014
2 signatures
We would like a hard hitting TV and newspaper public information campaign showing the vunerability of cyclists on the road
Open from Wednesday 4th June 2014 to Thursday 4th December 2014
168 signatures
No win - No fee
Open from Wednesday 4th June 2014 to Thursday 4th December 2014
9 signatures
turn our street lights back in in great/ little wakering
Open from Wednesday 4th June 2014 to Thursday 4th December 2014
1 signatures
Presumed Liability (Road Traffic Incident)
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
448 signatures
illegalise the right for the public to remove or ammend road signs
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
7 signatures
Regulation of cycling events
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
185 signatures
zebra crossing at ladybarn
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
38 signatures
Rename Manchester Airport as Margaret Thatcher International Airport.
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
3 signatures
I Am AGAINST Muslim and Hindu Bank Holidays in the U.K.
Open from Tuesday 3rd June 2014 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
67 signatures
Remove the Royal charter of the BBC (British Broadcasting company)
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
7 signatures
to afford the people of Jersey the same human rights as those observed on mainland UK
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
23 signatures
Ban pay-per-view tv companies from holding full broadcasting rights for sport cup finals and tournaments
Open from Monday 3rd March 2014 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
4 signatures
Increase goverment funding for youth clubs!
Open from Tuesday 3rd December 2013 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
4 signatures
allow uk use of alepsia/realm oil, to help epilepsy sufferers
Open from Tuesday 3rd June 2014 to Wednesday 3rd December 2014
18 signatures
Don't give any more contracts to BT unless the agree to roll out superfast broadband to 100% of the UK.
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
6 signatures
Animal Experiments at record high - We call for the introduction of a fee-per-animal used to increase funding into alternative testing methods
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
668 signatures
Lee Rigby/graphic court details
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
5 signatures
Harassment of British nationals at Benazir Bhutto International Airport
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
146 signatures
Euromaidan: support for Ukrain to join the EU as an associate member
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
17 signatures
Britain to close the land frontier between Gibraltar and Spain immediately
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2 signatures
Government to take firmer action against threats from the Argentinian, and Spanish goverments regarding our overseas territories
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
reduce the populations of prisons
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
Hand control of HMP Oakwood over to NOMS
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
165 signatures
Women peadophiles should be treated the same as men
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
6 signatures
Make all eggs free range - Ban factory farming
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
25 signatures
Re-introduce the death penalty for Paedophiles
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
236 signatures
Reduce the welfare benefit cap, per household, to GBP10,000.00p per calendar year.
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
10 signatures
Make it compulsory for all councils to scan all pets found deceased
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2,164 signatures
Zero to landfill law on company's and businesses
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
1 signatures
Petition to change the bully breed legislature.
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
5 signatures
self sufficient society
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2 signatures
New Law Granting Neighbourhoods to peacefully disperse Groups of people that intimidate residents , taking drugs whilst loitering around Neighbourhood
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2 signatures
U.S. Interference in UK Membership of the European Union
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
5 signatures
Syrian Chemical Weaponry Waste
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
11 signatures
to provide a healthy menu option and juicing stations on all wards in NHS hospitals
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2 signatures
stop giving out methadone in public places
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
14 signatures
Raise more awareness and channel more funds into the research of Ovarian cancer and health
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
206 signatures
Work experience for Brandon Lewis
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2 signatures
Local Authorities To Pay Fair Charges for Care Work & Recognise Professional Care
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
23 signatures
Protect Emergancy service responders from over zealous driving laws
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
Multicultural Inter-religious Thanksgiving Celebration
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2 signatures
Save Whittingham Hospital
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
Compulsory Nutritional Information on all Alcohol Products
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
Increase the £30,000 tax free sum for redundancy payments annually by RPI
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
stop zero hours working contracts
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
35 signatures
All companies should have to pay the difference between statutory paternity leave and your normal basic wage
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
20 signatures
Stop the MP's Pay Rise
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
274 signatures
bring back workhouses for the poor
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
St. George's day & St. David's day bank holidays!
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
278 signatures
Move away from an oil exporting economy to an advanced engineering/manufacturing exports.
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
2 signatures
withdrawal from the EU Constitution
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
298 signatures
Sprotbrough school Crossing Patrol
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
30 signatures
Free labour movement should not mean access to UK benefits
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
24 signatures
Income support for full time students.
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
10 signatures
Reform Social Services to be part of all Police Forces (New Specialist Unit)
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
4 signatures
Fine for people taking two parking spaces
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
Build More Grammar Schools
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
11 signatures
As mark of respect to the 'fallen' remove optional status of World Wars in new (2014) National Curriculum for History
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
3 signatures
UK Government: Ban advertising alcohol in all public places, including bar/ shop fronts, and on TV
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
9 signatures
Stop Drug Propaganda
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
8 signatures
compulsory severance for police
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
123 signatures
Make councils pay a fine to the tenant for failing to keep an agreed appointment. And following a complaint jobs should be completed in 28 days
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
6 signatures
Don't ban e cigarettes
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
6 signatures
Littlehampton hospital
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
198 signatures
Occupational therapy treatment for Autistic children
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
34 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:43:33 +0000