All the petitions which closed in January 2019, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Ban all gambling advertising on TV
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
288 signatures
Free Glasses for anyone who needs them NO MATTER THE AGE! Especially students.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
15 signatures
Ban all new fossil fuel vehicles by 2030
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
181 signatures
Revoke Section 74 of the LLA Act 2007 that permits the reuse of graves
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
52 signatures
Pay student social workers on Placement a minimum wage
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
50 signatures
Declare a Climate Emergency, end fossil fuel use and build community resilience.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
26,073 signatures
Bring forward the implementation of 2% BIK for electric vehicles to April 2019
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
2,138 signatures
Emergency services to be exempt from parking tickets or charges while on duty.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
32 signatures
Legislate to allow for ‘no questions asked’ divorces in the United Kingdom
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
10 signatures
Legal requierment for A/C to be working correctly on Public Service Vehicles
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
1,980 signatures
To impose stricter laws for the use of horse drawn carts, and roadside tethering
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
410 signatures
Don't sell Linton-on-ouse
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
28 signatures
For all Suicides by Veterans to be recorded as Veterans by all UK Coroners
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
16,740 signatures
Pass a law to prevent landlords refusing people to have pets.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
359 signatures
Provide a minimum of 100 litres of clean water per person daily, free of charge
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
11 signatures
Offer support to Greece regarding the Mati Wildfire Crisis
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
22 signatures
Create mandatory Register for Acid Attack Offenders
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
26 signatures
Ban plastic fishing nets as they make 46% of the plastic waste in the ocean.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
476 signatures
Change the voting system to proportional representation, dump FPTP
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
47 signatures
Change in legislation to encourage & support new mums getting back to work.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
49 signatures
Equal rights for boys up to their 18th birthday to receive the HPV vaccine.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
12 signatures
To keep the RAF Red Arrows in Lincolnshire after RAF Scampton closes.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
110 signatures
Reverse the decision to close RAF Scampton
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
23,508 signatures
Explain how Juvenile Covert Human Intelligence Sources are used & kept safe.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
9 signatures
Ban Online Casinos
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
28 signatures
Make all goods vehicles to have speed limiters set at the national speed limit
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
23 signatures
Oppose the death penalty for IS 'Beatles' duo
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
27 signatures
FA2017 Part 2 Clause 29(2) to include calorific maltodextrin
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
1,064 signatures
Preserve the rights of EU citizens to stand and vote in local elections.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
1,756 signatures
Require 70% of National Park members be directly elected, 30% being appointees.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
26 signatures
Increase government funding for assisted living facilities in care homes.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
11 signatures
Alll people charged with a sexual offence against children remanded in custody.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
25 signatures
Brexit re article 50 it must not be suspended/stopped under any circumstances
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
116,485 signatures
Change the rules on accessibility to schools to match that of planning.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
1,133 signatures
Take back control of disabled persons services and standardised across the UK
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
50 signatures
Fund life saving Immunotherapy for lung cancer patients to more than 2 years
Open from Monday 30th July 2018 to Wednesday 30th January 2019
10,263 signatures
Stop Water companies from draining UK taxable profits by ‘Earnings Stripping’
Open from Monday 30th July 2018 to Wednesday 30th January 2019
12 signatures
Make prescriptions free for all NHS staff
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
17 signatures
Give the Firemen, the Police, The Emergency Services a National Day.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
12 signatures
Free Meals For All Kids in Primary Schools
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
19 signatures
Provide option to pay an extra 10 to 20% Council Tax & choose where it's spent.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
12 signatures
An additional £350 million/week must go to the NHS or hold a second referendum
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
49 signatures
To review current criminal law relating to rape and sexual offences.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
9 signatures
Take Pitbulls off the 1991 dangerous dog act.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
19 signatures
Grant President Donald Trump a full State Visit
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
251 signatures
Give cadet forces more funding + get all air cadets squadrons back in the sky.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
12 signatures
PM to refer ERG funding to the Independent Advisor on Minister's Interests.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
2,946 signatures
Introduce a mandatory prison sentence for vehicle theft.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
3,315 signatures
Mental Health assessment and treatment, waiting times, published by October 2018
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
373 signatures
Lower the legal driving age to 16
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
60 signatures
Allow the public to carry and use self defence items.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
75 signatures
Make it illegal for Holiday firms to increase prices in school holidays
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
1,183 signatures
Ban smoking within 6 meters from public entrances; exempting pubs and clubs.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
14 signatures
provide free water for everyone on the street of UK in this extreme hot weather
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
13 signatures
The UK government should ban Steve Bannon from entering the UK
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
13,392 signatures
Ensure that AFCS pays out for service injury AND the impact to life and family
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
10 signatures
Give Transport for London the suburban metro rail services
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
22 signatures
UK to refer Sri Lanka to ICC in March 2019
Open from Thursday 26th July 2018 to Saturday 26th January 2019
17,554 signatures
We want a world class radiotherapy service accessible for all cancer patients.
Open from Thursday 26th July 2018 to Saturday 26th January 2019
10,610 signatures
Allow the rules of intestacy to be challenged when evidence allows
Open from Thursday 26th July 2018 to Saturday 26th January 2019
206 signatures
Free Sanitary products for women and girls on benefits
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
15 signatures
Remove the requirement to pay VAT by churches, specifically on building works.
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
1,751 signatures
Increase the lowest maintenance loans from student finance.
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
32 signatures
Increase the 5p charge for plastic bags to 10p across the UK
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
58 signatures
Equal rights for Fathers-to-be to be paid leave for antenatal appointments.
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
21 signatures
All foods that contain gelatine must state what type of animal it is made from
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
12 signatures
Change the law on drink driving to no drink at all while in charge of a vehicle
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
4,029 signatures
Change the The Parliamentary Oath to an oath to the people and to uphold the law
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
80 signatures
make it a criminal offence for a parent to deny contact after a court order
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
1,576 signatures
Scrap the current school grading system and give us a result out of 100 (%).
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
18 signatures
Stop the use of Juvenile Covert Human Intelligence Sources (child spies).
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
239 signatures
Ban Animal circuses in the UK. It is animal cruelty and completely barbaric.
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
225 signatures
Ban fake numbers being used for sales, marketing, PPI and personal injury calls.
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2018 to Friday 25th January 2019
13 signatures
Extend paternity leave to at least 4 weeks so fathers can bond with their child.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
41 signatures
law to put panic buttons in hgv s incase drivers have medical emergency
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
24 signatures
Create a Dedicated Minister for Dogs (and cats)
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
120 signatures
Form a Government of National Unity to oversee Brexit
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
66 signatures
Recognise parental alienation and make it a criminal offence.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
319 signatures
Limit MP's to a total of 4 years in parliament to prevent career politicians.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
19 signatures
Ban the use of face coverings at protests and counter protests.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
604 signatures
Create an independent enquiry to determine if foreign powers influenced Brexit.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
1,053 signatures
Re-introduce National Service
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
135 signatures
The UK Government to support a joint British bid for the 2030 world cup
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
20 signatures
Award a campaign medal to those who fought in France & Norway between 1939-40.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
507 signatures
Set up a Citizens' Assembly for public engagement at Parliament
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
22 signatures
Introduce sanctions for Whaling nations if the hunting of Whales does not cease.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
389 signatures
Change the laws on buying and selling property in England and Wales
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
122 signatures
Create a UK wide waste and recycling system.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
719 signatures
Create a regulated market for Ecstasy
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
67 signatures
Make using red flashing lights on recovery trucks mandatory.
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2018 to Thursday 24th January 2019
7 signatures
Improve the transition from mental health child service to adult
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
102 signatures
Make fire extinguishers mandatory in tower blocks
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
9 signatures
New EU membership referendum asking leave or remain until 55% majority reached
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
280 signatures
It should be mandatory for schools to provide a summer uniform
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
9 signatures
Make animal welfare part of the schools curriculum.
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
958 signatures
Increase Child Benefit to £40 per child per week
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
25 signatures
To make it illegal to walk any Dog in temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit
Open from Monday 23rd July 2018 to Wednesday 23rd January 2019
15 signatures
Ban the shooting of Pheasants, Partridges and Grouse for sport.
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
849 signatures
British students to receive U.K student loan when studying a whole degree abroad
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
114 signatures
Cancel Parliament's Summer Recess to sort out the Brexit Deal
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
486 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:34:30 +0000