All the petitions which opened in January 2019, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Urge India and Pakistan to create an independent state in Kashmir
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
28 signatures
All ‘fox’ hunts to be filmed by 3rd party, to ensure compliance with Hunting Act
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
138 signatures
Start safeguarding parents from abusive ex-partners.
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
20 signatures
Change the balance of exams and coursework to improve students’ mental health
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
70 signatures
Review how sexual assault victims are treated in court
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
16 signatures
End Austerity and increase funding to NHS, Schools & Housing Authority
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
43 signatures
Lower the cost of university tuition fees.
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
55 signatures
To ask the UK government to investigate the contract given to Seaborne freight.
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
61 signatures
Improve treatment and support for patients with small cell lung cancer
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
39 signatures
Fine people for leaving a dog tied up and unattended
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
41 signatures
Hold a second referendum on EU membership.
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
194,336 signatures
Change the policy on Bereavement Benefit.
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
36 signatures
Abolish Student Fees for NHS Staff
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
488 signatures
Lift the ban on .22 handguns.
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2019 to Tuesday 16th July 2019
1,929 signatures
Declassify first class carriages on all rush hour trains
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
13 signatures
Make registration of white goods law, to locate the owners of fly tipping.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
63 signatures
Remove the Sudanese Embassador from the UK
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
158 signatures
Urge the Nigerian Government to release Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky from prison.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
11 signatures
Save Britain's Motorways from terrible driving with regular reminders.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
16 signatures
Force UK rail firms to offer Mon-Friday season tickets, to reduce ticket costs.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
60 signatures
Parliamentary Code of Conduct for Members of Parliament to be amended.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
18 signatures
Allow the possession of a registered pepper spray as a self-defence weapon
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
88 signatures
Ban the sale of 7.5% Cheap White Cider which is highly addictive and deadly!
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
15 signatures
Reduce the number of days in a year a workers union can strike to 12 days a year
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
15 signatures
Outlaw service charges on bar/restaurant bills
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
18 signatures
Mandatory Regulation of Payroll Providers
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
189 signatures
Reduce the council tax for people who live in park homes
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
1,557 signatures
Ban the appalling conditions battery and barn hens are currently kept in.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
8,275 signatures
Automatically grant EU citizens in the UK indefinite leave to remain for free
Open from Monday 14th January 2019 to Sunday 14th July 2019
21,754 signatures
Require hounds to be muzzled when out trail or drag hunting to protect wildlife
Open from Monday 14th January 2019 to Sunday 14th July 2019
363 signatures
Stop pets being sold online.
Open from Friday 11th January 2019 to Thursday 11th July 2019
406 signatures
Hold a General Election in April 2019.
Open from Friday 11th January 2019 to Thursday 11th July 2019
57 signatures
To test for streptococcus b in pregnant women to be routine test.
Rejected on Friday 11th January 2019 - reason: fake-name
Stop charging VAT on gym memberships
Open from Friday 11th January 2019 to Thursday 11th July 2019
174 signatures
Freeze the £1bn RFA ship tender till we leave EU directives, to ensure UK build.
Open from Friday 11th January 2019 to Thursday 11th July 2019
22,854 signatures
Laws to be introduced on social networks on hate preaching against religion(s)
Open from Thursday 10th January 2019 to Wednesday 10th July 2019
115,999 signatures
Require all Blue Badge parking to be free
Open from Thursday 10th January 2019 to Wednesday 10th July 2019
33 signatures
Make All Disabled Toilets Air Freshener Free - Some Disabilities are Invisible
Open from Thursday 10th January 2019 to Wednesday 10th July 2019
154 signatures
Hold a Referendum on whether to give or not give foreign aid.
Open from Thursday 10th January 2019 to Wednesday 10th July 2019
28 signatures
Condemn Sudan’s use of lethal force vs protests, pressure for democratic change
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
22,999 signatures
Make maintenance loans proportionate to the average living costs in the area
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
220 signatures
Return old armed forces/emergency services pensions for those who signed for it.
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
33 signatures
Increase the VAT threshold for small businesses to £110k
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
36 signatures
Devise a national public campaign to increase awareness of Bone Marrow Donation.
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
23 signatures
Ban plastic wrappers for individually sold greetings cards.
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
2,307 signatures
Referendum asking Britain if there should be a second Brexit referendum.
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
87 signatures
Make therapies (DBT) and help more accessible to individuals with BPD
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2019 to Tuesday 9th July 2019
289 signatures
Move the British embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
Open from Tuesday 8th January 2019 to Monday 8th July 2019
21 signatures
Make it illegal for the press to name people arrested until they've been charged
Open from Tuesday 8th January 2019 to Monday 8th July 2019
85 signatures
Offer tax relief on the fees for the EU Settlement Scheme
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
145 signatures
Stop commission and bonuses being used to make up minimum wage.
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
197 signatures
Stop cross bordering licensing for Hackney and Private Hire in the UK
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
2,278 signatures
Give women 2 paid days off a month when needed during their time of the month.
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
18 signatures
Reduce The Minimum Income Requirement for Spouse Visa
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
509 signatures
Make drinking water free of charge inside the airports and train stations.
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
31 signatures
Make dog ownership/dog microchip details operate like car ownership.
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
21 signatures
Mandate schools to consult parents before teaching Relationships & Sex Education
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
65,778 signatures
Impose trade sanctions on Japan in response to decision to leave IWC agreement.
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
969 signatures
Call on the Japanese Government to stop their intended return commercial whaling
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
282 signatures
All car parks should have at least 10% electric car charging stations (free).
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
33 signatures
Give voting rights to EU citizens in the UK and Brits abroad in a People's Vote
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
38,083 signatures
Let the whole UK electorate vote for City mayors.
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
176 signatures
M1 motorway must go beyond Berwick upon Tweed
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
13 signatures
Increase the maximum jail term for flying a drone over a UK airport to 10 years.
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
17 signatures
Ban sugar in Leisure Centres, Hospitals & all other places that promote health.
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
19 signatures
Ban (military grade armour piercing) 0.50 or higher calibre rifles in the UK
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
17 signatures
Ensure that funding from the lottery is given to transgender support charities
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
3,250 signatures
Mandatory custodial sentences for people who attack public sector workers
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
163 signatures
Make it government policy to campaign to outlaw private military companies
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
26 signatures
Amend BBC Charter to cap executive salaries at no more than the Prime Minister's
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
38 signatures
Change the law on EV charging so people in terraced homes can also benefit
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
286 signatures
Strengthen laws & policies on terror suspects and those linked to terror groups
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
66 signatures
Raise the practical driving test standards considerably.
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
13 signatures
Change animal abuse law: make a UK register for people who abuse animals.
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
1,110 signatures
Support Finance Bill Amendment to stop no-deal Brexit without Commons approval.
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
35 signatures
Force NHS Trusts and their clients to pay their employees "AFC for Contractors"
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
47 signatures
Be fair to Bees, Plan Bee –Help farmers safeguard our valuable Nature!
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
6,045 signatures
Remove the housing element part of Universal Credit and put back housing benefit
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
64 signatures
Introduce prostrate screening for men from 55 years of age.
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
105 signatures
HGVs restricted to first two lanes of motorways & be restricted at peak times.
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
18 signatures
Ban Drones
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
24 signatures
Make all drone pilots subject to licensing and create a register of owners
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
19 signatures
Discuss how supported employment can be made mandatory to include the disabled.
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
36 signatures
Stop Brexit if parliament rejects the deal
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
32,603 signatures
stem cell treatment should be free on NHS for all who suffer with cerebral palsy
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
130 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:48:19 +0000