All the petitions which were rejected in June 2017, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Note: Every petition originally rejected during the 2010-2015 Parliament was added to the data API in June 2017 with a rejection date of June 2017. So this month is a bit of an oddity, as all of the petitions that are showing as rejected in this month are from several years previously.
Referendum : Does the British electorate desire full,unambiguous independence on the 'world stage'?
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Cigarette Smoking in the Urban Environment
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Immediate abolition of the television licence system
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Strip convicted peers of their titles
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Reform Education
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Make it illegal for UK councils to invest in tobacco
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Force government to dismantle the CSA completely
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop giving money abroad when we are sinking ourselves
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Improve Maternity Services at Queens Hospital in Havering
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
For MPs such as Nick Clegg to respect the will of the electorate and change both human rights and EU law.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Halt Overseas Aid untill the Deficit has been eliminated
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Children should be made to wear Cycle Helmets by Law
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Keep BBC Sports Personality of the Year on a Sunday evening
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Stop Companies Making Huge Profits & Paying Fat Cat Salaries at the Expense of the Consumer
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Get Andrew Campbell the cancer drug he needs!!!!!!
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Against guidelines to leave babies born before 23 weeks to die.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
A Knighthood for David McCallum
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: honours
Sack David Cameron and Nick Clegg
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Introducing ‘chain gang’ can be used to deter crimes, rehabilitate prisoners, to do jobs that benefits society and solving overcrowding in prisons
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Make Air Guitar an Olympic Sport
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Against the forced extradition of minors for indoctrination and punishment
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
EU Referendum
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Increase R&D into developing organs from patients’ own stem cells, effectively solving rejection & organ shortage problems in organ transplants
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Penalize any public or private body that prevents the sale of the Remembrance Day Poppy
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Protect the Armed Forces from further cuts.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Death Penalty For Repeat Offenders
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Get rid of the Queen
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Option to wipe clean Criminal Records for just minor offences
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop Religious Education Being Taught In Schools
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Rights to defend self or family from a threatening act of crime
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Make 'Rule Britannia' the British Victory Anthem
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Recognition of Israel. Mutual Defence Treaty. Palestine Authority and Hamas as terrorist organisations.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
The scrapping of the U.K. T.V Licence
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Petition to reform and reintroduce the EMA
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Push for a change in EU law where doctors can be tested for English language skills
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Homosexuals should be allowed to give blood.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Bring back Serie A to Free TV
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
low income family's
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
look into how child maintenance affects the non resident parent rather than just the resident parent
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Spare wheels fitted to new cars.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Electronically Tag all rioters and ASBO holders
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
stop the government medicals that take genuine sick benefit
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Claim all immigrants benefits and payments from their country of origin
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
remove child soldiers.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Remove Mervyn King as Governor of the Bank of England
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: honours
Liberal Democratic political party
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Death row for peadophiles or child murderers
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
stop deportation of Gladys Mabvira
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
stop the deportation of a ZAPU member GLADYS MABVIRA
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Withdrawn of UK from NATO
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
More female consultants on labour wards
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
To Reform or replace citizenship lessons to encapsulate political education
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Ban the labour party from government office
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
End no-win, no-fee legal practice
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Do not open up marriage to same sex couples
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Re- patriate off shore call centres
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Stop People Being Wrongly Convicted
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Free 24hour care available to all in the community
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Save Salford's Representation in Parliament
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
For and against e-petitions
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Equality in Law for Cohabitating Couples
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Train doctors to take a more holistic approach to healthcare
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Review the xenoestrogen overload in our way of life
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Free women from slavery of sharia and other extremist religions
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Upgrade Parliament into 21st Century
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Bring back caning in classrooms
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
English students should pay the same university tuition fees in Scotland as people from the EU, since England is in the EU!
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop all financial bail outs
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop the hidden green taxes
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Back recognition of Palestine by the UN
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
checking petitions signatures
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Ban the sale of halogen spotlamps for use in residential and commercial buildings
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stopping Rioters benefits will increase homeless issue. Provide mandatory education, community service and rehabilitation of offenders
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Let the BBC prove its worth
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop Pets At Home selling live animals
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Sentencing of Repeat Offenders
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
e petions
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
UK should vote against Palestinian State in UN 23/09/11
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Free Parking at Hospitals
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
End Taxpayer Subsidies to Trades Unions
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Ban ALL Premium rate telephone numbers.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Corporal punishment should not be brought back into schools
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
For MPs such as Nick Clegg to respect the will of the electorate.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Non English speaking nurses in the NHS
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Womens FA Cup Finals
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Save Spen from boundary changes
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Award paul brown his mbe for his work in education
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: honours
Save Our Saford
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Ben Judge for prime minister
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: honours
Jerusalem to be adopted as the national Anthem at all sporting events
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop aid to India, and spend on our own British citizens instead.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Council tenants should pay for their own heating - gas, electricity and other utility charges
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Leave our Poppy sellers alone
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Criminals should serve the sentence their given!
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate Thu, 13 Mar 2025 06:31:13 +0000