All the petitions which were submitted in October 2016, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Embed Armed Forces Covenant into law in the United Kingdom.
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
5,008 signatures
End industrial breeding of domestic pets to protect the welfare of animals.
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
58 signatures
All councils and H/A should offer any new build properties to existing tenants
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
9 signatures
Cancel Brexit because the majority of British people no longer support Brexit.
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Halt bringing child refugees to the UK until adequate vetting processes in place
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Award a knighthood to Gary Lineker for services to humanitarian aid awareness.
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: honours
Cancel Brexit because British citizens are no longer in favour of it.
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Debate whether self-regulation of the press is adequate.
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Open from Friday 28th October 2016 to Friday 28th April 2017
39 signatures
Make all retail and commercial premises prominently display their street numbers
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
9 signatures
Ban drinking alcohol in Parliament by MP's
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
38 signatures
Change the Bus Services Bill so authorities are allowed to set up bus companies.
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
40 signatures
Make it legal in the uk for terminal ill cancer patients to end their life
Submitted on Friday 21st October 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 26th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make the mechanics behind weight gain and loss compulsory for secondary schools
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
11 signatures
Lower the age for NHS Breast Cancer screening from 50 to 40.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stage new EU referendum before Article 50 to reflect changed voting demographic
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 27th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Extend naturalization time fro 10 years to 20 years
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Ban the use of all animals in circuses
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 26th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop Uber cars in Guildford threatening the trade of the licensed taxis
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Investigate the 19 deaths at Orchid View care home
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
2,209 signatures
Stop politicians attending Remembrance Parade on Remembrance Sunday in November.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Stop car insurance companies increasing prices after a non-fault accident.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
86 signatures
Have the PM reconsider her approach to Brexit
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Introduce a policy limiting media coverage of immigration/migrants negatively
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 26th October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Remove the age limit from apprenticeships to help less experienced job seekers.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
31 signatures
Make a footpath for children to walk safely to school
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
stop punishing the unemployed for gaining education to improve the job prospects
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 4th November 2016 - reason: no-action
Consider ability to pay rent instead of finding a mortgage deposit
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 9th November 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Bring back jumbo sausages in Norwich school refectory
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Allow existing annuities to be transferred into another existing private pension
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Wednesday 26th October 2016 to Wednesday 26th April 2017
24 signatures
State Pension Payable Immediately On Completion Of 40 Years N.I. Contributions
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Monday 24th October 2016 to Monday 24th April 2017
154 signatures
Create a new cabinet post 'Animal Welfare Secretary'
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
3,408 signatures
Consider a Helicopter-Drop of RBS Shares to the British Public
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: no-action
let children only through from calais, not full grown men!
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Lets get first aid training in schools and sign language !
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Dedicate more funds to the development of the city of Birmingham.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Wednesday 26th October 2016 to Wednesday 26th April 2017
9 signatures
issue an apology to homosexuals who were criminalised under indecency laws
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
15 signatures
Replace 5p plastic bags for PAPER BAGS.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
126 signatures
Give English People a vote on if we want Scotland to be given independence.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 1st November 2016 to Monday 1st May 2017
39 signatures
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Re-establish Rhodesia and remove the fake state of Zimbabwe.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
removal of traffic commissioners powers to suspend, revoke driving licences
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 15th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
9 signatures
stop animal cruelty and any type of testing on animals
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
45 signatures
Legalise cannabis for all UK adult residents.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Let the general public participate when the government sells its Lloyds stake.
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
31,846 signatures
Add an extra voting option to the next election of "Electoral Reform!"
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
11 signatures
I call for a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in this government!
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
994 signatures
Make the 23rd June an official Independence Day and be celebrated every year!
Submitted on Thursday 20th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 20th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make Motorcycle Awareness training mandatory for 'Careless' Car Drivers.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Full pension rights for people thrown out of the navy for living with ts person
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
17 signatures
All child refugees to be checked to confirm their REAL age
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Put a safe crossing in at the traffic lights in Bailiff Bridge, HD6 Brighouse.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Brexit negotiations must partition the UK into EU and non-EU areas.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 26th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Provide much needed Truck Stops across the UK with modern facilities.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
10,359 signatures
Have tighter checks on accepting migrants to the UK claiming to be children
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Introduce a law to require businesses to donate food waste to charities
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 27th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
To call for the RESIGNATION or SACKING of the UK Home Secretary -- AMBER RUDD.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: honours
Stop so called child migrants coming from France until they can verify there age
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call on the Government to urge Whirlpool UK to recall all faulty tumble dryers
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 1st November 2016 to Monday 1st May 2017
101,980 signatures
Create a governing body for builders as there is for electricians & plumbers.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 8th November 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Save the NHS by creating a new law to commit 11% of U.K. GDP on Healthcare
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
152 signatures
Child refugees to be given dental tests to prove their age before entering UK.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 27th October 2016 - reason: no-action
To make it law to cover news papers in retail outlets
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 16th December 2016 - reason: no-action
Migrants entering the UK as children to be physically assessed to prove true age
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ban all further refugee intakes, untill age verified checking is done .
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
To use the law to protect all the children employed in the UK.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Make it illegal for the PM to not answer questions during PMQ.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 26th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Implement a 12 month ban for using mobiles while driving.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
54 signatures
England should have it's own National Anthem like Scotland and Wales do!
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Move the Ministry for Exiting the EU to Northern England
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
17 signatures
Test the age of refugees into the UK.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Giving false evidence in referenda should be treated as a contempt of Parliament
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 4th November 2016 - reason: no-action
Demand all children migrants are verified by age before entering the country.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop 'child' immigrants gaining entry into the UK when they are clearly adults
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make parking on pavement illegal so we wheelchair and pramchairs get through
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Open from Thursday 17th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
120 signatures
Follow law and use the EU referendum result as an indicator for Parliament only.
Submitted on Wednesday 19th October 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 25th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Change abortion laws. Abortions should only be up until week 15 no later.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Monday 24th October 2016 to Monday 24th April 2017
35 signatures
STOP Michael Gove's/Conservatives decision on scrapping Arts from education!!!
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 19th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop PWC/Management companies being paid tax payers money by local authorities
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 27th October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Take more action with those subjected to emotional/mental abuse within families.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Stop accepting Calais migrants posing as children until dental age verified
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
The change in legislation on annuities today
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 24th November 2016 - reason: no-action
Ban ear piercing on babies, toddlers, and children of primary school age
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 20th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Disability/disabilities to have enshrined in law two parts of citizen status.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Make the government provide more support for homeless people
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Ban ear piercing for babies and toddlers of primary school age.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Increase maternity leave to 3 years from the start of the maternity leave.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 20th October 2016 - reason: fake-name
Make biological age tests compulsory for 'Child' refugees entering the UK.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Take the TV show "Loose Women" off the air
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 20th October 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Fund the NHS by increasing income-tax by 2 pence in the pound.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Monday 24th October 2016 to Monday 24th April 2017
29 signatures
Change Just in Case medication policy to Debbiebox a NHS Standard practice in GP
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
162 signatures
Hold a referendum asking the British people if they would like to join the EU.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Monday 24th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Change in the law regarding how ccjs affect job application.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 27th October 2016 - reason: no-action
Make the time of paternity leave longer than 2 weeks
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Friday 21st October 2016 to Friday 21st April 2017
52 signatures
Increase the number of years required to be eligible for UK citizenship
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Monday 24th October 2016 to Monday 24th April 2017
32 signatures
Scientifically age screen "Children" from the Calais and other refugee camps.
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Friday 21st October 2016 - reason: duplicate
To allow every serviceman and woman to have a dignified funeral
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
1,948 signatures
Any refugee claiming to be a child to have ID, age and criminal conviction tests
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
587 signatures
Disqualify from driving anyone caught using a mobile whilst driving
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Rejected on Thursday 20th October 2016 - reason: duplicate
Require manufacturers & suppliers to label reduction in size/volume of a product
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
9 signatures
Lower the amount of signatures needed for discussion in parliament to 25000
Submitted on Tuesday 18th October 2016
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
79 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:47:56 +0000