Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Reverse the Chancellor's decision on the Housing Benefit Cap
Open from Wednesday 9th March 2016 to Friday 9th September 2016
120 signatures
UK Parliament to take back responsibility for laws on abortion from NI Assembly
Open from Tuesday 18th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
120 signatures
Save Radio Lancashire in its present form
Open from Thursday 27th October 2011 to Friday 27th April 2012
118 signatures
Stop the Red Arrows being disbanded
Open from Friday 26th August 2011 to Sunday 26th February 2012
118 signatures
Make Animal Cruelty sentences a minimum of 5 years, not a maximum.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
117 signatures
Make sex or sexual acts for rent a criminal offence.
Open from Tuesday 25th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
117 signatures
Ban the BBC from accepting money from outside sources.
Open from Friday 11th September 2015 to Friday 11th March 2016
115 signatures
Withdraw attempts to charge non-EEA citizens for access to emergency care
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2015 to Tuesday 3rd May 2016
115 signatures
Parliament to debate the matter of forcing schools to convert to academies
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
115 signatures
Abolish the requirement for BBC non-viewers to have a TV licence.
Open from Thursday 25th August 2022 to Saturday 11th March 2023
114 signatures
Require UK fashion retailers to sign up to an environmental code of ethics
Open from Tuesday 23rd October 2018 to Tuesday 23rd April 2019
114 signatures
Stop aid to countries that have a nuclear/space program put monies saved in NHS
Open from Thursday 19th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
113 signatures
Ban import of products from Amazon rainforest if not Deforestation Free
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2020 to Friday 26th February 2021
112 signatures
Introduce a law for all branded takeaway coffee cups to be easily recycled.
Open from Thursday 4th August 2016 to Saturday 4th February 2017
112 signatures
Stop the Deer Cull in the UK
Open from Tuesday 12th March 2013 to Thursday 12th September 2013
111 signatures
Abolish tv licence as no one is contracted to have one
Open from Tuesday 25th February 2014 to Wednesday 25th February 2015
109 signatures
The BBC should not be forced to pay to be broadcast on Sky TV
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
108 signatures
Allow UKSA to prosecute politicians who state incorrect statistics
Open from Friday 8th July 2016 to Sunday 8th January 2017
107 signatures
Make the BBC a subscription-only channel and abolish the TV licence.
Open from Friday 4th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
106 signatures
Demand a pay cut of £13,612 of all MLAs in Northern Ireland
Open from Thursday 24th May 2018 to Saturday 24th November 2018
105 signatures
Create special funding for the victims of racial hatred & bigotry postreferendum
Open from Thursday 28th July 2016 to Saturday 28th January 2017
105 signatures
Referendum on whether to scrap the TV license
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
105 signatures
Make asking for sex or sexual acts for rent a criminal offence
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2018 to Friday 14th September 2018
104 signatures
Foreign language channel on Freeview. Government to get the BBC to liaise with other EU state broadcasters to share the best TV programmes.
Open from Monday 21st November 2011 to Wednesday 21st November 2012
103 signatures
Implement a colour coded recycling system in the U.K., similar to Eskilstuna
Open from Thursday 12th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
101 signatures
Make "Jerusalem" England's official national anthem by law
Open from Thursday 1st March 2018 to Saturday 1st September 2018
99 signatures
BBC weather map of UK to be accurately sized
Open from Wednesday 28th September 2011 to Friday 28th September 2012
99 signatures
Make the minimum hourly wage for residential & domicilary care workers £10phr.
Open from Monday 6th June 2016 to Tuesday 6th December 2016
99 signatures
Offer to mediate between Pakistan and India over the issue of Kashmir
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
98 signatures
Enact an Environmental Law
Open from Monday 3rd September 2018 to Sunday 3rd March 2019
96 signatures
End TV Licensing
Open from Wednesday 27th November 2013 to Thursday 27th November 2014
96 signatures
Force the BBC to scrap the licence fee in favour of funding from advertisements.
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
96 signatures
Remove TV License requirements to stream “Live” TV from third party providers
Open from Thursday 26th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
96 signatures
Iain Duncan Smith to shun all his expenses
Open from Monday 29th April 2013 to Tuesday 29th April 2014
96 signatures
BBC funding should be maintained rather than cut.
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2015 to Friday 22nd January 2016
95 signatures
GIve the BBC the right to show the Rugby World Cup
Open from Friday 16th September 2011 to Sunday 16th September 2012
95 signatures
Remove the use of the word British from the British Broadcasting Cooperation
Open from Tuesday 6th October 2020 to Tuesday 6th April 2021
95 signatures
Remove Sir David Scholey from BBC goverorship
Open from Tuesday 13th September 2011 to Thursday 13th September 2012
94 signatures
Do not allow universities to raise tuition fees from £9000 to the proposed £9250
Open from Thursday 28th July 2016 to Saturday 28th January 2017
93 signatures
Stop all foreign funding of Mosques in the UK.
Open from Friday 4th December 2015 to Saturday 4th June 2016
93 signatures
Fund more beds in Northampton General to help reduce cancelled operations
Open from Sunday 10th April 2016 to Monday 10th October 2016
92 signatures
Stop the use of plastic milk bottles and return to glass bottles
Open from Monday 3rd December 2018 to Monday 3rd June 2019
91 signatures
Investigate the influence Rupert Murdoch has within the BBC
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Saturday 5th November 2011
91 signatures
Parliament to debate withdrawal of British support for Iran Nuclear deal.
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
90 signatures
George Osborne give the NHS the £30 Billion from NI contributions.
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2015 to Friday 29th January 2016
90 signatures
Call for an independent review into political bias within the BBC.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
90 signatures
Guarantee the right to remain in the UK of all Afghan interpreters
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
89 signatures
Save our Planet. Cap plastic bags to 4 per person & raise price to 25p per bag.
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
88 signatures
Urge USA not to cease funding UNWRA and contribute towards any shortfall
Open from Friday 21st September 2018 to Thursday 21st March 2019
86 signatures
Introduce tax on disposable coffee cups to reduce waste
Open from Friday 13th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
86 signatures
Scrap or Amend the TV Licence to be a subscription service and decriminalise it
Open from Thursday 8th September 2016 to Wednesday 8th March 2017
85 signatures
Government to fund doctor training on condition they work for NHS after.
Open from Monday 14th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
84 signatures
BBC Sport channel to aid minority/olympic sports
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
84 signatures
Change school hours to 9am - 4pm everywhere in the U.K.
Open from Sunday 12th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
84 signatures
BBC to build new Radio 4 Long Wave Transmitter
Open from Thursday 13th October 2011 to Saturday 13th October 2012
83 signatures
Ban non-residents from buying homes within the UK, based on existing Danish law.
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2015 to Thursday 28th January 2016
83 signatures
Force car manufacturers to improve their security for keyless entry.
Open from Thursday 25th April 2019 to Friday 25th October 2019
83 signatures
tv licences
Open from Tuesday 24th April 2012 to Wednesday 24th April 2013
82 signatures
Ban fruit and veg being wrapped/packaged in plastic by 2020
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
82 signatures
Privatise the BBC as we did with other public services
Open from Thursday 21st September 2017 to Wednesday 21st March 2018
81 signatures
Remove the 5% tax on sanitary products.
Open from Tuesday 15th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
80 signatures
Stop the legislation to 'kick out foreign graduates'
Open from Tuesday 21st July 2015 to Thursday 21st January 2016
79 signatures
We do not want a Norwegian EEC paid membership trade deal, or a Swiss deal.
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
79 signatures
Take action on the greatest Humanitarian Crisis since 1945
Open from Thursday 23rd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
79 signatures
Public Inquiry into the effectiveness of the DWP in relation to disabled people.
Open from Wednesday 18th March 2020 to Friday 18th September 2020
78 signatures
Maintain current level of BBC funding as a minimum.
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2015 to Friday 22nd January 2016
77 signatures
Make Crash Helmets For Quad Bike Riders Compulsory
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
76 signatures
Enquiry into the BBC and revoke the licence fee due to left wing bias broadcasts
Open from Wednesday 14th October 2015 to Thursday 14th April 2016
75 signatures
Stop UK foreign aid to all countries that mistreat minorities in appalling ways.
Open from Wednesday 25th October 2017 to Wednesday 25th April 2018
75 signatures
Expel Venezuelan Diplomats and close their Embassy in London
Open from Thursday 15th February 2018 to Wednesday 15th August 2018
73 signatures
Put fainting and epileptic seizure advice in all public transport buildings
Open from Thursday 8th November 2018 to Wednesday 8th May 2019
73 signatures
Stop providers of Buy to Let mortgages discriminating against benefits claimants
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
73 signatures
We believe Parliament should vote to allow more refugees to settle in the UK.
Open from Monday 15th April 2019 to Tuesday 15th October 2019
73 signatures
Amend Protection of Freedoms Act 2012to restrict charges for overstaying Parking
Open from Tuesday 10th November 2015 to Tuesday 10th May 2016
73 signatures
Nationalise the M6 Toll road
Open from Thursday 6th October 2016 to Thursday 6th April 2017
72 signatures
Make it illegal to spit in the street/road. You should be fined if you do so.
Open from Thursday 21st September 2017 to Wednesday 21st March 2018
72 signatures
No to increasing tv license fees
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
72 signatures
Subtitling for BBC NEWS websites.
Open from Monday 31st October 2011 to Wednesday 31st October 2012
71 signatures
Hold referendum on any privatisation of public service broadcasters
Open from Friday 8th April 2022 to Saturday 22nd October 2022
71 signatures
Stop extradition to the UAE
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2018 to Saturday 22nd September 2018
71 signatures
Increase UK aid for Yemen from for 2021 up to £300 million
Open from Tuesday 16th March 2021 to Thursday 16th September 2021
70 signatures
Not introduce photo Identification to vote.
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2018 to Thursday 13th September 2018
69 signatures
Clearly show your face at any UK border
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
69 signatures
Make companies prove they are complying with equality laws
Open from Thursday 1st February 2018 to Wednesday 1st August 2018
68 signatures
Legislate The Right to Privacy in Pool Cubicles and Abolish all Cubicle Gaps.
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2015 to Friday 22nd January 2016
68 signatures
Ban smoking in the Royal Parks
Open from Wednesday 12th December 2018 to Wednesday 12th June 2019
68 signatures
Reinstate the 2006 plan for all new homes built after 2016 to be zero carbon.
Open from Monday 18th July 2016 to Wednesday 18th January 2017
67 signatures
Suspend the 12 billion spent on overseas aid for cancer treatment and research.
Open from Friday 30th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
67 signatures
t.v licence fee
Open from Friday 9th September 2011 to Friday 9th March 2012
66 signatures
Stop the production of the 1 pence coins.
Open from Monday 12th September 2016 to Sunday 12th March 2017
66 signatures
Abolish the TV licence due to obvious biased coverage of the Scottish referendum.
Open from Tuesday 23rd September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
66 signatures
Double science funding in order to boost our economy and invest in our future
Open from Thursday 13th September 2012 to Wednesday 13th March 2013
66 signatures
Prevent employers from banning religious/political symbols in the workplace
Open from Thursday 23rd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
66 signatures
Suspend the ambassador of Myanmar for his country's action against the Rohingya.
Open from Friday 15th September 2017 to Thursday 15th March 2018
65 signatures
Teach LGBTQ sexual education in schools and about other sexuality's.
Open from Friday 1st December 2017 to Friday 1st June 2018
65 signatures
End the compulsory licence fee for those who do not use BBC services.
Open from Wednesday 18th May 2016 to Friday 18th November 2016
64 signatures
Remove Royal Mail's right to bring private prosecutions.
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
64 signatures
Ban the use of face recognition surveillance by the police or private sectors.
Open from Monday 17th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
64 signatures
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
64 signatures
To make parole board members directly culpable for the actions of those released
Open from Wednesday 10th January 2018 to Tuesday 10th July 2018
63 signatures Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:24:11 +0000