Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
To limit fireworks to organised, licenced events before 9 at night.
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
49 signatures
Ban the sale of domestic fireworks for gardens above 85db.
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
46 signatures
Increase public awareness and penalties for using mobiles whilst driving.
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
12 signatures
Change the way Tax Credits are calculated to stop overpayments
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
22 signatures
Legislate against premature marketing of festivals, especially Christmas
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
24 signatures
Equality and fairness : Child Benefit system
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
12 signatures
Pass a law that does what the Children & Young Persons Act 1933 is meant to do.
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
21 signatures
Ensure Gender Inequality is taught as part of secondary school curriculum.
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
76 signatures
Make the 6 week holidays shorter by spreading the weeks throughout the year.
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
8 signatures
I want to see a mandatory Driving ban for using a mobile device when driving.
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
323 signatures
Stop vaccination with the Influenza Nasal Spray Vaccine in our schools.
Open from Monday 7th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
4,260 signatures
Accept the BSA's offer of integrating lone refugee children into private schools
Open from Friday 4th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
484 signatures
Find accommodation for all unaccompanied children stranded in Calais Jungle
Open from Friday 4th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
18 signatures
Stop parents who maliciously deny the other parent access to their children
Open from Friday 4th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
218 signatures
Stop the deportation of the Zeilsdorf Family from Laggan.
Open from Friday 4th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
3,563 signatures
Focus primary school education on social skills and creativity rather than exams
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
236 signatures
Lower the curfew of fireworks to 9pm on a normal night
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
9 signatures
Save State-Funded Nursery Schools
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
29,200 signatures
I would like the Government to reinstate Child Support Agency!
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
11 signatures
Equally free GCSE and A Level Exams for Home Educated Children..
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
2,218 signatures
Change the DLA guide to reflect the needs of children with heart conditions.
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
5,354 signatures
Make it law to sell and use only silent fireworks
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
2,869 signatures
Full review of sentencing guidelines for convicted child sex offenders
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
7,425 signatures
The government to help victims of domestic violence
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
50 signatures
Restrict the usage of fireworks to a 2 hour time slot (6-8pm or 7-9pm)
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
36 signatures
Make a legal requirement for realistic road crash simulations of child car seats
Open from Tuesday 1st November 2016 to Monday 1st May 2017
7 signatures
Establish protocols for all new born babies with law bound practises.
Open from Tuesday 1st November 2016 to Monday 1st May 2017
13 signatures
Award QTS as part of EYITT
Open from Tuesday 1st November 2016 to Monday 1st May 2017
854 signatures
Change or ease the rules surrounding 'gardens' on baby graves.
Open from Monday 31st October 2016 to Sunday 30th April 2017
790 signatures
Improve the social welfare safety net for people fleeing domestic abuse
Open from Friday 28th October 2016 to Friday 28th April 2017
67 signatures
Stop schools from giving awards for 100% attendance.
Open from Friday 28th October 2016 to Friday 28th April 2017
55 signatures
Create a single Bullying Law that applies to all Schools in England
Open from Friday 28th October 2016 to Friday 28th April 2017
44 signatures
Any refugee claiming to be a child to have ID, age and criminal conviction tests
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
587 signatures
To grant leave to remain in the UK for my wife whom I'm married for 26 years.
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
341 signatures
Teach sign language (makaton) to primary school children & teachers
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
1,240 signatures
Change Religious Education to Religious and Cultural Studies
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
20 signatures
Allow intended parents of surrogate children, to have legal right from birth,
Open from Thursday 27th October 2016 to Thursday 27th April 2017
13 signatures
DWP and its contractors to have mandatory training in understanding Autism.
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
309 signatures
Changing the structure in Early Years - increase the UK school start age
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2016 to Tuesday 25th April 2017
821 signatures
Establish Hallowe'en (31st October) as an annual national statutory holiday.
Open from Friday 21st October 2016 to Friday 21st April 2017
36 signatures
Verify that all child refugees accepted into the UK are genuinely under 18.
Open from Friday 21st October 2016 to Friday 21st April 2017
27,509 signatures
Stop forcing English Standard on Young Deaf children
Open from Friday 21st October 2016 to Friday 21st April 2017
8 signatures
Halt the Department of Education's Autumn Census & destroy all data collected.
Open from Friday 21st October 2016 to Friday 21st April 2017
19 signatures
Ensure every school in the UK has Bullying awareness lessons for ages 5-16
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
69 signatures
Introduce mandatory self-defence classes into UK secondary schools
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
1,417 signatures
Mandatory dog bite prevention in the school and preschool curriculum
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
75 signatures
Ensure that students from year7 are taught in schools how to detect child abuse.
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
148 signatures
Fathers to have 50/50 rights and stricter penalties for breach of court order
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
82 signatures
Stop medical appointments affecting school attendance
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
11,713 signatures
Present a draft UN resolution that would implement a no fly zone over Syria.
Open from Wednesday 19th October 2016 to Wednesday 19th April 2017
16 signatures
Justice for children. Tougher prison sentences for paedophiles, 15 years minimum
Open from Wednesday 19th October 2016 to Wednesday 19th April 2017
19 signatures
Smoking Should be Banned on Outside Station Platforms (Especially Merseyrail)
Open from Tuesday 18th October 2016 to Tuesday 18th April 2017
11 signatures
Make wrongful online doxing a criminal offence
Open from Tuesday 18th October 2016 to Tuesday 18th April 2017
103 signatures
Make it easier to remove bullies from schools, at any age and fine the parents
Open from Tuesday 18th October 2016 to Tuesday 18th April 2017
14,532 signatures
Make all UK schools enforce their school bullying policies legally
Open from Monday 17th October 2016 to Monday 17th April 2017
34 signatures
Stop the UK from recognising child marriage conducted abroad as legal.
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
146 signatures
Make School Allergy Action Groups Standard Practice for All Schools in the UK
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
1,105 signatures
Protect the A&E and Women & Children's Unit at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
6,295 signatures
Ban the taking of photographs of children in school without the child's consent
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
43 signatures
Allow full legal costs to be taken into account by the Child Support Agency
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
23 signatures
Change the funding for preschool so that all children start at age 3.
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
7 signatures
Increase child maintenance service powers to investigate the self employed
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
569 signatures
We want a government run school bus system similar to America's.
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
11 signatures
Make it illegal for a parent to allow child access to age inappropriate material
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
24 signatures
Make Philosophy a mandatory subject to be taught throughout a child's education.
Open from Friday 14th October 2016 to Friday 14th April 2017
63 signatures
Publish all registered sex offenders names, addresses and nature of crime.
Open from Thursday 13th October 2016 to Thursday 13th April 2017
26 signatures
Prevent privatisation of any aspect of Children's Protective Services in the UK
Open from Thursday 13th October 2016 to Thursday 13th April 2017
43 signatures
Call on UK government to stop dealing immediately with Sudan Government
Open from Wednesday 12th October 2016 to Wednesday 12th April 2017
104 signatures
A law that Family Courts factor evidence of Alienation Inducement in its ruling
Open from Tuesday 11th October 2016 to Tuesday 11th April 2017
21 signatures
Gain funding, raise awareness&reintroduce oral health education back into the UK
Open from Monday 10th October 2016 to Monday 10th April 2017
33 signatures
Make it compulsory for schools with social media accounts to be set to private.
Open from Monday 10th October 2016 to Monday 10th April 2017
24 signatures
Tax on Premier League transfers to install and maintain free to use 4G pitches.
Open from Wednesday 5th October 2016 to Wednesday 5th April 2017
37 signatures
Abolish psychiatric electroconvulsive therapy – ECT - electroshock to the brain
Open from Wednesday 5th October 2016 to Wednesday 5th April 2017
17 signatures
Stop the Children and Social Work Bill 2016
Open from Wednesday 5th October 2016 to Wednesday 5th April 2017
614 signatures
Stronger penalties and punishments for bullies in school
Open from Wednesday 5th October 2016 to Wednesday 5th April 2017
76 signatures
Make dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia testing free on the NHS.
Open from Tuesday 4th October 2016 to Tuesday 4th April 2017
13,315 signatures
Raise awareness and put more funding into treating and diagnosing VGM.
Open from Tuesday 4th October 2016 to Tuesday 4th April 2017
34 signatures
To Make it an Offence in Law to Desecrate a Memorial or Grave to War Dead
Open from Tuesday 4th October 2016 to Tuesday 4th April 2017
7,528 signatures
High sentences on gang bullying
Open from Monday 3rd October 2016 to Monday 3rd April 2017
327 signatures
Ban the use of button batteries in children's toys
Open from Monday 3rd October 2016 to Monday 3rd April 2017
21 signatures
Introduce personal safety & criminal action awareness training in schools in UK
Open from Thursday 29th September 2016 to Wednesday 29th March 2017
119 signatures
Require the Department of Health to review outdated (1988) Child Growth Chart
Open from Wednesday 28th September 2016 to Tuesday 28th March 2017
56 signatures
Restrict the ability to freely purchase sperm on Internet websites and now apps
Open from Tuesday 27th September 2016 to Monday 27th March 2017
10 signatures
Ban all schools from using mini buses.
Open from Tuesday 27th September 2016 to Monday 27th March 2017
54 signatures
Stop the persecution of Zander in British canals, rivers and ponds.
Open from Tuesday 27th September 2016 to Monday 27th March 2017
548 signatures
Call for Government to fund rural school transport
Open from Friday 23rd September 2016 to Thursday 23rd March 2017
432 signatures
Make swimming lessons avaliable in all schools
Open from Thursday 22nd September 2016 to Wednesday 22nd March 2017
12 signatures
Ban Kirpans (ceremonial dagger) in primary schools
Open from Thursday 22nd September 2016 to Wednesday 22nd March 2017
42 signatures
Work with governments in other countries to take action against child soldiers
Open from Wednesday 21st September 2016 to Tuesday 21st March 2017
83 signatures
Open from Tuesday 20th September 2016 to Monday 20th March 2017
241 signatures
Make sports playing fields dog free areas - we need to protect our children.
Open from Monday 19th September 2016 to Sunday 19th March 2017
421 signatures
Make the use of parent and child parking spaces in car parks badge holders only!
Open from Monday 19th September 2016 to Sunday 19th March 2017
216 signatures
Make it law that all ice rinks make you wear crash helmets and elbow protection.
Open from Monday 19th September 2016 to Sunday 19th March 2017
27 signatures
Open from Monday 19th September 2016 to Sunday 19th March 2017
436 signatures
April's Law
Open from Friday 16th September 2016 to Thursday 16th March 2017
127,296 signatures
Give a fine to parents if their children are persistent bullies.
Open from Thursday 15th September 2016 to Wednesday 15th March 2017
170 signatures
Stop plans to allow more secondary schools to select children by ability.
Open from Thursday 15th September 2016 to Wednesday 15th March 2017
795 signatures
Fathers should automatically be granted 50% custody of their children by law
Open from Thursday 15th September 2016 to Wednesday 15th March 2017
328 signatures
Entirely ban the use of BPA for the packaging of any product sold in UK
Open from Thursday 15th September 2016 to Wednesday 15th March 2017
20 signatures
Make it illegal for landlords todiscriminate against families with children.
Open from Thursday 15th September 2016 to Wednesday 15th March 2017
13 signatures Sat, 01 Mar 2025 09:37:22 +0000