Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Siblings should not be split up in different schools
Open from Thursday 17th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
260 signatures
Change the way sex education is taught in schools.
Open from Thursday 17th April 2014 to Saturday 17th January 2015
8 signatures
Fine Teachers Unions for Strikes
Open from Thursday 17th April 2014 to Thursday 17th July 2014
24 signatures
gps tracking children with disabilitites
Open from Tuesday 22nd April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
33 signatures
Under occupancy
Open from Tuesday 22nd April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
30 signatures
UKYP in Bournemouth
Open from Tuesday 22nd April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Remove the religious worship requirement for maintained schools
Open from Thursday 24th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
30 signatures
Conjugal visits
Open from Thursday 24th April 2014 to Friday 24th October 2014
22 signatures
Force Lancashire Chemical Works to get rid of the smell covering Glossop, Derbyshire
Open from Thursday 24th April 2014 to Friday 24th October 2014
5 signatures
UK Asylum process for Scottish arrivals
Open from Friday 25th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Government to view gypsies with benefits and then tell us that immigrants can t get benefits after a few days
Open from Friday 25th April 2014 to Friday 25th July 2014
3 signatures
Stricter Sentencing for Viewing Images of Child Sexual Abuse
Open from Friday 25th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
9 signatures
Stop Smoking Outside of School / Nursery Settings
Open from Friday 25th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
168 signatures
Power pads, A needs met service for disabled children using continence products
Open from Monday 28th April 2014 to Monday 28th July 2014
265 signatures
Better training for healthcare professionals for food allergies in children and babies
Open from Monday 28th April 2014 to Tuesday 28th October 2014
417 signatures
Young Offender Institutes, in essence prisons, should not be used for 15-17 year olds
Open from Monday 28th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Bring back school corporal punishment
Open from Tuesday 29th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
8 signatures
Childcare cost added to CMS' calculation
Open from Tuesday 29th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Encourage mothers who choose to take care of their own children
Open from Wednesday 30th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Shared benefits for shared residence
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
26 signatures
Make classical music appreciation a part of the national curriculum in primary schools
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
War Graves and War Memorials
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
523 signatures
Buses- Disabled parents and pushchairs for disabled children to legally take priority over non-disabled pushchairs
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
52 signatures
Traffic enforcement for YOUR local school run
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
16 signatures
CPR and AED use to become annual mandatory session for each child within national curriculum
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
120 signatures
Much needed change to the rules in school with regards to Head Lice and Nits.
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
560 signatures
To reduce/eliminate homework from education
Open from Thursday 1st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
8 signatures
VAT Refund on adult sized shoes bought for children
Open from Friday 2nd May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
St Ambrose RC Primary School improve road safety.
Open from Friday 2nd May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
18 signatures
Checks on Animals & Their Owners
Open from Friday 2nd May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
68 signatures
I believe all children should have a bank account - so that we learn to manage our money before it's too late… by Blair, age 11
Open from Tuesday 6th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
13 signatures
Exempt Victims of Domestic Abuse who have had a Police Assessment and/or have a Safe/Panic Room from the Spare Room Subsidy
Open from Tuesday 6th May 2014 to Thursday 6th November 2014
258 signatures
Charge parents of children forced to marry overseas
Open from Tuesday 6th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Morton Pedestrian Crossing
Open from Wednesday 7th May 2014 to Saturday 7th February 2015
60 signatures
Work for Benefits
Open from Thursday 8th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
25 signatures
A Balanced Budget Constitutional requirment
Open from Friday 9th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Prevention of knife crime
Open from Friday 9th May 2014 to Sunday 9th November 2014
47 signatures
Better access to services for deaf people
Open from Monday 12th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Ban the giving of live Goldfish as prizes
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Thursday 13th November 2014
79 signatures
safer speed bumps on Cocker avenue
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
19 signatures
Petition to abolish unfair bus fares for children using the bus service to their nearest catholic school
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Wednesday 13th August 2014
240 signatures
Stop the violence in our Classrooms! Call for a return to specialist schools and units for severely emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Thursday 13th November 2014
16 signatures
Withholding payments for CSA if the Mother refuses to allow access
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Wednesday 13th August 2014
21 signatures
IVF postcode lottery and restrictions to end
Open from Wednesday 14th May 2014 to Saturday 14th February 2015
294 signatures
Life sentence without parole for child rapists and sex grooming gangs
Open from Wednesday 14th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
20 signatures
Air pollution by vehicles - the hidden killer of children
Open from Wednesday 14th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
8 signatures
Make Mental Health Awareness part of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 4 children
Open from Thursday 15th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Government to fund for free water awareness & swimming lessons for children of 3 years old and above
Open from Thursday 15th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Regulate iPads in Schools
Open from Friday 16th May 2014 to Saturday 16th August 2014
8 signatures
give fathers who are denied access by the mother help to see their children
Open from Monday 19th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
24 signatures
Obesity, Cancer, Diabetes and other diet related ailments.Limit sugar, salt and saturated fat content of food.
Open from Tuesday 20th May 2014 to Wednesday 20th August 2014
3 signatures
Increased availability of direct to school bus service
Open from Tuesday 20th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Compulsory teacher training on autism
Open from Tuesday 20th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
22 signatures
csa law
Open from Tuesday 20th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Don't Change Maths Qualification Expectancies Half Way Through A Course
Open from Wednesday 21st May 2014 to Thursday 21st August 2014
51 signatures
polling days in term time
Open from Wednesday 21st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
water safety awareness to be apart of the curriculum in primary schools and high schools throughout the UK
Open from Thursday 22nd May 2014 to Friday 22nd August 2014
158 signatures
Cap the amount payable for child maintenance
Open from Thursday 22nd May 2014 to Saturday 22nd November 2014
11 signatures
Stop charges for collection of child maintenance
Open from Thursday 22nd May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
39 signatures
Improve train fare options for small youth groups
Open from Friday 23rd May 2014 to Sunday 23rd November 2014
175 signatures
Do not Close Schools for Polling Days
Open from Friday 23rd May 2014 to Sunday 23rd November 2014
7 signatures
Increase the time for testing SATS KS2 to more than 1 week
Open from Friday 23rd May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Ban use of schools for polling stations
Open from Friday 23rd May 2014 to Saturday 23rd August 2014
10 signatures
Mindfulness training in schools
Open from Friday 23rd May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
27 signatures
Every School child should be entitled to a flexibe holiday week.
Open from Friday 23rd May 2014 to Saturday 23rd August 2014
11 signatures
Have swimming in schools as a sport
Open from Friday 23rd May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
abolish child support agency charges for primary carers
Open from Tuesday 27th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
38 signatures
stop DLA refusing rare disabilities! I.e Perthes Disease
Open from Tuesday 27th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
83 signatures
Stop US novels exiting the curriculum
Open from Tuesday 27th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
11 signatures
room allocation
Open from Tuesday 27th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Reduce Benefits Cap From £26000.00 to £16.000.00 plus child allowance on first two children only.
Open from Wednesday 28th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
67 signatures
burning chemical and hazardous waste on weldon road castleford
Open from Wednesday 28th May 2014 to Thursday 28th August 2014
4 signatures
Internet providers give us one phone number to keep kids safe online
Open from Wednesday 28th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Domestic violence (harsher charges)
Open from Wednesday 28th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
11 signatures
Doctors Should See/Treat Unregistered Children!
Open from Thursday 29th May 2014 to Saturday 28th February 2015
47 signatures
nhs whistleblowersTo take immediate action to protect 'whistleblowers' within the NHS from losing their jobs and careers who report 'bad practice' wit
Open from Thursday 29th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
8 signatures
Recognising Milk Allergy
Open from Thursday 29th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
30 signatures
Establishment cover up of activities by Cyril Smith and others in Parlaiment
Open from Thursday 29th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
28 signatures
Make contact orders work by making it within the jurisdiction of the police to enforce it
Open from Friday 30th May 2014 to Sunday 30th November 2014
51 signatures
Occupational therapy treatment for Autistic children
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
34 signatures
Make Faith Healing Illegal in the UK
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Housing Benefit justice for carers of disabled children
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
27 signatures
Make it a legal obligation for the Csa money to be spend on the child
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
54 signatures
No benefits for people not living in the UK
Open from Monday 2nd June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Raise the age of sexual consent to 18
Open from Tuesday 3rd June 2014 to Wednesday 3rd September 2014
5 signatures
Ban dogs on buses.
Open from Tuesday 3rd June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
Help us have a family
Open from Wednesday 4th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Allow safe cycling on pavements
Open from Wednesday 4th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
17 signatures
Child maintenance loop hole for self employed parent
Open from Wednesday 4th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
55 signatures
Help Stop the Closure of DWP Children's Nurseries
Open from Thursday 5th June 2014 to Friday 5th September 2014
249 signatures
Fathers to pay CSA or get imprisoned
Open from Friday 6th June 2014 to Friday 6th March 2015
32 signatures
Give subsidy to food charities instead of for burning food for bio-gas
Open from Monday 9th June 2014 to Tuesday 9th September 2014
3 signatures
To urge China ban children begging on the streets and to impose stronger penalties on the traffickers of children
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
16 signatures
FA to boycott 2014 World Cup in Brazil and recall England team at once. UK government to ask Brazil to clarify claims of the murder of street children
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Wednesday 10th September 2014
3 signatures
Allow children to accompany parents to all courses offered at local Children’s Centres
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
10 signatures
AED in all schools
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1,054 signatures
Educate our children to respect the significance of the D Day landings
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
93 signatures
Improvement of secondary school education in regards to pornography
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Save Ealing Hospital
Open from Wednesday 11th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Include fgm awareness in the new british value education program starting September 2014
Open from Wednesday 11th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
136 signatures Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:08:55 +0000