Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Pull out from and cut all UK taxpayer funding to the UN Human Rights Council
Open from Wednesday 24th October 2018 to Wednesday 24th April 2019
19 signatures
Ban all chewing gum except therapeutic, dental or nicotine chewing gum.
Open from Tuesday 23rd October 2018 to Tuesday 23rd April 2019
13 signatures
Provide funding to Staffordshire County Council to reduce a £35 million deficit
Open from Monday 15th October 2018 to Monday 15th April 2019
414 signatures
Change the Family Law to protect non-resident parents and make contact easy.
Open from Friday 12th October 2018 to Friday 12th April 2019
60 signatures
Ban average speed cameras due to them being a distraction for drivers.
Open from Tuesday 9th October 2018 to Tuesday 9th April 2019
773 signatures
Stop charging students council tax on property rented for graduating year
Open from Monday 8th October 2018 to Monday 8th April 2019
26 signatures
Income Tax changes to be more diverse either individual or per house hold
Open from Thursday 4th October 2018 to Thursday 4th April 2019
11 signatures
Provide funds to reopen main road (A422) between Banbury and Brackley
Open from Friday 14th September 2018 to Thursday 14th March 2019
3,034 signatures
Tax Break for citizens who are renting and do not own a home
Open from Friday 7th September 2018 to Thursday 7th March 2019
17 signatures
Create a veteran status with special benefits
Open from Friday 17th August 2018 to Sunday 17th February 2019
227 signatures
Ban discrimination in private rental sector towards people on benefits
Open from Thursday 16th August 2018 to Saturday 16th February 2019
31 signatures
All English Local Authorities to notify residents by post of new Consultations
Open from Wednesday 15th August 2018 to Friday 15th February 2019
22 signatures
Provide Network Rail with funding for the second entrance at Putney Station
Open from Monday 13th August 2018 to Wednesday 13th February 2019
7 signatures
Request intervention in Myanmar at the Security Council against genocide
Open from Friday 10th August 2018 to Sunday 10th February 2019
8 signatures
Give full time members of the armed forces a council tax exemptions
Open from Friday 10th August 2018 to Sunday 10th February 2019
29 signatures
UK Government should work with Dumfries and Galloway Council to house refugees
Open from Thursday 9th August 2018 to Saturday 9th February 2019
7 signatures
Make more council houses available for part rent, part buy
Open from Wednesday 8th August 2018 to Friday 8th February 2019
11 signatures
Conduct a full enquiry into the finacial failure of NCC and those responsible
Open from Wednesday 8th August 2018 to Friday 8th February 2019
2,379 signatures
Temporary blue badges to be available for those who are incapacitated short term
Open from Wednesday 8th August 2018 to Friday 8th February 2019
62 signatures
Preserve the rights of EU citizens to stand and vote in local elections.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
1,756 signatures
Provide option to pay an extra 10 to 20% Council Tax & choose where it's spent.
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
12 signatures
provide free water for everyone on the street of UK in this extreme hot weather
Open from Friday 27th July 2018 to Sunday 27th January 2019
13 signatures
Make all trespassing a criminal offence
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
280 signatures
Make it a criminal offence to feed and encourage seagulls to nest
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
12 signatures
Make it compulsory for councils to have zebra crossings outside every school
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
27 signatures
Require local councils to issue parking charges by recorded delivery
Open from Wednesday 4th July 2018 to Friday 4th January 2019
9 signatures
Ban the importation of animal fur into the UK
Open from Tuesday 3rd July 2018 to Thursday 3rd January 2019
11,431 signatures
Make Daventry District Council (DDC) into a Unitary Authority
Open from Tuesday 3rd July 2018 to Thursday 3rd January 2019
249 signatures
Hold a general election within the next 2 years
Open from Monday 2nd July 2018 to Wednesday 2nd January 2019
14 signatures
Set up law to exempt spouse and parents of those KIA from council tax for life
Open from Friday 29th June 2018 to Saturday 29th December 2018
8 signatures
Provide special constables with a right to time off work to undertake duties
Open from Monday 25th June 2018 to Tuesday 25th December 2018
19 signatures
Provide statutory youth services and programs.
Open from Monday 18th June 2018 to Tuesday 18th December 2018
16 signatures
Make it illegal to cut grass verges at night-time as it kills nocturnal wildlife
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
203 signatures
Hold an independent inquiry Health Service settlements
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
223 signatures
Issue statement on the draft Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
445 signatures
Call for James Brokenshire to revoke planning permission to mine in Pont Valley
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
589 signatures
Ban the sale of disposable BBQs in the UK
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
42 signatures
Create a national safeguarding database.
Open from Wednesday 16th May 2018 to Friday 16th November 2018
7 signatures
Close the loophole that allows second home owners to evade council tax and rates
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
1,070 signatures
To increase the speed limit on UK motorways to 85 miles per hour.
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
87 signatures
All Mainstream Schools should have the resources to teach deaf children.
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
21 signatures
Stop Network Rail's programme to fell millions of trees
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
750 signatures
Allow English local authorities to choose the voting system for their council
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
9 signatures
Give local authorities a legal duty of care towards those waiting for housing
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
103 signatures
Ban snares because animals suffer terrible injuries and deaths
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
93 signatures
Stop all councils from using enforcement agencies, bailiffs and threats of court
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
22 signatures
Reverse changes to the Direct Schools Grant
Open from Tuesday 1st May 2018 to Thursday 1st November 2018
311 signatures
Make students in the uk pay council tax in the city that they study and live.
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
130 signatures
All local authorities should recycle all plastic
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
25 signatures
Ban the use of high-frequency sonic deterrents against young people
Open from Monday 23rd April 2018 to Tuesday 23rd October 2018
12 signatures
Government needs to require harassment training for late night venue licenses
Open from Thursday 19th April 2018 to Friday 19th October 2018
36 signatures
Change planning laws. Everyone should have a say and be heard.
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
23 signatures
Don't allow councils to use private companies as Civil Enforcement Officers
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
17 signatures
Insist the Government give a 50% discount for Council Tax single occupants
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
40 signatures
Cap council tax at 2% per annum maximum from 2019 onwards
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
40 signatures
Reject plans to build a massive solar farm on Graveney Marshes in Kent.
Open from Friday 30th March 2018 to Sunday 30th September 2018
1,292 signatures
Begin talks to expel Russia from the UN security council
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2018 to Friday 28th September 2018
46 signatures
Abolish the killing of stray animals in Council shelters!
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2018 to Friday 21st September 2018
3,746 signatures
Parliament to change the law regarding council tax
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2018 to Thursday 20th September 2018
200 signatures
Fund retraining of local authority health officers at every level
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2018 to Thursday 20th September 2018
13 signatures
Save our pets from death on the roads Don't Ban Containment Systems
Open from Friday 16th March 2018 to Sunday 16th September 2018
1,919 signatures
Not introduce photo Identification to vote.
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2018 to Thursday 13th September 2018
69 signatures
Goverment move security council resolution condemning Turkish Invasion of Syria.
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2018 to Thursday 13th September 2018
84 signatures
Help long term borough council foster carers move home to Care for more children
Open from Friday 9th March 2018 to Sunday 9th September 2018
14 signatures
GPs & other professionals to be given training on pulmonary fibrosis
Open from Wednesday 7th March 2018 to Friday 7th September 2018
560 signatures
Debate the United Kingdom's recognition of Kosovo as an Independent Country.
Open from Tuesday 6th March 2018 to Thursday 6th September 2018
18 signatures
Residents of Thanet to engage with the Secretary of State and Thanet District Co
Open from Thursday 1st March 2018 to Saturday 1st September 2018
189 signatures
Amend the Dog Act to include taking DNA of every dog to be kept with Microchip.
Open from Thursday 1st March 2018 to Saturday 1st September 2018
21 signatures
Require local authorities to adopt all Public Open Space and roads on estates
Open from Thursday 1st March 2018 to Saturday 1st September 2018
11,717 signatures
Reinstate ICT at GCSE
Open from Wednesday 28th February 2018 to Tuesday 28th August 2018
1,104 signatures
Revise the current council tax system which is not fit for purpose.
Open from Tuesday 27th February 2018 to Monday 27th August 2018
49 signatures
HMG to advise Her Majesty to remove “Royal” from Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Open from Tuesday 27th February 2018 to Monday 27th August 2018
12 signatures
Take all efforts to push for a ceasefire in Syria.
Open from Monday 26th February 2018 to Sunday 26th August 2018
16,038 signatures
Change the Yellow Box Junction Law to allow motorist to wait for upto 20 seconds
Open from Monday 26th February 2018 to Sunday 26th August 2018
17 signatures
Stop the practice of charging self funding OAPs higher care rates than councils
Open from Monday 19th February 2018 to Sunday 19th August 2018
58 signatures
The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) should be a tax-payer funded organisation
Open from Monday 12th February 2018 to Sunday 12th August 2018
673 signatures
Councils should be able to nominate people to a different council for downsizing
Open from Monday 12th February 2018 to Sunday 12th August 2018
52 signatures
Make General Dental Council (GDC) a tax-payer funded organisation.
Open from Thursday 8th February 2018 to Wednesday 8th August 2018
2,834 signatures
Make councils set up payment plans for parking tickets instead of total payment
Open from Tuesday 6th February 2018 to Monday 6th August 2018
32 signatures
Government to pay for all car repairs caused by potholes
Open from Friday 2nd February 2018 to Thursday 2nd August 2018
49 signatures
Invest more money in youth charities and youth service providers in the UK.
Open from Thursday 1st February 2018 to Wednesday 1st August 2018
38 signatures
Make it law that dog wardens must check lost Pet chips and inform owners at once
Open from Friday 26th January 2018 to Thursday 26th July 2018
1,335 signatures
Force developers to complete housing sites enabling timely adoption
Open from Monday 22nd January 2018 to Sunday 22nd July 2018
200 signatures
Investigate the risk to health from formaldehyde insulation in 1m older UK homes
Open from Tuesday 16th January 2018 to Monday 16th July 2018
19 signatures
Allow all the proceeds of ‘right to buy’ sales to be kept by the local authority
Open from Friday 12th January 2018 to Thursday 12th July 2018
106 signatures
Stop discrimination against people on housing benefit or with pets
Open from Friday 12th January 2018 to Thursday 12th July 2018
89 signatures
Debate the relevance of the Right to Buy legislation
Open from Monday 8th January 2018 to Sunday 8th July 2018
29 signatures
Reduce income tax allowance discrepancy between UK worker & Tier2 employee
Open from Thursday 4th January 2018 to Wednesday 4th July 2018
8 signatures
Reduce the foreign aid budget and increase police funding from the savings.
Open from Wednesday 3rd January 2018 to Tuesday 3rd July 2018
800 signatures
Council Right To Build
Open from Friday 22nd December 2017 to Friday 22nd June 2018
11 signatures
Halt Taunton Deane District Council taking over West Somerset District Council.
Open from Thursday 21st December 2017 to Thursday 21st June 2018
236 signatures
Stop anyone paid from the public purse being paid more than the prime minister
Open from Thursday 21st December 2017 to Thursday 21st June 2018
146 signatures
Reject any proposals to merge Christchurch with Bournemouth and Poole council
Open from Thursday 21st December 2017 to Thursday 21st June 2018
101 signatures
Make it a Law for ALL Councils to log/record any Deceased/Injured cats !
Open from Wednesday 20th December 2017 to Wednesday 20th June 2018
48 signatures
Make it a legal requirement for local councils to scan deceased domestic animals
Open from Tuesday 19th December 2017 to Tuesday 19th June 2018
64 signatures
Stop explosive housing growth without infrastructure to support it
Open from Friday 15th December 2017 to Friday 15th June 2018
1,746 signatures
Abolish "Safe Country Reviews Policy" against Refugee and HP granted people.
Open from Friday 15th December 2017 to Friday 15th June 2018
42 signatures
Provide free broadband to every UK home
Open from Monday 4th December 2017 to Monday 4th June 2018
21 signatures
The undersigned ask for the following to b implemented to End the Housing Crisis
Open from Friday 1st December 2017 to Friday 1st June 2018
20 signatures
Save the Borough of Poole.
Open from Wednesday 22nd November 2017 to Tuesday 22nd May 2018
396 signatures Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:34:21 +0000