Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Roadworks: Stop endless 50mph limits on motorways
Open from Thursday 27th September 2012 to Friday 27th September 2013
23 signatures
Stop Km/h on British Roads. Keep MPH ! - Prevent Metric Speed Limits and Road Signs
Open from Tuesday 9th October 2012 to Wednesday 9th October 2013
9 signatures
Vehicles covering under 5000 miles per year should be exempt from testing for one year
Open from Friday 12th October 2012 to Saturday 12th October 2013
1 signatures
force rail companies to lower expenses in order to lower fares
Open from Thursday 25th October 2012 to Friday 25th October 2013
1 signatures
Reduce fuel tax, increase vehicle tax
Open from Monday 29th October 2012 to Tuesday 29th January 2013
1 signatures
Save our Beds at Chase Hospital, Whitehill & Bordon
Open from Tuesday 30th October 2012 to Wednesday 30th January 2013
24 signatures
Car Safety - Euro NCAP. (For all new vehicles up to and including 3.5 tonnes available as new in the UK.)
Open from Monday 5th November 2012 to Tuesday 5th November 2013
2 signatures
Say No to the new GP Contract
Open from Thursday 15th November 2012 to Wednesday 15th May 2013
27 signatures
A40 between Oxford and Witney
Open from Tuesday 27th November 2012 to Wednesday 27th November 2013
51 signatures
Support high-rise developments for environmental benefits
Open from Thursday 29th November 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
4 signatures
Increase government funding for research into hoverboard development
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
142 signatures
Introduce HS2 prior to 2033.
Open from Tuesday 18th December 2012 to Wednesday 18th December 2013
29 signatures
Alphington Village Forum
Open from Friday 4th January 2013 to Saturday 4th January 2014
3 signatures
East Coast Duel Carriageway. Dover-Edinburgh
Open from Monday 7th January 2013 to Tuesday 7th January 2014
9 signatures
Apply 'the user must pay' principle causing exponential increases in rail fares to road tax licensing.
Open from Monday 7th January 2013 to Tuesday 7th January 2014
2 signatures
Delivery Drivers Toilet Facilities
Open from Monday 14th January 2013 to Sunday 14th April 2013
38 signatures
Protect Swillington Farm from HS2
Open from Wednesday 30th January 2013 to Thursday 30th January 2014
1,481 signatures
Closure of Cheltenham General Hospital A & E department
Open from Friday 1st February 2013 to Wednesday 1st May 2013
7,527 signatures
The closure of Miles Platting leisure centre and library
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
3 signatures
Stop the Closure of Swimming, Librarys and Gym Facilitys in Miles Platting
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
13 signatures
Save Dunswell Primary School from Closure
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
267 signatures
Altenative use for HS2 finance
Open from Monday 18th February 2013 to Tuesday 18th February 2014
38 signatures
Reopen Sheffield Airport to Commercial Flights
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2013 to Wednesday 19th February 2014
23 signatures
fair pay for homecare workers
Open from Monday 4th March 2013 to Tuesday 4th March 2014
12 signatures
Metric road signs ( KM/H not MPH)
Open from Friday 8th March 2013 to Saturday 8th March 2014
70 signatures
Save Primrose Hill Care Home Boston Spa
Open from Monday 11th March 2013 to Wednesday 11th September 2013
83 signatures
True MPG figures on new cars
Open from Wednesday 10th April 2013 to Thursday 10th April 2014
5 signatures
Protect indiviudual privacy on social media channels and prevent the sharing of individual images without consent
Open from Monday 22nd April 2013 to Tuesday 22nd April 2014
18 signatures
Save the Horton General Hospital
Open from Wednesday 8th May 2013 to Thursday 8th May 2014
35 signatures
Stop the Disbandment of The Royal Mercian and Lancastrian Yeomanry
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th August 2013
1,478 signatures
Roundabout Rumble Strips
Open from Friday 10th May 2013 to Saturday 10th May 2014
2 signatures
Members of Parliament to represent British Overseas Territories
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
21 signatures
Increase the amount of driving penalty points allowed from 12 to 20 for drivers who exceed 15,000 miles per annum.
Open from Thursday 6th June 2013 to Friday 6th June 2014
2 signatures
Remove legal limit for infant class sizes to be less than 30
Open from Tuesday 11th June 2013 to Wednesday 11th June 2014
2 signatures
Revision of London Green Belt (Expansion)
Open from Friday 14th June 2013 to Saturday 14th June 2014
2 signatures
Sell Chequers in Buckinghamshire.
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
3 signatures
Please work to persuade the Chinese and other SE Asian governments to ban the cruel dog and cat meat trade, and to impose strict animal cruelty laws.
Open from Friday 5th July 2013 to Saturday 5th July 2014
133 signatures
Drop toll charges from the Dartford Crossing and remove the toll gates completely.
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
64 signatures
Stop the crash for cash claims:
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
3 signatures
Vanish the need for a 1.5 Billion A14 Upgrade with an M11 to M180 Link.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2013 to Wednesday 23rd July 2014
6 signatures
Reinstate Crisis Loans
Open from Thursday 8th August 2013 to Friday 8th August 2014
2 signatures
Reintroduce the Imperial System.
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th August 2014
13 signatures
Motorway Roadworks
Open from Friday 16th August 2013 to Saturday 16th August 2014
5 signatures
Build a new International Airport on a former RAF airfield four mile from York
Open from Wednesday 28th August 2013 to Thursday 28th August 2014
2 signatures
Stop plans for Rampion wind farm
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
28 signatures
Please take note of the sacrifice of Christian Nock in the name of homelessness.
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Monday 2nd December 2013
271 signatures
hartlepool hospital
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2013 to Wednesday 10th September 2014
285 signatures
High Speed rail Link between Norwich and London
Open from Wednesday 11th September 2013 to Thursday 11th September 2014
19 signatures
No to the increase of train fares.
Open from Monday 16th September 2013 to Tuesday 16th September 2014
8 signatures
Ban the importation and sale of all species of Chiroptera (Bats) in the UK
Open from Wednesday 25th September 2013 to Thursday 25th September 2014
81 signatures
Cycle path between Middlesbrough and Guisborough
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th January 2014
3 signatures
Don't Close Mental Health Wards.
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2013 to Wednesday 22nd October 2014
597 signatures
Drive At School (Under-17 Driver Education)
Open from Thursday 31st October 2013 to Friday 31st October 2014
30 signatures
Clearance Charge
Open from Wednesday 6th November 2013 to Thursday 6th November 2014
17 signatures
Bring Chris 'Bunce' Thomas Home from Canada
Open from Monday 11th November 2013 to Tuesday 11th November 2014
5 signatures
Transgender "Postcode Lottery"
Open from Monday 11th November 2013 to Tuesday 11th November 2014
13 signatures
Open from Monday 11th November 2013 to Sunday 11th May 2014
63 signatures
Stop the Leeds Trolleybus Scheme
Open from Wednesday 20th November 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
3 signatures
Fibre Optic Internet for Hattersley and the Surrounding Area
Open from Friday 6th December 2013 to Thursday 6th March 2014
12 signatures
Prevent 60mph speed limit being put in place on the M1
Open from Tuesday 7th January 2014 to Wednesday 7th January 2015
29 signatures
Give Outer London tenants the same 'Right to Buy' £100k maximum discount as Inner London tenants.
Open from Friday 10th January 2014 to Saturday 10th January 2015
1 signatures
give police the right to shoot any person who shows an illegal firearm in a public place
Open from Friday 10th January 2014 to Thursday 10th July 2014
4 signatures
Make A92 a full Dual carriageway
Open from Friday 17th January 2014 to Saturday 17th January 2015
152 signatures
Open Bus links to all traffic in Sunderland, lower air polution
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Sunday 20th July 2014
3 signatures
Quadbike Road Tax
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
9 signatures
Ban Explosives detonations at Shoeburyness
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
2 signatures
Without Fans there is no Football
Open from Thursday 30th January 2014 to Friday 30th January 2015
19,378 signatures
Get Dave OG Miles off benefits!
Open from Friday 7th February 2014 to Saturday 7th February 2015
282 signatures
Save Scarboroughs Orthopaedic department
Open from Monday 10th February 2014 to Saturday 10th May 2014
33 signatures
Change road tax (VED) based on CO2 to base it on mileage instead.
Open from Tuesday 11th February 2014 to Monday 11th August 2014
17 signatures
stop waste incinerator in castleford
Open from Monday 17th February 2014 to Monday 17th November 2014
193 signatures
Open from Tuesday 25th February 2014 to Monday 25th August 2014
3 signatures
Free school meals or free public transport for children who live more than 2.5 miles from school
Open from Wednesday 5th March 2014 to Thursday 5th March 2015
2 signatures
Invest in reducing A40 Congestion - Witney to Oxford
Open from Thursday 6th March 2014 to Saturday 6th September 2014
134 signatures
Please change all the road signs to metric including speeds, distances and heights. Imperial units are really Medieval units suited to a past age.
Open from Wednesday 12th March 2014 to Thursday 12th March 2015
42 signatures
Stop HS2
Open from Monday 17th March 2014 to Tuesday 17th March 2015
110 signatures
UK Asylum process for Scottish arrivals
Open from Friday 25th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
6 signatures
Drilling under Your Property....FRACKING
Open from Monday 12th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
43 signatures
No to Navitus
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Thursday 13th November 2014
177 signatures
Save Nuweiba, Sinai, Egypt - please relax the travel advisory ! Nuweiba is a beautiful, peaceful & safe tourist destination !
Open from Thursday 22nd May 2014 to Saturday 22nd November 2014
27 signatures
Scrap the Dartford toll charge
Open from Thursday 5th June 2014 to Friday 5th December 2014
8 signatures
Motorway awareness campaign by government to address middle and third lane driving abuse.
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Create an off-road cycle network by making use of the 1000s of miles of unused public footpaths.
Open from Wednesday 11th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
change all speed camera's to radar speed signs
Open from Friday 13th June 2014 to Saturday 13th December 2014
3 signatures
Elstree and Borehamwood tobe part of GLA
Open from Friday 13th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Stop the cut to NHS mileage rate from 67p to 54p per mile
Open from Monday 16th June 2014 to Tuesday 16th December 2014
898 signatures
Move 'Whitehall' north
Open from Thursday 19th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Scrap tax for cars > 15 years old & < 5000 miles/year
Open from Monday 7th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Stereotactic radiotherapy for cancer patients
Open from Tuesday 8th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
117 signatures
Great Glen Crematorium
Open from Friday 11th July 2014 to Saturday 11th October 2014
5 signatures
Stop foreign investors buying up London properties and pushing the prices up.
Open from Monday 14th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Hen Harrier Joint Recovery Plan - publish it
Open from Monday 14th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
10,683 signatures
Hockliffe Bypass
Open from Tuesday 15th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
110 signatures
People vs.Taylor Wimpey - No To Building On Protected Farmland
Open from Wednesday 16th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
541 signatures
Bring in parking penalties for those without children who park in parent and child bays
Open from Monday 28th July 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
211 signatures
speed limits in towns etc
Open from Monday 28th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
reduce length and duration of motorway roadworks
Open from Wednesday 20th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
10 signatures
Shepperton Eco Park Incinerator
Open from Thursday 25th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1,254 signatures
Stop large corporate supermarkets from opening near prosperous local businesses.
Open from Monday 29th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Reduce the amount of nominated Ebola hospitals in the North of the UK from 3 to 2.
Open from Friday 10th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:20:10 +0000