Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Reduce rate of VAT for UK's tourism industry
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
154 signatures
Create power plants that use giant hamster wheels
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
18 signatures
football player to have wage cap of £10000 a week
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
16 signatures
All bankers bonuses should be compulsorily donated to the NHS
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
1 signatures
Helping Our Communities Feel Safe
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
3 signatures
IVF should be free and covered by the NHS
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2012 to Wednesday 13th March 2013
224 signatures
Publish a list of countries who recieve aid from the UK
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2012 to Wednesday 13th March 2013
40 signatures
Investigate the BBC acceptance of EU money and if it breeches its impartiality rules.
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
3 signatures
Make 999 calls premium rated
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
3 signatures
Stop universities discriminating against independent schools
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
3 signatures
Justice for Luis Suarez.
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Wednesday 12th September 2012
1 signatures
Cap income tax at £100,000 to vastly increase tax revenue
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
2 signatures
Cats should have the same restrictions on them as dogs
Open from Friday 9th March 2012 to Saturday 9th March 2013
62 signatures
to give everyone that owns a house free solar panels
Open from Thursday 8th March 2012 to Saturday 8th September 2012
2 signatures
Stop Public Sector Waste. Public Surcharge Act.
Open from Thursday 8th March 2012 to Friday 8th March 2013
11 signatures
Extending ISA protection to shelter money held within an ISA wrapper from care home fees captial assessment.
Open from Wednesday 7th March 2012 to Thursday 7th March 2013
3 signatures
Change Child Benefit Payment from Cash to Tokens
Open from Wednesday 7th March 2012 to Thursday 7th June 2012
3 signatures
stop the working tax credits changes stop
Open from Wednesday 7th March 2012 to Thursday 7th March 2013
7 signatures
New legislation is need for debt collection
Open from Wednesday 7th March 2012 to Thursday 7th March 2013
2 signatures
Open from Tuesday 6th March 2012 to Wednesday 6th March 2013
4 signatures
People undertaking unpaid work as part of a Community Service Order to pick litter along road verges
Open from Tuesday 6th March 2012 to Wednesday 6th March 2013
11 signatures
Compensation for victims of stop and search.
Open from Tuesday 6th March 2012 to Wednesday 6th March 2013
14 signatures
income based job seekers allowance
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
12 signatures
Foreigners to get HIV care on NHS
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
21 signatures
Make public transport state owned across England and Wales
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
9 signatures
Ban 'Green' Waste being dumped on the Countryside
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
1,521 signatures
Create a Minister of UK Regional Economic Development
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
1 signatures
Extend Stamp Duty Holiday
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
22 signatures
force all mortgage lenders to cancel this months SVR increases
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Wednesday 5th September 2012
1 signatures
To allow money deposited in a Curent Year's Cash ISA to be withdrawn and replaced during that year.
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
4 signatures
Stop using the term free schools
Open from Thursday 1st March 2012 to Saturday 1st September 2012
8 signatures
Ban Richard Desmond's Disgusting Health Lottery
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
6 signatures
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
27 signatures
Stop taking from hard-working families!
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 29th November 2012
3 signatures
Dramaticaly Reduce petrol and diesel prices to get the economy moving
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
5 signatures
Ditch hi-speed rail link & spend money on National Water Grid
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
12 signatures
SAVE THE CLOCKTOWER: Tours of Big Ben should remain free.
Open from Tuesday 28th February 2012 to Tuesday 28th August 2012
5 signatures
Create a pilot UK Applied Science Science Centre.
Open from Tuesday 28th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
3 signatures
Establish a Found for Polish Army ex-servicemans and theirs ancestors who fought under British Command as Polish Army in during WWII
Open from Tuesday 28th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
5 signatures
Stop Royal Navy ships to be built in Korea at a cost of £452 m
Open from Tuesday 28th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
11 signatures
Road Tax & TV Licence Savings Stamps
Open from Tuesday 28th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
10 signatures
Remewable energy source funding and development
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
6 signatures
To prevent the wining and dining of civil servants
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
4 signatures
govermant should contract all work to british companys
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
9 signatures
Stop the government from reducing the child element of tax credits
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
3 signatures
Benefits: Put UK citizens first
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
13 signatures
The Government to instuct the B.o.E to print sufficient money to pay out to every native/naturalized UK citizen of 18 or over £5m over their lifetime.
Open from Friday 24th February 2012 to Sunday 24th February 2013
6 signatures
Stop PRS and PPL Licencing for online radio stations!
Open from Thursday 23rd February 2012 to Saturday 23rd February 2013
33 signatures
UK Opinion Survey- the average mans views
Open from Wednesday 22nd February 2012 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
2 signatures
Threaten to withold EU payments if EU fraud does is not tackled.
Open from Wednesday 22nd February 2012 to Friday 22nd February 2013
8 signatures
H2O not HS2
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Thursday 21st February 2013
18 signatures
banks to check balance before taking direct debit
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Tuesday 21st August 2012
2 signatures
If you are overpaid tax credits you should not have to repay it
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Thursday 21st February 2013
3 signatures
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Thursday 21st February 2013
1 signatures
National Housing Bond
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Thursday 21st February 2013
3 signatures
Tougher laws on the supply of second hand tyres
Open from Monday 20th February 2012 to Wednesday 20th February 2013
19 signatures
Open from Monday 20th February 2012 to Wednesday 20th February 2013
19 signatures
A Debate on Quantitative Easing: Including a clear and simple explanation: A review of alternative uses of such volumes of printed money.
Open from Friday 17th February 2012 to Sunday 17th February 2013
2 signatures
Utility Companies required to pay Interest on Credit Balances
Open from Friday 17th February 2012 to Sunday 17th February 2013
18 signatures
3 strikes & you pay?
Open from Friday 17th February 2012 to Sunday 17th February 2013
3 signatures
Keep homes for family's less houses of multiple occupancy
Open from Friday 17th February 2012 to Sunday 17th February 2013
2 signatures
Demand your Council Moves Your Money to a ethical or co-op bank
Open from Friday 17th February 2012 to Sunday 17th February 2013
169 signatures
Stop the CSA charges
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Thursday 16th August 2012
54 signatures
Bereavement Payment should apply to all next of kins.
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
3,425 signatures
Provide Defibrillators for Schools
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
2,361 signatures
Reduce the age of full minimum wage!
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
8 signatures
Payments for Online Purchases that are Out of Stock
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
6 signatures
Cap the interest rates charged by Banks
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
8 signatures
Action against Paypal
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
13 signatures
INCREASE STATE PENSION to at least 50% of national average wage
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Tuesday 15th May 2012
8 signatures
Demolish the rule that suggests that homeless people aren’t entitled to JCP because they don’t have an address.
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
4 signatures
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
3 signatures
Require (not encourage) banks to lend Quantitative Easing money
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
1 signatures
Better rights for bereaved parents
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Tuesday 15th May 2012
383 signatures
Carers and Income Support payments
Open from Tuesday 14th February 2012 to Thursday 14th February 2013
7 signatures
MP's & Family members not to benefit from Government money or decisions
Open from Tuesday 14th February 2012 to Thursday 14th February 2013
2 signatures
Drastically Increase State Pension
Open from Tuesday 14th February 2012 to Thursday 14th February 2013
2 signatures
City of Liverpool - Non public Funding
Open from Tuesday 14th February 2012 to Thursday 14th February 2013
1 signatures
Stop all state benefits including NHS services, for morbidly obese people ( when the condition is self inflicted )
Open from Tuesday 14th February 2012 to Thursday 14th February 2013
9 signatures
Create/develop more grounds for local car meets/motorsports
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
91 signatures
BBC to give Death Tax cash back to hospices
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
5 signatures
Save Derby Furniture project
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
83 signatures
Cut taxes!!
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
14 signatures
Government should default on PFI deals.
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
9 signatures
Retain private pension relief at 40%
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Sunday 13th May 2012
5 signatures
£1000 for every man, woman and child in the UK. To be spent within 30 days to really stimulate the economy.
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Thursday 10th May 2012
41 signatures
Real means testing on child tax and working tax credits
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Sunday 10th February 2013
2 signatures
Share £50 Billion between UK tax payers
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Sunday 10th February 2013
143 signatures
The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) Register of Driving Instructors, should be closed to any new entrants.
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Sunday 10th February 2013
390 signatures
British TV License Holders Abroad
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Saturday 9th February 2013
3 signatures
Vote no to brandon town councils plan to raise council tax by 41.7pc
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
9 signatures
Stock + Share ISA
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
11 signatures
National Debt Accountability
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Thursday 7th February 2013
12 signatures
Create a Maximum Pension of £35K
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Thursday 7th February 2013
2 signatures
Cap child benefit age to 12 years.
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Monday 7th May 2012
1 signatures
Michael Gove and David Willetts must compensate the taxpayer for any time they have spent lobbying for a yacht for the Royal Family
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Tuesday 6th November 2012
3 signatures
Re-take the driving test every two years
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Wednesday 6th February 2013
3 signatures
Worldwide moritorium on Payment of Banker Bonuses
Open from Friday 3rd February 2012 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
2 signatures
Taxpayers don't want to fund benefit cheats - Support the cap!
Open from Friday 3rd February 2012 to Sunday 3rd February 2013
6 signatures
To Save Money by Having Local Councils Use a Single Website Design Template
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2012 to Saturday 2nd February 2013
3 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:01:51 +0000