Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Make lessons in Assertiveness and First Aid compulsory as part of the National Curriculum
Open from Wednesday 7th November 2012 to Thursday 7th November 2013
4 signatures
Central funding for a structured education programme meeting NICE guidelines for diabetics can save the government money & improve quality of life.
Open from Thursday 8th November 2012 to Friday 8th November 2013
2,769 signatures
Open from Thursday 8th November 2012 to Friday 8th November 2013
8 signatures
a end to double standards in law
Open from Friday 9th November 2012 to Saturday 9th November 2013
3 signatures
Fair For Care
Open from Friday 9th November 2012 to Saturday 9th November 2013
11 signatures
Save The Military Veterans Service Mental Health.
Open from Monday 12th November 2012 to Tuesday 12th November 2013
87 signatures
Gay Men Donating Blood - 12 Month Deferral Ban
Open from Monday 12th November 2012 to Tuesday 12th November 2013
91 signatures
CGMs and Pumps available for ALL T1 diabetics under the NHS to prevent complications & improve patient outlook
Open from Tuesday 13th November 2012 to Wednesday 13th November 2013
447 signatures
make 15% of the NHS Budget available solely for Proactive and reactive Cancer Treatments
Open from Tuesday 13th November 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
18 signatures
Improve the rules for unpaid work and carer's allowance.
Open from Tuesday 13th November 2012 to Wednesday 13th November 2013
3 signatures
More money invested into problem gambling from gambling industry and tighter controls on gambling advertising.
Open from Tuesday 13th November 2012 to Wednesday 13th November 2013
18 signatures
Keep the Manchester Patient Transport Service in the NHS
Open from Wednesday 14th November 2012 to Thursday 14th November 2013
34 signatures
Increase Mental Health funding for out of hours services
Open from Wednesday 14th November 2012 to Thursday 14th November 2013
14 signatures
Make personalised NHS budgets for talking therapies available to victims of sexual abuse.
Open from Wednesday 14th November 2012 to Thursday 14th November 2013
1,175 signatures
Say No to the new GP Contract
Open from Thursday 15th November 2012 to Wednesday 15th May 2013
27 signatures
NHS and MEDIA: Accept SPD. Raise awareness of SPD and allow SPD to be treated.
Open from Monday 19th November 2012 to Tuesday 19th November 2013
36 signatures
NHS to provide FAI Hip Impingement Surgery Nationwide
Open from Tuesday 20th November 2012 to Wednesday 20th November 2013
125 signatures
UK Corporation Tax public website
Open from Wednesday 21st November 2012 to Tuesday 21st May 2013
10 signatures
The government should have to meet quantifiable targets
Open from Wednesday 21st November 2012 to Thursday 21st November 2013
4 signatures
Gagging Clauses in the Public Sector
Open from Monday 26th November 2012 to Tuesday 26th November 2013
39 signatures
2021 census needs to be kept, but simplified.
Open from Monday 26th November 2012 to Tuesday 26th November 2013
47 signatures
Provide medical treatment to women with congenital breast deformity (tuberous/tubular)
Open from Tuesday 27th November 2012 to Wednesday 27th November 2013
82 signatures
Nhs Student Bursaries disgraceful treatment of students
Open from Tuesday 27th November 2012 to Monday 27th May 2013
30 signatures
Annul PFI contracts which are bankrupting public services
Open from Thursday 29th November 2012 to Friday 29th November 2013
695 signatures
Random drug test NHS employees
Open from Friday 30th November 2012 to Saturday 30th November 2013
4 signatures
Stop public sector departments wasting billions on IT projects that don't deliver value for money to tax payers
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
5 signatures
Make Smokers contribute to their medical treatment.
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
4 signatures
Make Drinkers contribute to their medical treatment
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
5 signatures
Make wearers of high heels contribute to their medical treatment.
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Tuesday 3rd December 2013
3 signatures
Increase public spending
Open from Tuesday 4th December 2012 to Wednesday 4th December 2013
1 signatures
NHS111,and CQC are a waste of public money!
Open from Wednesday 5th December 2012 to Thursday 5th December 2013
31 signatures
We demand that politicians stop misleading us and ensure that the NHS be properly funded
Open from Wednesday 5th December 2012 to Thursday 5th December 2013
7 signatures
SAY NO TO LEVENSON Keep a free press.
Open from Thursday 6th December 2012 to Wednesday 6th March 2013
4 signatures
Taxpayers should be consulted as to how monies are spent
Open from Thursday 6th December 2012 to Friday 6th December 2013
10 signatures
hospice funding
Open from Thursday 6th December 2012 to Wednesday 6th March 2013
2 signatures
Scrap the independent contractor status of GPs and take them into the NHS as fully contracted EMPLOYEES.
Open from Thursday 6th December 2012 to Friday 6th December 2013
8 signatures
deficit savings
Open from Monday 10th December 2012 to Tuesday 10th December 2013
3 signatures
No Super Mosque in Newham
Open from Monday 10th December 2012 to Tuesday 10th December 2013
19 signatures
Comply with the wishes of the CEO of the RCN.
Open from Tuesday 11th December 2012 to Wednesday 11th December 2013
2 signatures
Drug use in your own homes but not in public and you pay for your care.
Open from Wednesday 12th December 2012 to Thursday 12th December 2013
1 signatures
Ban smoking althougher or reduce tax on tobacco.
Open from Friday 14th December 2012 to Saturday 14th December 2013
1 signatures
Open from Friday 14th December 2012 to Saturday 14th December 2013
2 signatures
Stop the UK Dash for Gas
Open from Friday 14th December 2012 to Friday 14th June 2013
10 signatures
Balanced migration - limit migration into the country equal to migration out
Open from Friday 14th December 2012 to Saturday 14th December 2013
8 signatures
Echo campaigns to keep blood tests local in south Essex
Open from Monday 17th December 2012 to Tuesday 17th December 2013
5,534 signatures
Exempt the Ambulance services from fuel duty
Open from Tuesday 18th December 2012 to Wednesday 18th December 2013
26 signatures
Surrogacy Laws & M.R.K.H
Open from Thursday 20th December 2012 to Friday 20th December 2013
23 signatures
Pop-Campaign - Reducing glass related injuries in Late Night Bars/Night Clubs
Open from Friday 21st December 2012 to Saturday 21st December 2013
1,512 signatures
Reconsider the 'bare below elbows' policy in hospitals
Open from Friday 28th December 2012 to Saturday 28th December 2013
29 signatures
David Cameron: Make the legal qualified nurse:patient ratios no more than 1:6
Open from Friday 28th December 2012 to Saturday 28th December 2013
313 signatures
Reducing glass related injuries in Late Night Bars/Night Clubs
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2013 to Thursday 2nd January 2014
4 signatures
Stop Prisoners Getting IVF on the NHS
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2013 to Thursday 2nd January 2014
394 signatures
Scan for miscarriages 24 hours 365 days
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2013 to Tuesday 2nd July 2013
2,106 signatures
Make it a criminal offence to use NHS taxpayer funding to pay for the translating of NHS documents from English into any other language.
Open from Friday 4th January 2013 to Saturday 4th January 2014
19 signatures
NHS Managers
Open from Tuesday 8th January 2013 to Wednesday 8th January 2014
4 signatures
Child benefit
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2013 to Tuesday 9th July 2013
17 signatures
Stop the MoD using live pigs for trauma training
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2013 to Thursday 9th January 2014
31 signatures
Better care for the elderly whilst in hospital
Open from Thursday 10th January 2013 to Friday 10th January 2014
19 signatures
Continuing Healthcare Funding Con
Open from Monday 14th January 2013 to Tuesday 14th January 2014
424 signatures
Freeze MP's Pay rises 2013-2015
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2013 to Monday 15th April 2013
22 signatures
Private NHS providers miust not be exempted from paying corporation tax.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2013 to Monday 15th April 2013
13 signatures
Private Firms bidding for NHS Contracts should be fully tax compliant
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2013 to Wednesday 15th January 2014
873 signatures
urge the government to investigate NHS with a view to prosecuting Doctors and Nurses re Stafford Hospital
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2013 to Wednesday 15th January 2014
36 signatures
Finding a workable and affordable solution for Independent Self Employed Midwives
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2013 to Monday 15th July 2013
8,603 signatures
Every Government Dept to publish complainants
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2013 to Wednesday 15th January 2014
5 signatures
foreigners heath tax
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2013 to Thursday 16th January 2014
7 signatures
Revise BMI formula to avoid incorrect classification of tall and short people
Open from Thursday 17th January 2013 to Friday 17th January 2014
2 signatures
Free IVF or IUI for homosexuals and women over 40
Open from Monday 21st January 2013 to Tuesday 21st January 2014
8 signatures
End state handouts to foreign nationals
Open from Monday 21st January 2013 to Sunday 21st July 2013
21 signatures
STOP women having children under the age of 21
Open from Wednesday 23rd January 2013 to Thursday 23rd January 2014
6 signatures
Health and Social Care Privatisation
Open from Thursday 24th January 2013 to Friday 24th January 2014
24 signatures
Increase UK Paramedic Pay to NHS Agenda for Change pay Band 6
Open from Friday 25th January 2013 to Saturday 25th January 2014
5,995 signatures
continence awareness day
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Tuesday 28th January 2014
5 signatures
Call for a local Referendum to stop the downgrade of Stafford and Cannock Hospitals
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Sunday 28th July 2013
2,920 signatures
Codex aliementarius
Open from Wednesday 30th January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
21 signatures
End fuel and alcohol duty.
Open from Thursday 31st January 2013 to Friday 31st January 2014
4 signatures
Give everyone the chance to Opt Out of the NHS's new 'Everyone Counts' scheme which will share patient information
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Saturday 4th May 2013
29 signatures
Increase the number of Nurses & Doctors in hospitals
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Monday 5th August 2013
114 signatures
Childhood Multiple Sclerosis
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
2 signatures
Why are Bulgarians not subjected to the same requirements to stay in the UK as British are to stay in Bulgaria,
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
21 signatures
Sir David Nicholson to resign over NHS failings
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
5,928 signatures
Prosecute ALL responsible for horror at Staffordshire NHS
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
52 signatures
Suspend and investigate coroners who have allowed high mortality rates in NHS Trusts to go unquestioned.
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
6 signatures
Suspend the creation of NHS Foundation Trusts with immediate effect.
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Tuesday 7th May 2013
5 signatures
Petition for an improvement in the level of provision of NHS paediatric speech and language therapy in England
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
1,348 signatures
Fine NHS Patients who miss appointments
Open from Thursday 7th February 2013 to Friday 7th February 2014
12 signatures
Make NHS uniforms universal for ALL Trusts
Open from Friday 8th February 2013 to Saturday 8th February 2014
6 signatures
Prosecute Cynthia Bower for Manslaughter in NHS West Midlands
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Sunday 11th August 2013
6 signatures
hospital budgets
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
9 signatures
Suspend International Aid
Open from Monday 11th February 2013 to Tuesday 11th February 2014
48 signatures
stop doctors working straight 24 hour shifts
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2013 to Wednesday 12th February 2014
3 signatures
Better NHS care & services for Borderline Personality Disorder
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2013 to Wednesday 12th February 2014
620 signatures
Debureaucratisation of the NHS and the public services
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Thursday 13th February 2014
8 signatures
NHS Funding for the treatment of Brachycephaly and Plagiocephaly in babies and young children.
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Thursday 13th February 2014
368 signatures
Stop or reverse the closures of any A&E or maternity units.
Open from Wednesday 13th February 2013 to Thursday 13th February 2014
12 signatures
NHS Staff accountability
Open from Thursday 14th February 2013 to Tuesday 14th May 2013
8 signatures
Reduction in taxes for sporting facilities
Open from Friday 15th February 2013 to Thursday 15th August 2013
8 signatures
Bring an end to the postcode lottery of cancer care that is still existing between NHS Trusts
Open from Monday 18th February 2013 to Tuesday 18th February 2014
136 signatures
GMC managers
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2013 to Sunday 19th May 2013
128 signatures
Iodised salt to prevent hyperthyroidism
Open from Tuesday 19th February 2013 to Wednesday 19th February 2014
3 signatures Sun, 23 Feb 2025 04:19:16 +0000