Close the Borders
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Will the Minister of Health please investigate the allegations in Prof. Bush's book "700 Vitamin C Secrets - and 1,000 not so secret for doctors!"?
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Establish an English Parliament / Assembly to decide matters that only affect England
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Reduce Fuel Duty by 50% NOW!
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
UK Online Research Library
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
14 signatures
Allow under-taking on motorways (US-style)
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Hidden Energy Tarriffs
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
This petition is an objection to the recent BBC/SKY F1 viewing rights deal.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Beat Cervical Cancer. Smear Tests should be available from the age of 21 & available at least every 2 years
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
315 signatures
School and nursery should be allocated on the basis of child's locality to the school
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Introduce an urban fox cull
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
30 signatures
Make Politics Compulsory On The English Curriculum
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th February 2012
7 signatures
Restore CPI as the public sector pension inflation index
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
lower VAT to stimulate the economy to help uk manufacturing.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Legalisation of marijuana
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Cyprus - A divided country
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Bring back funding for work experience in schools.
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th August 2012
26 signatures
Equality for English people within the United Kingdom
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
A tax on complaints
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
11 signatures
Reform the terms of address in the House of Commons
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
7 signatures
Out of The European Community (EC), aka European Economic Community (EEC), aka Common Market
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Significantly reduce the number of MP's and the cost of Central Government
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
40 signatures
An end to sending children away to boarding school
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
8 signatures
To prevent the death penalty from being reintroduced, ever.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop Employers controlling your use of FaceBook etc.
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
7 signatures
Computer Viruses
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Bring back funding for work experience in schools.
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
188 signatures
Continue to build and operate Hunter-Killer submarines
Open from Friday 16th September 2011 to Sunday 16th September 2012
5 signatures
Referendum on Petitions with over 3million signatures
Open from Saturday 6th August 2011 to Monday 6th August 2012
142 signatures
Bring Back The Stocks
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
No more BBC licence fee (TV Licence Fee), TV should be free
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Nationalize the Rail industry
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
End the Expensive contract with ATOS Healthcare
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Every e-petition should have an opposite
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
122 signatures
House of Lords reform
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
45 signatures
Public Sector Job Promise
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
3 signatures
England Rugby games must be on terrestrial TV
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban on Market Speculation
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Tuesday 15th November 2011
2 signatures
Universal access to fast, affordable broadband
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban Noisy Exhausts on Road Cars and Motorbikes
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
202 signatures
premium bonds prizes reinstatement
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Tuesday 15th November 2011
16 signatures
Abolish or Replace the House of Lords
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
35 signatures
FIFA reform
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
7 signatures
stop news crews being forced to become targets
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Link wages and bonuses of those at the top of an organisation to those at the bottom
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
26 signatures
Ban the Burqa in public places
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Create an English Parliament
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Increase the speed limit on UK Motorways
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th February 2012
1,257 signatures
Wind Turbine distance from Residential Property
Open from Thursday 22nd September 2011 to Thursday 22nd December 2011
288 signatures
Scrap SORN
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Take multiculturalism into account in the town planning system
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
3 signatures
Simplify fuel duty
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
4 signatures
Abolish the e-petition system
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
3rd party insurance via petrol price
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Tuesday 15th November 2011
6 signatures
Scrap SORN
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
104 signatures
Change or Replace The Human Rights Act
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Reduce Fuel Duty (Hydrocarbon Oil Duty)
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
LOWER CAR INSURANCE - Stop the illegal sale of personal data for referral fees by police and other public bodies to reduce insurance costs
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
27 signatures
Limitation of bank interest rates
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
14 signatures
Vote Against E-Petitions
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
70 signatures
Proscribe the UAF
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
18 signatures
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Opology for Children in Residental Care
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
4 signatures
new football world cup
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Wind Turbine distance from Residential Property
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Wednesday 16th November 2011
1,881 signatures
Mortgage holiday break entitlement
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
2 signatures
3yr ban on immergration into the UK
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
9 signatures
Reduce fuel duty
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th February 2012
6 signatures
why are children financially disadvantaged beacuse parents remain married?
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Plastic carrier bag tax
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th February 2012
3 signatures
Restrict advertising breaks to between programs only
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow Penknives To Have A Locking Blade
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
27 signatures
End The Legal Persecution of Julian Assange
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
reduce overseas aid to 2010 levels
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
6 signatures
Councils & Associations Punished for Vacant Houses
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
6 signatures
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Excessive Drinking: Penalty Fine for Costs Incurred to Emergency Services
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Deporting Foreign Serious Criminals.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Referendum on EU
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Open from Friday 9th September 2011 to Sunday 9th September 2012
7 signatures
pre-payment electric meters
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
25 signatures
Deporting Foreign Serious Criminals.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Review of Thameslink contract award to Siemens
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Deporting Foreign Serious Criminals.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Reduce car insurance for young drivers.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Return Child Maintenance Descisions to the Family Courts rather than the Child Support Agency
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
25 signatures
parental income not househould income!
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Outlaw offshore outsourcing of public contracts
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
65 signatures
Ban Halal and Kosher meat that is not slaughtered to normal UK animal welfare standards
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban Halal and Kosher meat that is not slaughtered to normal UK animal welfare standards
Open from Monday 12th September 2011 to Wednesday 12th September 2012
102 signatures
H M Revenue and Customs: Simplify the system and reduce their powers
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
5 signatures
Work status for asylum seekers
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
26 signatures
Free University
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep F1 free-to-air: Make Formula 1 races protected sporting events
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Bank Holidays
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th February 2012
5 signatures
NHS sourcing out health services
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Ed Milliband should worry about his own Party!
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Get pot holes fixed
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
45 signatures
Broadcasting Rights for Sport
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
61 signatures Sat, 28 Dec 2024 21:37:34 +0000