Abolishing the law that won't name criminals because of their age & legal reasons
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
6 signatures
Human Responsibilities Act
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Uganda's Oil for the Ugandan People.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
All bankers bonuses should be compulsorily donated to the NHS
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
1 signatures
Equality for Christians
Open from Friday 13th April 2012 to Saturday 13th April 2013
15 signatures
Regional Parliaments
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
1 signatures
Stop the imprisionment of innocent medical workers in Bahrain.
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
7 signatures
To change the National Anthem to the hymn "Bohemian Rhapsody"
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
29 signatures
All police forces to participate in Sarah's Law
Open from Monday 26th March 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
70 signatures
Ban Cruel Glue Traps
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
15 signatures
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban the Heavy class from games of TF2 with less than ten players.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
[email protected]
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Petrol prices - bleeding the economy. We need an official OFT enquiry into the operation of the market
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Friday 14th September 2012
82 signatures
First time speeding Offenses, should carry less points.
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
2 signatures
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2012 to Wednesday 27th March 2013
6 signatures
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Drop contolled conditions coursework at GCSE for all subjects
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
252 signatures
Review the impact of a Bedroom Tax
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Friday 14th September 2012
22 signatures
Stop the unethical treatment of farm animals
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
31 signatures
Dyspraxia Foundation Helpline Suspended
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
161 signatures
20 mph Church Road, Caversham, Reading
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove all laws prohibiting the freedom of expression
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2012 to Wednesday 27th March 2013
23 signatures
CSA and Access Rights
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
32 signatures
Stop funding cuts to East Anglia Childrens Hospice (EACH)
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
14 signatures
A safer walk to reffley community school
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
RE shouldn't be compolsary
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Ministry of Public Service
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
31 signatures
compulsory DNA testing at birth, to prove paternity
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
6 signatures
Business should be forced to sell items at the advertised prices.
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
19 signatures
Let's make 'Hobbit' a word in the OED
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Right to Retire
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
21 signatures
Dissolve all links with America if a Christian fundamentalist is elected president
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
2 signatures
Reflex Sympathetic Dystropy/Complex Regioal Pain Syndrome The most Painful Condition in the World
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
211 signatures
david moyse to stay at everton for another 10 years
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Mr Eric Joyce stand down as MP
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Save Kings Park in Stirling
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ensure all children around the world are able to access primary education by 2015
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Sunday 16th September 2012
27 signatures
Animal rights activists/luddites who terrorise/intimidate organisations involved in animal research should be kept under surveillance & prosecuted
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Time to fund life saving medication
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Friday 14th September 2012
30 signatures
Reduce V.A.T. on fuel for the flying ambulances
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
52 signatures
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
8 signatures
Inclusion of renewable energy and water butts into new build homes
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
12 signatures
have democratic views on tv no one point of view, bring back current TV
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Blue Badge holders from being charged twice for parking
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Friday 14th September 2012
9 signatures
keep Facebook online and free
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Tax companies that offshore jobs
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
7 signatures
Stop cuts to military personnel
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
An end to positive discrimination
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
against county council cuts in northamptonshire for the stroke association
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
7 signatures
Delivering Safe On-line Environments in Schools
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
25 signatures
School day to start at 10am
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Bring back BBC South Today to the Brighton Whitehawk Transmitter
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
When a politician switches allegiance to a political party during their elected term, they should immediately resign and seek a new mandate.
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
4 signatures
Luck of separate changing facilities in primary schools
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
7 signatures
50% reduction in Council Tax for people without dependants
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
18 signatures
Tougher Anti-Bullying Legislation
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Control white van drivers as they are reckless and mean
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Prohibit discrimination against overweight individuals
Open from Monday 16th April 2012 to Tuesday 16th April 2013
55 signatures
Prevent corporate bullying against small businesses
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Lower Fees For Public Transport
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
Schulze method voting system
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
3 signatures
Make adequate restitution to servicemen damaged by nuclear testing in the Pacific.
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
19 signatures
Restore Rochester's status as a city
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
137 signatures
Save the Hobbit Southampton
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
103 signatures
Save the Red Phone Box
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
5 signatures
National grid for water distribution.
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
7 signatures
Recognition of Act of Genocide against Kurdish, 1988
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
42 signatures
Benefits changes
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
4 signatures
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Pushchair delivery to aircraft
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Social Workers answerable to complaints
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
11 signatures
Her Majesty the Queen to be given her own postcode on the 60th Anniversary of her Coronation
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
BBC River City scheduling
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman....let's keep it that way
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Control of Profit by Utility Companies
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
NI People against MLA Pay Rise
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Provide more funds for research to cure Diabetes
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
17 signatures
HMG should NOT rename ‘civil partnership’ to ‘marriage’, as they have different family life implications & cultural connotations/norms
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Make members of the Armed Forces pay exempt from future pay freezes
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Increase funding for UK roads to bring them up to a drivable standard
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
6 signatures
Ban airbrushing of all images and adverts aimed at children in the UK
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
3,163 signatures
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: no-action
bring back betting tax
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th June 2012
2 signatures
Waive VAT on Raspberry Pi
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Thursday 20th September 2012
41 signatures
limit number of betting games on a single domain website
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd June 2012
1 signatures
Allow school pools in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth to be used for clubs and public
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Deaf TV Licensing
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
95 signatures
Sunday service in Cirencester to Swindon needs to be reinstated
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: irrelevant
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st June 2012
1 signatures
Prisoners to have more equal rights
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
8 signatures
Referendum to make the UK a Republic
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Royal Commission on policing.
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
MPs and Ministers to telecommute instead of travel where possible
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
2 signatures
Ban the high jumps at horse racing
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2012 to Wednesday 27th June 2012
30 signatures
Stop childtrafficking! its child slavery!
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th June 2012
5 signatures
Replace soldier pay cut with an mp pay cut
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017
Rejection code: duplicate
Reduce rate of VAT for UK's tourism industry
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
154 signatures
Save Furnival Drive park in Burscough! Improve it instead!
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
4 signatures Wed, 05 Mar 2025 20:22:21 +0000