All the petitions which closed in May 2012, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Encourage Energy Companies to invest in Fusion instead of Fission Reactors
Open from Friday 11th November 2011 to Friday 11th May 2012
13 signatures
Community Renewables & the Feed in Tarriffs
Open from Friday 11th November 2011 to Friday 11th May 2012
88 signatures
Look after are own before handing cash to immigrants
Open from Friday 11th November 2011 to Friday 11th May 2012
6 signatures
Protect our borders
Open from Friday 11th November 2011 to Friday 11th May 2012
13 signatures
Deliver on the Government's infant feeding obligations
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
968 signatures
Ban the Use, Sale and Import of Shark Fin Products in the UK
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
3,446 signatures
to reduce fuel duty by 40 pence a litre to get the economy moving again reducing food prices, business costs and getting workers moving
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
85 signatures
Parents of children under 18 get an extra vote
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
3 signatures
Help to keep CtL Grant to meet child care costs for teenage parents in education
Open from Thursday 10th November 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
7 signatures
Free prescriptions for people with long term health conditions.
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
1,096 signatures
Prevent UK from overturning ban on cluster bombs
Open from Thursday 10th November 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
23 signatures
Convicted West Midland Rioters should lose all benefits
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Thursday 10th May 2012
826 signatures
£1000 for every man, woman and child in the UK. To be spent within 30 days to really stimulate the economy.
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Thursday 10th May 2012
41 signatures
The only way forward for the future of UHMBT - Tony Halsall to stand down!
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Thursday 10th May 2012
140 signatures
Banning anonymous job adverts
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
20 signatures
Free Driving Lessons For unempolyed people on Job Centre To Help Gain Job
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
236 signatures
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
21 signatures
Adoption of BST all-year round
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
3 signatures
Stop the use of rubber bullets as a means to infringe protesters' right to freedom of assembly..
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
12 signatures
Recognition of Micronations
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
3 signatures
Reduce Immigration
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
107 signatures
The Right To A Council Home
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
2 signatures
The banning of Audible Car Alarms as they are not effective.
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
12 signatures
Age discrimination
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
2 signatures
Stop new TESCO store in Harrogate.
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
8 signatures
Get the UK Government to step in & try help bring Safi Qurashi back home
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
16 signatures
Make the month of June Hemihypertrophy awareness month
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
203 signatures
Increase the Age Restriction On Smoking
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
2 signatures
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
40 signatures
We the undersigned believe that the GDC ORE Part 2 Examination booking system for the March/April 2012 examination was unfair.
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
2 signatures
Funding for Postgraduate Medical Students
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
47 signatures
Rescind Dow's contract for London 2012
Open from Wednesday 9th November 2011 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
21 signatures
Promoting Stem Cell Research
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Wednesday 9th May 2012
5 signatures
Top gradustes don't always make top teachers
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
14 signatures
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
9 signatures
Ending Anti Social Behaviour
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
17 signatures
To complete the original cable licence
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
5 signatures
Increase the Old Age Pension NOW and for ALL Pensioners
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
568 signatures
Stop the barrow-in-furness council tax rise
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
17 signatures
Sell UK-based part of Govt Art Collection
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
3 signatures
Base council tax rates on income, not property value
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
72 signatures
Public & Private Pension Increases - change from RPI to CPI
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
113,490 signatures
No more new buildings for any religious persuasion should be erected in this country
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
38 signatures
Remove all luxuries in prison
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
66 signatures
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
1,840 signatures
Benefits justice
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
12 signatures
Cumbernauld Referendum
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
10 signatures
Hyrdogen Fuel Cell power
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
33 signatures
reduce domestic driving hours
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
3 signatures
International Intervention in Somalia to Prevent Famine
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
1 signatures
Make Motorbike Leather Compulsary
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
5 signatures
Bring all public transport under TfL-style franchise models.
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
7 signatures
Reduce public sector pensions to private sector level
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
38 signatures
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
138 signatures
High Speed Rail to follow MOTORWAYS
Open from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
8 signatures
Introduce Autobahns in the UK
Open from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
7 signatures
Lane discipline on Motorway and Dual Carriageway
Open from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
13 signatures
Create a single lorry lane on Motorways
Open from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
12 signatures
Concessionary Bus Pass
Open from Monday 7th November 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
3 signatures
benefits claims
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Monday 7th May 2012
3 signatures
Cap child benefit age to 12 years.
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Monday 7th May 2012
1 signatures
Laptops: May we please have a standard charger socket, as on mobile phones, and a small range of standard battery fitments.
Open from Monday 7th November 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
2 signatures
Irresponsible Public Spending
Open from Monday 7th November 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
9 signatures
E-book readers and e-books should be zero rated for VAT for the deaf-blind/visually impaired
Open from Monday 7th November 2011 to Monday 7th May 2012
13 signatures
drop the Welfare Reform Bill
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Sunday 6th May 2012
72 signatures
Young Driver Insurance Statistics
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Sunday 6th May 2012
3 signatures
Consessionary travel changes
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Saturday 5th May 2012
46 signatures
Cut MP's salaries by 25%
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Saturday 5th May 2012
63 signatures
Ban all local/central government and other public bodies from using 084x or 087x numbers
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Saturday 5th May 2012
137 signatures
Move Parliament to Stoke-on-Trent
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Saturday 5th May 2012
20 signatures
Ban sale & consumption of alcohol in Houses of Parliament.
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Saturday 5th May 2012
81 signatures
Mp`s should act on local referendums
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
48 signatures
RE should be made non-compulsory in schools to make way for more academic and practical subjects.
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
3 signatures
Stop introduction of unisex toilets in schools
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
7 signatures
Support the right to opt out of x-ray whole body scanners within the UK
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
411 signatures
Reduced UK Cost (for Seniors) Rail and Coach Travel
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
53 signatures
abolish lord chancellor
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
2 signatures
Queen's Jubilee Medal - not the British Empire Medal
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
4 signatures
Cap rents in the private sector
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
15 signatures
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
7 signatures
Derwent in Derby needs Public Inquiry
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
2 signatures
Democratize the BBC
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
3 signatures
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
20 signatures
Utilise Overseas Aid to create able to be replicated UK Businesses Training in Knowledge Transfer as tangible Aid for developing countries
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Friday 4th May 2012
6 signatures
A petition against the UK bailing out the Euro
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2011 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
6 signatures
Close Geriatric Wards and Mainstream Elderly Patients
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2011 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
17 signatures
SOS - Save Our Station
Open from Friday 3rd February 2012 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
62 signatures
Rescinding Timeshare Contracts and Exhorbitant Maintenance Fees
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2011 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
2,306 signatures
Scrap MCS
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2011 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
2 signatures
Sick pay for temps
Open from Friday 3rd February 2012 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
5 signatures
Worldwide moritorium on Payment of Banker Bonuses
Open from Friday 3rd February 2012 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
2 signatures
The Governmet should be able to review the Motor Insurance Industry due to it being a legal requirement set by the Goverement for insurance.
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2011 to Thursday 3rd May 2012
13 signatures
he government should propose the establishment of an International Court for the Environment (ICE) at Rio 2012
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2011 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
18 signatures
Ensuring that people on EMA get the same amount of money as those on jobseekers allowance.
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2011 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
7 signatures
Save the One O'Clock Club, Peckham Rye
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2012 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
7 signatures
Review Housing Reform Proposals - Tenure
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2012 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
21 signatures
Do we need ‘commodity’ children?
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2011 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
1 signatures
To tax Portsmouth Football Club like any other Bussiness
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2012 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
29 signatures
Recognizing P.T.S.D. In N. Ireland Veterans
Open from Tuesday 2nd August 2011 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
75 signatures
24-7 full staffing in the NHS
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2012 to Wednesday 2nd May 2012
5 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:28:11 +0000