We are responsible for improving and protecting the environment. We aim to grow a green economy and sustain thriving rural communities. We also support our world-leading food, farming and fishing industries. Defra is a ministerial department, supported by 35 agencies and public bodies.
Ban on firearm and shotgun ownership for wildlife and countryside offences
Open from Friday 18th September 2020 to Thursday 18th March 2021
363 signatures
Fund plastic recycling processing plants and ban export of plastic waste
Open from Wednesday 16th September 2020 to Tuesday 16th March 2021
964 signatures
Increase financial support for UK zoos this winter (September until Easter)
Open from Tuesday 15th September 2020 to Monday 15th March 2021
425 signatures
Make the neutering/spaying of pet cats a legal requirement.
Open from Tuesday 15th September 2020 to Monday 15th March 2021
3,216 signatures
Ban the Sale, Import and Trade of Animal Fur
Open from Tuesday 15th September 2020 to Monday 15th March 2021
156 signatures
Compulsory home checks and abusers database to protect animals
Open from Tuesday 15th September 2020 to Monday 15th March 2021
3,832 signatures
Ban ‘permitted discharge’ of foul water into rivers
Open from Friday 11th September 2020 to Thursday 11th March 2021
4,390 signatures
Ban all bonfires in built up areas.
Open from Friday 11th September 2020 to Thursday 11th March 2021
57 signatures
Grey squirrels should be protected by the government
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
307 signatures
Legalise bowhunting in the United Kingdom.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
184 signatures
Ban disposable containers for fast food outlets
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
16 signatures
Do not reduce environmental protections or protected species legislation
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
731 signatures
Require meat sellers to display how all meat was slaughtered and sourced
Open from Thursday 10th September 2020 to Wednesday 10th March 2021
1,079 signatures
Implement a Deposit Return Scheme for glass and plastic in 2021
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2020 to Tuesday 9th March 2021
730 signatures
Make it Mandatory for the UK to recycle it's own waste in the UK
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2020 to Tuesday 9th March 2021
307 signatures
Require labeling for milk to confirm whether the cows had access to pasture
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2020 to Tuesday 9th March 2021
441 signatures
Require products containing plastic to be clearly labelled
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2020 to Tuesday 9th March 2021
31 signatures
Nationalise water companies
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2020 to Monday 8th March 2021
39 signatures
Make it a legal requirement to microchip pet cats
Open from Monday 7th September 2020 to Sunday 7th March 2021
32 signatures
Require a licence for the sale of pet animals in any circumstance
Open from Monday 7th September 2020 to Sunday 7th March 2021
1,048 signatures
Ban the import of non-fair trade chocolate and cocoa
Open from Monday 7th September 2020 to Sunday 7th March 2021
31 signatures
Ban plastic bags for online supermarket deliveries
Open from Monday 7th September 2020 to Sunday 7th March 2021
34 signatures
Require caffeine content to be declared on nutritional labelling of products
Open from Friday 4th September 2020 to Thursday 4th March 2021
15 signatures
Ban the export of shark fins from the UK
Open from Friday 4th September 2020 to Thursday 4th March 2021
269 signatures
Compulsory Penalties for Dangerously out of control dogs attacking other animals
Open from Thursday 3rd September 2020 to Wednesday 3rd March 2021
4,290 signatures
Prevent products not made from 95% apple juice being sold as cider
Open from Thursday 3rd September 2020 to Wednesday 3rd March 2021
611 signatures
Clear labeling on containing animal products and carbon footprint
Open from Wednesday 2nd September 2020 to Tuesday 2nd March 2021
79 signatures
Impose a tax on the racing industry, to fund the care of all ex-race horses
Open from Friday 28th August 2020 to Sunday 28th February 2021
17 signatures
Ban the use of choke and pronged collars on dogs
Open from Thursday 27th August 2020 to Saturday 27th February 2021
1,375 signatures
Ban the export of unusable textiles and end the clothing dumping catastrophe
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2020 to Friday 26th February 2021
74 signatures
Ban the use of audible propane bird scarers.
Open from Friday 21st August 2020 to Sunday 21st February 2021
21 signatures
Seek to improve the safety and ecological-soundness of pesticide use globally
Open from Friday 21st August 2020 to Sunday 21st February 2021
46 signatures
Ban breeding dogs whose snouts are so short they struggle to breathe
Open from Thursday 20th August 2020 to Saturday 20th February 2021
89 signatures
Sign the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary Treaty
Open from Thursday 20th August 2020 to Saturday 20th February 2021
67 signatures
Create a nationwide network of pollinator passages, to form The Bee Superhighway
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
1,045 signatures
Stop water company monopoly - Extend competition to the residential water market
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
42 signatures
Ban the sale of plastic frisbee rings to protect marine life
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
39 signatures
Introduce heavy fixed penalties starting at £1000 minimum for littering
Open from Monday 17th August 2020 to Wednesday 17th February 2021
70 signatures
Review the approval of fish barriers at Hoveton Great Broad
Open from Monday 17th August 2020 to Wednesday 17th February 2021
3,268 signatures
Make fast food outlets ineligible for Eat Out To Help Out scheme
Open from Monday 17th August 2020 to Wednesday 17th February 2021
13 signatures
Disallow Food that is Lower than the Minimum UK Production & Welfare Standards
Open from Thursday 13th August 2020 to Saturday 13th February 2021
1,499 signatures
Ban the use of rawhide in dog treats in the UK
Open from Thursday 13th August 2020 to Saturday 13th February 2021
1,917 signatures
Nationalise the water industry and make water free to all UK households
Open from Thursday 13th August 2020 to Saturday 13th February 2021
28 signatures
Make any sexual contact with an animal a criminal offence
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
3,289 signatures
Ban the keeping of wild and dangerous animals as pets.
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
122 signatures
Ban the weedkillers aminopyralid and clopyralid due to risk of contamination.
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
246 signatures
Make it compulsory for food manufacturers to list all Legumes as an allergen.
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
21 signatures
Ban the use of netting as a deterrent for birds
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
827 signatures
Ban private pet owners from selling their pet's offspring
Open from Friday 7th August 2020 to Sunday 7th February 2021
41 signatures
Ban the importation of dogs with cropped ears.
Open from Thursday 6th August 2020 to Saturday 6th February 2021
45,165 signatures
Add alliums to the list of allergens that must be listed on food labels
Open from Wednesday 5th August 2020 to Friday 5th February 2021
1,082 signatures
Change outdated laws to prevent forest felling when baby animals are in
Open from Wednesday 5th August 2020 to Friday 5th February 2021
12,383 signatures
Abolish ASPA Section 24, the secrecy clause for animals used in UK laboratories.
Open from Wednesday 5th August 2020 to Friday 5th February 2021
512 signatures
Extend the 2026 deadline for the recording of historic footpaths & bridleways.
Open from Tuesday 4th August 2020 to Thursday 4th February 2021
14,140 signatures
Provide funds so Marine Conservation Zones in the UK can be properly protected.
Open from Tuesday 4th August 2020 to Thursday 4th February 2021
984 signatures
Ban plastic bags in supermarkets, and other retail shops.
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
138 signatures
Take action to end factory farming and reduce meat and dairy consumption
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
37,254 signatures
Close loophole allowing licensed dog breeders to broker pregnant bitches
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
15,501 signatures
Ban sale of pets online
Open from Friday 31st July 2020 to Sunday 31st January 2021
145 signatures
Review current rules for zoos and their suitability for the future
Open from Thursday 30th July 2020 to Saturday 30th January 2021
19 signatures
Compulsory labelling of Halal and kosher certified food in schools and hospitals
Open from Thursday 30th July 2020 to Saturday 30th January 2021
780 signatures
Fund a Breeding Dog Register and Welfare Inspectors
Open from Thursday 30th July 2020 to Saturday 30th January 2021
212 signatures
Ensure all ingredients and derivatives are listed on infant & maternity products
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2020 to Friday 29th January 2021
142 signatures
Require clear labelling of foods produced using genetically modified organisms
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2020 to Friday 29th January 2021
32 signatures
Allow cyclists to access to all public footpaths across the countryside.
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2020 to Friday 29th January 2021
4,438 signatures
Make it mandatory for all dogs to be on leads on public rights of way.
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2021
4,091 signatures
Ban the use of stiles on public and permissive footways to enable access for all
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2021
153 signatures
Increase penalties, enforcement and education to tackle littering & fly tipping
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2021
1,013 signatures
Car registration number plates on all drive thru packaging
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
2,385 signatures
Require Regulation of Dog Groomers
Open from Friday 24th July 2020 to Sunday 24th January 2021
126 signatures
Make recycling a legal obligation
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
20 signatures
Allow pubs and restaurants to operate without COVID-19 restrictions
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
159 signatures
Legalise Wild Camping
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
77 signatures
Legislate in the Agriculture Bill to protect the UK’s Food & Farming Sector.
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
517 signatures
Country Of Origin Labelling should be compulsory on all imported food
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
2,974 signatures
Launch a national campaign promoting the Countryside Code
Open from Wednesday 22nd July 2020 to Friday 22nd January 2021
66 signatures
Mandatory screening for Elbow and Hip Dysplasia for susceptible breeding dogs
Open from Tuesday 21st July 2020 to Thursday 21st January 2021
835 signatures
Require supermarkets and restaurants to donate or compost food waste
Open from Monday 20th July 2020 to Wednesday 20th January 2021
519 signatures
Introduce mandatory fortification of certain foods with Vitamin D3.
Open from Monday 20th July 2020 to Wednesday 20th January 2021
26 signatures
Stop the supermarkets supplying food from outside Europe.
Open from Wednesday 15th July 2020 to Friday 15th January 2021
23 signatures
Action on Non Exhaust Emissions
Open from Monday 13th July 2020 to Wednesday 13th January 2021
182 signatures
Ban the sale of all animals from pet shops and third-party sellers
Open from Monday 6th July 2020 to Wednesday 6th January 2021
10,357 signatures
Ban the culling of chicks in the poultry industry
Open from Monday 6th July 2020 to Wednesday 6th January 2021
178 signatures
Extend the South Downs National Park Boundary .
Open from Wednesday 1st July 2020 to Friday 1st January 2021
1,554 signatures
Recommend carbohydrates be included on any front of pack nutrition labels
Open from Wednesday 1st July 2020 to Friday 1st January 2021
91 signatures
Ban the exploitative import of young puppies for sale in the UK.
Open from Saturday 27th June 2020 to Sunday 27th December 2020
128,552 signatures
Ban third party sales of rabbits in England.
Open from Friday 26th June 2020 to Saturday 26th December 2020
821 signatures
Ban liquid plastic in cosmetics.
Open from Monday 15th June 2020 to Tuesday 15th December 2020
47 signatures
Ban the sale of disposable barbecues.
Open from Monday 15th June 2020 to Tuesday 15th December 2020
2,838 signatures
Heavy tax and public awareness on all 'Not Yet Recycled' plastics
Open from Monday 15th June 2020 to Tuesday 15th December 2020
181 signatures
Protect Bumblebees and support increased bumblebee numbers
Open from Thursday 11th June 2020 to Friday 11th December 2020
215 signatures
Include animal charities in emergency funding due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Open from Tuesday 9th June 2020 to Wednesday 9th December 2020
40,095 signatures
Animal testing should be made illegal in the United Kingdom
Open from Tuesday 9th June 2020 to Wednesday 9th December 2020
83 signatures
Allow Zoos and Wildlife attractions to reopen with social distancing in place
Open from Tuesday 9th June 2020 to Wednesday 9th December 2020
129,292 signatures
Fund a vaccination programme for wild rabbits against Myxomatosis
Open from Monday 8th June 2020 to Tuesday 8th December 2020
237 signatures
Increase rights to protect property such as racing pigeons from wild birds
Open from Monday 8th June 2020 to Tuesday 8th December 2020
2,721 signatures
Reintroduce the Milk Marketing Board
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
507 signatures
Fine cat owners if their cats foul on private property
Open from Friday 29th May 2020 to Sunday 29th November 2020
130 signatures
Require the Environment Agency to suspend the fishing close season
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
9 signatures
Close footpaths, bridleways & right of ways through farmers land during Covid-19
Open from Tuesday 12th May 2020 to Thursday 12th November 2020
59 signatures Wed, 26 Feb 2025 11:08:16 +0000