All the petitions which opened in December 2020, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Don't criminalise paying for sex.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
8,562 signatures
Lower the cost of British Citizenship applications to £372.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
21,455 signatures
Review how domestic abuse cases are investigated and prosecuted.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
2,677 signatures
Ensure schools get additional staff and facilities for in school covid testing
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
226 signatures
Make Emotional and Psychological Abuse of Children a Specific criminal Offence
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
842 signatures
Require regulation of dog swimming pools.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
120 signatures
Promptly create an awareness campaign detailing effects of COVID19 on children.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
3,306 signatures
Make free fast-track citizenship available to non-UK keyworkers
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
83 signatures
Require halal and kosher certified products be prominently labelled as such
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
10,584 signatures
Increase the age for a UK dependent visa to 21
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
10 signatures
Increase the national speed limit for Vans with a GVW up to 3.5 Tonnes.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
3,987 signatures
UK to ban the sale and use of all fossil fuels in all settings from 1st Jan 2040
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
21 signatures
Waive the January 2021 tax bill for those who have been excluded from the SEISS
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
11,988 signatures
Issue a US-style Covid-19 payment to support individuals and stimulate economy
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
38 signatures
Close all secondary schools due the risk of catching COVID-19
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
105 signatures
Support the proposal to suspend patents for COVID-19 vaccines
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
4,957 signatures
Give people with ILR the right to vote in Elections
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
59 signatures
Waive citizenship application fees for NHS workers and their families
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
268 signatures
Preserve diverse and mature woodlands in view of climate change.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
105 signatures
Change the law so that Independent Trusts are regulated
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
57 signatures
Allow non league football teams to open their club houses in tier 2 and 3
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
11 signatures
Set future dates for national lockdown circuit breakers.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
14 signatures
Make temperature checks mandatory in all shops.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
20 signatures
Remove restaurant & pub closures & relax rules on the hospitality industry.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
56 signatures
Provide disadvantaged children with a connected laptop to access home learning
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
165 signatures
Review the use of forceps in the delivery of babies
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
543 signatures
Urge Sri Lanka to allow the burial of Covid victims to respect religious beliefs
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
6,080 signatures
Urge the US Government to stop January federal executions
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
18 signatures
Fund the provision of more allotment sites
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
1,654 signatures
Consider setting pension age in line with life expectancy
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
73 signatures
Keep estate agents closed in tier 4 and lockdowns
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
4,254 signatures
Publish vaccination numbers by priority category and UK areas
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
65 signatures
Complete the changeover to the metric system
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
303 signatures
Make Turing scheme placements available for current academic year
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
11 signatures
Introduce licences that are required to set up social media accounts
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
22 signatures
Keep all indoor fitness facilities open in all tiers, including tier 4
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
176 signatures
Allow all UK Citizens to pay "Home fee status" university fees after Dec 2020
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
45 signatures
Require GP’s to complete health assessment forms for voluntary roles for free.
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
37 signatures
Add Tier 4 areas as a priority in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout plan
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
12 signatures
Close all schools until after February half-term to stop the spread of Covid-19
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
477 signatures
Increase funding to the NHS to recruit enough staff, fund beds and equipment
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
50 signatures
Set a 5-year plan to lead the UK to self-sustainability, less reliance on others
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
26 signatures
Replace votes in the House of Commons with public votes using a voting app
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
40 signatures
Extend CJRS cut-off so employers can claim furlough payments for new employees
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
404 signatures
Establish a new tribunal to consider all complaints about all public services
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
10 signatures
New public holiday 2nd to 5th July 2021 to celebrate a postponed Christmas 2020
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
47 signatures
Make June 23rd a bank holiday to celebrate UK Independence Day
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
45 signatures
Decide now to make the 2021 elections all-postal whilst there is still time
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
31 signatures
Extend rights to Indefinite Leave to Remain for non-UK NHS workers
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
721 signatures
Recognise trained footwear fitters as providers of healthcare support services
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
425 signatures
Allow couples to get married in tier 4 with only two witnesses.
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
247 signatures
Do not deduct carers allowance pound for pound as its not work!
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
132 signatures
Give people on the autistic spectrum the opportunity to join the armed forces
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
35 signatures
Fund additional mental health support services for university students
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
2,371 signatures
Allow existing and planned weddings for all in tier 4 to go ahead.
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
43 signatures
Allow all non-UK NHS workers to become UK citizens for free
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
268 signatures
Make regular Covid-19 testing available to all fire fighters
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
45 signatures
Increase the DWP Christmas bonus for benefit claimants in line with inflation
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
81 signatures
Require negative covid test to enter the UK
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
50,595 signatures
Include public transport workers in priority groups for covid 19 vaccination
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
12,351 signatures
Pay parents that have to take time off due to school covid closures
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
59 signatures
Martial Arts Schools should be recognised as essential education.
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
25 signatures
Offer citizenship to key workers that already have a settled status
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
373 signatures
Abolish time limits for legal cases involving pensions
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
15 signatures
Prioritise COVID-19 vaccines for first responders (police, fire, ambulance)
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
68,969 signatures
Increase minimum and maximum sentences for pet theft
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
4,763 signatures
Introduce Dog Licensing and Registration
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
359 signatures
Require the Union Flag to be flown on public buildings and schools!
Open from Wednesday 30th December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
6,087 signatures
Fund surgery for lipoedema on the NHS
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
3,341 signatures
Close down Hardware, DIY Stores and Garden centres in Tier 4 areas
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
114 signatures
Cancel GCSE and A-levels in 2021 replace with Course Work and Teacher Assessment
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
157,810 signatures
Create an extra bank holiday at Easter 2021 to let people make up for Xmas
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
13 signatures
Increase the number of Bank Holidays/Public Holidays
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
43 signatures
Extend the Furlough Support Scheme to include new hires after 30th October.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
6,657 signatures
Allow dog grooming within all tiers and any future lockdown
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
1,074 signatures
Mandatory reporting by health professionals of drivers with health conditions.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
12 signatures
Stop the funding cut for salaried route into primary teaching
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
27 signatures
Close UK Airports for Commercial Travel
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
88 signatures
Government to provide 5 day notice of changes to COVID19 restrictions
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
11 signatures
Include Endometriosis and PCOS to the Secondary National Curriculum
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
2,966 signatures
All key workers to be higher up the list for coronavirus vaccine
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
7,947 signatures
Request a short term extension to the Brexit transition period
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
25 signatures
Give babies of 2020 the chance of free nursery hours
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
207 signatures
Extra bank holiday next Christmas to make up for this Christmas (Covid 19)
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
24 signatures
Create extra bank holidays to make up for those that took place under COVID.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
21 signatures
Creation of a temporary bank holiday.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
12 signatures
Move Christmas to 25th February 2021
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
9 signatures
Allow stamp duty relief for any property which exchanged by the end of March
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
18 signatures
Properties that have had an offer excepted will have the STLD holiday honoured
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
126 signatures
Expedite the Covid-19 vaccination of terminally ill patients
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
149 signatures
Require all key and essential workers be paid at least the Real Living Wage
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
1,251 signatures
Send UK aid to the islands of Fiji.
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
22 signatures
Move Leeds to tier 2 for Christmas
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
8 signatures
Reimburse cost of VAT on materials and expenses to all PPE supplied free to NHS
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
2,865 signatures
Enact law for visiting rights for designated relatives of care home residents
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
1,785 signatures
Seek Europe-wide Visa-free work permit for Touring professionals and Artists
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
286,797 signatures
Increase Personal Allowance for Income Tax to at least £13,966.75
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
33 signatures
Require proof of Covid vaccination to access indoor shops and venues
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
359 signatures
Allow travel for surfing during Covid lockdowns
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
29 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:42:17 +0000