All the petitions which opened in June 2018, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Making it law that strobe lights can be used for 3-5 seconds only at a time
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2018 to Wednesday 12th December 2018
49 signatures
Fine people who call 999 or show up to A&E without life threatening problems.
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2018 to Wednesday 12th December 2018
13 signatures
Introduce an Unemployability Benefit for people unemployed for 5 years or more.
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2018 to Wednesday 12th December 2018
34 signatures
Immediate cap on fees charged by letting agents
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2018 to Wednesday 12th December 2018
14 signatures
Students doing history GCSE's should learn 5 units for History instead of 4.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
25 signatures
Lower the retirement age for frontline road and call takers ambulance staff
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
3,746 signatures
Clamp down on sexual harassment in clubs with nationally enforced regulations
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
62 signatures
Make housing associations subject to the freedom of information act.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
272 signatures
Introduce laws to stop the sale of knives from easily viewable display cases.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
62 signatures
Make law to link all new vehicles' EMS to their Sat-Nav, to limit their speed.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
20 signatures
Create a new offence of Infant Sexual Abuse with appropriate sentences
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
384 signatures
Require dog friendly or dog accessible stiles on every public footpath
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
168 signatures
Make it illegal to cut grass verges at night-time as it kills nocturnal wildlife
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
203 signatures
Save the NHS with a 1p in the pound increase in income tax/national insurance.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
88 signatures
Renationalise all rail as they do not care for the consumer at all.
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
12 signatures
Provide training to all NHS GP's and Health Visitors on the baby and child sleep
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
43 signatures
Make childcare free from one year old
Open from Monday 11th June 2018 to Tuesday 11th December 2018
24 signatures
Include awareness of emotional and physical abuse to the national curriculum
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
11 signatures
Offer free life and employability skills to young offenders.
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
21 signatures
Provide armed security for the Orthodox Jewish Community in the UK
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
12 signatures
Public enquiry into new 2018 train timetables' severe delays and cancellations
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
15 signatures
Pay carers an allowance equivalent to a fulltime job at the National Living wage
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
21,598 signatures
Classify professional avoidable negligence as a criminal act
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
55 signatures
Dissolve the Northern Ireland Assembly with immediate effect
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
15 signatures
Give all carers with SGO the same allowance regardless of income
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
13 signatures
Ban Smoking on streets
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
28 signatures
Reverse 20 years long residency rule to 14 years residency to legalise status.
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
10 signatures
Issue an official apology to Lauren Southern for denial of entry into the UK
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
45 signatures
Put pressure on the Chinese Government over the treatment of Uyghur Muslims
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
11,406 signatures
Condemn the Israeli government killing innocent civilians and unarmed protesters
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
53 signatures
Ban schools from supplying milk cartons with plastic straws.
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
274 signatures
Remove the Home Office exemption from the Data Protection Act
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
36 signatures
Put young offenders in prison for knife crime
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
228 signatures
Raise the definition of a child in the Mental Health Act to from 16 to 18.
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
30 signatures
Hold an independent inquiry Health Service settlements
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
223 signatures
Require Parliamentary Approval before Ratifying Treaties or MOUs
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
19 signatures
Change delay repay minimum delay to 5 minutes.
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
10 signatures
Increased funding for the police for dealing with anti-social behaviour.
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
458 signatures
Exempt SME's from GDPR or provide tax allowance to offset the cost of compliance
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
47 signatures
Issue statement on the draft Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
445 signatures
Change the eligibility criteria of carers allowance.
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
218 signatures
Change vaping law to hold more than 2 ml of liquid in any device
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
83 signatures
Make Alcoholic Drinks Carry A Health Warning.
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
580 signatures
Prevent avoidable deaths by making autism/learning disability training mandatory
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
52,148 signatures
Amnesty for illegal immigrants who have been in UK for 7 years
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
65 signatures
Ban Concentrated Animal feeding Operations (CAFO) in the UK
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
64 signatures
Fund the dualling of the A120 from Hare Green to Harwich
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
632 signatures
Ban Releases Of Foil & Plastic Balloons, Balloons With Ribbons & Sky Lanterns
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
507 signatures
Condemn killings by the Indian government
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
9 signatures
To strip of Govia of its franchises (Southern,Thameslink,Gt Northern & GX)
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
86 signatures
Make it a legal requirement for urinals to have a partition that offers privacy
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
14 signatures
Call for James Brokenshire to revoke planning permission to mine in Pont Valley
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
589 signatures
Don't Raise Income Tax to pay for NHS - Find Alternative Source of Funds
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
16 signatures
Legalise cannabis for medicinal purposes
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
181 signatures
Allow the NHS to accept financial donations at a national level
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
14 signatures
Introduce a Minister for Older People in England, as they have in Wales.
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
3,045 signatures
National Minimum Wage for SIA License Holders at 40% above Normal Minimum Wage
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
2,035 signatures
Do not rename the Second Severn Crossing as 'The Prince Of Wales Bridge'.
Open from Tuesday 5th June 2018 to Wednesday 5th December 2018
258 signatures
Decriminalise drug possession
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
12 signatures
Restrict the trade in, and private keeping of, dangerous wild animals
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
13,580 signatures
Do not ban 'cartoon characters' from 'unhealthy foods'.
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
12 signatures
Replace the financial ombudsman service with a publicly funded organisation
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
11 signatures
Limit the number of breeding bitches a breeder can be licensed for to 20.
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
809 signatures
Ban the sale of disposable BBQs in the UK
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
42 signatures
Impose sanctions on USA for removing children from immigrant parents at borders
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
515 signatures
Grants for wash/dry toilets installed in households. Stop use of wipes/tissue.
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
12 signatures
Free NHS prescriptions to families of Veterans who receive War Pensions AFCS
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
15 signatures
Scrap car parking charges at NHS Hospitals in England
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
29,771 signatures
Remove the household means assessment from student loans for all adult students.
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
8 signatures
Ban the use and production of micro-plastic glitter!
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
764 signatures
Ban Gambling Adverts Pre-Watershed
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
59 signatures
Revise firearms certificates to allow for wider gun access but harder to obtain
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
50 signatures
Impose a maximum booking fee on online cinema ticket purchases.
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
14 signatures
Put pressure on Donald Trump to end the separation of migrant families.
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
18,352 signatures
Change the law so that all food sold in stores has allergy labels
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
55 signatures
Launch an awareness campaign for the causes and symptoms of skin cancer
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
9 signatures
Reinstate - Bring Back the Right of Appeal for UK Family Visit Visas
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
33 signatures
Ban the sale of confectionery at the checkout in all UK shops
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
14 signatures
Add "None of the above" to the election ballot paper.
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
20 signatures
Make entering and occupying land without consent a criminal offence
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
31,418 signatures
To implement a notice period before stopping disability benefits after reviewing
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
11 signatures
Allow working parents free childcare ALL YEAR up to the age of 10.
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
73 signatures
Lower the university fee for all students! By atleast £1000
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
15 signatures
Create a fairer child maintenance payment for all
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
36 signatures
Extend the Culture Secretary's recent FOBT decision to cover online casino games
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
9 signatures
Cut Overseas Aid budget by 50% & give £7bn saved to NHS, rather than more taxes.
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
53 signatures
Ban combustible materials on residential tower blocks, schools and hospitals
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
15,165 signatures
Ban the use of flammable cladding on all buildings
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
57 signatures
Make the sale of Cannabis Seeds Illegal in the UK
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
14 signatures
Set a legal minimum requirement for hamster cages
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
231 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:35:27 +0000