All the petitions which opened in May 2013, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st August 2013
14 signatures
One Punch Can Kill Sentence
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
14 signatures
Do not privatise the Court Sevice
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
42 signatures
Cameras in crown courts
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
4 signatures
The Protection of right to fly the English Flag
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
464 signatures
Use existing laws to prosecute those who make false and malicious complaints against police - it has been allowed to get out of control
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
19 signatures
Removal of prisons for intensive array of community service
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
4 signatures
Criminalise threatening behaviour towards British military personnel.
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
132 signatures
National defence Medal
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
12,045 signatures
Support On Licensed Trade
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
94 signatures
Stop the Afghanistan Tour of Duty being extended from 6 to 9 months
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 30th November 2013
36 signatures
Keep the Union Flag the same regardless of Scotland's position in the Union
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
7 signatures
Ban cars from the roads and make roads dual use paths
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 30th November 2013
13 signatures
Prams/pushchairs on buses
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
29 signatures
For ALL members of the House of Lords to have an active direct email address
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
39 signatures
Restore George Ravenhill's Victoria Cross
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
567 signatures
Stop all unrepresented intervention into the Middle East
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
4 signatures
capital punishment for terrorist
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
21 signatures
Anyone who attacks our country's armed forces by word or deed should be tried for treason
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
29 signatures
Make millionaires pay for using public services
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
2 signatures
Children with additional needs deserve holistic assessment and care, not separate help from 'Health' or 'Education'.
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
29 signatures
Ban the breaking Human rights in horror movies
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
4 signatures
Stop the buying and reselling of event tickets for profit
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 30th November 2013
3 signatures
Stop London having all the Infrastructure and help the other Counties
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
5 signatures
Potholes and poor road maintenance in the UK
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 30th November 2013
572 signatures
tax sugar
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
9 signatures
Oppose further applications by the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) to the Privy Council to gain an “exclusive” Royal Charter in Acupuncture
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
576 signatures
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 28th February 2014
2,867 signatures
Change the way Sex Eeducation is taught so it applies to those who are Gay!
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
22 signatures
Support Under 18 Recruitment into the Armed Services
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
56 signatures
Ban websites / 3rd parties selling EHIC cards which are FREE !!!
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Saturday 30th November 2013
13 signatures
Clear recommendations for organisations on when (or when not) to pay an intern can help incentivise future employment opportunities
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
6 signatures
British Police and UK Law to be given powers to take affirmative proactive action on any group in the UK invoking hatred of nay kind
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
2 signatures
Heroes Day
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
2 signatures
Cycling awareness
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
95 signatures
Cyclists to obtain licence to use pavements/roads.
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
6 signatures
Encourage companies or business to turn off their lights at night!
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
5 signatures
Replace the High Speed Rail Link with energy infrastructure investment
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
9 signatures
British Sign Language and Braille to be taught in all schools throughout the UK
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
17 signatures
Add Astronomy as a compulsory subject
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
United Kingdom War Referendum
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
16 signatures
Catchment Areas for Schools
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
4 signatures
Succession to the Crown
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
3 signatures
End ticket tout profiteering!
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Friday 29th November 2013
126 signatures
Abolish the BBC TV license and let it fend for itself
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
19 signatures
Allow and regulate the sale of Horsemeat in the UK
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
3 signatures
Best Before and Use By Dates
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
9 signatures
The ban of ecollars, prong collars & choke chains on dogs
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2,840 signatures
Secondary schools' catchment areas should be weighted by travel times
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
stop Dog Fighting Within the U.K
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Friday 29th November 2013
13 signatures
Indicate the origin of organic eggs
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
Ignore the EU decision and introduce an immediate UK wide ban on pesticides and fertilisers which kill bees
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
5 signatures
Register Pet Owners and Licence Breeders
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
15 signatures
Higher railings in Rochester
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Friday 29th November 2013
39 signatures
Stop spraying pesticides including glyphosate on our streets.
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
5 signatures
Mental health, drug and alcohol addictions should be treated as one
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
14 signatures
Stop the sales of needles and citric acid powder in pharmacies
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
1 signatures
Leaflets detailing L.C.P. to be availble on ALL wards/Spaces for Visitors/Patients to read Implications of.
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
5 signatures
Migraine Awareness and Support
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Friday 28th February 2014
209 signatures
The government should not put a cap on the number of times we visit our GP
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
28 signatures
Support the protection of Afghanistan's women!
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
8 signatures
Alcohol in Parliament
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Friday 29th November 2013
148 signatures
MP's salary to be pegged to Job Seekers Allowance/Universal Credit Benefit
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
11 signatures
Remove all taxpayer funded security arrangements and bodyguards for elected politicians.
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
4 signatures
Allow the expansion of UK airports to sustain growth
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
Bring the Public Domain back to what it should be
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
1 signatures
To make it compulsory for high street bookmakers to have 2 members of staff present during opening hours
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Friday 29th November 2013
3,824 signatures
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
804 signatures
Hendon Station - create a disabled access portal for London Transport
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
3.65 UK Immigration System Tax
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
Change the way large corporations/business, high valued individuals are taxed
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
stamp duty change to ensure all pay something
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th August 2013
1 signatures
make sure any private company taking over public services is paying there fair share of uk tax.
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
2 signatures
George Osborne should implement the IMF recommendations and begin to stimulate the economy.
Open from Wednesday 29th May 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
1 signatures
Stop people smoking cannabis in public
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th August 2013
2 signatures
Lord Carlisle Communications Data Bill
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
2 signatures
Proscribe English Defence League (EDL)
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
28,455 signatures
Arming up to ten percent of Police Force
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
2 signatures
Ban Ownership of Knives, Machetes, Meat Cleavers and Swords
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Thursday 28th November 2013
9 signatures
Make it a crime to be an 'Islamist'
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
12 signatures
Save the Cornwall-London air link
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Thursday 28th November 2013
49 signatures
Network Rail to adopt the same compensation code for those effected by developments to their network as those adopted by HS2
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Thursday 28th November 2013
3 signatures
Save the BR class 460
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
3 signatures
Compulsory traffic calming measures or by-passes for Trunk roads through rural villages.
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
5 signatures
Keep children rearfacing until 2 years of age
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
22 signatures
ban all the eating of food & drink on all tubes & buses in the UK
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
5 signatures
Cyclists to pay Road Tax if they wish to cycle on UK roads
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Thursday 28th November 2013
12 signatures
Change the Dangerous Driving rule to that of Murder & the act of driving without due care and attention to that of manslaughter
Open from Tuesday 28th May 2013 to Wednesday 28th May 2014
17 signatures
Unconditional deportation / Life imprisonment for extremist fanatics
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
243 signatures
demand that threats to christianity, our country and our armed forces, be seen as encititng terrorism and be dealt with as such, including deportation
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Monday 24th February 2014
16 signatures
We the undersigned Insist the government retract the declaration that the 22/05/13 murder was a terrorist act.
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Sunday 24th November 2013
1 signatures
Ban Online Porn
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Sunday 24th November 2013
277 signatures
army adverts after the watershed
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
6 signatures
Deport the families of convicted terrorists
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
914 signatures
Use the Aussie Migration System
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
19 signatures
European Union Article 50 - Lisbon treaty
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
380 signatures
Members of Parliament to represent British Overseas Territories
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
21 signatures
Altaf Hussain be Investigated & tried
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
82 signatures
Stop Altaf Hussein from killings people in Karachi
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
32 signatures
British Home Secretary is asked to Deport Bangladeshi suspected war criminals from the United Kingdom to face the trial at ICTB
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
5 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:35:43 +0000