Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Make the usage of Bus Lanes in Aberdeen open to motorcyclist at all times
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
We want a pedestrian crossing near brocholes/tickle trout
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Britain First from exploiting the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby.
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow all high school students to have the right to listen to music
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Erect a statue to Alan Turing the computer scientist who broke the Enigma Code
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Provide adequate facilities for lorry drivers which are safe and secure
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Fund the Leave EU campaign, with the same amount used for the pro-EU leaflet.
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
To change the smear screening age from 25 to the age of 16 when sex is legal
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make medications for individuals with mental illness classed as life saving.
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Install baby changing facilities in men's toilets
Rejected on Thursday 21st April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
I think all dogs should be on a lead in public areas.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
The House to debate the peoples concerns pass a vote of no confidence.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Uk petrol stations to display clearly if motorcyclists have to remove helmets
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Fast food establishments are required to print the car number on packaging.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove Fluoride from drinking water within the UK.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Trigger a snap election. We the people demand a vote of no confidence!
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow students of Moat CC to go out of school premises during lunch.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Change the cervical screening program
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
ADHD: More than meds from the DHSSPS
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
All UK residents to be placed on the Organ Donor Register.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make school books acknowledge the Gender Non-binary and not just Male and Female
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
We demand that the government names the new polar research ship Boaty McBoatface
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give living wage to all adults (18 and over)
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Make it mandatory to have a license for dogs.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Have more school holiday in summer we should have 3 months
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
All student are required to wear a watch.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
The Government Must Publish Its Brexit Plans.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep the name of the new polar research vessel as Boaty Mcboatface
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Name the new NERC research vessel the public choice of 'Boaty McBoatface'
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow the new research vessel to be named Boaty McBoatface
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Force Government to act on the Transgender Enquiry Report.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
David Cameron should debate Nigel Farage on EU membership in a live TV debate
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Restore our Constitution with the Act of Settlement and Bill of Rights 1688/9,.
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
David Cameron to debate Nigel Farage on the eu referendum live on television
Rejected on Wednesday 20th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow the public to vote in petitions addressed to the government.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Free parking for blood donors on their day of donation at their local donor ctr
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop arresting people for possession and/or growing cannabis for personal use.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
“We demand the Government takes action to protect music, arts and sports fans"
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
How much of the NHS is already in private hand's ? Government to detail exactly?
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Lets make marijuana legal throughout the UK. It's time.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
stop forcing an elected mayor upon East Anglia
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Name the vessel Boaty McBoatface as wanted by the people
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Abolish the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act of 2011.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Put a stop to the use of child soldiers in developing country's.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
24th June to become U.K. Independence Day if Vote leave win E.U. referendum.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Change organ donation from an "Opt-In" system to an "Opt-Out" system.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
To allow homosexual men who are clear of stds to give blood
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Reduce the price for public transport for teenagers
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Take Andrew Thomas Carroll to the 2016 European Championships
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
return the Derek Dalton Memorial Clock to rotherham united football club
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Grant the EU 'exit' the same funding as the EU 'in' info leaflet.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
Stop the Selloff of Channel 4.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: fake-name
Name the Natural Environment Research Council's boat "Boaty McBoatface"
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Save Boaty McBoatFace from being axed after winning a public poll
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make sure the RSS Boaty McBoatface is the name of the new polar research vessel
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Keep the petition for boaty mcboatface a democratic vote.
Rejected on Tuesday 19th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give other animal charities the power to rescue welfare and neglected animals.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Impose tighter regulations and fairer contracts on airlines.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Force all mps and political party leaders to publish their tax returns
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop subsidised food and drink for politicians and Lords in Parliament.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Give Bikers Somewhere To Meet Up And Perform Stunts
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Create a stolen valour act making it illegal to claim your a war veteran.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban energy drink sales to under 18 year old.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Sign this Petition, The Pro E.U. Leaflet is a total misuse of taxpayers money.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop airline company's from charging extra to sit together
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
DVLA to only give address details to government organisations, police and courts
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
justice for Shafik Rehman
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Release Shafik Rehman, a British citizen, falsely arrested in Bangladesh.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Insist that all legal titles be included on the drop down menu of online forms!
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop charging children under 18 adult fees on trains, buses, and other transport
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Save Boaty McBoatface.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make heads of department of government have suitable qualifications for the role
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
We ask the Government to take action to prevent the impending immigrant crisis.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Ban the sale of Halal meat in this country.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Charging children born in the UK £936 to register as a British Citizen
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Individual treatment for B12deficiency compulsory: not 4 injections annually
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Bring KCon To London.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
To ban the sale and use of prong/pinch collars on dogs.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep spending atleast 0.7 per cent slice of our national income on Foreign Aid
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduce 'UK Politics' into the KS3 and KS4 National Curriculum
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Please recognise Kenny Dalglish's efforts & contributions with a Knighthood.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: honours
Allow British people the right to know that they are not buying Halal products.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Give hit and run accidents with cats the same treatment as accidents with dogs
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Demand the resignation of Councillor Liz Harvey.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Barack Obama from getting involved in UK referendum
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Block the EU from imposing E Cig & Eliquid Law on the UK
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
something to happen when we make a petition instead of the usual fobbing off.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Give free travel to all aged 60+ years in England; as in London and rest of UK.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep the "LSHS: the school of skills" video on the Internet.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Out side St Michael C E Primary School Make it a 20mph zone during busy hours.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Freeze grade boundaries for GCSE and A-level exams
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ensure one disabled person is nominated for BBC sports personality award yearly.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
help get our park fixed
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban all product and selling of legal highs on the streets and online!!
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
To call a referendum on abolition of the UK monarchy.
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
Put speed humps in along albemarle Rd newcastle st5
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant
Bring the nit nurse back in to UK schools
Rejected on Monday 18th April 2016
Rejection code: duplicate
An opportunity for young people to learn about taxes, mortgages, and how to vote
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Fine for littering in the UK
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: no-action
Remove taxpayer funding to the West Ham stadium contract.
Rejected on Friday 15th April 2016
Rejection code: irrelevant Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:09:11 +0000