Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Allow Prince William to destroy all government owned ivory
Rejected on Tuesday 4th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Vote of no confidence & resignation of David Mundell Secretary of State Scotland
Rejected on Tuesday 4th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Abolish The Chatham House Rule
Rejected on Tuesday 4th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Turn our lights on Essex
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
To stop the building of the Dunton Garden Suburb
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make st George's day (April 23rd) a national bank holiday as it should already!
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Prevent the unlawful production of Halal meat - respect for animal rights.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Get Katie Hopkins off Twitter for good
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Add Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis to the long term illness scheme
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Determine a minimum milk price for dairy farmers
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Only allow the production of electric cars to enter the UK.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Introduce National Biometric Identity Cards.
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Change the law to act as a deterrent for Animal cruelty with harsher penalties
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Detain Secretary of State for the Environment under the mental health act
Rejected on Wednesday 5th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Get my mate un-barred from the Golden Hind pub.
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ban the Burka in public
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban the burka in public
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
For the body that recomended 11%rise for MP's to review public sector deal of 1%
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Regulate Creme Egg Easter egg filling to be sweet yolk instead of smaller eggs.
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Limit private status to for-profit!
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Begin operating completely driverless trains on the entire London Underground
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Replace Tube Drivers with Automated Technology
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Introduce driver-less trains to the London Underground to stop future strikes.
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Automate the London Underground network
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make it illegal to drink in parliament whilst Members are working & voting.
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Expatriate benefit cheats and their accomplice's
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
50cc bikes being unrestricted for 16 year olds as 30 is dangerous
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Abolish new strict speeding regulations & increase Motorway limit to at least 80
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make First Aid a part of the National Compulsory Curriculum in Schools.
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
The Mayor of London answer to Parliament over the ill considered CS5.
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Why can't we carry pets under 8 kilos in the aircraft cabin as does the EU
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Ban smoking on the streets of London
Rejected on Thursday 6th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Call for a vote of no confidence in the conservative party, 33% isn't a majority
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make telematics insurance policies compulsory for all drivers.
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Introduce Basic First Aid and Life Saving skills into schools and colleges
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
To remove Chancey as moderator on
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Calais Migrants from entering the United Kingdom
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Support BBC music services during the Charter renewal process
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop allowing immigrants into the UK. Close all borders to protect UK citizens.
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop Human waste rotting outside people home for two weeks.
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
To keep Millenuim Villages (Allerton Bywater) child minders open
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove Paul Carter as leader of Kent County Council.
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Cut the foreign aid budget and use for reducing UK national debt.
Rejected on Friday 7th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Bring back Turkey twizzlers.
Rejected on Saturday 8th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Bring back the trance tent to Soundclash #2
Rejected on Monday 10th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Close loop hole allowing Ltd companies to rip people off, fold and start again.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: fake-name
Make the Banks deal directly with PPI problems.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make the London Underground use automated trains by 2025.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Give father's equal rights to their children with contact. Holidays. Schooling
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban the Burka in the UK.
Just as France has done.
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Family Law Courts Need To Change And Majorly Overhaul The Whole System
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Reverse High Court decision to criminalise format-shifting
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make the BBC roll-out Have Your Say (comments section) on all BBC articles
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Newspapers must issue retractions at the same prominence as the original article
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop hulls Beverley gate been filled in by hull city council
Rejected on Tuesday 11th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Justice on animal cruelty and neglect. Harsher punishment should be carried out.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Repeal the laws on cannabis
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
No halal/prestunned halal to be given to children without parents knowledge
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Vote of no confidence & stand down of David Mundell Secretary of State Scotland
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
To introduce driverless trains onto the London Underground network.
Rejected on Wednesday 12th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make Microchips for Cats Compulsory
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Increase the maximum sentencing guidelines for animal cruelty offences
Rejected on Thursday 13th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make every politicians wage equal to the national average income.
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Compulsory drug tests for all members of parliament.
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
MP's required to reach state pensionable age, before being paid their MP pension
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Keep Barmouth bridge open to walkers
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Deploy London's crowd control water cannons at Calais.
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Jose Mourinho to apologise publicly to Dr Eva Carneiro
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make all feminine care free
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop UK arms trade to Israel
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Friday 14th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
To introduce a cap on the number of pharmacy students
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Put the UK's involvement in TTIP to a referendum.
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Give student nurses extra funding or a wage during studies
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Fund the enzyme replacement therapy Vimizim for sufferers of Morquio disease.
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Get the BBC to bring back Robot Wars
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Tom Jones to be on the panel of The voice and a public apology.
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Publish the Chilcot Inquiry report by the end of 2015.
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Add Wikipedia to BT Cleanfeed
Rejected on Monday 17th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Railways to be renationalised, end UK having the highest rail prices in Europe.
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep the A & E at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Publish Or make the Chilcot Report Readable
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
We would like to see Harsher Punishments for Stolen and Abused Animals
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
we need a cycle lane put next to the A386 Roborough to Yelverton stretch!
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
To have Fibromyalgia recognised more along with other mental health illnesses
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make British Athletics display the Union Flag on competitor's kit.
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Scrap percentage pay rises as they just widen the gap between rich and poor.
Rejected on Tuesday 18th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make Asthma sufferers medically exempt from having to pay for all prescriptions.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban Supermarkets from destroying unsold food & oblige them to give it to charity
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
We want the government to take immediate action on the Calais Crisis!
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Unfair Visa requirements
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Ban the importation of trophy hunting items into the U.K.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
That the refuse collections are made on a weekly basis.
Rejected on Wednesday 19th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
ban the burqa in the UK as a threat to our safety, country and Queen..
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
700 Britons died in Palestine: 1944-48. Commemorate these on Remembrance Sunday.
Rejected on Thursday 20th August 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
"Safely Restrain & block" training for carers working with challenging behaviour
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Asthmatics should be able to be prescribed inhalers free on the NHS
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
End absurd expense claims + Mayfair loophole & begin reviewing ATOS' unfairness!
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make Inhalers for Asthma sufferers FREE of Prescription charge.
Rejected on Friday 21st August 2015
Rejection code: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:18:30 +0000