All the petitions which were submitted in August 2011, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note: Every petition originally rejected during the 2010-2015 Parliament was added to the data API in June 2017 with a rejection date in June 2017. So any petitions that were submitted during that Parliament, but were rejected, will all have the same rejection date on the system. That doesn't mean they were left that long to actually be rejected, it's just an oddity of the petition data API.
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Monday 5th September 2011 to Wednesday 5th September 2012
29 signatures
Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
11 signatures
Create our own Bill of Human Rights
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Thursday 15th December 2011 to Saturday 15th December 2012
5 signatures
Bring back National service for school leavers
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Clean up our media!
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Death Certificate Doctors Fees
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
The Right to Bear Arms
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Abolish the TV licence fee
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Campaign for Accessible Abortions
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
reduce funding per person in Scotland to English levels (review the Barnet formula)
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
8 signatures
Make Insulin Pumps more readily Available
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Seat belt wearing. Restoration of freedom of choice
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
A Visitor's visa fee should include provision of medical insurance to cover emergencies.
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
43 signatures
No to abortion for the convenience, social or innocuous psychological circumstances of parents, except for crippling genetic illnesses
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Stop All Foreign Aid Until Our Own Debt Is Resolved
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
International Sport should be shown on Terrestrial TV
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
NO british troops in LYBYA
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop YES loans from taking £69.50 fees from vulnerable people
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Thursday 8th March 2012
4 signatures
Sentence those convicted of anti social behaviour to build flood defences
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
4 signatures
Allow Type 2 Diabetics the means to test their own blood sugar
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
298 signatures
Referendum: EFTA/EEA or EU/EEA?
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Wednesday 30th November 2011
38 signatures
Review the Barnett formula
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
6 signatures
Defend Chorley Hospital Against Cuts and Privatisation
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Referendum for English independence.
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Withdraw the Barnett Formula
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Scrap road fund duty
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Full disclosure of all government documents relating to lockerbie bomber
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Build Upwards, Not Outwards. Stop Urban Sprawl!
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Friday 2nd September 2011 to Sunday 2nd September 2012
7 signatures
Clear Legal Guidelines For Parents Wanting To Photograph Or Film Their Kids At School Events
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Friday 9th September 2011 to Sunday 9th September 2012
31 signatures
england free of scotland
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Introduction of PSHE in Schools
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Friday 9th September 2011 to Sunday 9th September 2012
3 signatures
Firearms for all policemen on duty or patrol when on the streets or at potentially violent events.
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Live Premiership Football Free
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
8 signatures
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Submitted on Tuesday 30th August 2011
Open from Friday 9th September 2011 to Sunday 9th September 2012
10 signatures
enforce no-fly zone & blockade of Syria & help protect civilians
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Change the amount of money scotland gets from parliment
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Wednesday 7th March 2012
4 signatures
Bring university tuition fees back down to £3000
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
17 signatures
turn the volume down on TV adds
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Remove the TV license fee freeze and allow it to increase
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
11 signatures
How many fathers day cards does prince charles get
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Wednesday 29th February 2012
135 signatures
US vetoes over Israeli issues at the United Nations
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Restore Britain To Great Britain as it once was
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Fines for uninsured drivers to be greater than premium cost
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Thursday 15th December 2011 to Saturday 15th December 2012
4 signatures
Make fines for no car insurance, greater than the premium
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
10 signatures
full time parking attendant in carpark to prevent illegal parking
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
4 signatures
Life Sentences for drink/drug drivers who have killed
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
6 signatures
Increase Public Bridleways to equal Public Footpaths
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
13,193 signatures
Investigation into the link between violent computer games & the recent riots in Britain.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
The '' suffix to be restricted to British based domain names
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
3 signatures
Keep May Day Bank Holiday
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
118 signatures
Perfumes are poisnous - Regulate cosmetics, especially perfumes, and ban the use of toxic chemicals
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Wednesday 29th February 2012
11 signatures
The family justice system currently punishes thousands of caring and lovin non resident parents by denying them access or contact with their children.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Introduce Here to Help bibs for nurses.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Media Licencing
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
Urgent review of squatter laws
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Irlen syndrome sufferers and scotopic sensitivity to recieve glasses with coloured lenses on the nhs
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Scrap the digital switchover
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Take out all British soldiers from Afghanistan before 2013.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
74 signatures
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
To speed up the Ban on Clamping on private land
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Wednesday 30th November 2011
8 signatures
Armed Forces Veterans ID Card
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
introduce a smoking ban in any public place
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
That the noise from car exhausts be resticted and diminshed
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Simplify online terms and conditions agreements
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Friday 2nd September 2011 to Sunday 2nd September 2012
7 signatures
Stop giving VAT refunds to foreign visitors
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
3 signatures
Dual the A30 between Launceston and Bodmin
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
6 signatures
Change the law so that only one TV licence is required per household
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
The family justice system currently punishes thousands of caring and lovin non resident parents by denying them access or contact with their children.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Implement the Convention Providing a Uniform Law on the Form of an International Will
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
2 signatures
Severely restrict the amount of money that migrant workers are allowed to send "home"
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
10 signatures
how to tax the poor to save the rich
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Bring Tony Blair to Justice for War Crimes and the deaths of hundreds of British Troops
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Make Veterinary treatment VAT exempt
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Allow those who have criminal records join the Armed forces
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
6 signatures
Sunday trade hours-Bring back the day off.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Friday 2nd September 2011 to Sunday 2nd September 2012
41 signatures
Petition to get rid of all socialist parties.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Maintain abortion providers right to provide pre-abortion counselling
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Accountability for Manifesto Commitments
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Abbatoir Disgrace
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
7 signatures
Please change the "captcha"tm anti-spam system, as it discriminates against people with poor sight
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Wednesday 30th November 2011
2 signatures
Upgrade the A55 to be a Motorway
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
bring back bullseye
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Fair passport renewal fees for British expats
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
our photos on credit and debit cards
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
4 signatures
Create more waterways in the UK
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
3 signatures
Stop killing innocent civilians in our name. We don't ask for these "wars", we don't believe the reasons for them. We just want peace.
Submitted on Monday 29th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Say no to the anti-choice lobby reforms to implement independent counselling.
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
petition for tax reductions across all taxes including alcohol, petrol, cigarettes, driving, VAT, income tax and every other tax in the UK
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
2 signatures
An elected autonomous NHS management board.
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
2 signatures
Reduction of IHT Interest rate
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
2 signatures
Estate agents' administration fees
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Friday 2nd September 2011 to Sunday 2nd September 2012
18 signatures
New Houses-have PV Panels
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
3 signatures
ban taking course fish from rivers and lakes
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
5 signatures
Reduced VAT on british produce
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
4 signatures
Limit the volume on audio and TV equipment
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Open from Friday 2nd September 2011 to Friday 2nd March 2012
6 signatures
no benefits for people fit for work
Submitted on Sunday 28th August 2011
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:51:27 +0000