All the petitions which were submitted in December 2018, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Recall Anna Soubry MP
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: honours
Parliament will sit until it has had a meaningful vote on Brexit.
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Monday 17th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Vote of no confidence in mp’s trying to force a 2nd referendum.
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: honours
Ban the import and sale of badger hair in the UK.
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
56 signatures
Create a central database of registered electors to prevent fraudulent votes
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
126 signatures
Change the Child Benefit Charge so that it is based on total family income
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Hold a Parliamentary Referendum amongst MPs on how to leave the EU
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Inform the nation about plans and preparations for a ‘no deal’ Brexit.
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
To scrap chequers deal it’s been nothing but wate of tax payers money and time!
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Amend BBC Charter to cap executive salaries at no more than the Prime Minister's
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Open from Thursday 3rd January 2019 to Wednesday 3rd July 2019
38 signatures
A Second Referendum Vote to have only two options: (1) A Deal or (2) No Deal
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Put a picture of a Gurkha on the back of a £50.00 note.
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a Parliamentary Petition amongst MPs on how to leave the EU
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Make grey squirrel rescue exempt from Invasive Alien Species Order 2019
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
59,354 signatures
Change the insurance industry in the UK.
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Make all nut products banned from aeroplanes and airlines.
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Voting age to be 16 instead of 18
Submitted on Monday 17th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 2nd January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Veterans are heroes!
Give our veterans priority housing & mental health care
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Lower Minimum Age of Full "A" Motorcycle License to 20 Through Direct Access
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
28 signatures
Put Enoch Powell on the £50 note.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Allow same sex male couple to have IVF on the NHS just like everyone else
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
46 signatures
UK Government EU Referenda to contain an option “Leave the EU with NO DEAL.”
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Bring back capital punishment for premeditated murder and treason
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
235 signatures
MPs and Lords, must not have any further time off until after Brexit.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Fine for parked car running over 1 minute and let people provide evidence of it.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
15 signatures
Rule out the option of remaining in the EU in the event of a 2nd EU Referendum.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Urgently debate holding a People's Vote, to be organised as soon as possible.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
The Royal Fleet Auxiliary support ships should be built in the UK
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
14,046 signatures
legalise psychedelics for medicinal use
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Put the Brexit options to a public referendum.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Allow women with Endometriosis to be considered for egg freezing
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
4,140 signatures
Reform the prescription fee
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Put the negotiated Brexit deal to the electorate.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
20 signatures
Scrap the BBC license fee. The BBC is not impartial politically and wastes money
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
If ANY further vote then Remain should NOT be included in ANY way. Leave only!
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Monday 14th January 2019 - reason: duplicate
Change the law so Unions cannot simply disrupt key infrastructure without cost.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Levy penalties against MPs who have misled or lied for political gain.
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
We the people should get a second referendum
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Allow the people a second EU Referendum
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Require schools to teach our children about the British constitution
Submitted on Sunday 16th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
1,114 signatures
Get Mrs May to resign because of her treason to our country
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: honours
All politicians should declare what money they recieve from EU
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Save the Gingerbread man!
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
MPs who wont follow the manifesto that they were elected on to face by-election
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Everyone who would still vote brexit sign this petition
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: no-action
We the people demand that a 'No Deal' option in a second referendum
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make the NHS use a more accurate tool than BMI
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Stop HS2 & save £60B+. Improve existing stock instead.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Open from Friday 21st December 2018 to Friday 21st June 2019
546 signatures
Stop the Integration of the British Armed Forces into the EU Armed Forces.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Petition the BBC to give a fair and wide representation of a WTO deal
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban the use of farrowing crates for pigs
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
372 signatures
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: honours
Stop Sex Education in Schools to kids below 16 Years Old Kids
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Start an Enquiry into the unacceptable Language by Senior members of government.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Give CAMHS around the country more funding - 2 year waiting lists are NOT okay.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Clarity on the conditions in which Sec. of State for NI would call a border poll
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
25 signatures
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
We the people dont have confidence in Theresa May and her Cabinet.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: honours
Have a 3rd refurendum if there's a second and brexiteers lose.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Enable the means to choose whether internet linked activities can be recorded.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
13 signatures
Cut MP's wages and expenses and have a national vote to decide
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
The house to debate whether the will of the people has changed regarding brexit.
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Saudi Arabia withdraw penalty for umrah (visit) visA
Submitted on Saturday 15th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Ban sale of Rawhide dog treats, can be dangerous to the dogs health
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
2,290 signatures
Have a second referendum on the subject of leaving the EU.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Instead of celebrating Brexit with a 50p coin, bring back the Royal Tournament.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a second referendum on Brexit, the withdrawal bill, or "no deal" Brexit.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Limit the the number of terms or years that a member of parliament can serve.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Ban offering employment vacancies to internal candidates.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Allow Parliament to vote on Brexit deal before Christmas
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
133 signatures
Pass a new law on access to evidence so the wrongly convicted can get justice
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
2,175 signatures
Make British Sign Language part of the National Cirriculum.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Offer a people’s vote on how the UK exits the European Union
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Abolish the fixed term parliament act
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Hold a referendum on the negotiated Brexit arrangements
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
There was no third option on the ballot sheet. It was leave or remain.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Reduce street lighting to many can be positioned on streets, help reduce carbon
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Allow a second referendum on EU membership
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Do away with City Mayors and return power to Central Government.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Open from Wednesday 19th December 2018 to Wednesday 19th June 2019
51 signatures
Give Grandparents rights to see Grandchildren
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
900 signatures
Reduction in Parliamentary Members if we remain in the EU?
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 26th March 2019 - reason: no-action
vote of no confidence on both labour and the conservative
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: honours
Force MPs to respect the views and opinions of their constituents.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Revoke Article 50
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Make Student Landlords pay Basic Council Tax
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Let the people have a vote on remaining in the EEA and EFTA
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: fake-name
Mechanism for second Brexit Referendum that will resolve the current stalemate
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
56 signatures
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: honours
Require all MPs to honour the result of referendum in their constituancy by law.
Submitted on Friday 14th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Second EU Referendum if deal rejected in parliament to prevent no deal disaster
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
New Brexit Petition
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: no-action
Make Relationship and Sex education optional rather than compulsory in schools
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
I would like Jacob William Rees-Mogg to be interviewed by James O'Brien.
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Rejected on Tuesday 18th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
HGVs restricted to first two lanes of motorways & be restricted at peak times.
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Open from Wednesday 2nd January 2019 to Tuesday 2nd July 2019
18 signatures
Walk away now!
We voted for a No Deal Brexit
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
46,560 signatures
Use EU law to restrict immigration to people who support themselves or find work
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Open from Thursday 20th December 2018 to Thursday 20th June 2019
208 signatures
Southend United to have a second round with Barnsley in FA cup competition !
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Rejected on Wednesday 19th December 2018 - reason: irrelevant
Require Parliament to debate a 'No Deal' as a UK exit route from the EU.
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 20th December 2018 - reason: duplicate
Rescind Article 50 as quickly as possible
Submitted on Thursday 13th December 2018
Rejected on Thursday 7th February 2019 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:51:24 +0000