Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Form a royal commission to review the sixth form and college education system
Open from Tuesday 9th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
10 signatures
National equipment fund for parents who home-school children
Open from Tuesday 16th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
320 signatures
Inquiry into the influence of lobby groups on policies about sex and gender
Open from Thursday 18th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
3,273 signatures
Request Funding Into Human Malodour Research
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
49 signatures
Communication Passports a Legal Requirement for children with SEND in education
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
13 signatures
Citizenship Education taught as a stand alone subject in all secondary schools.
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
13 signatures
Introduce Romanian at GCSE
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
1,086 signatures
Block the proposal to reassign the 2m amateur radio band for commercial use.
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
38 signatures
Staff training and mandatory support plan for school students with M.E.
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
1,700 signatures
Enforce economic sanctions on China for its oppression of Uighur Muslims
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
2,768 signatures
Have courses that have been self funded not count towards student finance
Open from Wednesday 24th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
scrap university fees for British nationals.
Open from Thursday 25th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
31 signatures
Mandatory for every University to publish a sexual violence and abuse policy.
Open from Friday 26th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
43 signatures
New Legislation - Local Authorities must provide post 16 SEND transport
Open from Tuesday 30th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
928 signatures
Make LGBTQ+ education mandatory in primary and secondary curriculum
Open from Tuesday 30th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
35 signatures
Change DLA to the age of 18 as Children have to stay in education until the 18
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
5,239 signatures
Fund annual celebration of Alan Turing to be held on his birthday
Open from Wednesday 31st July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
8 signatures
Add “Human Impact on Environment” to National Curriculum compulsory subjects
Open from Friday 2nd August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
21 signatures
Review how the curriculum can be more diverse and culturally enriching
Open from Monday 5th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
14 signatures
Create an independent, democratic body to govern education policy and reform.
Open from Tuesday 6th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Reverse the cuts; fully fund education and children and young peoples services.
Open from Thursday 8th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
364 signatures
Collect local authority data on annual reviews of Education, Health & Care Plans
Open from Friday 9th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
294 signatures
I want mental health and eating disorders to be a compulsory subject in schools.
Open from Monday 12th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
165 signatures
Make disability and mental health part of the education curriculum
Open from Tuesday 13th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
22 signatures
Increase funding to North Yorkshire’s schools and Children’s Services!
Open from Wednesday 14th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
141 signatures
Make all restaurants show food as being safe for pregnant women
Open from Tuesday 20th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
10 signatures
Create an affordable car insurance maximum premium for younger drivers.
Open from Friday 23rd August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
18 signatures
Create a TAX hygiene rating - mandatory to display on business premises/websites
Open from Friday 23rd August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
11 signatures
Add mental health education and information about helplines to the curriculum
Open from Tuesday 27th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
11 signatures
Government to issue official Autistic Alert Cards for everyday use
Open from Friday 30th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
42 signatures
Nurseries exempt from business rates to help the childcare sector to survive!!
Open from Friday 30th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
3,288 signatures
Change the law so that citizens can call for a general election.
Open from Monday 2nd September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
78 signatures
Remain in the EU to divert Brexit funding to the urgent needs of the country.
Open from Tuesday 3rd September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
876 signatures
Provide more funding to help children with additional needs in MOD schools
Open from Friday 6th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
760 signatures
Introduce self defence classes in all secondary schools.
Open from Monday 9th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
10 signatures
Prevent UK students from taking International GCSEs
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
12 signatures
Make politics and economics a compulsory part of the national curriculum.
Open from Thursday 12th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
Change the way student income is calculated under universal credit
Open from Friday 13th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
975 signatures
Increase the bursary for intial teacher training in Religious Education
Open from Monday 16th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Teach benefits of plant-based diets as part of the national curriculum
Open from Monday 16th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
1,330 signatures
Introduce financial education into sex and relationship lessons in schools
Open from Tuesday 17th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
53 signatures
Make social media training part of the national curriculum in secondary schools
Open from Friday 20th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
18 signatures
In the UK cookery lessons should be legally included in every school curriculum
Open from Tuesday 24th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
67 signatures
school hours should be shortened.
Open from Friday 27th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Increase school transport funding for 16 to 18 year olds in full time education.
Open from Tuesday 1st October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
1,231 signatures
Re - instate student maintenance grant backdated to August 2016.
Open from Friday 4th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Reintroduce Boxing into Physical Education as part of the National Curriculum.
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
3,218 signatures
For a better society -Hate Crime -should be a Mandatory Curriculum in schools
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
23 signatures
Scrap the requirement for 16-18 year olds to resit Maths or English if they fail
Open from Thursday 10th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
10 signatures
A review into how the education system prepares students for the climate crisis
Open from Monday 14th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7,413 signatures
BanHomework and Make School Time Longer to Compensate for Homework
Open from Monday 14th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures
Make the free flu vaccine available for all Special Education Transport Staff
Open from Thursday 17th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Physical education should be optional in secondary school
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures
Make political education a part of the national curriculum.
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
54 signatures
Half tuition fees
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
78 signatures
Legal Aid for those with disabilities such as dyslexia in family court
Open from Thursday 24th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Reform the education system.
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures
Implement reforms made by education committees review on SEND.
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
587 signatures
Make nurseries exempt from business rates to support the childcare sector
Open from Thursday 5th March 2020 to Saturday 5th September 2020
11,220 signatures
Impose sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims
Open from Friday 6th March 2020 to Sunday 6th September 2020
146,345 signatures
Negotiate full membership of the future Erasmus+ education and youth programme
Open from Tuesday 10th March 2020 to Thursday 10th September 2020
47 signatures
Include gardening in the National Curriculum
Open from Tuesday 10th March 2020 to Thursday 10th September 2020
397 signatures
Impose requirements on schools to shorten the length of the school day to 4hours
Open from Wednesday 11th March 2020 to Friday 11th September 2020
19 signatures
Call the government to reduce UK University tuition fees from £9250 to £3000
Open from Wednesday 11th March 2020 to Friday 11th September 2020
414 signatures
Publish guidance for schools and workplaces on how to deal with ADHD
Open from Monday 16th March 2020 to Wednesday 16th September 2020
1,270 signatures
HMG implement the Home Affairs Select Committee report on Youth Violence in full
Open from Tuesday 17th March 2020 to Thursday 17th September 2020
24 signatures
Make sanitary products more easily available for women and girls around the UK
Open from Tuesday 17th March 2020 to Thursday 17th September 2020
228 signatures
Give extra points in Points Based Immigration, if anyone has studied in the UK.
Open from Wednesday 18th March 2020 to Friday 18th September 2020
528 signatures
Pay long-term supply teachers and support staff during mandatory closures.
Open from Thursday 19th March 2020 to Saturday 19th September 2020
13,080 signatures
Give school students free public transport to school
Open from Thursday 19th March 2020 to Saturday 19th September 2020
128 signatures
Fund schools to provide GCSE textbooks free for all!
Open from Thursday 26th March 2020 to Saturday 26th September 2020
59 signatures
Review the decision to use previous data to calculate exam grades
Open from Friday 27th March 2020 to Sunday 27th September 2020
148,885 signatures
Pay bonus to all key workers
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
10,944 signatures
Reduce the school leaving age to 13
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
30 signatures
Free transport for post 16 to any further education establishment
Open from Tuesday 7th April 2020 to Wednesday 7th October 2020
79 signatures
Open schools during the summer holidays
Open from Tuesday 7th April 2020 to Wednesday 7th October 2020
770 signatures
Include LGBT+ history and LGBT+ history month in National Curriculum
Open from Tuesday 14th April 2020 to Wednesday 14th October 2020
5,982 signatures
Require schools to allow children the option to retake their year next year
Open from Tuesday 14th April 2020 to Wednesday 14th October 2020
1,832 signatures
Allow schools to re-open in England!
Open from Friday 17th April 2020 to Saturday 17th October 2020
5,869 signatures
Remove citizenship fees for people born in the UK and from long term residents.
Open from Monday 20th April 2020 to Tuesday 20th October 2020
86 signatures
Reform England's education system based on the Finnish education system.
Open from Thursday 23rd April 2020 to Friday 23rd October 2020
68 signatures
Provide financial help to zoos, aquariums, & rescue centres during the pandemic.
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
135,481 signatures
List all UK security personnel as "Key Workers" during the current crisis.
Open from Thursday 30th April 2020 to Friday 30th October 2020
48 signatures
Fund work-based learning providers on same basis as colleges
Open from Monday 4th May 2020 to Wednesday 4th November 2020
27 signatures
Fair and Equal voting rights for young people across the UK
Open from Tuesday 5th May 2020 to Thursday 5th November 2020
1,242 signatures
Support family members of non-UK NHS staff to attend university
Open from Friday 15th May 2020 to Sunday 15th November 2020
19 signatures
Extend proposed Graduate visa route to 2019-20 batch of students due to COVID19
Open from Friday 15th May 2020 to Sunday 15th November 2020
15,026 signatures
Provide disadvantaged children with a connected laptop to access home learning.
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
147 signatures
Prioritise Years 10 and 12 when re-opening schools after the COVID-19 Lockdown
Open from Thursday 28th May 2020 to Saturday 28th November 2020
56 signatures
Make Economics an Ebacc subject for GCSE alongside History and Geography.
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
20 signatures
Introduce mandatory Identity Cards
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
1,783 signatures
Reopen schools in August with shorter summer holidays for a transition period
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
29 signatures
Halt the reopening of schools until the NEU's 5 tests are met
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
88 signatures
Repeat the current school year from Sept 2020
Open from Monday 8th June 2020 to Tuesday 8th December 2020
442 signatures
Give parents of SEN children who cannot attend school the right to be furloughed
Open from Monday 8th June 2020 to Tuesday 8th December 2020
29 signatures
Add education on diversity and racism to all school curriculums
Open from Wednesday 10th June 2020 to Thursday 10th December 2020
89,497 signatures
Making the UK education curriculum more inclusive of BAME history
Open from Wednesday 10th June 2020 to Thursday 10th December 2020
26,738 signatures
Teach Britain's colonial past as part of the UK's compulsory curriculum
Open from Wednesday 10th June 2020 to Thursday 10th December 2020
268,772 signatures
Amend the Equality Act 2010: National curriculum and protected characteristics
Open from Tuesday 16th June 2020 to Wednesday 16th December 2020
1,352 signatures
Require all police officers to take Anti-Racism education
Open from Tuesday 16th June 2020 to Wednesday 16th December 2020
27,846 signatures Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:41:21 +0000