Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Be commited to holding a second referendum on Scottish independence after Brexit
Open from Monday 1st October 2018 to Monday 1st April 2019
108 signatures
Parliament to postpone the implementation of Article 50, for at least 6 months.
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
107 signatures
Create a database for those who would like to remain EU citizens after Brexit
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
106 signatures
Create an award for family of public servants killed on duty or by terrorism.
Open from Wednesday 12th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
106 signatures
Legislate to ensure effective sanctions for contempt of Parliament
Open from Monday 8th April 2019 to Tuesday 8th October 2019
106 signatures
Legislate so that for each creation of life peers, males do not exceed females
Open from Monday 23rd April 2018 to Tuesday 23rd October 2018
105 signatures
Consider a vote of no confidence in Stephen Crabb
Open from Monday 21st March 2016 to Wednesday 21st September 2016
104 signatures
Consider amending the Revenge Porn law to make it apply retrospectively.
Open from Tuesday 23rd February 2016 to Tuesday 23rd August 2016
103 signatures
Hold a second EU membership referendum, including votes at 16
Open from Thursday 6th December 2018 to Thursday 6th June 2019
102 signatures
Hold MP's accountable for their conduct in the houses of Parliament.
Open from Thursday 10th March 2016 to Saturday 10th September 2016
102 signatures
Make anti homeless spikes and other measures of equal effect illegal
Open from Monday 13th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
102 signatures
Create a statutory body for the regulation of political advertising
Open from Wednesday 11th March 2020 to Friday 11th September 2020
101 signatures
Amend the British Museum Act to allow the acceptance of repatriation requests
Open from Wednesday 20th July 2022 to Friday 3rd February 2023
101 signatures
Reject any proposals to merge Christchurch with Bournemouth and Poole council
Open from Thursday 21st December 2017 to Thursday 21st June 2018
101 signatures
UK Government to seek a ban on Charlie Hebdo for mocking dead Aylan Kurdi.
Open from Wednesday 16th September 2015 to Wednesday 16th March 2016
101 signatures
Introduce mandatory National Service in the UK
Open from Friday 1st February 2019 to Thursday 1st August 2019
101 signatures
Repeal the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011
Open from Tuesday 4th December 2018 to Tuesday 4th June 2019
100 signatures
Devolve immigration and trade powers to devolved assemblies and Gibraltar
Open from Thursday 26th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
100 signatures
Award former UK Govt Afghan locally employed civilians an operational medal
Open from Monday 12th December 2022 to Monday 12th June 2023
100 signatures
Move Parliament outside of London during refurbishment of Palace of Westminster.
Open from Wednesday 27th January 2016 to Wednesday 27th July 2016
99 signatures
Make "Jerusalem" England's official national anthem by law
Open from Thursday 1st March 2018 to Saturday 1st September 2018
99 signatures
Respect the 2016 referendum result by leaving the EU and the EU single market
Open from Tuesday 30th April 2019 to Wednesday 30th October 2019
99 signatures
Provide 30 free hours childcare from a child's 3rd Birthday, not the term after
Open from Tuesday 24th August 2021 to Thursday 24th February 2022
99 signatures
Sentencing of sexual offences involving children and woman
Open from Tuesday 19th November 2013 to Monday 19th May 2014
99 signatures
A Parliamentary review of the 2005 Change to the Double Jeopardy Law.
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
98 signatures
Make hand carwashes essential business during lockdown
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2021 to Monday 12th July 2021
98 signatures
A memorial for NHS, care, allied professionals, who die as a result of COVID:19
Open from Thursday 21st May 2020 to Saturday 21st November 2020
98 signatures
Support NHS staff with a pay rise this year of 3% or more
Open from Monday 8th March 2021 to Wednesday 8th September 2021
97 signatures
Require parliamentary candidates provide a CV
Open from Thursday 13th October 2022 to Thursday 13th April 2023
97 signatures
Amendment to Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
96 signatures
Stronger penalties for bullying, harassment and hate crime in the workplace.
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2016 to Thursday 16th February 2017
96 signatures
Nursing Qualification.
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
96 signatures
Prevent government from including gagging clauses in contracts with charities.
Open from Monday 19th November 2018 to Sunday 19th May 2019
95 signatures
Deaf TV Licensing
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
95 signatures
Provide food, shelter, rehabilitation and caring for every homeless person
Open from Friday 22nd July 2016 to Sunday 22nd January 2017
95 signatures
Devolve powers to the Scottish Government relating to drug consumption rooms.
Open from Friday 12th February 2021 to Thursday 12th August 2021
95 signatures
Make St David's Day a Bank Holiday in Wales
Open from Monday 2nd March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
94 signatures
Hold a General Election if there is no deal on Brexit by September 2018
Open from Wednesday 18th October 2017 to Wednesday 18th April 2018
94 signatures
Recall Parliament
Open from Monday 3rd August 2015 to Wednesday 3rd February 2016
94 signatures
Give English constituencies a referendum on creating an English Parliament
Open from Friday 15th June 2018 to Saturday 15th December 2018
94 signatures
Mandate ethnic diversity in jury selection where minorities are defendants.
Open from Monday 30th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
93 signatures
Reform Britain’s colonial-era voting system.
Open from Tuesday 23rd April 2019 to Wednesday 23rd October 2019
93 signatures
Abolish plans for extended Sunday trading hours in England
Open from Wednesday 24th February 2016 to Wednesday 24th August 2016
93 signatures
For the UK to remain a full member of the single market
Open from Tuesday 31st January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
93 signatures
Ensure MPs can scrutinise, amend and vote on any final Brexit deal
Open from Thursday 25th October 2018 to Thursday 25th April 2019
93 signatures
Postpone notice under art.50 until the question on revocation has been answered.
Open from Friday 3rd February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
93 signatures
Open from Tuesday 16th April 2013 to Wednesday 16th April 2014
92 signatures
Change the Blue Badge parking scheme so people who are 100 automatically qualify
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2022 to Thursday 20th October 2022
92 signatures
Give EU nationals with settled status the British Nationality for free.
Open from Thursday 5th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
91 signatures
Parliament must approve the PM's plan for Brexit before Article 50 is invoked.
Open from Monday 15th August 2016 to Wednesday 15th February 2017
91 signatures
Stop HS2 & fund the NHS & West/East Coast mainlines for the same or less cost!
Open from Friday 26th February 2016 to Friday 26th August 2016
91 signatures
the UK calls on the Turkish government to cease its military attacks on Afrin.
Open from Friday 16th March 2018 to Sunday 16th September 2018
91 signatures
Parliament to debate withdrawal of British support for Iran Nuclear deal.
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
90 signatures
Corporal Punishment
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
90 signatures
George Osborne give the NHS the £30 Billion from NI contributions.
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2015 to Friday 29th January 2016
90 signatures
Reform UK Parliament behaviour - Make “Shouting / Jeering etc” unacceptable.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2022 to Friday 30th September 2022
90 signatures
Develop an official written Constitution in the UK
Opened on Thursday 5th December 2024
90 signatures so far
Open from Thursday 26th February 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
90 signatures
Allow all television broadcasts to use extracts of parliamentary proceedings.
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
89 signatures
Hoodies Should Be Banned
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
89 signatures
Replace the House of Lords with a new, half-elected, term-limited upper house
Opened on Thursday 23rd January 2025
89 signatures so far
Allow citizens abroad to register as voters, regardless of registration history.
Open from Tuesday 30th April 2019 to Wednesday 30th October 2019
89 signatures
Referendum Needed On The Return of Capital Punishment
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
88 signatures
Parliament to discuss impeachment of Tony Blair
Open from Thursday 19th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
87 signatures
Totnes Costa
Open from Friday 31st August 2012 to Saturday 31st August 2013
87 signatures
Petition to withdraw energy and utility bills as a claimable expense for members of Parliament.
Open from Monday 21st October 2013 to Tuesday 21st January 2014
87 signatures
public debate and vote on issue of right to die
Open from Monday 3rd September 2012 to Tuesday 3rd September 2013
87 signatures
Make a clear statement about the benefits of immigration to the UK
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
87 signatures
Mandatory general election if 2 changes of Prime Minister during a Parliament
Open from Monday 24th October 2022 to Monday 24th April 2023
87 signatures
Ask the Government to set out clear proposals for leaving the EU
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
87 signatures
Make Contempt of Parliament a Criminal Offence
Open from Monday 28th September 2020 to Sunday 28th March 2021
86 signatures
MP Expenses
Open from Saturday 6th August 2011 to Monday 6th August 2012
86 signatures
Population Control
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Friday 18th November 2011
86 signatures
Reverse recent changes to the ministerial code
Open from Monday 6th June 2022 to Tuesday 20th December 2022
86 signatures
To strip of Govia of its franchises (Southern,Thameslink,Gt Northern & GX)
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
86 signatures
Parliament to debate whether cows must be able to graze outside freely.
Open from Monday 25th April 2016 to Tuesday 25th October 2016
86 signatures
Stop the plans to add folic acid to flour because of allergies
Open from Wednesday 31st October 2018 to Tuesday 30th April 2019
86 signatures
Hold a binding two-tier referendum on the UK's membership of the EU.
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
86 signatures
Reduce the number of MPs in the House of Commons to 450 members
Open from Tuesday 12th March 2019 to Thursday 12th September 2019
86 signatures
Implement the recommendations of the Cttee on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
Open from Wednesday 7th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
86 signatures
The UK parliament should close down this petition website.
Open from Thursday 2nd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
85 signatures
Make it illegal to display publicly after death a body without their permission
Open from Wednesday 28th October 2020 to Wednesday 28th April 2021
85 signatures
Prevent all Members of Parliament (MPs) from holding a second job.
Open from Monday 10th May 2021 to Wednesday 10th November 2021
85 signatures
Remove the "Henry VIII Powers" from the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill
Open from Friday 27th October 2017 to Friday 27th April 2018
84 signatures
No to OAP welfare cuts, yes to MP salary and pension cuts.
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2012 to Thursday 11th July 2013
84 signatures
Disqualify those with sexual offence convictions from standing as an MP
Open from Wednesday 10th November 2021 to Tuesday 10th May 2022
83 signatures
Stop the plan to spend £100bn of taxpayers' money on Operation Moonshot
Open from Thursday 8th October 2020 to Thursday 8th April 2021
83 signatures
We call for legislation to regulate the use of referendums by future governments
Open from Friday 10th June 2016 to Saturday 10th December 2016
83 signatures
Help Save British Ice Hockey to fund them thorough hard times due to Covid 19
Open from Thursday 22nd October 2020 to Thursday 22nd April 2021
83 signatures
Change the way parliament works so that MPs' role is not a career.
Open from Tuesday 26th March 2019 to Thursday 26th September 2019
82 signatures
The Houses of Parliament should erect a monument to Daniel O'Connell
Open from Wednesday 18th October 2017 to Wednesday 18th April 2018
82 signatures
make politicians sign a contract of employment.
Open from Tuesday 4th September 2012 to Wednesday 4th September 2013
82 signatures
Residential Back Garden Development - Building Houses in Gardens
Open from Wednesday 26th October 2011 to Friday 26th October 2012
82 signatures
MPs should have a formal contract setting out their working hours and duties
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
81 signatures
Ban Halal Slaughter
Open from Wednesday 4th January 2012 to Friday 4th January 2013
81 signatures
Require old cautions and convictions be routinely removed from the PNC system.
Open from Wednesday 23rd June 2021 to Thursday 23rd December 2021
81 signatures
Erect a statue of Nye Bevan in the Houses of Parliament celebrating the NHS.
Open from Thursday 1st February 2018 to Wednesday 1st August 2018
81 signatures
Review the powers available to the House of Commons Petitions Committee
Open from Friday 20th November 2015 to Friday 20th May 2016
81 signatures
Ban sale & consumption of alcohol in Houses of Parliament.
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Saturday 5th May 2012
81 signatures
Move responsibility for the laws on equal marriage from NI back to UK Parliament
Open from Wednesday 28th November 2018 to Tuesday 28th May 2019
81 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:19:35 +0000