These are the petitions which have closed. You can no longer sign these, but you can still discuss them here.
Ban all fixed odds betting terminals in bookmakers and non casino gambling establishments.
Open from Thursday 17th January 2013 to Wednesday 17th July 2013
21 signatures
halal meat resturants and take aways
Open from Wednesday 16th January 2013 to Tuesday 16th April 2013
21 signatures
End state handouts to foreign nationals
Open from Monday 21st January 2013 to Sunday 21st July 2013
21 signatures
Codex aliementarius
Open from Wednesday 30th January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
21 signatures
Why are Bulgarians not subjected to the same requirements to stay in the UK as British are to stay in Bulgaria,
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
21 signatures
Lets Make E-Petitions actually mean something!
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
21 signatures
Make The Physical Punishment Of Children Illegal
Open from Friday 15th February 2013 to Saturday 15th February 2014
21 signatures
Stop Renaming of Mons Hall Sandhurst
Open from Thursday 21st February 2013 to Wednesday 21st August 2013
21 signatures
Prosecution Of Animal Abusers
Open from Thursday 28th February 2013 to Tuesday 28th May 2013
21 signatures
raise school starting age
Open from Monday 18th March 2013 to Tuesday 18th March 2014
21 signatures
The return of Wardens to sheltered homes throughout UK
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Thursday 3rd October 2013
21 signatures
Changes to the Dangerous Dog Act To Allow For Prosecution on Private Property
Open from Friday 5th April 2013 to Friday 5th July 2013
21 signatures
Put sanctions on Saudia Arabia and Quatar for funding terrorism in Syria
Open from Monday 29th April 2013 to Tuesday 29th April 2014
21 signatures
Stop the multiple sclerosis Social care lottery
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
21 signatures
Members of Parliament to represent British Overseas Territories
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
21 signatures
capital punishment for terrorist
Open from Friday 31st May 2013 to Saturday 31st May 2014
21 signatures
Ban single-manning in betting offices
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th December 2013
21 signatures
cancer lottery
Open from Wednesday 5th June 2013 to Thursday 5th December 2013
21 signatures
ATOS medicals creating unemployment!
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
21 signatures
Make modified, loud exhausts illegal
Open from Monday 5th August 2013 to Tuesday 5th August 2014
21 signatures
Planning Authorities should be required to check and enforce compliance with planning conditions they impose
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th August 2014
21 signatures
Get Goverment to fund Cancer Research UK
Open from Tuesday 6th August 2013 to Wednesday 6th August 2014
21 signatures
Stop blaming young girls for abuse by adult men
Open from Tuesday 6th August 2013 to Wednesday 6th August 2014
21 signatures
The law needs to change to make Cat owners wholly Liable for damages caused inside other peoples property by their cats
Open from Thursday 15th August 2013 to Friday 15th August 2014
21 signatures
Make the UK sex offender register public!
Open from Tuesday 20th August 2013 to Wednesday 20th August 2014
21 signatures
Public Enquiry into the manning record highlighted criteria of soldiers picked for redundancies in 1991-1997- gross misjuustice to serving soldiers!
Open from Friday 20th September 2013 to Saturday 20th September 2014
21 signatures
Motabiliy for under threes
Open from Monday 9th September 2013 to Tuesday 9th September 2014
21 signatures
Unclaimed tax rebate for over four years
Open from Wednesday 25th September 2013 to Thursday 25th September 2014
21 signatures
Compulsory sterilisation of persons responsible for the death and or serious harm of a child by serious neglect or abuse
Open from Monday 7th October 2013 to Tuesday 7th October 2014
21 signatures
Stop all MP's getting there heating bills paid
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th November 2014
21 signatures
Stop sending aid to India while all they do with it is launch expensive rockets into space to impress China.
Open from Thursday 7th November 2013 to Friday 7th November 2014
21 signatures
Petition to spend the HS2 £50 billion budget on developing more affordable UK energy and affordable housing instead of 32min faster journey time
Open from Friday 15th November 2013 to Saturday 15th February 2014
21 signatures
Protection for Christians and other religious minorities in Syria
Open from Tuesday 19th November 2013 to Wednesday 19th November 2014
21 signatures
Repeal of the European Communities Act 1972
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Sunday 2nd March 2014
21 signatures
Make wearing a helmet whilst biking for under 16 compulsory
Open from Friday 29th November 2013 to Thursday 29th May 2014
21 signatures
Free Wi-Fi Available at all NHS Hospitals and Clinics
Open from Tuesday 31st December 2013 to Wednesday 31st December 2014
21 signatures
Ethical policies for the media
Open from Monday 20th January 2014 to Tuesday 20th January 2015
21 signatures
Stop Petrol Stations charging fractions of a penny
Open from Tuesday 28th January 2014 to Wednesday 28th January 2015
21 signatures
help for Somerset Levels residents
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
21 signatures
Increase the Royal Navy's Frigate and Destroyer force to at least 25 ships.
Open from Wednesday 5th March 2014 to Thursday 5th March 2015
21 signatures
UK Border keep passports from immigrants on entry and tag them to see if they are doing as they say.
Open from Tuesday 25th February 2014 to Wednesday 25th February 2015
21 signatures
Boundary disputes
Open from Friday 28th February 2014 to Saturday 28th February 2015
21 signatures
Shouldn't Have To Pay For Inhalers
Open from Thursday 27th February 2014 to Wednesday 27th August 2014
21 signatures
Allow prisoners to skype children
Open from Tuesday 4th March 2014 to Thursday 4th December 2014
21 signatures
Russia invasion of Ukraine
Open from Thursday 6th March 2014 to Saturday 6th December 2014
21 signatures
Open from Wednesday 12th March 2014 to Thursday 12th March 2015
21 signatures
write off all tax credits overpaments
Open from Wednesday 12th March 2014 to Friday 12th September 2014
21 signatures
Dog Owners Must Pay If Their Dog Kills A Cat
Open from Thursday 13th March 2014 to Friday 13th March 2015
21 signatures
Pay Rises for key service workers in line with MPs
Open from Tuesday 18th March 2014 to Wednesday 18th March 2015
21 signatures
e-petitions: 100,000 signatures? Not proportional to our population, compared with the USA
Open from Friday 21st March 2014 to Saturday 21st March 2015
21 signatures
Alan Turing to be put on the back on the new pound coin
Open from Monday 24th March 2014 to Tuesday 24th March 2015
21 signatures
stop paedophiles being bailed, keep them remanded until their court hearing.
Open from Tuesday 25th March 2014 to Wednesday 25th March 2015
21 signatures
Yorkshire Water to Reduce the cost to single households
Open from Friday 28th March 2014 to Saturday 28th March 2015
21 signatures
Remove the Gypsy Site on Rectory Lane, SURREY
Open from Thursday 3rd April 2014 to Friday 3rd October 2014
21 signatures
Freddo's back to 10p
Open from Thursday 10th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
First Aid training should be taught for free and made compulsory in schools and the work place.
Open from Monday 14th April 2014 to Monday 14th July 2014
21 signatures
Food Packaging: List the ingredients, instead of using the term "natural flavouring"
Open from Tuesday 6th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Withholding payments for CSA if the Mother refuses to allow access
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Wednesday 13th August 2014
21 signatures
Reopen The Lincolnshire Loop Line - Lincoln to Boston
Open from Monday 19th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Tougher sentencing
Open from Wednesday 21st May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
amend parts of the allotment act 1922-1950 to allow more leeway for communities to make it more beneficial
Open from Friday 13th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Coastguard/ retained services to use green lights on emergency call
Open from Monday 9th June 2014 to Tuesday 9th December 2014
21 signatures
Save Ealing Hospital
Open from Wednesday 11th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Align animal cruelty charges to charges for harm to a human
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Stop the funding of all religious schools
Open from Friday 13th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Motorway awareness campaign by government to address middle and third lane driving abuse.
Open from Tuesday 10th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Ban advertising of payday loans
Open from Monday 16th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Be declared fit to drive HGVs like in Northern Ireland
Open from Tuesday 17th June 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Dangers of swimming in outside water to be taught in secondary schools
Open from Thursday 10th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
stop vat charges on fun based exercise
Open from Tuesday 8th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Not everyone is a Muslim
Open from Tuesday 12th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Open from Monday 28th July 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Resume full military trade with Israel
Open from Thursday 14th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Currency Union Referendum
Open from Wednesday 27th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Support our Police who are trying to stop 'Mobile Phones' being used while driving.
Open from Monday 15th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
punishment without crime on parents whos children are removed for fostering or forced adoption.
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Stay on summer time all year
Open from Monday 29th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
To protect the metric system in the UK
Open from Thursday 2nd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
.Transport Funding for Disabled students 16 - 18 - Rotherham and beyond....
Open from Monday 13th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Invest more in mental health services for young people
Open from Friday 10th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Force Face Book to take Legal action against online bullies
Open from Tuesday 14th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
british veterans off our streets
Open from Monday 13th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
cholesterol on food packaging
Open from Tuesday 14th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Oppose plans for dudley super mosque
Open from Monday 24th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Stop sending Financial Aid to Muslim Countries
Open from Wednesday 19th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
The cost of Dying
Open from Monday 17th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Stop farmers rights to kill dogs on farmland
Open from Wednesday 19th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
New Legislation to prevent Animals and Insects being maltreated on television.
Open from Friday 28th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Include Motorcycle Safety Questions in the Driver Theory Test
Open from Monday 1st December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Anonymity for both parties in cases of rape and sexual assault
Open from Thursday 4th December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Ban councils and transport groups introducing road schemes and long term roadworks causing long delays for commuters.
Open from Friday 5th December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Increase restrictions on Muslim nikahs: stop exploitation of women.
Open from Monday 5th January 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
if you sell an automobile in the uk your insurance should be void
Open from Monday 16th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Discrimination against Women born in 1954 and after
Open from Wednesday 25th February 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Keep coursework based GCSE's for those with dyslexic and learning disability's
Open from Wednesday 11th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Dvt fast track service
Open from Monday 9th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Revise the housing criteria for couples and single persons with 2 children or more in a 1 bedroom local authority or housing association flat
Open from Monday 16th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
save stalybridge
Open from Thursday 19th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Restaurant/Hotel Waste
Open from Tuesday 24th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
21 signatures
Legalise hare coursing as a tax paying betting sport.
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2015 to Saturday 23rd January 2016
21 signatures Sat, 08 Feb 2025 08:56:16 +0000