These are the petitions which have closed. You can no longer sign these, but you can still discuss them here.
Facebook making timeline MANDATORY
Open from Friday 27th January 2012 to Sunday 27th January 2013
4 signatures
Instruct UKFI to veto bonuses in RBS
Open from Monday 30th January 2012 to Monday 30th April 2012
4 signatures
Free School Buses for All Pupils
Open from Monday 30th January 2012 to Monday 30th April 2012
4 signatures
Legislate to enforce trade-in value for books, music and movies when new formats become available.
Open from Monday 30th January 2012 to Wednesday 30th January 2013
4 signatures
Open from Monday 30th January 2012 to Wednesday 30th January 2013
4 signatures
Full employment, lower welfare benefits
Open from Monday 30th January 2012 to Wednesday 30th January 2013
4 signatures
Progressive taxation on financial services
Open from Monday 30th January 2012 to Wednesday 30th January 2013
4 signatures
Provide legislation requiring Local Authorities to create and support independent Older People's Councils
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
4 signatures
Stop Rupert Murdoch's BBC robbery
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Tuesday 29th May 2012
4 signatures
Bonuses in the workplace should be banned
Open from Tuesday 31st January 2012 to Thursday 31st January 2013
4 signatures
Compulsory Reduced Systems for Supermarkets to Save Food
Open from Tuesday 31st January 2012 to Thursday 31st January 2013
4 signatures
Introduction of Minimum Speed Traps
Open from Tuesday 31st January 2012 to Thursday 31st January 2013
4 signatures
Realistic airsoft guns for 16's and 17's.
Open from Wednesday 1st February 2012 to Thursday 1st November 2012
4 signatures
Trains should have adequate seating for 2nd class passengers
Open from Wednesday 1st February 2012 to Friday 1st February 2013
4 signatures
Bonus in public sector
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Wednesday 6th February 2013
4 signatures
Do not downgrade the Engineering diploma at GCSE
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Wednesday 6th February 2013
4 signatures
means test disability living allowance (dla)
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Wednesday 6th February 2013
4 signatures
Copyright the British Flag
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Wednesday 6th February 2013
4 signatures
The amount of signatures needed for a petition to pass should be lowered.
Open from Monday 6th February 2012 to Wednesday 6th February 2013
4 signatures
Raise the Personal Allowances to £12,000 for a single person, 15,000 for a single parent and £18,000 for couples with children
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
4 signatures
Allow citizens access to Downing Street.
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
4 signatures
Private vs Public use of NHSBT Donated Blood
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Saturday 9th February 2013
4 signatures
Stop long term Gym Membership Contracts
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Thursday 9th August 2012
4 signatures
Between the highest and lowest wages in an enterprise (public or privte) a maximum span of 1:12 is to be specified.
Open from Thursday 9th February 2012 to Saturday 9th February 2013
4 signatures
Stop the Government destroying the UK solar industry with its revised FIT cuts.
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Sunday 10th February 2013
4 signatures
Bring back 100 Watt lightbulbs
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
4 signatures
Stop Housing associations and local authorites using ground 8 for possession.
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Monday 13th August 2012
4 signatures
Reform to penalty fare process (Transport)
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
4 signatures
To make it illegal to sell unregistered SIM cards & Mobile phones
Open from Wednesday 22nd February 2012 to Friday 22nd February 2013
4 signatures
organ retention card
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
4 signatures
Demolish the rule that suggests that homeless people aren’t entitled to JCP because they don’t have an address.
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
4 signatures
Keep the NHS Bill
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
4 signatures
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Thursday 16th August 2012
4 signatures
Stop Marches Supporting Terrorisim
Open from Wednesday 22nd February 2012 to Friday 22nd February 2013
4 signatures
Open from Friday 17th February 2012 to Sunday 17th February 2013
4 signatures
Student loans for non-university HE courses
Open from Thursday 16th February 2012 to Saturday 16th February 2013
4 signatures
Open from Thursday 23rd February 2012 to Friday 23rd November 2012
4 signatures
Surrey Bus Services within M25
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Thursday 21st February 2013
4 signatures
Prevent Learner Drivers from using motorways
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Monday 21st May 2012
4 signatures
ripoff imports not up to ISO or British standerds
Open from Wednesday 22nd February 2012 to Friday 22nd February 2013
4 signatures
Youth representative in the police force
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
4 signatures
exonerate queen anne boleyn
Open from Thursday 23rd February 2012 to Saturday 23rd February 2013
4 signatures
to force ALL builders to be fully qualified BEFORE they are allowed to start building works
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
4 signatures
Increase the school day by 1 hour
Open from Thursday 23rd February 2012 to Saturday 23rd February 2013
4 signatures
Grammar schools should be abolished
Open from Thursday 23rd February 2012 to Saturday 23rd February 2013
4 signatures
disabled young adults to be given more dignity by being issued with incontinence pants not nappies
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
4 signatures
Change the law on protective award compensation and redundencies in enviroments with less than 20 employed
Open from Friday 24th February 2012 to Friday 24th August 2012
4 signatures
Stop placing important government contracts with overseas organisations
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
4 signatures
unlicenced drivers and joy riders
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
4 signatures
Ban Biased Abortion Counsellors
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
4 signatures
Make urinating in police vehicles an offence.
Open from Friday 2nd March 2012 to Saturday 2nd March 2013
4 signatures
Launch a strategy to get more people to take careers in Science, maths, engineering and technology.
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
4 signatures
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
4 signatures
To prevent the wining and dining of civil servants
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
4 signatures
To create a new Chartered Teacher title with the appropriate oversite body
Open from Thursday 1st March 2012 to Friday 1st March 2013
4 signatures
Compulsory Hand Cleaning in Hospitals
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
4 signatures
Reduce fuel duty and stop choking the economy
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Tuesday 29th May 2012
4 signatures
Sociology should be included in the list of ebacc subjects
Open from Thursday 1st March 2012 to Friday 1st March 2013
4 signatures
Protection for home educated children
Open from Thursday 1st March 2012 to Friday 1st March 2013
4 signatures
Gender equality by statute for the U.K parliament
Open from Friday 2nd March 2012 to Saturday 2nd March 2013
4 signatures
Stop the Beer Duty Escalator before the 2012 budget
Open from Friday 2nd March 2012 to Saturday 2nd June 2012
4 signatures
To allow money deposited in a Curent Year's Cash ISA to be withdrawn and replaced during that year.
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
4 signatures
Driving re-assessment test
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
4 signatures
stop any involvement with argentina
Open from Monday 5th March 2012 to Tuesday 5th March 2013
4 signatures
Ban cookery on TV and bring back gardening
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
4 signatures
Commemorate Memory of Polish generals served in Polish Armed Forces under British command in WWII
Open from Friday 13th April 2012 to Saturday 13th April 2013
4 signatures
For all books, newspapers, magazines and other printed products to be made from recycled paper or sustainable sources
Open from Friday 9th March 2012 to Saturday 9th March 2013
4 signatures
Allow infants to the olympics without the need for a 'seated' ticket
Open from Monday 26th March 2012 to Tuesday 26th June 2012
4 signatures
Open from Tuesday 6th March 2012 to Wednesday 6th March 2013
4 signatures
RE shouldn't be compulsory.
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
4 signatures
Introduce recycling bins into Oakham
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
4 signatures
Remove VAT on essentials items e.g. Toilet Rolls
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
4 signatures
Stop Nationalised Banking Groups Bailed Out & Owned By The Taxpayer Increasing Mortgage Rates
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Wednesday 12th September 2012
4 signatures
Overseas recruitment for UK jobs should be banned
Open from Friday 9th March 2012 to Saturday 9th March 2013
4 signatures
Outlaw Wale and Dolphan killings in the Sea and Oceans
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
4 signatures
Raise the voting age to 21
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2012 to Wednesday 13th March 2013
4 signatures
Name streets using the names of those who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan to honour and remember them.
Open from Thursday 29th March 2012 to Friday 29th March 2013
4 signatures
Make Landlords liable for council tax and rates for properties they own not the tennants
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
4 signatures
Respond to the Kony Campaign with reference to the children without parental care
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Thursday 14th March 2013
4 signatures
Removal of MPs whose behaviour is found to not merit the trust and responsbility required in a public servant.
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
4 signatures
Please introduce an annual check up for ovarian cancer for all women.
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2012 to Thursday 13th September 2012
4 signatures
Make it law for all UK companies to use at least 25% recycled or sustainably sourced resources in the production of their products.
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
4 signatures
For UK currency to be made using recycled materials
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2012 to Wednesday 13th March 2013
4 signatures
optional school holidays
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2012 to Wednesday 13th March 2013
4 signatures
When a politician switches allegiance to a political party during their elected term, they should immediately resign and seek a new mandate.
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th March 2013
4 signatures
Benefits changes
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Saturday 15th September 2012
4 signatures
Save Furnival Drive park in Burscough! Improve it instead!
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
4 signatures
car drivers to ride pillion on a motorcycle to improve awareness of dangers to motorcyclists
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Saturday 16th March 2013
4 signatures
End diagnosis of mental health conditions in children and adolescents
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
4 signatures
Maintain national public pay rates
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th June 2012
4 signatures
Allow the BBC to advertise
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
4 signatures
Bring back any UK taxpayer funded jobs back to England in preparation for Scotland independence.
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
4 signatures
Finacial institutions to be limited to offer one Cash ISA rate
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
4 signatures
Cuts should be lessened to 16-18 year olds' education
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
4 signatures
Give home nations priority when purchasing goods and services
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
4 signatures
Stop providing mass translation services for foreign nationals
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Thursday 20th September 2012
4 signatures
Creation of a Socialist State
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
4 signatures
Free 2 hr Parking in Town Centres paid for by Tescos & Co
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
4 signatures
Bring the price of fuel down
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
4 signatures
Raise Proposed £60,000 child benefit threshold
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd June 2012
4 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 16:13:47 +0000