All the petitions which were rejected in April 2021, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Make sanitary products free for all females across the United Kingdom
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Remove some GCSE Science modules from the course as they aren't all necessary.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Ban covid vaccinations for children until the long term effects are known.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: already-happening
If MP leaves party they should resign
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Amend the Repeal of MPs Act 2015
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Allow up to 12 people or 3 households to meet on Thursday 13th May 2021 (Eid)
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Make flying more sustainable - right now
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Put up suitable lights for the basketball courts at the Recreation Ground.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Make car insurance prices for new drivers cheaper
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Provide adequate storage solutions: Homeless in Liverpool City Centre.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Allow appeal for fourth seiss grant to those who missed the 2nd March deadline
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Allow residents in care homes to have their freedom back.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Recognise retailers support to society beyond commerce, example in the pandemic
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Hold a Parliamentary Review into the handling of the covid 19 pandemic
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: already-happening
Stop councils deliberately phasing traffic lights to trap cars in box junctions
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Stop private investors buying houses backed by help to buy scheme
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Do something about the housing crisis
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Make Homework optional KS3 and under, except core subjects & SATs will be exempt
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Form the Canzuk Union with Canada, New Zealand and Australia
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Stop ABA Therapy and ban it from being used in the UK
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Make Schools/College’s teach Students on how Tax works.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: already-happening
Make ALL wheeled vehicles capable of 10mph, even unpowered, show number plates
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Vote to endorse the credentials of the elected government of Myanmar at the UN.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Cut council costs for the right to place a headstone on graves
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
UK to lift the patent restriction on generic covid vaccine production.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Give amnesty to those who have spend more than 10 years
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Close UK Borders NOW!
Protect the UK from Covid 19
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Start donating COVID vaccines to 3rd world countries.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Change maternity pay to cover 52 weeks rather than 39 OR free hours of childcare
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Schools should close due to COVID 19.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: fake-name
Stop vehicles parking on pathways.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Extend conditions for essential travel to Europe.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Change social media rules to stop MPs from removing questions and constituents.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Increase sentencing for knife crime, with a minimum 15 year custodial sentance.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Prevent local councils from changing to fortnightly bin collections.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Commit to giving a plan for 2022 GCSEs and A levels by this summer
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Stop Scotland returning to UK should independence go wrong
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Provide a system of accountability for rogue Builders and Tradespeople.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
More support for young people moving out with no family support
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Allow cancer patients to have family support at all stages of treatment
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Create a law in order to give all domestic animals same rights as humans.
Rejected on Friday 30th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Optional virtual attendance at Local Government committees in perpetuity.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
To make Sign Language compulsory to learn in schools.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Remove single use plastic bags from supermarkets
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
UK to Provide Aid, PPE, Ventilators, Vaccines to India.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Provide as much oxygen as possible from our excess to Indian hospitals.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Help India with PPE, medical supplies and oxygen.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Provide oxygen, drugs and hospital ships to help India with its Covid crisis.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Send Oxygen Cylinders to India!
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Give a portion of Vaccine supply to India
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Send medical supplies particularly oxygen to India
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Donate spare COVID-19 vaccines to India.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Please send oxygen to India.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Force ESL signatory football club owners to sell the clubs.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: already-happening
Cap the extra amount UK holiday companies charge for booking at certain times.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Reduce negative credit history events from 6 years to 3 Years.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Change the 24 hour rule in regards to breach of bail conditions.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: already-happening
Protect more UK waters from fishing
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Prevent organisations from discriminating by demanding enrolled deed polls.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Bring about charges and/or control people earning money for being uneconomical
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Compostable packaging must be used all for fresh food and takeaway containers
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Stop plans to force football fans to have a vaccine passport to watch their team
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Regulate Rescue Centres
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
relieve people who have worked and are working during the pandemic of taxes
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Allow one dedicated family member to visit patients in hospital.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Stricter laws for people
Carrying knifes
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Ensure all play parks are disabled user friendly.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Make it illegal to send unsolicited marketing materials (JUNK MAIL) to UK homes
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Drivers that have had their licenses revoked have had to wait
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
To make Mental Health a compulsory lesson in school
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
To change the laws on Undocumented Migrants given the current pandemic & Brexit
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Make any referendum relating to the union require the consent of Westminster
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Allow animals born in 2020 to 2021 to be registered and receive pet health care
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: already-happening
Decriminalise/Legalise the Use, Sale, Import and Export of Cannabis
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Divide the UK into seven Police Services by dividing overall population by 7.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Increase child maintenance service powers to investigate the self employed
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Reinstate freedom-to-roam across England.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Allow both same sex parents names on children's birth certificate.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Commit to bringing in a law recognising dog sentience
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Stop development on green belt land while brownfield sites remain undeveloped.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Reform Legal Requirements on Sexual Harassment in the Creative Industries
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Make it mandatory to create new wildlife habitats if demolishing existing areas.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Help to buy scheme to revert back to allowing previous home owners to use
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Implement volunteering in schools & universities as part of the curriculum
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Jail perpetrators of dog theft ect
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
#CoverTheFees: Increased Student Finance Loans for Postgraduate Students
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Reform football club ownership in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Review Law and Punishment of Child Abuse
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Drivers found guilty of dangerous driving involving death should be jailed
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Increase wedding limits to 50 people for May
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: fake-name
To stop social services putting lies in reports and calling people names
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
End horse slaughter in the UK
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Reform Child Maintenance Support from Self-Employed non-resident parents
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Bring more awareness to Domestic violence in young adults in the UK.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
school meals
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: no-action
Record and use as evidence in court meetings with social services.
Rejected on Thursday 29th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Allow Barbers and Hairdressers to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Rejected on Wednesday 28th April 2021 - reason: duplicate
Get rid of all school uniform
Rejected on Wednesday 28th April 2021 - reason: irrelevant
Minimum wage for 18-20 year olds to rise. How do government expect them to live!
Rejected on Wednesday 28th April 2021 - reason: no-action Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:52:21 +0000