Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Referendum on television licensing
Open from Thursday 5th July 2012 to Friday 5th July 2013
173 signatures
Ensure all online video content produced by broadcasters has Subtitles NOW
Open from Friday 22nd June 2012 to Saturday 22nd September 2012
200 signatures
BBC scrambled ,on digital Box Set
Open from Thursday 7th June 2012 to Friday 7th June 2013
2 signatures
Enforce showing at least 1 piece of art on all rotating/electronic billboards, paid for by advertisers.
Open from Friday 25th May 2012 to Saturday 25th May 2013
44 signatures
Mark future World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
Open from Friday 25th May 2012 to Saturday 25th May 2013
1 signatures
Stop use of imaginary word "Islamist" with terror groups
Open from Monday 14th May 2012 to Tuesday 14th May 2013
19 signatures
Stop the Cookie Law and rethink completely
Open from Tuesday 24th April 2012 to Wednesday 24th April 2013
25 signatures
tv licences
Open from Tuesday 24th April 2012 to Wednesday 24th April 2013
82 signatures
Integrate knowledge of Alan Turing into the british history education syllabus.
Open from Wednesday 18th April 2012 to Thursday 18th April 2013
20 signatures
Make DVNR illegal
Open from Monday 16th April 2012 to Tuesday 16th April 2013
2 signatures
Stop switch to digital radio, keeping the option of FM & AM
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
48 signatures
Put Alan Turing on bitcoins
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
5 signatures
digital economy act
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th June 2012
5 signatures
HMG should allocate funds to transform libraries into community centres like adequate access & training for internet, emails, e-books & new IT devices
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
2 signatures
Open from Wednesday 7th March 2012 to Thursday 7th March 2013
298 signatures
HMG should allocate funds to transform libraries fit for 21st century like adequate access & training for internet, emails, e-books & new IT devices
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
2 signatures
Let's have Freeview HD everywhere in the uk
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
2 signatures
Keep Left Unless Overtaking on Motorways
Open from Wednesday 25th January 2012 to Friday 25th January 2013
15 signatures
Provide high speed internet access to St Helena
Open from Monday 23rd January 2012 to Monday 23rd July 2012
653 signatures
Realese of ALL submissions for the digital britian report
Open from Monday 16th January 2012 to Wednesday 16th January 2013
2 signatures
BBC to pay for 1 million Sky Sports subscriptions
Open from Thursday 12th January 2012 to Saturday 12th January 2013
3 signatures
All information on chemtrails to be made publicly available
Open from Wednesday 11th January 2012 to Friday 11th January 2013
244 signatures
Battery Packaging to display mAh Power Capacity
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
2 signatures
Internet freedom
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Monday 9th April 2012
47 signatures
Create/Amend laws to protect those who share files/media online as long as they don't make profit
Open from Thursday 15th December 2011 to Thursday 15th March 2012
1 signatures
Foreign language channel on Freeview. Government to get the BBC to liaise with other EU state broadcasters to share the best TV programmes.
Open from Monday 21st November 2011 to Wednesday 21st November 2012
103 signatures
For the removal of adult chat channels and gambling channels on free to view/digital television.
Open from Monday 14th November 2011 to Wednesday 14th November 2012
19 signatures
Do not switch off Ceefax when digital switch-over is complete
Open from Monday 31st October 2011 to Wednesday 31st October 2012
8 signatures
Digital Switchover
Open from Wednesday 26th October 2011 to Friday 26th October 2012
9 signatures
Stop the Digital Switchover and Keep Analogue Television
Open from Wednesday 19th October 2011 to Friday 19th October 2012
4 signatures
BBC cost and energy savings !
Open from Tuesday 18th October 2011 to Thursday 18th October 2012
2 signatures
Digital Inclusion not just better broadband
Open from Thursday 6th October 2011 to Saturday 6th October 2012
1 signatures
Add computer programming to the school curriculum.
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
70 signatures
Teach our kids to code
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
3,181 signatures
Force Broadcasters to Upgrade All "Relay Transmitters" So Everybody Gets The Same Digital Service.
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
19 signatures
stop the analogue switch off
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
7 signatures
Open from Monday 5th September 2011 to Wednesday 5th September 2012
29 signatures
A New And Better Democracy.
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th August 2012
5 signatures
Ban Digital Anonymity
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
3 signatures
Ban Software Patents
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
23 signatures
Protect the Internet: Magna Carta for the digital age!
Open from Friday 19th August 2011 to Sunday 19th February 2012
25 signatures
Remove UK speed cameras, restore traffic Police
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
11 signatures
Sell Copyright Licences to all ISPs to enable legal digital downloading by all of their subscribers
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
2 signatures
Funding for an advanced Musical Education
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
12 signatures
Streamed uninterrupted music from the BBC to digital TV's
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
2 signatures
Repeal the Digital Economy Act
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th February 2012
1,331 signatures Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:55:13 +0000