Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Ensure mental health care is available for all children having cancer treatment.
Open from Wednesday 21st October 2020 to Wednesday 21st April 2021
1,232 signatures
Return of the Parthenon Marbles through the establishment of an independent body
Open from Thursday 22nd October 2020 to Thursday 22nd April 2021
251 signatures
Help Save British Ice Hockey to fund them thorough hard times due to Covid 19
Open from Thursday 22nd October 2020 to Thursday 22nd April 2021
83 signatures
Make the NHS Track and Trace App Mandatory for everyone with mobile phones
Open from Thursday 22nd October 2020 to Thursday 22nd April 2021
12 signatures
Allow petitions calling for MPs and Ministers to be sacked
Open from Monday 26th October 2020 to Monday 26th April 2021
465 signatures
Make it illegal to display publicly after death a body without their permission
Open from Wednesday 28th October 2020 to Wednesday 28th April 2021
85 signatures
Hold a referendum on creating a Devolved Parliament for Northern England
Open from Thursday 29th October 2020 to Thursday 29th April 2021
717 signatures
Government to declare a new annual bank holiday to celebrate essential workers
Open from Thursday 29th October 2020 to Thursday 29th April 2021
16 signatures
Introduce a levy on single-use disposable plastic
Open from Thursday 29th October 2020 to Thursday 29th April 2021
779 signatures
Publish Exit Plans for all lockdowns and restrictions relating to Coronavirus.
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
36 signatures
Add UK Aid workers of Int NGO's to jobs that qualify for travel exemptions
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
19 signatures
Change our electoral system to Proportional Representation for true democracy
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
7,540 signatures
Hold a referendum on establishing an English devolved parliament
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
133 signatures
Extend the Freedom of Information Act to cover Members of Parliament
Open from Monday 2nd November 2020 to Sunday 2nd May 2021
118 signatures
Increase food and drink prices in House of Commons catering venues
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2020 to Monday 3rd May 2021
161 signatures
Hold on a referendum on an Independent North of England
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2020 to Monday 3rd May 2021
117 signatures
Require universities to fully refund tuition fees for the Autumn term
Open from Thursday 5th November 2020 to Wednesday 5th May 2021
635 signatures
Implement restrictions on how many items people can buy in supermarkets
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
14 signatures
Have a referendum to propose a new electoral system based on proportionality.
Open from Thursday 12th November 2020 to Wednesday 12th May 2021
42 signatures
Cut business rates for shopkeepers, to protect jobs and support communities.
Open from Friday 20th November 2020 to Thursday 20th May 2021
738 signatures
The UK should ban the importation of Shark Fins for personal consumption
Open from Friday 20th November 2020 to Thursday 20th May 2021
57 signatures
Hold a referendum on introducing the Mixed Member Proportional voting system
Open from Friday 20th November 2020 to Thursday 20th May 2021
80 signatures
Immediately allow MPs to virtually participate in all Parliamentary proceedings
Open from Monday 23rd November 2020 to Sunday 23rd May 2021
385 signatures
Allow adult adoption in the UK
Open from Monday 23rd November 2020 to Sunday 23rd May 2021
230 signatures
Immediately suspend all UK aid to Uganda
Open from Thursday 26th November 2020 to Wednesday 26th May 2021
1,956 signatures
Revise the army tattoo policy to allow neck tattoos visible from the front
Open from Friday 27th November 2020 to Thursday 27th May 2021
27 signatures
The scottish gov should spend only taxes raised there before an indy ref allowed
Open from Tuesday 1st December 2020 to Tuesday 1st June 2021
118 signatures
An annual day of remembrance and memorial for the victims of the COVID-19 virus.
Open from Wednesday 2nd December 2020 to Wednesday 2nd June 2021
1,233 signatures
Devolve broadcasting and regulation of the media to the Welsh Government
Open from Tuesday 8th December 2020 to Tuesday 8th June 2021
840 signatures
Do not scrap the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011
Open from Wednesday 9th December 2020 to Wednesday 9th June 2021
35 signatures
Make it compulsory for face coverings to be worn in the Palace of Westminster
Open from Wednesday 9th December 2020 to Wednesday 9th June 2021
16 signatures
Stop Bullying in Schools by Training All Teachers to spot Bullying & Harassment
Open from Friday 11th December 2020 to Friday 11th June 2021
31 signatures
Allocate Government time to debate the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill
Open from Monday 14th December 2020 to Monday 14th June 2021
2,688 signatures
Reinstate the right to appeal rejected visit visas
Open from Monday 14th December 2020 to Monday 14th June 2021
18 signatures
Stop work on HS2 immediately and hold a new vote to repeal the legislation
Open from Thursday 17th December 2020 to Thursday 17th June 2021
155,253 signatures
Introduce a "France style" repair and longevity label on electronic products.
Open from Friday 18th December 2020 to Friday 18th June 2021
50 signatures
Create a rent Cap law for London Similar to the Berlin and Barcelona examples
Open from Friday 18th December 2020 to Friday 18th June 2021
56 signatures
Recall Parliament now to scrutinise new Christmas coronavirus restrictions
Open from Monday 21st December 2020 to Monday 21st June 2021
12,275 signatures
Hold a referendum on the abolition of the Monarchy
Open from Monday 21st December 2020 to Monday 21st June 2021
7,506 signatures
Creation of a temporary bank holiday.
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
12 signatures
Keep estate agents closed in tier 4 and lockdowns
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
4,254 signatures
Don't criminalise paying for sex.
Open from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Wednesday 30th June 2021
8,562 signatures
Prioritise funeral workers for COVID vaccine.
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2021 to Monday 5th July 2021
6,525 signatures
Fund Fibreoptic internet cable for every house in England
Open from Wednesday 6th January 2021 to Tuesday 6th July 2021
24 signatures
Extend Tier 4 Visas for International Students expiring in January 2021.
Open from Friday 8th January 2021 to Thursday 8th July 2021
18 signatures
Allow a referendum on devolving powers to a Yorkshire Regional Parliament
Open from Friday 8th January 2021 to Thursday 8th July 2021
1,460 signatures
Make hand carwashes essential business during lockdown
Open from Tuesday 12th January 2021 to Monday 12th July 2021
98 signatures
Criminalise manufacturing and distributing deep-fake pornography
Open from Wednesday 13th January 2021 to Tuesday 13th July 2021
433 signatures
Provide a Pay increase of 7% to all our NHS workers fighting COVID19
Open from Thursday 14th January 2021 to Wednesday 14th July 2021
70 signatures
Re-establish the cross-party committee examining Britain’s relations with the EU
Open from Monday 18th January 2021 to Sunday 18th July 2021
63 signatures
Make it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of appearance
Open from Thursday 28th January 2021 to Wednesday 28th July 2021
50 signatures
Temporary ban on jogging on pavements
Open from Thursday 28th January 2021 to Wednesday 28th July 2021
10 signatures
Hold a referendum on establishing a federal system of devolution and government
Open from Monday 1st February 2021 to Sunday 1st August 2021
41 signatures
Reverse the ban on honeybee imports. Stop the honeybee decline!
Open from Tuesday 9th February 2021 to Monday 9th August 2021
867 signatures
Devolve powers to the Scottish Government relating to drug consumption rooms.
Open from Friday 12th February 2021 to Thursday 12th August 2021
95 signatures
Allow petitioners to withhold their name from public view when posting petitions
Open from Monday 15th February 2021 to Sunday 15th August 2021
14 signatures
A five year period to prevent planning permissions on pubs to change their use.
Open from Monday 15th February 2021 to Sunday 15th August 2021
15 signatures
Do not require deed polls to be enrolled to serve as a proof of name change
Open from Friday 19th February 2021 to Thursday 19th August 2021
66 signatures
Stop the government's "look into his/her eyes" coronavirus campaign
Open from Tuesday 23rd February 2021 to Monday 23rd August 2021
20 signatures
Ban vote counting machines in elections
Open from Friday 26th February 2021 to Thursday 26th August 2021
1,134 signatures
Ban fire and rehire employment tactics
Open from Friday 5th March 2021 to Sunday 5th September 2021
15,494 signatures
Support NHS staff with a pay rise this year of 3% or more
Open from Monday 8th March 2021 to Wednesday 8th September 2021
97 signatures
Make it mandatory for social services workers to wear a body camera
Open from Tuesday 9th March 2021 to Thursday 9th September 2021
945 signatures
Remove those from the line of succession whose permanent residence is not the UK
Open from Thursday 11th March 2021 to Saturday 11th September 2021
182 signatures
Prioritise providing excess vaccines to Commonwealth countries.
Open from Monday 15th March 2021 to Wednesday 15th September 2021
21 signatures
Require developers felling trees to fund reforestation projects
Open from Monday 15th March 2021 to Wednesday 15th September 2021
1,589 signatures
Require home owners who fell conservation area trees to fund urban tree planting
Open from Tuesday 16th March 2021 to Thursday 16th September 2021
340 signatures
Hold a referendum on UK membership of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
Change law so that any and all poison or means to kill wild rodents is humane
Open from Wednesday 17th March 2021 to Friday 17th September 2021
111 signatures
Make it a specific offence to lie about your age to engage in sexual activities
Open from Wednesday 17th March 2021 to Friday 17th September 2021
41 signatures
Make Government and Politics compulsory at Secondary School including for GCSE
Open from Thursday 18th March 2021 to Saturday 18th September 2021
441 signatures
Publish an impact assessment on the effects of lockdown.
Open from Thursday 18th March 2021 to Saturday 18th September 2021
27 signatures
Create more curriculum around diversity and inclusion within secondary schools.
Open from Tuesday 30th March 2021 to Thursday 30th September 2021
77 signatures
Establish a permanent UK climate citizens assembly
Open from Thursday 1st April 2021 to Friday 1st October 2021
128 signatures
To legislate for the abolition of the Honour's system and the House of Lords.
Open from Monday 12th April 2021 to Tuesday 12th October 2021
22 signatures
Livestream Cabinet meetings
Open from Monday 12th April 2021 to Tuesday 12th October 2021
11 signatures
Reform rules on Ministerial office, the House of Lords and political donations
Open from Thursday 15th April 2021 to Friday 15th October 2021
27 signatures
Repeal hate speech laws other than advocating for violence
Open from Friday 16th April 2021 to Saturday 16th October 2021
29 signatures
Create a Gaelic Languages Act
Open from Monday 19th April 2021 to Tuesday 19th October 2021
1,395 signatures
MPs to be tested, vaccinated and wear a mask in order to attend Parliament
Open from Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Wednesday 20th October 2021
163 signatures
Make it a legal requirement for Hospitality front of house to have a DBS check
Open from Wednesday 21st April 2021 to Thursday 21st October 2021
12 signatures
Report daily SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern & variants under investigation data.
Open from Thursday 22nd April 2021 to Friday 22nd October 2021
126 signatures
Speaker of the House of Commons to cease to be a constituency MP once appointed
Open from Thursday 22nd April 2021 to Friday 22nd October 2021
47 signatures
Allow the Polygraph Test to be used in the Court of Law
Open from Friday 23rd April 2021 to Saturday 23rd October 2021
391 signatures
Hold a public vote on any future lockdown plans after the road map completion
Open from Wednesday 28th April 2021 to Thursday 28th October 2021
163 signatures
Make random drug/alcohol testing mandatory for Members of Parliament
Open from Thursday 29th April 2021 to Friday 29th October 2021
42 signatures
Disbar individuals on the Sex Offenders Register from standing for election
Open from Tuesday 4th May 2021 to Thursday 4th November 2021
175 signatures
Allow individual local authorities to choose their own voting system
Open from Thursday 6th May 2021 to Saturday 6th November 2021
17 signatures
Amend the BBC's Royal Charter to Cap the Grotesque Salaries Paid at the BBC
Open from Friday 7th May 2021 to Sunday 7th November 2021
4,040 signatures
Alter the Union Flag to include something that represents Wales
Open from Friday 7th May 2021 to Sunday 7th November 2021
29 signatures
Criminalise burning or intentional damage of the Union Flag.
Open from Monday 10th May 2021 to Wednesday 10th November 2021
146 signatures
Create a Government department for the protection of women and girls
Open from Monday 10th May 2021 to Wednesday 10th November 2021
251 signatures
Prevent all Members of Parliament (MPs) from holding a second job.
Open from Monday 10th May 2021 to Wednesday 10th November 2021
85 signatures
Introduce Legislation to Prevent Convicted Sex Offenders Serving As MP
Open from Monday 10th May 2021 to Wednesday 10th November 2021
433 signatures
Abolish tuition fees & replace them with public funding for further education.
Open from Tuesday 11th May 2021 to Thursday 11th November 2021
114 signatures
All public buildings to fly union flags half-mast
Open from Thursday 13th May 2021 to Saturday 13th November 2021
17 signatures
Change the voting system at General Elections from FPTP to a supplementary vote.
Open from Monday 17th May 2021 to Wednesday 17th November 2021
48 signatures
Devolve immigration policy to the Scottish Parliament
Open from Wednesday 19th May 2021 to Friday 19th November 2021
34 signatures
Increase the personal tax allowance of single working parents.
Open from Monday 24th May 2021 to Wednesday 24th November 2021
25 signatures
Ban the use of virgin plastics in all packaging sold in the UK before 2023
Open from Monday 24th May 2021 to Wednesday 24th November 2021
66 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 00:46:32 +0000