Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
A motion to call a vote on MPs confidence in the government's future NHS plans.
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
28 signatures
We the above signatories are against the delaying of a decision on a Third Runway at Heathrow Airport
Open from Thursday 28th February 2013 to Friday 28th February 2014
28 signatures
Extend ATOL protection to all flights booked within the UK.
Open from Friday 20th March 2020 to Sunday 20th September 2020
28 signatures
Give People of England a referendum on creating a devolved English Parliament
Open from Friday 26th February 2016 to Friday 26th August 2016
28 signatures
Abolish NHS Dental Charges
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
28 signatures
Replace MP (Member of Parliament) with PPS (Parliamentary Public Servant)
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
28 signatures
Do not remain in the EEA
Open from Tuesday 15th May 2018 to Thursday 15th November 2018
28 signatures
Stop British Telecom's (BT) Monopoly in UK
Open from Friday 19th August 2011 to Sunday 19th August 2012
28 signatures
Stop plans for Rampion wind farm
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
28 signatures
Donald Trump should not be invited to speak in Parliament
Open from Tuesday 7th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
28 signatures
Reduce the deposit required to run for police and crime commissioner
Open from Tuesday 26th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
27 signatures
Establish a Parliamentary Proxy Voting Procedure
Open from Wednesday 23rd January 2019 to Tuesday 23rd July 2019
27 signatures
Ban restrictive covenants and make these unenforceable
Open from Thursday 3rd September 2020 to Wednesday 3rd March 2021
27 signatures
Call on Parliament to censure President Trump for his policy choices
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2018 to Thursday 27th December 2018
27 signatures
Bring down the spouse Visa fee of a British citizen
Open from Wednesday 29th July 2020 to Friday 29th January 2021
27 signatures
Introduce Regular Digital Voting Referendums On The Issues That Matter
Open from Wednesday 25th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
27 signatures
To consider reducing the number of MP's to a number more relevant to the total UK electorate.
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd May 2014
27 signatures
Publish an impact assessment on the effects of lockdown.
Open from Thursday 18th March 2021 to Saturday 18th September 2021
27 signatures
Affirm that a ban on smacking children will not be enacted in England
Open from Tuesday 26th February 2019 to Monday 26th August 2019
27 signatures
Referendum on the Terms of a Bill of Rights before Assent to Leave the EU
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
27 signatures
Make it an offence to smoke inside private homes where children live
Open from Monday 29th January 2018 to Sunday 29th July 2018
27 signatures
Riots! Many absent fathers petition for shared parenting to be standard family law .
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
27 signatures
Revise the army tattoo policy to allow neck tattoos visible from the front
Open from Friday 27th November 2020 to Thursday 27th May 2021
27 signatures
For parliament to discuss (a) the removal of lowest tariffs (b) why standing charges are OUTSIDE the power bills.
Open from Thursday 9th January 2014 to Friday 9th January 2015
27 signatures
Referendum vote to change the electoral rules to improve the standard of MPs
Open from Friday 10th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
27 signatures
Allow Petitions Calling for No Confidence in Ministers on petition.parliament.uk
Open from Wednesday 3rd January 2018 to Tuesday 3rd July 2018
27 signatures
Re-introduce Capital Punishment for Terrorism
Open from Friday 25th March 2016 to Sunday 25th September 2016
27 signatures
Introduce mandatory 42 year prison sentences for using a knife against another.
Open from Tuesday 30th October 2018 to Tuesday 30th April 2019
27 signatures
Urge David Cameron to visit the Calais refugee camp and respond to the crisis.
Open from Monday 1st February 2016 to Monday 1st August 2016
27 signatures
Reform rules on Ministerial office, the House of Lords and political donations
Open from Thursday 15th April 2021 to Friday 15th October 2021
27 signatures
Review state education and students’ wellbeing, especially for children with SEN
Opened on Monday 13th January 2025
27 signatures so far
Let UK citizens elect the UK's EU commissioner
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
27 signatures
Provide a means for members of the public to present questions for PM Questions?
Open from Monday 1st February 2016 to Monday 1st August 2016
27 signatures
Increase the character limit for petitions on UK Government & Parliament website
Open from Thursday 23rd July 2020 to Saturday 23rd January 2021
27 signatures
Anti EU political parties like UKIP should be banned running in EU elections.
Open from Friday 21st March 2014 to Saturday 21st March 2015
27 signatures
Reform the Commons: Three days full time with compulsory attendance for all MPs.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
27 signatures
Call for higher sentences to be implemented on pedophiles
Open from Thursday 9th May 2013 to Friday 9th May 2014
27 signatures
99% of petitions here are for one thing A FEDERAL STATE, capital punishment, legalize cannabis, get the formula one back, speed limits EVERYTHING
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
27 signatures
Bill to end multiculturalism
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Tuesday 28th January 2014
27 signatures
Make it law that all members of Parliament take regular drug and alcohol tests.
Open from Monday 5th September 2016 to Sunday 5th March 2017
27 signatures
Petition for election
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
27 signatures
Regulation of MP's wages and preventing private investors from funding parties.
Open from Friday 7th August 2015 to Sunday 7th February 2016
27 signatures
Ask Hungarian Government to accept Humanitarian aid, UNHCR support for refugees.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
26 signatures
Amendment of legislation to allow safe-standing at sports stadia.
Open from Monday 6th January 2014 to Tuesday 6th January 2015
26 signatures
Move parliament out of palace of westminster and make it a museum
Open from Wednesday 24th April 2019 to Thursday 24th October 2019
26 signatures
Vote in the House of Commons on the restoration of the 0.7% GNI for Foreign Aid.
Open from Monday 12th July 2021 to Wednesday 12th January 2022
26 signatures
Review the use of artificial sweeteners in food and drinks
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
Article 50 to not be invoked until mandated by a special general election
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
26 signatures
E petitions
Open from Thursday 5th September 2013 to Friday 5th September 2014
26 signatures
Change the law to end Clearance Fee charges for imported goods.
Open from Thursday 13th December 2018 to Thursday 13th June 2019
26 signatures
Make politics and economics a compulsory part of the national curriculum.
Open from Thursday 12th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
Stop using the unfair Carr-Hill formula to fund GP practices in England
Open from Wednesday 24th February 2016 to Wednesday 24th August 2016
26 signatures
Stop the visit of mass murderer Narendra Modi to the UK
Open from Thursday 15th August 2013 to Friday 15th November 2013
26 signatures
MPs to be ranked by constituents for effectiveness and value for money
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
26 signatures
MPs taking other jobs of more than 20 hours a week must stand for re-election.
Open from Monday 27th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
26 signatures
Policy of UK to not officially join a coalition for military action in Syria.
Open from Wednesday 12th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
26 signatures
We call on Parliament to halt Brexit until children are consulted
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
Enshrine in law our commitment to a zero carbon future.
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
26 signatures
MPs expenses
Open from Friday 11th April 2014 to Friday 11th July 2014
26 signatures
Make it law that any veteran of HM Armed Forces be given priority for housing.
Open from Thursday 30th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
Maximum term for MP's
Open from Saturday 6th August 2011 to Monday 6th August 2012
26 signatures
A final referendum on EU membership at the same time as a General Election.
Open from Wednesday 17th January 2018 to Tuesday 17th July 2018
26 signatures
All issues get voted by the UK population - MPs will just debate the issues
Open from Tuesday 12th October 2021 to Tuesday 12th April 2022
26 signatures
Create a new bank holiday in October
Open from Friday 17th July 2020 to Sunday 17th January 2021
25 signatures
Reduce the number of MP's in Parliament.
Open from Monday 9th November 2015 to Monday 9th May 2016
25 signatures
Add content on diversity in politics to the national curriculum
Open from Tuesday 29th November 2022 to Monday 29th May 2023
25 signatures
Increase the personal tax allowance of single working parents.
Open from Monday 24th May 2021 to Wednesday 24th November 2021
25 signatures
Open from Tuesday 11th October 2011 to Thursday 11th October 2012
25 signatures
MPs should legally be mandated to use public services
Open from Thursday 21st February 2013 to Friday 21st February 2014
25 signatures
House of Lords demecratic reform referendum
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
25 signatures
Parliament must debate the deployment and use of Drones
Open from Monday 29th April 2013 to Tuesday 29th April 2014
25 signatures
Reform the House of Lords to become the revising chamber of devolved assemblies
Open from Wednesday 25th May 2016 to Friday 25th November 2016
25 signatures
Remove the disclosure exemption from Bank Of England Nominees Ltd.
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
25 signatures
Trigger a by-election if a sitting MP is convicted of any criminal offence
Open from Monday 20th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
25 signatures
Self employed people should be entitled to SSP and Paternal Leave
Open from Tuesday 24th March 2020 to Thursday 24th September 2020
25 signatures
Vote on three options for Brexit :Leave on WTO rules: Stay in EU: EU agreed deal
Open from Monday 5th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
25 signatures
Electoral Reform - Recall Elections
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
25 signatures
Create a written constitution to guarantee the rights for citizen
Open from Wednesday 23rd February 2022 to Tuesday 23rd August 2022
25 signatures
Reinstate Double Jeopardy Protection
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Friday 4th November 2011
25 signatures
Lower Import duty on classic car parts from the USA.
Open from Friday 1st December 2017 to Friday 1st June 2018
25 signatures
Abolition of squatters' rights.
Open from Friday 18th November 2011 to Sunday 18th November 2012
25 signatures
Establish new process to reach consensus on Brexit.
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2019 to Friday 1st November 2019
25 signatures
Insist that this government reverses it's decision on cigarette packaging
Open from Monday 15th July 2013 to Tuesday 15th July 2014
25 signatures
Political Office - Financial Probity
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2012 to Wednesday 10th April 2013
25 signatures
Ensure vics of CSA under UK est care get full legal redress like NSW & Victoria
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2018 to Saturday 22nd September 2018
25 signatures
Avoid the great British tax scandal
Open from Friday 6th January 2012 to Sunday 6th January 2013
24 signatures
Monetary Reform
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
24 signatures
Pass a law prohibiting or limiting referendums
Open from Wednesday 29th June 2016 to Thursday 29th December 2016
24 signatures
Include under 25s in the National Living Wage & adopt the real living wage.
Open from Friday 17th November 2017 to Thursday 17th May 2018
24 signatures
Parliament should not break for Easter recess to finalise Brexit proposals
Open from Monday 1st April 2019 to Tuesday 1st October 2019
24 signatures
Parliament and a referendum on the EU
Open from Thursday 20th October 2011 to Saturday 20th October 2012
24 signatures
Now is not the time to seek deeper US relations. Delay triggering Article 50.
Open from Tuesday 31st January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
24 signatures
Viscount Disasters Rhodesia
Open from Friday 15th November 2013 to Saturday 15th November 2014
24 signatures
Take military action against ISIS
Open from Monday 30th November 2015 to Monday 30th May 2016
24 signatures
Review the standardisation of grades so state school pupils aren't disadvantaged
Open from Friday 14th August 2020 to Sunday 14th February 2021
24 signatures
Forbid payment of any money to the EU if the UK has no properly elected MEPs.
Open from Tuesday 26th February 2019 to Monday 26th August 2019
24 signatures
Enact a new law titled Misrepresentation of Faiths Act. Debate and enshrine.
Open from Friday 9th October 2015 to Saturday 9th April 2016
24 signatures
HMG implement the Home Affairs Select Committee report on Youth Violence in full
Open from Tuesday 17th March 2020 to Thursday 17th September 2020
24 signatures
Introduce a job test for all prospective MPs.
Open from Friday 19th August 2016 to Sunday 19th February 2017
24 signatures
Introduce random alcohol & drug testing within the Houses of Parliament & Lords
Open from Wednesday 19th August 2015 to Friday 19th February 2016
24 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:22:48 +0000